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So I told you awhile ago that I am running an OSE game online.  Would rather run it in person but that was all I could get at the time.

So one of my players started an local OSE discord group so that all OSE players in our state could gather and find local OSE games.

My player who started the discord server finally got enough people for a game and we played this past Saturday.

My player was the DM and myself and another player got to take place in the stat of a pretty cool campaign.  There is a third player but he couldn't make it due to a previous event but will be there for the next game.  The DM is also going to work on trying try recruit more players.  For now the game will be once a month but hopeful it will happen more often.

So I am a fighter and the other player is a magic user.  We had to use the rules for getting retainers to go into a tavern to bulk up our group.  After some tough negotiation we were able to hire a cleric and a thief.

We were hired to investigate a cavern and map it out.   After our cleric accidently falls into a trap pit we meet some halflings who lost some people who were killed by wolves.  The groups split up to investigate the caverns and kill the wolves located somewhere in the caverns.

All and all I had a great time and cant wait to play again.  And I have decided to use the server to get together an in person game of OSE (which if I do I may kill my online game which I love, but nothing beats playing in person).

We used miniatures (15mm) that the DM printed on his 3d printer and used a map that he printed out with a plate of metal under it and each miniature having a magnet on the bottom to keep it in place.  Napkins were used for the fog of war. 

Below are some pictures from the game.

OSE has really made me love the OSR and I am never going back to crappy WOTC D&D.
Great Livestream, with a surprise drop-in late in the video on the chat.
Quote from: Rob Necronomicon on June 02, 2024, 07:15:50 PMTwo points. First, I'd never buy anything from Wotc. Two, fuck sensitivity readers.

Carry on.

I second this emotion.  Since I am trying to dump 5e totally (my group wont try a different system) I am no longer buying books from them and I am using what I have already.  Once my 5e game finally dies I am going to sell (or give away if I have to) my 5e books to get everything WOTC out of my collection.
Media and Inspiration / Re: You Want Good Star Wars Co...
Last post by orbitalair - June 03, 2024, 09:56:24 AM
We love the "For the Empire" series.
They are hilarious, the creator works very hard on these.

See also the fan made "Cad Bane" short.  The fan made costume was 10x better than the disney one.
Passive Perception scores (i.e. "Taking 10" on the check) have long been my go to since it means anything less than that value is something you just tell the party they notice.

This includes ambushes unless the party is specifically taking the extra time to keep their senses peeled for them (the ambushers still need to roll better than the passive perception to successfully ambush).

Beyond that though, I generally only require rolls if they're actively searching for something (including ambushes as before) though this generally slows any progress to a crawl (basically 5' per round/50' per minute).
Media and Inspiration / Re: The Disney Star Wars Hotel...
Last post by yosemitemike - June 03, 2024, 09:07:10 AM
The basic problems are that it costs too much run for a small hotel with only 100 rooms.  That means they have to charge guests more than the vast majority of people are willing to pay in order to recoup their costs.  What they need to do is to drastically reduce costs.  It might work if they scaled it down to something like dinner theater.  Instead of trying to do this full time immersive LARP thing, there would be maybe 3 shows a day.  They could have a different show for each trilogy.  The rest of the time it would just be a hotel with staff in Star Wars costume.  That would simplify the logistics of it and reduce labor costs quite a lot.  You wouldn't need such a rigid schedule of events to create the experience full time or a staff of actors that are on and in character all the time.  You could also get customers that are not staying at that hotel for showings.  That would greatly expand the potential number of customers.     
Quote from: MongooseMatt on June 03, 2024, 06:23:06 AMRumour Control: This was not Chaosium. The licence was done directly with Mr Stafford and Issaries, Inc, as was agreement for using the OGL. Chaosium also did not end the licence, that was done through mutual consent with, again, Mr Stafford.

The current form of Chaosium did not hove onto the RQ scene until after this (quite some time after this). So please leave them alone on this point :)
Thank you for the info.
Media and Inspiration / Re: The Disney Star Wars Hotel...
Last post by Lurkndog - June 03, 2024, 08:34:54 AM
Quote from: Omega on June 03, 2024, 03:28:39 AM
Quote from: Lurkndog on June 02, 2024, 05:41:39 PMNo LARP. You're going to the park during the day.

People did that normally without the hotel.

The high price was supposed ti be an experience like being part of a movie. But unlike the Star Trek Vegas attraction. You did not get a VHS of it afterwards.

Right, but it was way too expensive and it didn't work, so I am trying to figure out how they could have scaled it down to something the market would bear.
Quote from: Thornhammer on May 21, 2024, 12:02:19 AMYou're not really missing anything - the rules are pretty light and there isn't a lot of tactical combat stuff going on. GM sets up a description of what the bad guys are doing, players make the rolls. If they fail the bad guys hurt them. PCs can carry as much shit as they want but can only actively use one weapon at a time without a special skill. You're a first person shooter hero.

It is fun and a real easy game to toss in if your main game gets rained out or whatever. I have the old version and the Ultra Edition in hardcopy. Good stuff.

The random tables that make up most of the book are really good, too.

There was an episode of Futurama where they did an even more violent knockoff of GI JOE called GI ZAPP. Watch that and run this like that. Ultraviolent and funny, I do the Nixon impression and "revise" events during gameplay, but the younger set isn't going to get that particular joke.

Sounds like it might be good to have for one shots. Not that I'm a fan of PBtA per se. But if well implemented I could see it working. I'm always interested to here what QB has to say about stuff.