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GF ran a rules-light game for me. Didn't go very well. Advice please? [long story]

Started by abcd_z, October 03, 2016, 10:25:05 PM

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I made a blog: Southern Style GURPS


I'm not going to be so hard on the poster as the rest of you, although I'm partly in agreement.  It sounds like you started off from a place of suspicion and antagonism, actively thwarting anything that you didn't immediately enjoy.  It does sound like she needs a bit of work as a GM, but that's very common for a first-timer.  Honestly, GMing for a single player has its own unique challenges.  It sounds like you were trying to "teach" her by denying any leads that felt railroady to you, so she'd learn not to do that.  I'd say you can hold off on that lesson for another time.  

If she's trying to learn to GM, why don't you help her instead of "punishing" her for running things in a way you don't enjoy (i.e. all those non-urgent decisions that you hate so much)?  It has a bit of passive aggressiveness to it.  You should be more forgiving the first time through, and offer gentle comments afterwards.  What are you doing to help her learn?  Was that successful?  Maybe you need to try a different approach.  Do you GM yourself?  It sounds like you might not appreciate how tricky and stressful that can be.  As a GM, I'll tell you right now, the only thing worse than an openly adversarial player is one who is passive-aggressive about it.  I think a lot of players forget that they are just as responsible for the experience of everyone at the table as the GM.  What are you doing to insure that she enjoys the game?  If you're not asking yourself that question, you're not a good role-player, whether you are player or GM.

I also think it was a little bit of a mistake for you guys to jump right into things without character sheets or dice (or rules?  what system were you supposedly playing?).  This lack of structure can only lend itself more to a railroad experience.  This exercise really doesn't feel like an ideal learning experience, despite the appeal of being able to jump into things with someone she is presumably comfortable with (although that may have changed a little).  People learn by being able to stretch their wings and try stuff out, and you have to actively facilitate that if you want to be helpful.

Also, I can't even say that she was doing much wrong, because you didn't bite her hooks enough to find out.  In that situation, a new GM can become nervous and desperate.  As a GM, it's hard to know what to do when you spend ten hours preparing an adventure and your players half-heartedly shrug and say "nah."  You're all sitting down at the table to have fun together, right?  If someone isn't having fun, as a friend (or boyfriend), you should try to fix that.  That goes beyond the game.
Updated sporadically: http://artifactsandrelics.blogspot.com/


That's some severe player paranoia, when the player hasn't even generated a character and is still trying to flee from NPCs who want to talk to the PC.

It's hard to tell if the poster is delusional or trolling.

It actually seems like a pretty inventive/useful way to start learning a new game system and character, to start them in a VR simulation. Might be good to let the players in on it.

With this player, it might do to have them wake up in a maximum security psych ward, and have to endure therapy to cure their paranoid schizophrenia before being released.


Does the GF *play* RPGs?

Did the OP even for a moment consider telling his GF that his imagined homoerotic overtones to "riding the worm" were freaking him out enough that he didn't want to play that scenario? Especially before he basically flipped the table and shut down the VR and then seriously considered using a stun grenade on his NPC old friend?

The GF is right the OP does run from plot hooks. It seems like he was doing everything in his power to make sure her first experience trying to run an RPG for him was also her last. Next time, if there even is a next time, try saying "yes, and..." instead of "no, but..."


Maybe the life lesson here, OP, is that you are afraid of intimacy. By running away from plot hooks you are symbolically running away from COMMITMENT. You need to get on the Steve Wilkos show asap to work out your issues.


Quote from: Skarg;923243It's hard to tell if the poster is delusional or trolling.

Not that fucking hard.  We should start shouting for Norwegian and Swedish hunters.
I made a blog: Southern Style GURPS


If your character is in the Dune setting, and on being told you're going to "ride the worm" you think penis rather than Shai-Hulud.... that says more about you than anything else.

