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I have a strange request.

Started by Hopladamus, June 10, 2019, 05:05:29 PM

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Blood Axe

Watching this thread and laughing.

As the Left goes further and further Left, more and more people are being called " alt right".

Why white nationalist?
Why not black nationalist?
Latino nationalist?
Asian nationalist?
Or are those things ok?

What is a white nationalist?

White seems obvious. Caucasian.



a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

A person who puts their own country first? I would do that.  I think most sane people do. How do you help others if yiur own home isn't in order? Sometimes helping others isnt in your own best interest anyway.

Look at the illegal immigrant situation.  Mexico and other South American countries let these people pass, sometimes feed them or provide transportation. Why? Its good for them. But detrimental to the USA. Seems like a bit of "nationalism" to me.

America takes in more people than any other country in the world. ( most non white, and nearly 1 million a year)
This country gives more foreign aid than anyone else.
But yet we are " racist".
So why bother?


To DEFEND: this is the pact.
 But when life loses its meaning
 and is taken for naught...
 then the pact is to AVENGE !


Quote from: Blood Axe;1091568America takes in more people than any other country in the world. ( most non white, and nearly 1 million a year)

A million a year is just a rounding error for the big countries. So, good on ya for giving it a go!
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus

Blood Axe

Quote from: Shasarak;1091571A million a year is just a rounding error for the big countries. So, good on ya for giving it a go!

Cool story bro.

To DEFEND: this is the pact.
 But when life loses its meaning
 and is taken for naught...
 then the pact is to AVENGE !


Wait. Are you saying that a request for racist games turned into a political debate on the VERY nature of what alt-right ACTUALLY means? Get the fuck out of here.

I applaud the effort though. I feel like it was a sincere ask, I just wish we could be more helpful. This one is a hard ask I'm afraid. :-D  Also, I'm poking fun but I do believe your ask is sincere, so please don't take my snark as an attack. I absolutely support your curiosity.

[sarcasm] In related news, you should feel free to polish off your fav OSR distro, construct a world where Orcs are the oppressed minority, and then Crusade against them until the Orc blood runs thick in the countryside. No real need to have a specially designed system for it. After all Gygax and Arneson are cisgendered white fat-beards, so it would be IMPOSSIBLE for there not to be some implicit racism / toxic male privilege / misogyny in the mix anyways. Why compromise? You should get the original oppressive RPG. Nothing else stacks-up. [/sarcasm in case my tone wasn't apparent...]
Trentin C Bergeron (trechriron)
Bard, Creative & RPG Enthusiast

D.O.N.G. Black-Belt (Thanks tenbones!)


I thought MYFAROG was it basically.

The reason you won't find as much as you expect is because white racist nationalism in the West is hyped up and inflated beyond any realistic proportion by the media and hysterical people; you will have a much easier time finding white people hating the fact that they are white than you will find actual white nationalists. The way people talk about it you expect to find massive white nationalist publishers out there, printing millions of copies of Mein Kampf, KKK magazines, white nationalist games and what not. In reality, you might find just a few people with some prejudices, who have no idea about PC culture or who don't care.

My wife (who is from Bangladesh) and myself moved to the USA six years ago, and the only clear racism we have encountered so far was some black religious cult guys screaming at me that I am a devil because I'm white.


Quote from: Hopladamus;1091517I said it in my original post. A bonafide white nationalist/fascist.

See, that's the thing. The reality of the situation is that there are so few white nationalists/fascists in the US and the concept is so reviled, that being one is used as an insult by the general public. This is why you see the people using any means necessary to push their leftist agenda taking up that claim as a way of demonizing whomever they see fit as long as they feel that they are making progress in their glorious revolution. Because of the fact that there are so few white nationalists/fascists in the US means that there are proportionately few of them in a niche of a niche hobby and fewer still would want to publicly admit it. The only two games I can think of that might fit your requirements would be MYFAROG and RaHoWa which you already know of, even though theoretically any game can be turned into a platform of white nationalism/fascism.

Good luck, but I think your efforts would be better spent on finding people and games which you would consider fun.

Stephen Tannhauser

Quote from: Hopladamus;1091499I would like to play a game made by a genuine alt-righter. I'm talking about bonafide white nationalist. It's this morbid curiosity of mine.

I would have to agree that if you're looking for a professional-grade product whose creator simply happens to hold alt-right political opinions or sympathies, you're unlikely to get much result, simply because if a particular entertainment creator has chosen to keep his politics to himself for whatever reason, he's unlikely to (a) reveal it casually or (b) make it too easy to find incontrovertibly in his work.

It's also worth noting that people who espouse their politics fervently enough that they want to make their creative work primarily a tool of advocacy don't, in general, choose to focus on tabletop RPGs as their medium of choice. The exposure isn't great enough. Most creators will put nods to their preferred politics into their work, but if they have any interest in the game as a game or want to maximize audience appeal, this usually goes understated at best.

Although the politics being advertised are completely orthogonal and the game itself is still relatively amateur, I'd suggest that if you want to try a game which is unequivocally an advocacy tool first and foremost, try the evangelical Christian game DragonRaid -- it's superficially a bog-standard fantasy game but all the "magic" is miracleworking enabled by actually quoting Bible verses in real time. It strikes me that this would be something like what you seem to be looking for, i.e. the experience of projecting yourself into an alternative headspace that you may not believe but the game creator certainly does.
Better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. -- Mark Twain

STR 8 DEX 10 CON 10 INT 11 WIS 6 CHA 3

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: Hopladamus;1091507You have to admit. 4chan has made "geekdom" very attractive to alt-right.
Or rather, a bunch of geeks who never left their basements became attracted to alt-right.

Neither fascism nor communism create much of worth in literature. Totalitarian thought prevents creativity.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


Gary Gygax was religious, married, and had some kids that weren't transgendered progressives. That's alt-right nowadays, right?
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.


Quote from: Brad;1091670Gary Gygax was religious, married, and had some kids that weren't transgendered progressives. That's alt-right nowadays, right?

Gary Gygax apparently was a Libertarian (this was in his FBI file), which apparently according to the NYTimes, would make him alt-right (as they recently ran a story citing Milton Friedman as an alt-right figure)


here you go


unfortunately, you'll need to know japanese to actually play it though

Razor 007

Quote from: JeremyR;1091697Gary Gygax apparently was a Libertarian (this was in his FBI file), which apparently according to the NYTimes, would make him alt-right (as they recently ran a story citing Milton Friedman as an alt-right figure)

Gygax had an FBI file?  Wow, what a joke.  Thanks for letting us know.  That's interesting........

I guess D&D was verrrry dangerous after all?  Wow.  FreakingBigIdiots.
I need you to roll a perception check.....


Quote from: Razor 007;1091820Gygax had an FBI file?  Wow, what a joke.  Thanks for letting us know.  That's interesting........

I guess D&D was verrrry dangerous after all?  Wow.  FreakingBigIdiots.

You might want to read The Pulling Report for a better understanding of the times back then.


It's relatively easy to get an FBI file. It really doesn't mean a whole lot (on its own)... but Gygax's was more than just any random file.

(EDIT: For example, I have never been arrested, investigated, or charged with a crime and I have an FBI file. Because of my employment. It's a routine thing and very boring.)