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2020 Ennies - so much garbage

Started by Mjollnir, July 08, 2020, 10:48:29 PM

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Quote from: FelixGamingX1;1138888Last year I submit anything to the ENnies. Waste of time, really.

I am always curious if being nominated, or even winning one, results in any meaningful increase in sales? I know Eisner winners for years would complain it saw very little uptick in sales. I think that eventually changed but it took a long time.


Quote from: insubordinate polyhedral;1138752I'd be interested in a thread on your opinions and highlights on the interesting design ideas, if you're willing. :D

I went ahead and created a new thread over on the Design sub-forum as a sort of starting point for a design discussion.
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector


Quote from: Mistwell;1138841So to be clear,

1) because people you dislike also like the game, in addition to the tween girls the game was made for, it's wrong to nominate it as a tween girl game in the only category that tween girl games would fit (the family game section) because those people you dislike also like it?

2) the people you dislike are, "fat, black, brown, cripples, hijabs, nose rings, sides of their heads shaved, hair dyed in unnatural colors, problem glasses [Edit - I don't even know what this means], mental health issues, and HIV positive"?

Do I have that right?


2a - fat, black, brown, cripples, hijabs = indifferent but their conspicuous over-representation is intentionally designed to alienate normal white people
2b - nose rings, sides of their heads shaved, hair dyed in unnatural colors, problem glasses = visual signifiers of a terrible personality
2c - mental health issues = it is what it is
2d - HIV positive = play stupid games win stupid prizes

By framing the issue as "people I dislike" you are attempting to deflect from the reality that the sjw lumpen-bourgeoisie aggressively and maliciously "dislike" normal people enjoying normal hobbies without a Human Resources Hall Monitor present at all times.


I would definitely vote for Arden Vul, giant old school megadungeon written for 1E (OSRIC).


Quote from: jeff37923;1138741I just went through the list and voted everything as No Vote.

I went through the list and voted for some that I either knew of or had been told of by others. Animated Deck for example. Killer Kobolds, Americana, Nibiru to name a few. So its not a total mess. But seems geared mostly to the smaller obscure releases. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.


I like the Plot Points podcast, mostly politics free RPG reviews and interviews.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus

Philotomy Jurament

I think the only thing I recognize from any of that is Arden Vul.
The problem is not that power corrupts, but that the corruptible are irresistibly drawn to the pursuit of power. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Tyberious Funk

Quote from: Mjollnir;11389241 - PRODUCT. OF. THE. YEAR.

2a - fat, black, brown, cripples, hijabs = indifferent but their conspicuous over-representation is intentionally designed to alienate normal white people

Why would "normal white people" be alienated?

Quote2b - nose rings, sides of their heads shaved, hair dyed in unnatural colors, problem glasses = visual signifiers of a terrible personality

Still not entirely clear on what "problem glasses" are...  As someone who wears reading glasses, this has got me worried that I might be giving off signifiers of a terrible personality.


Quote from: Tyberious Funk;1139041Why would "normal white people" be alienated?

Still not entirely clear on what "problem glasses" are...  As someone who wears reading glasses, this has got me worried that I might be giving off signifiers of a terrible personality.

As I understand it,  "problem glasses" are worn by a fairly specific set of new age feminists who like riding the "cock carousel" until around 30 and realize the chances of them finding a husband after having had triple digit sexual partners go down the drain.  These glasses pop up somewhere in the late 20's to said 30 mark (the wall if you will) and then these Wearers of the "problem glasses" often horn rimmed or funky looking glasses to make the wearer appear more intelligent or thoughtful, but often having no actual corrective value, use wearing these to give a "street cred" boost to the blogs, articles, or books they write about how they are not in fact "whores" and there are just no good men out there and they feel their lives have been wonderful adventures.    Problem glasses are often the first stage to becoming "lonely cat lady" in their mid to late 40's writing articles in a bed with cat urine on it about how they wish they would have started a family or settled down with that one dude when they were 21, but decided to "live life to its fullest".     Or at least that was the take I got from some internet dude.  No idea as to accuracy or how wide spread.



I knew what they were as soon as they were mentioned.  A "benefit" to living in Oregon, I suppose.


Quote from: Lynn;1138744A Pound of Flesh is listed under a few. That's an expansion / adventure book for Mothership. I have only glanced at the PDF so far and am awaiting my print copy from the Kickstarter.

Its worth checking out the Questing Beast reviews of Mothership and A Pound of Flesh. To me, this is a much better sort of implementation of an "Alien" RPG than anything else I have seen.

For such a small game they pack in a lot of value and offer some interesting lessons in design.
Mothership is really good indeed. Good to see it's supplement is running for an award. The game deserves more recognition.


Voted in 4 categories. Barely. The "Best Publisher" category must have no time limits, as I'm pretty sure at least a couple of the companies I recognized on that overly large list haven't put out anything new in a while. Buried Without Ceremony's last published product, for example, was March of 2019(and even then it was a collection of games and an essay from 2013-2014). The guidelines clearly state that products must be published between March 1, 2019 and April 31, 2020 to qualify. I would assume that a nominated company would have to have published something within this same time frame to qualify, but I guess not. Weird.

Also glad to see Mjollnir's comment in context(it was brought up in another thread) and see that the dude from the other thread was full of shit.