Beyond that, it was clear that your GF had a "plot" in mind, and wasn't so great at guiding you into it gently.  So, hey, novice GM, what do you expect?  And instead of figuring that out and going along with it, you take every opportunity to screw with her plan.

I get it.  I don't like railroads.  But for your GF to plan stuff out for you and then have you sabotage it... pretty screwy.  It'd make more sense to just go along with it to start, and then give her some coaching after the fact.  Like "Hey, I see you were trying to do X, here's some techniques that work really well for that."

Oh, and this has nothing to do with anything being rules-light.

mAcular Chaotic

Maybe OP is like 16. That would explain it. People tend to play a lot differently at that age.
Battle doesn\'t need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don\'t ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don\'t ask why I fight.


*I roll to disbelieve*

OK, then. OP? You suck as a player and suck even worse as a boyfriend. As a troll, you are moderately successful.


Guys, just for the record - I don't care if it's a troll. I've seen such behaviour in new players.
Might be useful to discuss good approaches to help them overcome it.
What Do You Do In Tekumel? See examples!
"Life is not fair. If the campaign setting is somewhat like life then the setting also is sometimes not fair." - Bren


Quote from: abcd_z;923147She meant the Shai-hulud, but I have a dirty mind and was not okay with riding a gigantic phallic creature.

Quote from: abcd_z;923147See, my character was supposed to be friends with the NPC for a long time, but from my out-of-character perspective this was my first interaction with the guy and I didn't trust him at all. For all I knew, the GM was planning some sort of plot twist that would screw me over. In fact, I was tempted to just throw down a stun-grenade and get the hell out of there. I didn't, but it was a close one.

Quote from: abcd_z;923147he doesn't take any visible damage from my attack and avoids my stun grenade

Quote from: abcd_z;923147She's asking me to make a lot of decisions about non-urgent things, which I don't handle well in the context of RPGs.

Quote from: abcd_z;923147A few hours later, after going over the Dungeon-World inspired combat rules again, she starts by making an hobo NPC with several Moves, including "swindle money".

Quote from: abcd_z;923147Then she spends 5-10 minutes asking me what I do, where I go, etc. etc. in tedious detail. I was coming back from picking up some last-minute supplies from a local drug store. I'm getting ready to move away from the town.

Quote from: abcd_z;923147I had been asked to make a lot of non-urgent decisions, which, again, I don't handle well in RPGs (it drains me), so we stopped there.

3/10 - Obvious troll is obvious.  
1-Point for the girlfriend.  Great trollbait.
1-Point for Dungeon World reference.  Ditto.  
1-Point for VR "Magical Appearing Hobo" making for a pretty good Horror RPG (I lol'd).
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans


I have re-read the post. And changed my position.

Good move OP.

The worm was definatly a metaphor for homosexual life style, not that there is anything wrong with that, but the fact that theDM your GF kept telling you you had a 'strong desire to ride it' means she clearly had a strong SJW agenda.  When you rejected her agenda, she introduced increasingly heavy handed 'moderators' first the friend then the hobo. Obviously forceing you to accept the SJW agenda.  

But you thwarted them all!  Screw those dirty hippies and their story games!


sjw social just-us warriors

now for a few quotes from my fathers generation
"kill a commie for mommy"

"hey thee i walk through the valley of the shadow of death but i fear no evil because im the meanest son of a bitch in the valley"


Three pages in and the one-post-wonder still has... one post.

I'm actually relieved. Someone with this much contempt for his girlfriend whilst completely ruining her first game could represent the worse kind of player in our hobby. Instead it's just a story FANTASIZING about the possible worse kind of player in our hobby.

Fetishes are common. It was only a matter of time before someone latched onto the Misogynist Oblivious Troll. As far as that type of story goes this is plain terrible.
Trentin C Bergeron (trechriron)
Bard, Creative & RPG Enthusiast

D.O.N.G. Black-Belt (Thanks tenbones!)