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Favorite Systems

Started by Gabriel, November 21, 2006, 10:15:01 AM

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I don't remember this being asked here ,so what are everyone's favorite systems?

Lately, mine are:
Mekton II/Z (Interlock)

The Icon system (from the ill fated LUG Star Trek books) and Basic D&D/AD&D2 once would have made the list.  But, during the past year I haven't really cared much for those two or had much desire to mess with them.

In 1994, I would have added the Palladium system to that list, but years of trying to make sense of the rules ended that love affair.


Mine are listed in my sig.  :cool:

Right now I seem to be most interested in Rolemaster Classic/2e and Unisystem, although my moods change regularly (earlier this year it was C&C and True20).  Despite such changes, though, one of the games listed in my sig invariably is among my RPG foci.
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


BRP and variants thereof.

My go to game is CoC, I file off the serial numbers if I'm running anything generic, otherwise some variant of Runequest.  I just find BRP immensely intuitive and transparent and that for me more than makes up for its various failings.


BRP? Wow.

For me, I bounced around a lot over the years, but I'm pretty happy with Mutants and Masterminds as my 'everything' system.
This forum is great in that the moderators aren\'t jack-booted fascists.

Unfortunately, this forum is filled with total a-holes, including a bunch of rape culture enabling dillholes.

So embracing the \'no X is better than bad X,\' I\'m out of here. If you need to find me I\'m sure you can.


I like D&D.  Exactly what flavor of D&D is secondary to me.  Not unimportant, just secondary.

I also dig Classic Traveller.

Savage Worlds is my go-to system for non-D&D, non-Traveller stuff, but I use Risus when I want to focus on being funny and Encounter Critical when I want to focus on being stupid.

Past those five there are lots of other fun systems out there.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


D6, Castles and Crusades, and Warhammer come to mind.  And I'm getting interested in Advanced Fighting Fantasy again now that I have obtained a near-mint copy of the elusive "Allansia" volume.

D6 and C&C are both rules light-ish (which I like), but appeal to different sets of gamers (D6 to point-buy skill-based fans, and C&C to level-based fans and those more familiar with D&D in its many incarnations).  

Warhammer just makes me laugh and cry at the same time.


Quote from: WillBRP? Wow.

For me, I bounced around a lot over the years, but I'm pretty happy with Mutants and Masterminds as my 'everything' system.

Do you really dislike BRP then?  I know some people do.

In case you're worried, I'm cool if you do hate it, I just thought if so it might be fun to discuss it's good points and failings because I am quite aware it has failings.

M&M I don't really know, though I do hear good things about it.


BRP is great for con games.  The stats look enough like D&D that people will generally get it and roll-under percentile skills are also easy to grok.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: AkrasiaUnisystem

I have the Buffy book, my only exposure to Unisystem.  Despite not liking the presentation or the source material (don't ask why I got the book, I don't know), the system was somewhat interesting, what there was of it.

It struck me as being very similar to Interlock, just without variable target numbers for tasks, IIRC.



Moldvay B/X D&D is my favourite system, although I can usually find things in just about any system that I like.


Quote from: TechnomancerCastles and Crusades, and Warhammer

A strange thing happens when I try to play Castles & Crusades (or Basic D&D, for that matter).  I intentionally select it because I don't want to deal with all the extra fiddly bits.  Then, after playing for a few sessions, I suddenly WANT all the fiddly bits.  Then I get sick of all the fiddly bits because they weren't what I wanted in the first place and give up on the whole thing.

Yeah, it don't make no sense, does it?  :p

I've heard about Warhammer for years.  I was first exposed to it in the late 80s where it was described to me as "D&D but realistic" which, in that case, meant extremely lethal.  Recently I've seen a copy at a local bookstore and had my curiousity reignited.  I doubt I'd ever be able to run it or play it, but how possible is it to conduct a game with just the corebook?


Quote from: McrowIridium System

I'm a bit irked that this exists.  I had intended, when it was completed, to name my homebrew system the same thing.  Someone got to it first.  Bastards!  :D


Quote from: GabrielI'm a bit irked that this exists.  I had intended, when it was completed, to name my homebrew system the same thing.  Someone got to it first.  Bastards!  :D

yeah, and they beat you by about 10 years. :D


I don't hate BRP, and don't like to be rude. ;)

But I played BRP CoC for almost a decade, and it really wore on me; there are things I love about it, but a lot more I don't. I ADORE CoC as a game, but have been highly motivated to find a system I like better to run it.

For a while I was considering Cinematic Unisystem... Buffy RPG seems pretty cool for running a CoC game, given the occult library rules and flexible magic system. But I didn't like the dice mechanic.

If I get to run CoC again, I'll probably use M&M, though I'm still debating how to properly handle Sanity. (M&M does have a suggested 'mental damage' system for such things.)
This forum is great in that the moderators aren\'t jack-booted fascists.

Unfortunately, this forum is filled with total a-holes, including a bunch of rape culture enabling dillholes.

So embracing the \'no X is better than bad X,\' I\'m out of here. If you need to find me I\'m sure you can.