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Wizards Announces New "Evolved" D&D Revision

Started by RPGPundit, September 29, 2021, 11:55:56 PM

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Wrath of God

Quote from: Shrieking BansheeIm reminded when going to my barnes & nobles that the manga section (which has overtaken comics ten fold) is filled with things like 'My roomate is a big boobed cat lady?'.

They will applaud 'maturity' in public, but in private buy 'My trip into town got me a harpy vampire girlfriend?'

Welcome in Chuck-Tingle-verse.

QuoteIs that a woman cosplaying a satyr something? Because the essence of the satyr is male. It's a vital part of his "identity."

If it's a female satyr, then what the actual fuck? Imagine a male nymph. On second thought, don't. Imagine never buying anything from a company that shits on the mythology on which its products are founded.

Now TBH D&D is founded on being massive ludicrous kitchen sink, that never was really particularly faithful to mythos.
Making satyrs natural race of humanoids... is like least terrible thing you can do.

I mean I'm quite sure we had female centaurs for decades, and that's about as respectful to mythology as female-satyrs. Not that Olympians would care, they hate centaurs, and will bless any attempt to ridicule them :P And let's not start discussing ghouls, djinns

"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."

"And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger"

"Molti Nemici, Molto Onore"


Quote from: Slambo on December 31, 2021, 04:36:45 PM
Quote from: KingCheops on December 31, 2021, 03:45:30 PM
Quote from: Omega on December 31, 2021, 12:20:14 AM
The prude patrol will never stop hallucinating new things to be offended about and then demand its removal.

If everyone were covered head to toe in featureless burlap sacks theyd STILL find it offensive, pornographic and so on ad nausium.

It's hillarious to me that all the leftists who back in the day would have been bitching about the church moms burning their books are now the ones running around figuratively burning books.  Even worse they try to blacklist folks because that's all communists are good for -- making blacklists.

I think its the other way actually, they'd be right with them burning books. They just want to hate whats socially acceptable to hate.

A huge chunk are. They might have in the past been anything else, but being parasites they lock onto whatevers trendy till they have killed it. Then move on. They do this with everything. If they did not see D&D and RPGs as a viable platform for indoctrinating and brainwashing people. They would not be devoting a tenth the interest and more likely would be attacking RPGs for being morally wrong and "subversive" and whatever todays hallucinations are.

Toss in the cyclic purity death spirals and its full on loony land.

The 90s iteration Did the same, trying to sanitize and "make safe" everything. The opening salvo is always "Think of the children!"

Gog to Magog

Quote from: fixable on January 05, 2022, 03:28:32 AM
Quote from: Shasarak on January 05, 2022, 03:24:42 AM
Quote from: fixable on January 05, 2022, 03:13:47 AM
I mostly play with women and they like playing attractive characters that are dressed less like sex objects and more like actual female adventurers.

That does not sound very realistic.
Yeah sure. It doesn't sound realistic for female gamers to visualize themselves as female adventurers. All women want to be chainmail bikini clad vixens. Right whatever you say. What do you know about the people I game with?

My wife that has been playing since she was a teen has explicitly only ever wanted to play 'sexy' characters even going as far as to prefer to play non-armor clad ones so the art she can find for them can be sexier.

She prefers art that is more overtly stylized, sexualized, idealized and unrealistic. She likes bare chested Conan and barely-clad girl. She likes cleavage & skirt-armor.

She's been playing this game longer than the tourists infesting the space now demanding it be changed to their mercurial, impossible-to-please tastes so that they can then immediately move on to whatever pop culture tells them is popular...

...I value her opinion more.
He said only: "Men shall die for this". He meant the words.


Quote from: Wrath of God on January 05, 2022, 09:52:14 PM
Quote from: Shrieking BansheeIm reminded when going to my barnes & nobles that the manga section (which has overtaken comics ten fold) is filled with things like 'My roomate is a big boobed cat lady?'.

They will applaud 'maturity' in public, but in private buy 'My trip into town got me a harpy vampire girlfriend?'

Welcome in Chuck-Tingle-verse.

QuoteIs that a woman cosplaying a satyr something? Because the essence of the satyr is male. It's a vital part of his "identity."

If it's a female satyr, then what the actual fuck? Imagine a male nymph. On second thought, don't. Imagine never buying anything from a company that shits on the mythology on which its products are founded.

Now TBH D&D is founded on being massive ludicrous kitchen sink, that never was really particularly faithful to mythos.
Making satyrs natural race of humanoids... is like least terrible thing you can do.

I mean I'm quite sure we had female centaurs for decades, and that's about as respectful to mythology as female-satyrs. Not that Olympians would care, they hate centaurs, and will bless any attempt to ridicule them :P And let's not start discussing ghouls, djinns

To be fair, female satyrs and centaurs have existed in art since at least the Renaissance. However, there's never been a male nymph before.


I'm not sure how a satyr and a centaur procreate, though. I do like the bow and the shield.

Gog to Magog

God, I hate centaurs.

They have two rib-cages and should be exterminated
He said only: "Men shall die for this". He meant the words.

Wrath of God

QuoteTo be fair, female satyrs and centaurs have existed in art since at least the Renaissance. However, there's never been a male nymph before.

Wait so who was this famous nymphoman?
"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."

