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I have a strange request.

Started by Hopladamus, June 10, 2019, 05:05:29 PM

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Shawn Driscoll

Quote from: Pyromancer;1091525Isn't that just the "regular extremist right"? Where does the "alt" part comes into play?
The media now calls anyone that they used to call right-wing, as alt-right. Notice how the media never says left-wing or ctrl-left. That's why people ask, "What do you mean by alt-right?" It's to get clarification from outside of what the media has programmed into people.

By the way, the political spectrum is not a line. It's a circle where left and right meet each other. Nazis were socialists after all.


Quote from: Ratman_tf;1091503I'm struggling to think of any. (Setting aside the culture war accusations.)

Yeah, that's where my thinking was going. Since the original poster asked for bona fide white supremacist... that discounts any accusations of racism by people who simply want to accuse someone of racism.


Quote from: Shawn Driscoll;1091529The media now calls anyone that they used to call right-wing, as alt-right. Notice how the media never says left-wing or ctrl-left. That's why people ask, "What do you mean by alt-right?" It's to get clarification from outside of what the media has programmed into people.

By the way, the political spectrum is not a line. It's a circle where left and right meet each other. Nazis were socialists after all.
Although i mainly agree with you, especially on the political spectrum actually being a circle, i'd say that the actual left and right never "meet" in that manner, as the two other "directions" or the "north/south" of it is Authoritarianism and Anarchy/Liberalism.
Also, Nazis were never Socialist ... but a few of them thought they were, but they actually stopped being it when they turned the Class struggle into a Racial/Cultural/Religious thing.
Yes, i know they used a few obvious Socialist/Communist methods in how they ruled, but the also used a few obvious Capitalist methods, too.
They used ANY methods they could find, to further their own agenda, so technically, they were neither left NOR right, they just used either as they saw fit.

Most people are actually somewhere inside the circle ... and i suspect there is yet another vector, an up/down, possibly Tolerance/Acceptance.

Anyway, about the actual topic, in addition to agreeing on principle with several others, i think it can be summed up like this:
No matter where you are on the political spectrum, if you hardline it too much in an rpg that you make, it will most probably not be good.
However, if you have made a good rpg, your political opinions are probably not so easy to spot.

...Unless you happen to have an already good game and then decide to virtue signal in it ... :P
I may not dislike D&D any longer, but I still dislike the Chaos-Lawful/Evil-Good alignment system, as well as the level system.

Link to my wip Ferals 0.8 unfinished but playable on pdf on MediaFire for free download here :

Shawn Driscoll

Quote from: Catelf;1091534Nazis were never Socialist
See National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Quote from: Catelf;1091534Yes, i know they used a few obvious Socialist/Communist methods in how they ruled,
Look up Totalitarianism.

Quote from: Catelf;1091534but the also used a few obvious Capitalist methods, too.
They used ANY methods they could find, to further their own agenda, so technically, they were neither left NOR right, they just used either as they saw fit.

I wouldn't call invading and taking over other countries Capitalism.

Quote from: Catelf;1091534Most people are actually somewhere inside the circle ... and i suspect there is yet another vector, an up/down, possibly Tolerance/Acceptance.
There's room for everyone on the circle. Everyone fits on it somewhere. Even those that think only in skin-color and gender terms (see Leftists).


Quote from: Shawn Driscoll;1091536See National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Look up Totalitarianism.
I wouldn't call invading and taking over other countries Capitalism.
There's room for everyone on the circle. Everyone fits on it somewhere. Even those that think only in skin-color and gender terms (see Leftists).
So, if i call myself "Capitalist" consistently and use only a few capitalist methods, i'm a capitalist?
Great, in that case, i'm a Communist Capitalist!

Totalitarianism, use ANY MEANS AVAILABLE to keep ruling, as that is their agenda.

I don't either.
Check up what methods "the National Socialist German Workers' Party" actually used, and on whom.

Actually, you are not entirely wrong, but you will get problems defining where the Anarcho-Communist is compared to the Liberal, the Socialist and Objectivist, if you only go by a circle, like ... who is most left? Who is most right? Who is most liberal?
I may not dislike D&D any longer, but I still dislike the Chaos-Lawful/Evil-Good alignment system, as well as the level system.

