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2020 Ennies - so much garbage

Started by Mjollnir, July 08, 2020, 10:48:29 PM

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Quote from: Mistwell;1142833I honestly thought it was likely yet another "how to keep your PC alive when playing RPGs" type guidebook. There are several of those out there. That's what I assumed it was. But, I followed that assumption up with ASKING people what the issue was. Dodges try to avoid further conversation about it, but I was directly asking, making it clear it was not a dodge I just didn't know. And then when people said it was an issue I did look it up and immediately said yeah I see the issue with it - another non-dodge and non-excuse.

It says Danger Live minefield ahead but really I thought it meant that fishing season was open. Off all the excuses do you seriously think that even makes any sense or remotely believable. The product would have been called "Tips and tricks to keeping your characters alive" or 1001 ways to PC survivability". Your grasping at any straws within reach, refuse to admit you made a mistake or were too lazy to lookup the product even when another poster copied the entire list. It took me not even a minute to see the product was as Woke as can be and very dangerous because it tells players and GMS alike to put themselves in the role of a psychologist. That is best left to the professionals and no joe or jane gamer. Keep up the good fight with the "I'm clueless and a victim".

Quote from: Mistwell;1142833This is hilarious. I am a lifelong Republican, in most settings I am bashed by the left for being too right for them. But here, I am a SJW because I don't drink the  "freak out about every little leftie thing" koolaid. And yes of course you are overreacting. Here we are having a debate about whether the ENNIES are now "so much garbage" as a whole because a few are objectionable. Yeah brother, that's overreacting. It's not like this is the Nebula awards where they actually ejected all the conservative authors and only nominated and awarded leftie authors. If they were doing that, your reactions would be wholly appropriate. Instead, this all sounds like so much whining and freaking out for attention whoring reasons.

Your posting history is usually claiming we are overreacting and sometimes you might actually be right. This time around you assumed wrong, refuse to admit to being wrong and trying to pretend to be stupid and we are not falling for it.


Quote from: sureshot;1142834Posting because your disingenuous as usual.

GeekyBugle even posted a full list about the Ennies and you still want to claim ignorance let me guess though it's never ever your fault when you screw-up.

Uh, *I* am the one that posted the full list yah jackass.

QuoteYou came here assuming the worst. Stupidly and stubbornly refused to do your research before posting. Misquoted me and now your the fucking "victim".

No, you bitchy little prick. I said I didn't see anything with a problem but do you? That's not assuming the worst. It's ASKING. I don't know everything on that list, and NEITHER DID THE ORIGINAL POSTER. The original post though did make an assumption it was all garbage and did not ask if others saw anything good he just assumed it was all garbage. And you didn't say dick to him about that assumption. It's a double standard. You don't give a shit if someone researches the whole list, as long as they agree with your assumption. But if they disagree with your bias, then they have to do a heap of research into everything and not even dare fucking ask if others see any issues.

QuoteIt is bad faith because your deliberately going out of your way to pretend to be stupid about the nature of the product.

Except I didn't. I don't know why you think you can read my mind, but you cannot. Every word I said was true. I did not see the issue with any of the products, and did not recall what the Safety Toolkit product was and assumed it was something else. And that is the fucking truth no matter how many times you make the baseless accusation that it was otherwise.  

QuoteIt is called the TTRPG SAFETY TOOLKIT. Did you think it was a recipe book for making all kinds of croissants and donuts.

No I thought it was one of those books giving advice on how to KEEP YOUR PC SAFE FROM DEATH. There are several of those products out there. One of them was a bestseller for a while and I thought this was just another knock-off of that one. I think it was a Survival Guide?

QuoteWe are calling you a lir

You can call me a lir all you want, sweetie. I am a sea god!

Quotebecause you assumed we were and are overreacting because you were too damn lazy to do your own research. Easier o roll your eyes, push the narrative and assume the worst from us. But hey at least youcan keep claiming to be the victim #believeallmistwells

You ARE overreacting, and I am neither a Toucan nor a Youcan you drunk-posting bastard. Because hunting down a couple of objectionable games in a long list of games and then calling it ALL "garbage" is an overreaction. I never said "There isn't one woke game on the list!!!!!!" that's just your strawman claim about my my position.

