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Why Entryists Can't Destroy D&D

Started by RPGPundit, March 15, 2019, 02:30:35 AM

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Bradford C. Walker

Quote from: Tanin Wulf;1081293This was sarcasm, right?

Because if not... that's the most "SJW-thinking" thing I've read on this board for at least a few weeks. You're advocating suppression of thought and speech, just like, supposedly, the people you're decrying.
You don't have a choice. Either you hold the gates and slam them shut on these meme-diseased death cultists or they will take the gates and shut them on you. They've already shown that this is what they want to do, and they've already shown willingness to do so, making claims of "But Muh Hypocrisy!" moot. They want you gone; keep them out is nothing more than self-defense.

Steven Mitchell

Quote from: Kael;1081291Big fan of corporate-mandated nationalism? Kim Jong-un and other Stalinist, cultural-Marxist fascists everywhere salute you, comrade!

Also, doesn't this NFL/Hollywood discussion (rant?) fall completely outside the "RPG hobby"? Isn't that now a ban-able offense or did I misread Pundit's warning?

That's Pundit's decision.  

My point, on the off-chance that it wasn't obvious, is that RPGs as a form of entertainment are not immune to the fact that entertainment is optional.  When entertainers annoy their audience enough, they can lose it.  Of course, RPGs, being a mix of industry, hobbyist, and "creative" types, have a few areas of leeway not necessarily available to some of the more pertinent examples.  I wouldn't count on that to stop a preference cascade, though.


Quote from: Steven Mitchell;1081356That's Pundit's decision.

Yes of course. I asked because I'm new here and I don't want to be disrespectful of Pundit's earlier warning.

Quote from: Steven Mitchell;1081356When entertainers annoy their audience enough, they can lose it.

I certainly agree. The market will always dictate what's tolerated and what isn't.

I'm under the impression that 5E is currently doing gangbusters and that there is a huge resurgence in D&D interest. So, I imagine they will keep doing whatever it is that seems to be working. When or if that ceases, they will have to adapt or die on the vine like any other business.


Quote from: Kael;1081291Big fan of corporate-mandated nationalism? Kim Jong-un and other Stalinist, cultural-Marxist fascists everywhere salute you, comrade!

Also, doesn't this NFL/Hollywood discussion (rant?) fall completely outside the "RPG hobby"? Isn't that now a ban-able offense or did I misread Pundit's warning?


Well, no, it isn't a bannable offense. It's a tangentilly-related side comment that goes along with the discussion of how SJW Entryists seek to destroy the RPG hobby, and D&D in particular. It is the same topic, merely using some different reference points for illustration of how SJW's jello-thinking and ideology corrupts everything--from RPG's, to movies, even to fucking football. Everywhere you go, THEY try and corrupt and taint and ruin everything that is good.

And no, I'm no fan at all of Fascism or Communism. As a *paying* customer and fan of the game of football, and the NFL, I don't believe it is professional or appropriate behavior to "take a knee" during a football game when our National Anthem is performed. SJW's believe that their political ideology should trump everything, at all times. That just isn't true. It is spoiled, juvenile, narcissistic, as well as in this case, rude, insulting and disrespectful. SJW's don't care a damned thing about traditions, manners, *appropriateness* and something called *Decorum*. I can easily think of a thousand ways that if you indulged in such behavior or expression at work--you would be fired.

Football players can on their own time, speak what they want, go to rallies, marches, whatever. During a game, however, I don't give a fuck about their political ideology they want to trumpet. I want them to stand for the National Anthem, and conduct themselves in a professional and dignified manner, and not insult half the country, our flag, and our military. And play the football game. Their failure to comprehend such an expectation of conduct is precisely why they should all be fired. Every last fucking player that "took a knee" should have found their final paycheck waiting for them in the locker room after the game, and fired immediately. End of story.

SJW's want to drag their fucking political ideology into everything in society, everywhere. That's the same kind of nnsense with the "X Cards". It's all ideological gibberish designed to take the game away from being focused on gaming, and shifting it to focus on ideological topics of drama and feelings.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Kael;1081291Big fan of corporate-mandated nationalism?

It was the fans who wanted the players to stand for the anthem. The corporates only care about money.


Quote from: Tanin Wulf;1081293This was sarcasm, right?

Because if not... that's the most "SJW-thinking" thing I've read on this board for at least a few weeks. You're advocating suppression of thought and speech, just like, supposedly, the people you're decrying.

No. Im advocating the suppression, or better yet, eradication of the suppression of free speech and truth.


Quote from: Omega;1081257Actually no there shouldnt be any SJW games because it is a poisonous mindset. And their ideas of what is a non-SJW product can and will change on a dime till eventually EVERYTHING is bad and must be put an end to. Eventually they will determine that RPGs promote thinking, and thinking is BAD! These RPG things have to be ended. And those storygames too. Oh and even just telling a story. Horrible practice. Time to end it so no one ever thinks again.
Quote from: Omega;1081385Im advocating the suppression, or better yet, eradication of the suppression of free speech and truth.

So how does your free speech square with saying that there shouldn't be any SJW games because of the poisonous mindset? To my mind, free speech means that even those with poisonous mindsets get to have their say.