Link to my wip Ferals 0.8 unfinished but playable on pdf on MediaFire for free download here :

Alderaan Crumbs

Quote from: Hopladamus;1091499I would like to play a game made by a genuine alt-righter. I'm talking about bonafide white nationalist. It's this morbid curiosity of mine. I'm really interested to see what kind of game that kind of person would make. The problem is, I can't find any of them in the industry. You would think that fantasy worlds about mythical heroes would be a ground zero for Alt-Righters, but that doesn't appear to be the case. So, I'm asking you. Do you know some white nationalist/Fascist that works in the RPG/Tabletop industry? Even if it's someone obscure, tell me.

I know about MYFAROG and RaHoWa, but those are not professional products and, frankly, they aren't that good from what I saw.

Also, I should add:

1. Please don't make this thread into a political debate. I'm not interested in defending nor condemning this kind of people. I'm just interested in their products (if they exist).
2. I'm not necessarily looking for alt-right games, but alt-right creators. Their games can be about anything, racist or not.
3. If you know someone fitting this description or if you are someone fitting this description, but don't want to go public with that information, send me a PM.

This is my first post on this site. What a way to start huh?

With extreme exception you're very unlikely to find a game you're looking for (other than those you listed). This is because...despite the Left's insane screeching to the contrary...Nazis aren't a large demographic. Add in our relatively small hobby and it's even smaller (despite the loonie Left's claims). I feel you already realize this and know this is a good thing.

Now, if you want a game made by a Left-leaning racist, find an number of darlings on RPG.net...
Playing: With myself.
Running: Away from bees.
Reading: My signature.

Razor 007

I suppose i could put on a white hooded robe and run a game, but I don't own a white hooded robe?

The labeling doesn't bother me much.  Some people are good people, and some people are bad people.  Call them Orcs, Drow, Goblins, whatever....  I don't care.  Just call them evil non-white degenerates, if you prefer.  They have a 10 in all six abilities, and they have 10 hit points.  They all carry Spears, and eat Bananas.  They are really good Dancers too.

Ok, I'm just kidding; but isn't that what this thread was looking for?
I need you to roll a perception check.....


From what I understand the alt in alt right means non-conservative.  An alternative right wing to conservatism.  Often they are revolutionary in their aims or Hegelian statists in their political philosophy.  They are not about conserving anything in the current system but replacing the current system with their own vision.  Like socialists there are some that are incrementalists and others that are revolutionary, but anti-conservatism is what makes them alt.  Conservatives are the establishment right and they are an alternative or alt type of right wing.  

You can have left leaning liberals who still advocate for liberal democracy and then you can have socialists and communists who actually want to replace that with a different system.  The alt-right is the same project but on the right wing.  Just as there are anarchist and syndicalists and communists on the left, what exactly to replace liberal democracy with is not necessarily agreed upon among the alt-right.  Some might even advocate for systems that are largely indistinguishable from left wing proposals.

I don't thing there are too many in the game publishing business.  I think the only games have already been identified.


MYFROG allegedly has social media groups who actually play the game, at least according to a fan who used to post here. If you find them (which can't be that hard), then you can actually play the game and see what's up for yourself.

Racial Holy War is bizarre, and perhaps a parody, but certainly as playable as any other rules light RPG out there...if you could find a group who would want that experience. It does have one cool rule. Your gun levels up too!

As for white nationalist vs. alt right, the MSM has labeled anyone Not-Left to be Alt-Right. However, actual white nationalists (much like black nationalists, latino nationalists or asian nationalists) are happy to proudly self-identify.

Yes, I know its not actually MYFROG, but I love saying that.


Quote from: Shawn Driscoll;1091536See National Socialist German Workers' Party.


Quote from: Hopladamus;1091513I'm perfectly aware that a racist can make a non-racist game. I'm just curious how that game would look like. MYFAROG and RaHoWa are kinda bad and overtly racist. There is just no nuance to them. Both games basically say "Whites good, everybody else bad" and that's the end of the story. That's because those people didn't set out to make a game but rather a propaganda piece in a game form.

You just answered your own question why there arent any good or even so-so games of this sort. Invariably the extremist will insert that into the product and ruin it one way or another.

Now if you want games and settings that play on the nationalist attitude theres several. Rifts and Warhammer 40k leap to the forefront of that. Then there is Werewolf which has factions within the factions taking "racial purity" to various extremes and then dumbly wondering why things have gone to hell, literally.

Pretty much you wont find the sort of game you are looking for because to make a good game you need to be not an idiot. And as we have seen aplenty, both ends of the spectrum can not design a good game. They can copy and steal from others and then drag that through the dirt. But they invariably fail at some point. Or several.