And I am no victim, you're just not used to people calling you on your bullshit here when surrounded by a comfortable bubble of buddies patting you on the back and egging you on like it's some like SJW circle jerk on Twitter. Which is what this place is rapidly becoming. A Conservative version of that, as you chase away the only remaining posters who dissent from the common orthodoxy here.


Quote from: Mistwell;1142840And I am no victim, you're just not used to people calling you on your bullshit here when surrounded by a comfortable bubble of buddies patting you on the back and egging you on like it's some like SJW circle jerk on Twitter. Which is what this place is rapidly becoming. A Conservative version of that, as you chase away the only remaining posters who dissent from the common orthodoxy here.

Yup. Fuck 'em all.

Hmm... let me go further.

Mistwell, I don't give two shits about your political views. I don't give half a shit about those of that other asshole--sureshit or whatever--either. However, there is a lot of pile on bullshit here, and it largely comes from those hardcore ultraconservative pricks that like to throw the word Marxist around (but boy do they refuse to own the word Fascist).

The funniest part is that they like to take their extremism into gaming. Into a realm of people's funtime. And then these small-minded fucks want to try to tell other people how to play pretend and move their little metal figs around the board. Can't let anything about evil things like "diversity" go on. Oh, fuck no that's the slope that will destroy the fucking world. Idiots. Jackasses. Everyone of them on both sides. So, back to the beginning...fuck'em all.


Pretending to be dumb and disingenuous as usual while never accepting responsibility. It is called the SAFETY TOOLKIT if you bothered to do the research you would have learnt the nature of the product. Keep hiding behind the equally disingenuous "I thought it was about PC safety". I do get called out on my bullshit here and elsewhere except when I screw-up and make a mistake I don't claim to be the victim and try to dodge responsibility. You are right about posting the list and I made a mistake (see how easy that is) and assumed another poster had posted the initial list. I am not a Conservative you continual disingenuous twat I am a centrist. Not to far left yet neither to far to right. Apparently I am an enemy to both leftists and those on the right. Though out of the two the Leftists tend to call you out more if one is not drinking the SJW kool-aid. I also get called out on my behavior in real life as I don't surround myself with SJWs or those who simply echo what I want to hear. Nor demand an echo chamber. Funny how as soon as you get an pushback Or people disagree with you the assumption is that we are Conservative or Far Right. I think your just used to go to other forums where the mods and the posters just want echo chambers. Must be great assuming those who disagree with you must be automatically be part of either or both groups.


Quote from: sureshot;1142843Must be great assuming those who disagree with you must be automatically be part of either or both groups.

Not all assumptions are wrong. Look general trend of the posts in this shithole website and honestly tell me there isn't a heavy lean towards the far/extreme/alt right even when discussing gaming. Or don't, because I don't really give a shit.


I never cared about anyone else's political views. But the moment I am told I can't write my games the way I like it, it becomes a problem. Wasn't it easier for SJWs to fuck off instead of trying to revolutionize an entire industry? What’s up with the ENnies, seriously!? I'm embarrassed of even sending my magnum opus to that shit.
American writer and programmer, since 2016.


Quote from: Shasarak;1142816SwordDream is some kind of super woke OSR producer mainly based on Twitter I think.
It's a shallow, poorly-hidden attempt to sneak storygame and storygame-inspired content into games presented as part of the OSR. I remember when SD was new, I saw the Twitter feed where they were asking "Why can't X be part of the OSR? Why not Y? Or Z?" and it was basically all stuff that came to prominence during the Forge/Storygames movement of the '00s. So the right answer is, of course, "because those are things that didn't come into prominence in game development until 2 decades too late to qualify. Duh."