Quote from: S'mon;1081376It was the fans who wanted the players to stand for the anthem. The corporates only care about money.

Sigh, this is off-topic but it was the league, at the behest of the Department of Defense, that had the players out on the field for the anthem. Previously, it had played while they were in the locker room.


Quote from: Bradford C. Walker;1081353They want you gone; keep them out is nothing more than self-defense.

...said every genocidal dictator ever.


Quote from: Omega;1081385No. Im advocating the suppression, or better yet, eradication of the suppression of free speech and truth.

OK, giving you the benefit of the doubt... how? (Specifically in the context of RPGs here, not in the more general sense.) Eradication how?


Quote from: jhkim;1081408So how does your free speech square with saying that there shouldn't be any SJW games because of the poisonous mindset? To my mind, free speech means that even those with poisonous mindsets get to have their say.

The concept of "free speech" is a fiction. There are always limits to speech.

Even here where Pundit goes out of his way to let people say what they want, there are still hard limits.

When 'people with poisonous mindsets get to have their say' and openly state that they want people who think like you gone. And begin to act on it by regulating your speech...

What then? What has your 'free speech' accomplished? SJW's don't care about your reasonable middle ground stance on the issue.

Mr. Walker is right: keeping them out is nothing more than self-defense.

Any hobby or community can save themselves a lot of trouble in the long run, by identifying and driving out SJW entryists early and often.

D&D will 'survive' the SJW's for all the reasons Pundit stated.

But the hobby really shouldn't have to put up with them at all...
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."


Quote from: SHARK;1081362SJW's want to drag their fucking political ideology into everything in society, everywhere. It's all ideological gibberish designed to take the game away from being focused on gaming, and shifting it to focus on ideological topics of drama and feelings.

Hmm...off-topic NFL rant #2. And what about those that chose to stand which was the vast majority, even in the face of harsh criticism? You don't feel the need to support them in their cause with your money?

Gee, Shark, we sure do thank you for (as you put it): "[dragging your] fucking political ideology into everything in society, everywhere. [Your] ideological gibberish [is] designed to take the game away from being focused on gaming, and shifting it to focus on [your] ideological topics of drama and feelings."

You are no different than those you baby cry about it seems.

We got it loud and clear, Shark, you are anti-freedom and triggered by protesters. You certainly have the right to be both and to watch or not watch whatever you please. You also have the freedom to bless this forum with your own "drama and feelings" and political ideologies despite you disliking it when others do the same.

So, I guess until Pundit says this conversation is off-topic too, I may as well ask: You really think private employees should be fired for their dissenting political views and ideologies? I thought pro-freedom conservatives despised that kind of thing? Isn't being fired, "unpersoned," or "deplatformed" for an unpopular or even just a right-wing political view like a major conservative talking point these days? Any reason why that wouldn't apply here or to the RPG industry?

Again, these posts of yours are inserting your own political ideologies into our everyday lives much like these players you bemoan so much do. So come to think of it, you actually have a lot in common with them!

No surprise there since it's truly sad how soft, whiny, and emotionally fragile we've become as a society that the mere sight of a protester would trigger folks and cause such consternation and emotional distress.

Only an overly sensitive, commie special snowflake would demand respect for an ideology or else face tangible consequences from our corporate overlords. I mean, isn't this exactly what conservatives hate about the liberal media/tech/entertainment companies? Why the hypocrisy and double-standard?

Also, how many private jobs force you to stand for the National Anthem out of "respect"? Go ahead and make a list for me as I'm genuinely curious since I'm not aware of any. That would be a nice little proto-communist precedent to set and one I'm sure you'd applaud as you seem to be in favor of a citizenry and fan-base that espouses corporate-mandated patriotism. Sounds just like cultural-Marxism to me.

The best thing about this country is that we don't have such Orwellian policies. Soldiers have fought and died for these freedoms that you would so casually like to have removed and citizens publicly shamed for exercising.

Maybe you should be the one showing some respect to flag and country...


Quote from: S'mon;1081376It was the fans who wanted the players to stand for the anthem. The corporates only care about money.

Very true. But it wasn't just the fans. It was also the owners, teammates, corporate sponsors, right-wing media, and the POTUS. I believe "sonsabitches" is the term he used.

So basically:


Personally, I always stand for the Anthem. But for those that choose not to, I'm glad they have the freedom to do so. Likewise, I'm happy that people can boycott anything they choose. It's the American Way and something to be proud of.


(Edited because I got ninja'd.)

Quote from: Jaeger;1081439The concept of "free speech" is a fiction. There are always limits to speech.

I seriously doubt a SJW-themed game is the equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded theater. (Schenck v. United States)

Quote from: Justice HolmesThe question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree.


Quote from: Tanin Wulf;1081443(Edited because I got ninja'd.)

I seriously doubt a SJW-themed game is the equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded theater. (Schenck v. United States)

SJW's don't care about supreme court decisions.

'Problematic' issues like the wanton killing of dark skinned Orcs in D&D is the equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded theater to them.

They want people who think different than them gone.

And they will act on it by regulating your speech.

By trying to run out all non-SJW RPG's and gamers out of the hobby.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."