And any game with even a pro white theme like Scramble For Africa recently will get mobbed by the SJW loons and branded as "promoting genocide" and the publisher pressured into dropping the game.  And that is before even getting to anything these sociopaths just make up from thin air. Just read the utterly insane statements made against Dungeons & Dragons. To hear these maniacs talk that is THE most pro WHITE Colonial nationalistic ani-native game EVER!!!


I doubt you will find anything interesting or significant.
Think about it. You have already ruled out non-professional low-quality propaganda stuff.
So you want creators who are professionals and also far rightists. OK.
Professional creators need to sell their stuff, which will be of professional level.
It's difficult to produce stuff that is of professional quality and at the same time visibly influenced by a heavy political slant.
But assuming a good creator manages to do that, such stuff, even if of good quality, will sell less because of the visible right-leaning content.
So why should a rightist creator who is able to create stuff that will sell, do so in such a way as to reduce his sales?

Therefore, I'd bet that even if you manage to identify a RPG creator as far-right, it won't be so much because of his activity in the field of RPGs but thanks to his other activities; and assuming you have achieved that, my bet would also be that you will find his professional-level work isn't visibly influenced by his politics.

Naturally, all of the above hinges on one's definition of "far right" and "visibly".

Lychee of the Exchequer

Quote from: Hopladamus;1091499I would like to play a game made by a genuine alt-righter. I'm talking about bonafide white nationalist. It's this morbid curiosity of mine.

I'm curious about what you are really curious at.

I have several hypotheses, which could all be wrong. So I have to ask.

Do you want to experience a (fictitious) world as seen through the lens of a genuine alt-righter ? Do you want to GM such a game ?

Or do you simply want to play a bad guy (which would arguably be compatible with the above proposals) ?

RPGs enable us to act out (some of) our darker impulses, if we wish it. If that's what you're after, you could find a comprehensive GM and ask him/her that he/she makes you play the bad guy in some scenario.

So that you aren't too shy in your answer, I wil state that I've personallly played some of the hereafter mentioned bad guys:

- regular (Masquerade-aligned) old WOD vampire
- Sabbat old WOD Vampire
- mafia mobster
- gun-for-hire
- FBI dipshit
- religious zealot
- young adult with mental health issues who ended up killing his own mother (not truly a bad guy: she really had it coming. Okay, okay I'm kidding in bad taste ;-)
- Hillary 2016 voter (Bwahaha ! Sorry ! Couldn't help myself ! IT'S A JOKE, PEOPLE :-D !)

They were all really interesting experiences. For the record, the most disturbing ones were with the Sabbat vampire and the mentally ill fellow.


Quote from: Lychee of the Exchequer;1091563I'm curious about what you are really curious at.

I have several hypotheses, which could all be wrong. So I have to ask.

Do you want to experience a (fictitious) world as seen through the lens of a genuine alt-righter ? Do you want to GM such a game ?

Or do you simply want to play a bad guy (which would arguably be compatible with the above proposals) ?

RPGs enable us to act out (some of) our darker impulses, if we wish it. If that's what you're after, you could find a comprehensive GM and ask him/her that he/she makes you play the bad guy in some scenario.

So that you aren't too shy in your answer, I wil state that I've personallly played some of the hereafter mentioned bad guys:

- regular (Masquerade-aligned) old WOD vampire
- Sabbat old WOD Vampire
- mafia mobster
- gun-for-hire
- FBI dipshit
- religious zealot
- young adult with mental health issues who ended up killing his own mother (not truly a bad guy: she really had it coming. Okay, okay I'm kidding in bad taste ;-)
- Hillary 2016 voter (Bwahaha ! Sorry ! Couldn't help myself ! IT'S A JOKE, PEOPLE :-D !)

They were all really interesting experiences. For the record, the most disturbing ones were with the Sabbat vampire and the mentally ill fellow.

I would say it 90% wanting to play a game made by genuine alt-righter and 10% wanting to play as a bad guy. As I said, I have a morbid curiosity.

Also, what were you thinking?! Playing as a Hillary Voter?! Do you want to single-handedly start another satanic-panic?! XD


AFAIK, MYFAROG is as playable as many small-press games. I think it's the game that Alt-Right RPGers would play.

I think Vox Day (Castalia House) was planning a game for his Alt-Hero superhero setting. Not sure if anything came of that, Google is uninformative.