Not gonna lie, though. Seeing it referred to as SwordCream warms my heart just a little.
"I despise weak men in positions of power, and that's 95% of game industry leadership." - Jessica Price
"Isnt that why RPGs companies are so woke in the first place?" - Godsmonkey
*insert Disaster Girl meme here* - Me


Quote from: HappyDaze;1142845Not all assumptions are wrong. Look general trend of the posts in this shithole website and honestly tell me there isn't a heavy lean towards the far/extreme/alt right even when discussing gaming. Or don't, because I don't really give a shit.

Yeah man it is all far extreme alt right gaming here with all the racist Orcs and Player Characters being killed wily nily.

Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: HappyDaze;1142845Not all assumptions are wrong. Look general trend of the posts in this shithole website and honestly tell me there isn't a heavy lean towards the far/extreme/alt right even when discussing gaming. Or don't, because I don't really give a shit.

For some "definitions" of "far/extreme/alt right" this is true.

By which I mean you think anyone who disagrees with you is part of those groups.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: HappyDaze;1142842Yup. Fuck 'em all.

Hmm... let me go further.

Mistwell, I don't give two shits about your political views. I don't give half a shit about those of that other asshole--sureshit or whatever--either. However, there is a lot of pile on bullshit here, and it largely comes from those hardcore ultraconservative pricks that like to throw the word Marxist around (but boy do they refuse to own the word Fascist).

The funniest part is that they like to take their extremism into gaming. Into a realm of people's funtime. And then these small-minded fucks want to try to tell other people how to play pretend and move their little metal figs around the board. Can't let anything about evil things like "diversity" go on. Oh, fuck no that's the slope that will destroy the fucking world. Idiots. Jackasses. Everyone of them on both sides. So, back to the beginning...fuck'em all.

Fascists are honest socialists, both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists.

All this only gives me the urge to play a commie hunter commando, there was a game I think would be great for this, it had the American flag on it...
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


I apologize since I've been effectively out of the hobby for about ten years, but why did this stuff take root in role playing games of all things (other stuff I can see why). Most of these games fantasy and you can make up whatever kind of character you want basically.


Quote from: Cigalazade;1142859I apologize since I've been effectively out of the hobby for about ten years, but why did this stuff take root in role playing games of all things (other stuff I can see why). Most of these games fantasy and you can make up whatever kind of character you want basically.

SJWs are vandals who seek destroying anything the average human being likes. They're mostly sick people with twisted minds. Others just join in to instigate more chaos sense they lack a purpose in life. Basically the cancel culture in general are a bunch of retards with mommy and daddy issues. The problem with "big" publishers is that they all get trapped in their demands even though I'm positively sure it's because of the $$$, not beliefs.
American writer and programmer, since 2016.


Quote from: HappyDaze;1142845Not all assumptions are wrong. Look general trend of the posts in this shithole website and honestly tell me there isn't a heavy lean towards the far/extreme/alt right even when discussing gaming. Or don't, because I don't really give a shit.

I don't care really except to post that I don't care. If truly did not care you would remain silent on the matter. Not to mention is that not double contradiction or something.

Nice to know anyone who disagrees with you is far/extreme/alt right. I can say the opposite too when I'm not getting my way. Except I don't.

Oh and go fuck your mother and your father while your at it too.


Quote from: FelixGamingX1;1142864SJWs are vandals who seek destroying anything the average human being likes. They're mostly sick people with twisted minds. Others just join in to instigate more chaos sense they lack a purpose in life. Basically the cancel culture in general are a bunch of retards with mommy and daddy issues. The problem with "big" publishers is that they all get trapped in their demands even though I'm positively sure it's because of the $$$, not beliefs.

I suspect peer pressure probably has something to do with it in addition to what you said, as far as I know Paizo and WoTC are located in urban Washington State which is a progressive area. If these people were apolitical (which I guess isn't allowed anymore) let alone conservative in any way it would be social suicide in that area. Not to mention of course within the company.


Mork Borg


Thousand Year Old Vampire

Ultraviolet Grasslands

Pound of Flesh

Zombie World

Berlin Wicked City

Well, it ended up a neat selection after all. I'm looking forward to play all of those.