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What games do you wish you were playing right now?

Started by Melinglor, March 11, 2007, 06:26:05 AM

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Well things that I have on the drawing board to run, but will only be able to run one at a time ....

1) Spirit of the Centuary - I've played Fate before so I know it is a good system. SotC looks to make that even better and pulp looks alot of fun to play in.

2) BESM - I've never been into anime until fairly recently and combined with the new edition I think this would be fun to try.

3) GURPS Discworld - I've always thought the Discworld would be a fun place to play in and I'm too lazy to port to my own system.

4) Castle Falkenstein - I've considered playing this on a number of occaisons and have even started to write up a three session series of balls for pre written characters with lots of links and high jinx between them.

5) Amber - I've considered running this ever since one of our group ran it so badly (with little / no preparation for each session). Luckily a member of a different group might be running it soon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Hastur T. Fannon

Feng Shui

Aberrant or Trinity after someone does a port to nWoD.  I'd even help them with the heavy lifting in doing the conversion



In no peticular order

Classic Traveller - I have never played this. Their seems to be a lot of fans of it on here. Which has gotten me interested to try it out.

Cyberpunk 2020 - I havent played (or GM'ed) this in years. Would love to play again.

Savage Worlds - Done with any setting. Ive heard the system is decent to good (depending on who you talk to.) and would like to give it a try.

Anything Victorian or steam punk. I really dig the genre. I would love to do something in any system. But I fear that I and maybe one other person in my group. Likes and or understands what the genre is.
Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacré mercenaire

Ronin\'s Fortress, my blog of RPG\'s, and stuff



1. Dangerous Journeys: Mythus
3. D&D 3.x
4. Lejendary Adventures
5. Cat


1. Dogs in the Vineyard. As an on-going urban investigation. What are you willing to compromise to catch Mr. Big?

2. Dragon Earth. Gotta run my game at least once. :)

3-5. Dangerous Journeys. Each of the three games.
Any one who thinks he knows America has never been to America.


If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


I misread the thread title, I thought it was "What games do you wish you were playing right?" which is really quite different.

Rick Hershey

Steampunk Musha. . . apparently it's ok for me to run the game, but the intimidation is too much for anyone to let me actually play. It sucks, I made a game I want to play and no one will let me.

I'd also be up for some D&D fantasy, any edition.

And I want to try out Vice Squad: Miami Nights.

That's the list right now, sitting here.


1.  Dogs in the Vineyard

Preferably with some level of the supernatural.  I'd probably settle for an Old West Call o' Cthulhu game, but I'd love to give Dogs a try.

2.  Cat

I like cats.  I like role-playing games.  This is a role-playing game about cats!  'Nuff said!

...well, okay, it's not about real cats - less emphasis on sleeping, hairballs, and butt-licking, for a start.  But y'know what I mean.


Starting with Keep on the Borderlands, yo.  

4.  Nobilis

'Cause I'd really like to see how it plays in a tabletop game.  I've seen PBPs and it looks interesting, but sadly like most PBPs they flicker out fairly quickly...

5.  Mutants & Masterminds or Silver Age Sentinels

Either, really, so long as someone else runs it.  Supers FTW!


I wish I was playing my Rules Cyclopedia Campaign that I've been developing for about 6 years.  Can't get anyone to play basic.  I'll probably have to make a stand alone PDF to get them interested in the game.  After that Burning Wheel, Star Frontiers, and Marvel Advanced.


Quote from: Rick HersheySteampunk Musha. . . apparently it's ok for me to run the game, but the intimidation is too much for anyone to let me actually play. It sucks, I made a game I want to play and no one will let me.

Now that is a unique problem! Sorry to hear about it, man.

Right now I'm playing a supers game using Aberrant. As usual my friend runs a great game and I look forward to Saturdays so I can play more, so it gets the top spot.

My honorable mentions include:
RCD&D - I've never played it for more than a few levels, but I still love it and I want to take it all the way to the top for once.

RIFTS: I've run it, but want I really want to do is play.

Any game that invovles giant robots.
Running: Dogs of WAR - Beer & Pretzels & Bullets
Planning to Run: Godbound or Stars Without Number
Playing: Star Wars D20 Rev.

A lack of moderation doesn\'t mean saying every asshole thing that pops into your head.

Caesar Slaad

I would have said Spycraft, which I usually end up only running at conventions due to being connected to typically traditional groups...

But I am happy to report that I have found a LOCAL group who played the 1.0 version and are eagar to play the new version. Go me!

So that just leaves:

1) My River of Worlds / High Options ( D&D planar )game. I am running D&D right now, but something always comes up to prevent me from running to sort of D&D game I'd really like to run (like new players, etc.)
2) Various other D&D adventures I've yet to run but never had time to. (Yeah, that's still D&D)
3) I wouldn't mind playing a spot of MegaTraveller or Traveller d20.
The Secret Volcano Base: my intermittently updated RPG blog.

Running: Pathfinder Scarred Lands, Mutants & Masterminds, Masks, Starfinder, Bulldogs!
Playing: Sigh. Nothing.
Planning: Some Cyberpunk thing, system TBD.

King of Old School

In no particular order...

Spycraft 2.0
Burning Empires
Mutants & Masterminds 2e
NWoD (mortal investigators)
Mage: the Awakening
Unknown Armies


Abyssal Maw

I pretty much only care about D&D, and I'm already running one campaign, playing in another, and have intermittent Living Greyhawk fun.

I guess I would play Faery's Tale again.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

Christmas Ape

Delta Green. I trust everyone's aware the new printing is in the process of getting shipped to shiny old North America, yes? I admit I'm gonna mine it for Nemesis rather than play BRP - nothing against BRP, ORE's just faster - but I'd really love to play some. Maybe even some Cold War era cowboy clean-ups. "You're above good and evil, superman; you work for the government." Mostly not because nobody else in the group wants to GM it, and the new printing isn't selling yet.

Agon used as a W:tA hack. I'm waiting on account verification to buy myself a copy and get my Glory on.

A gonzo-ass Rifts game, like I was a part-time player in when I was fourteen, full of in-party betrayals and bizarre technology and absurd powers and twelve players. I just couldn't stomach the rules, manage that many players, or even hope to match the outright inspired madness that was our GM.

Some Traveller. Whatever's the most respected by the grognards, because I want to see exactly what the fuss is about. The problem is lacking the books, once again.

My half-considered swine-game L5R hack in which your only traits are the Five Rings, Face, and the seven virtues of bushido. It's nothing like done, is the problem, and we're playing a perfectly good regular L5R 3e game on Monday anyway.
Heroism is no more than a chapter in a tale of submission.
"There is a general risk that those who flock together, on the Internet or elsewhere, will end up both confident and wrong [..]. They may even think of their fellow citizens as opponents or adversaries in some kind of 'war'." - Cass R. Sunstein
The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!