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Favorite Systems

Started by Gabriel, November 21, 2006, 10:15:01 AM

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James McMurray

Favorite sustem is Rolemaster. the one I've played the most of is D&D. I also really like the way the mechanics for Legend of the Five Rings work.

The Yann Waters

When the setting isn't linked to any particular system to the point where separating the two would cause further inconvenience, I usually go with BRP and sometimes Tri-Stat. I've also used Storyteller/Storytelling a lot despite its little shortcomings, most of which were in any case fixed in nWoD.
Previously known by the name of "GrimGent".


Mine? Dangerous Journeys.
Any one who thinks he knows America has never been to America.


Quote from: WillI don't hate BRP, and don't like to be rude. ;)

But I played BRP CoC for almost a decade, and it really wore on me; there are things I love about it, but a lot more I don't. I ADORE CoC as a game, but have been highly motivated to find a system I like better to run it.

For a while I was considering Cinematic Unisystem... Buffy RPG seems pretty cool for running a CoC game, given the occult library rules and flexible magic system. But I didn't like the dice mechanic.

If I get to run CoC again, I'll probably use M&M, though I'm still debating how to properly handle Sanity. (M&M does have a suggested 'mental damage' system for such things.)

Will, I won't take offence if we prefer different systems, don't worry about that.  I had the same with Gurps as it happens, I played it solidly for about ten years and now can't really face it at all, I just burnt out on it.

Have you heard about Gumshoe?  Ken Hite and Robin Laws are doing a new Lovecraftian rpg going back to first principles, it will be published I think by Pelorus Publishing the guys behind Dying Earth, that might be worth your checking out.  It's not related to Gumshoe online, which rather confusingly is an online investigation game with similarities to an rpg.


Did you ever look at d20 CoC?  I thought it flawed, but it did have some good ideas.


I have d20 CoC, yes, and feel likewise. If I ever run M&M CoC, I'll probably mine d20 CoC for 'd20isms' that are compatible.

Normally in M&M a given power is evaluated as to its cost. In a CoC game, I'd be inclined to use M&M as the engine for making and running normal characters, and then place a magic system on top that isn't calculated by point cost.
This forum is great in that the moderators aren\'t jack-booted fascists.

Unfortunately, this forum is filled with total a-holes, including a bunch of rape culture enabling dillholes.

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Dr Rotwang!

uh...lessee here.

D6, GD-i/Impresa, HERO, Theatrix, MegaTraveller, Classic Traveller and RC D&D.

The Ubiquity system, as seen in Hollow Earth Expedition, looks very nice too.  And Levi Kornelsen's Perfect 20 cuts away a lot of the crewing around that makes me go "meh" at the d20.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.


Top Secret/S.I. and Warhammer Fantasy Role Play [1]

[1] I much prefer v1 over v2 but my players prefer playing stuff they can still buy so I doubt I'll ever get to play/run v1 again. Maybe it's time to sell all my v1 stuff (everything bar Empire in Flames)?
Formerly of UK Role Players. I still run Modus Operandi (espionage RPGs) and DnD5e.info (the 5th Edition SRD) and also blog (sometimes) at dave.mcalister.org.uk.


Quote from: GabrielI've heard about Warhammer for years.  I was first exposed to it in the late 80s where it was described to me as "D&D but realistic" which, in that case, meant extremely lethal.  Recently I've seen a copy at a local bookstore and had my curiousity reignited.  I doubt I'd ever be able to run it or play it, but how possible is it to conduct a game with just the corebook?
Entirely possible.  In fact, I'd almost recommend it.  

The Bestiary, Armory, and Sorcery books all add to what is already in the main book, but they're really more of the same.  Of the three, I'd say the Bestiary is the most useful, followed closely by the Sorcery book (you may eventually want more spells than are in the main book).  

The setting books are useful, particularly if you want to set your game outside the Empire (which is the default setting in the main book, and the one described in most detail).  

I haven't seen to Tome of Corruption, or the Companion, so I don't know how much they add to the game.  

I'm not in love with the Skaven like every other Warhammer fan seems to be, but if evil giant rats are your thing you might want Children of the Horned Rat.

But yeah, the main book has everything you need: Character creation, mechanics, monsters, magic, setting info.  Although many have found it odd that a book that includes a Troll Slayer career does not include stats for a Troll.


My Top Ten

1) Hearts & Souls (of course)
2) My FRPG (also of course)
3) Providence RPG (For the setting mostly the system isn't the top, its alright)
4) True20
5) Talislanta
6) Cartoon Action Hour
7) Unisystem Cinematic
8) Marvel Super Heroes (Advanced Set/FASERIP)
9) Marvel Saga
10) Dragonlance Saga

I may be adding OVA to the list soon, still reading and considering.

Once I'd have put Gurps or BESM up there, but the continued move for me to simpler systems (and BESM's move away from being simple) has created a bit of a rift with what I once liked in those systems.
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Hearts & Souls 2E Coming in 2019


Quote from: GabrielI have the Buffy book, my only exposure to Unisystem.  Despite not liking the presentation or the source material (don't ask why I got the book, I don't know), the system was somewhat interesting, what there was of it.

It struck me as being very similar to Interlock, just without variable target numbers for tasks, IIRC.

I rather like the presentation in the Buffy and Angel books.  They're actually fun to read, unlike a lot of RPG books (d20 I'm looking at you ;)).  However, if you don't like the original series, I can see why the presentation might rub you the wrong way.

I can't comment on the similarity to Interlock, as I have no familiarity with that system.
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Apart from the obvious Megatraveller and D&D, i have a very soft spot for Mechwarrior 2nd Edition. Except for the priority points, I think it´s really neat. It feels like Traveller, but has some more crunchiness.
Hard to explain.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


Unisystem, especially the cinematic.  It does offer what no other mechanic I know of offers - success levels with a single die roll.  The rules tend to fade into the background and are not something you have to worry about.

I'm also rather fond of Exalted.
I have a theory, it could be witches, some evil witches!
Which is ridiculous \'cause witches they were persecuted Wicca good and love the earth and women power and I'll be over here.
-- Xander, Once More With Feeling
The Watcher\'s Diaries - Web Site - Message Board

James McMurray

Rolemaster has success levels with a single die roll.


RuneQuest - my first love
7th Sea - despite it's hideous warts (most of which I ignore and run my way)
"See you on the Other Side"
Playing: Nothing
Running: Nothing
Planning: pathfinder amongst other things
Playing every Sunday in Bexleyheath, Kent, UK 6pm til late...


OMNI System (i.e. Tal4)