ETA: . . . well, what I came here initially to write, actually. I am easily distracted sometimes. Anyway, I do like that more obscure products get some recognition, but - and I say this as someone who collects games both traditional and bizarre - this seems extreme. I've collected weird games and discussed them for most of my roleplaying career, and even I'm scratching my head going "what the hell is this?" at a lot of the stuff nominated. If I'm clueless about so many of these selections, the average gamer is going to be fucking lost! There's no way they're going to get enough votes in some of these categories for the results to be in any way meaningful.

Also, 1 of my votes was more defensive. I just picked the thing that looked coolest and gave it a 1 in the hopes that it'd be more likely to beat those fucking safety tools that violate both common sense and APA guidelines on how to actually act around people with PTSD and phobias. They're probably going to win anyway.
"I despise weak men in positions of power, and that's 95% of game industry leadership." - Jessica Price
"Isnt that why RPGs companies are so woke in the first place?" - Godsmonkey
*insert Disaster Girl meme here* - Me


Quote from: Tyberious Funk;1139041Why would "normal white people" be alienated?

Still not entirely clear on what "problem glasses" are...  As someone who wears reading glasses, this has got me worried that I might be giving off signifiers of a terrible personality.

The guy was just describing Adam Koebel.  I think you're making more out of it than was meant.  It was poking fun at Koebel and/or people like him.


So, the game called out as objectionable here...won nothing. And the game which won the highest honor...is an OSR game (MÖRK BORG (Free League Publishing)). So now what?


Best Family Game / Product
Silver – Kids on Bikes: Strange Adventures Volume 2 (Renegade Games)
Gold – Jim Henson's Labyrinth (River Horse)

Best Aid or Accessory
Silver – The Dungeon Books of Battle Mats (Loke Battlemats)
Gold – Deck of Many Animated Spells (Hit Point Press)

Best Online Content
Silver – RPG Writers Workshop (Scribemind)
Gold – The Monsters Know What They're Doing (Saga Press)

Best Podcast
Silver – Red Moon Roleplaying
Gold – Asians Represent!

Best Monster/Adversary
Silver – Big Bad Booklet 1-6 (Hit Point Press
Gold – Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio, Volume 1: Monsters Malevolent and Benign (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Cover Art
Silver – The Ultraviolet Grasslands (Exalted Funeral Press)
Gold – Call of Cthulhu – Berlin the Wicked City (Chaosium)

Best Interior Art
Silver – Strata (Rowan, Rook and Decard)
Gold – The Ultraviolet Grasslands (Exalted Funeral Press)

Best Organized Play
Silver – Where Can She Be? (Robbie Pleasant)
Gold – Stygia Untamed (Greasy Snitches and Paul Gabat)

Best Free Game/Product
Silver – Tunnel Goons (Highland Paranormal Society)
Gold – TTRPG Safety Toolkit (Smooching Knife)

Best RPG Related Product
Silver – Session Zero (John C. Byram)
Gold – Absinthe in Carcosa (Pelgrane Press)

Best Electronic Book
Silver – Uncaged Volume III (Scribemind)
Gold – New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley 2nd Ed (Stygian Fox)

Best Layout and Design
Silver – A Pound of Flesh (Tuesday Knight Games)
Gold – MÖRK BORG (Free League Publishing)

Best Cartography
Silver – Jim Henson's Labyrinth (River Horse)
Gold – Trilemma Adventures Compendium Vol 1 (Trilemma Adventures)

Best Rules
Silver – Zombie World (Magpie Games)
Gold – Thousand Year Old Vampire (Petit Guignol)

Best Writing
Silver – The Monsters Know What They Are Doing (Saga Press)
Gold – MÖRK BORG (Free League Publishing)

Best Adventure
Silver – Trilemma Adventures Compendium Vol 1 (Trilemma Adventures)
Gold – A Pound of Flesh (Tuesday Knight Games)

Best Setting
Silver – Arkadia – The Greek Setting for 5e (Arcana Games)
Gold – Call of Cthulhu: Berlin the Wicked City (Chaosium)

Best Supplement
Silver – Ironsworn Delve (Shawn Tomkin)
Gold – Delta Green: The Labyrinth (Arc Dream Publishing)

Best Production Values
Silver – Humblewood Box Set (Hit Point Press)
Gold – Thousand Year Old Vampire (Petit Guignol)

Fans' Choice for Best Publisher
Gold – Free League Publishing

Best Game
Silver – MÖRK BORG (Free League Publishing)
Gold – ALIEN the Roleplaying Game (Free League Publishing)

Product of the Year
Silver – Thousand Year Old Vampire (Petit Guignol)
Gold – MÖRK BORG (Free League Publishing)

Judges' Spotlight Awards
Sleepaway (Jay Dragon)
Glitter Hearts (Greg Leatherman)
Refractions in Glasston (Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah Oates, Rayce Patterson, Emily Pawlowski, J. Tucker White)
Knarls Candy Compendium (Makenzie De Armas, Levi Phipps)
Hit the Streets, Defend the Block (Rich Rogers)


One game, so they can't be called pro woke. I personally won't be sending any of my titles to the ENnies anymore. For the size of the hobby it remains a quite small talent show.
American writer and programmer, since 2016.