"And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger"

"Molti Nemici, Molto Onore"

Gog to Magog

Quote from: Wrath of God on January 06, 2022, 06:32:50 AM
QuoteTo be fair, female satyrs and centaurs have existed in art since at least the Renaissance. However, there's never been a male nymph before.

Wait so who was this famous nymphoman?

David Bowie, probably
He said only: "Men shall die for this". He meant the words.


Fixable is the self-righteous Normie SJW that makes my day so amusing

Women only like dressing like stereotypical prudes from 1800s clothing catalogs.

Some do and some like their characters to look sexy. It is up to the individual player and not Normie Prude SJWs, myself or anyone else to tell players how their characters should look like.

D&D art is so mature now. Gets shown how much 5E art is so " mature " nowhere to be seen. I guess he would have no problems showing those somewhat sex clips to his kids since the art has evolved.

As for allowing kids in the hobby I am all for it.  Just don't expect to go to existing tables and tell them to change their styles of gaming at the table as they usually won't. With them telling him to look elsewhere. Or they find a tailor made game for a younger audience.

Rob Necronomicon

Quote from: Abraxus on January 06, 2022, 09:51:23 AM
As for allowing kids in the hobby I am all for it.  Just don't expect to go to existing tables and tell them to change their styles of gaming at the table as they usually won't. With them telling him to look elsewhere. Or they find a tailor made game for a younger audience.

Exactly that...

All it takes is a little bit of common sense to solve 99.999999% of all the problems.
Attack-minded and dangerously so - W.E. Fairbairn.
youtube shit:www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1l7oq7EmlfLT6UEG8MLeg


Quote from: Rob Necronomicon on January 06, 2022, 11:57:23 AM
Quote from: Abraxus on January 06, 2022, 09:51:23 AM
As for allowing kids in the hobby I am all for it.  Just don't expect to go to existing tables and tell them to change their styles of gaming at the table as they usually won't. With them telling him to look elsewhere. Or they find a tailor made game for a younger audience.

Exactly that...

All it takes is a little bit of common sense to solve 99.999999% of all the problems.

Which is not as common as it once was.

I wonder if the majority of SJWs actually play the rpg or post outside of their circles. The way they come across they act like they are going to just waltz up to someone table and demand changes. As online they get the message that it will happen. For example Orc as POC is going to get someone booted from the table. Or get into a fight with a player who is a POC. 

Rob Necronomicon

Quote from: Abraxus on January 06, 2022, 12:43:11 PM
Quote from: Rob Necronomicon on January 06, 2022, 11:57:23 AM
Quote from: Abraxus on January 06, 2022, 09:51:23 AM
As for allowing kids in the hobby I am all for it.  Just don't expect to go to existing tables and tell them to change their styles of gaming at the table as they usually won't. With them telling him to look elsewhere. Or they find a tailor made game for a younger audience.

Exactly that...

All it takes is a little bit of common sense to solve 99.999999% of all the problems.

Which is not as common as it once was.

I wonder if the majority of SJWs actually play the rpg or post outside of their circles. The way they come across they act like they are going to just waltz up to someone table and demand changes. As online they get the message that it will happen. For example Orc as POC is going to get someone booted from the table. Or get into a fight with a player who is a POC.

Indeed... Common sense is evaporating at an alarming rate these days, sadly.

Most people, who actually have a bit of common sense, are happy for others to play the way they want, and just stay away from shitty people. But the woke scolds cannot adopt a 'live and let live' mentality. It's not enough for them to play games the way they want but YOU must do the same and be super sensitive and be uber politically correct. And you must carry your white guilt around on a flag with you and then pay for the crimes of colonialism.

Fuck off says I... Even if I wasn't Irish, I bear no responsibility for the crimes of the past no matter how white my skin is. I treat everyone equally (or until they prove me wrong). And if the Woke Scolds don't like it, they can sit and rotate very slowly on a Vlad Tepes impaling pole.

No quarter given to, book burners or the American 'extreme' left woke scolds. They are ridiculous buffoons who should to be scorned and mocked openly whenever they try to censor art or media of any kind.


Attack-minded and dangerously so - W.E. Fairbairn.
youtube shit:www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1l7oq7EmlfLT6UEG8MLeg


Quote from: Rhymer88 on January 06, 2022, 04:41:09 AM
To be fair, female satyrs and centaurs have existed in art since at least the Renaissance. However, there's never been a male nymph before.
That's a fair point. I'm still against the idea or watering down sources. The D&D satyr looks to be basically a crazy party animal. It dumbs down the source material to oblivion. They might as well call the race "Party-on Goat Folx" and be done with it.

I'd love to hear how the think-of-the-children crowd rationalizes a watered-down version of a creature who had a perma-boner and wasn't above a bit of rape.
The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry


It's not getting any better.


(Ghostmaker fails his saving throw and is now stunned)




I swear that is so cringeworthy Wotc should be embarrassed. Yes some might want to play that kind of scenario though I'm confident in saying 1% of the gaming population would imo. With that being overly generous.

Funny how members of the hobby like Fixable pretend to clutch their pearls in faux outrage when it is a publisher they despise. Yet not shrewd of outrage at the above examples of art. As per usual if they like something then their can be no wrong.