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Hipster (or TBP) D&D

Started by dungeon crawler, August 06, 2015, 12:06:35 PM

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dungeon crawler


If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

Future Villain Band

Sounds like a great Unknown Armies game.


Quote from: dungeon crawler;846961A friend of mine sent me thishttps://youtu.be/9mugTmdCE2w

I dont even.... is that what hipsters are? Are these people common in the States?


Pretty funny, though it seems more like a poke at Millennials in general.
"When devils will the blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows..."


Quote from: TristramEvans;847027I dont even.... is that what hipsters are? Are these people common in the States?

Never actually met one, but then again you don't see much besides trees and red necks where I'm from.

Shipyard Locked

Quote from: Arkansan;847038Never actually met one, but then again you don't see much besides trees and red necks where I'm from.

Legit question, do you have trouble finding players? I mean, what's it like being a GM out there?


Quote from: Arkansan;847038Never actually met one, but then again you don't see much besides trees and red necks where I'm from.

As I understand they are mostly an urban phenomena. Like smog. :D
Remember when Illinois Nazis where a joke in the Blue Brothers movie?

Democracy, meh? (538)

 "The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn't even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it."


Quote from: Shipyard Locked;847048Legit question, do you have trouble finding players? I mean, what's it like being a GM out there?

In all fairness I live in the most populated area of the state so it's not as bad as it could be, but I do have trouble finding anything other than PF and D&D players. I have lived in rural areas before where the entire gaming scene consisted of me and like two other dudes.


Quote from: TristramEvans;847027I dont even.... is that what hipsters are? Are these people common in the States?

I thought I had a passing familiarity with hipsters, living in a largish Canadian city. I'd seen them around. Had a sense of some of their habits and attitudes. Even had friends who were sort of proto-hipsters.

Then I went to the Chicago. The trendy, hipster part of Chicago. And I was surrounded by thousands of them. And far, far more hipster than the people in the video. These were pure strain hipsters in their core habitat. You couldn't swing a stick without knocking four bearded, neck-tatooed, and spectacled dudes off their fixed-gear bikes and into organic pizzerias that had 15 brands of pale ale on tap. The stereotypes were surpassed beyond all belief.


Quote from: TristramEvans;847027I dont even.... is that what hipsters are? Are these people common in the States?

The only hipsters I've met in the US, on the east coast at least, seem to spend most of their time complaining about hipsters. So I am still struggling to understand what they are exactly. I'm assuming all of the real hipsters live out of state on the west coast for the most part. My feeling is a person being overly fond of their vanilla chai latte's with two shots of espresso, or having a weird fixation with vinyl records and groomed beards, is little threat to me personally, so more power to them them if they want to be that way. Bless them and their skinny jeans. The only hipster stereotype that bothers me when I actually encounter it is Ironic Enjoyment of things. That I simply don't understand (just admit you like Rocky IV and move on, no need to protect yourself with the arm's length of irony).

That said, the video was pretty funny.


This satirical article snippet sorta covers it:

"I listen to Fleet Foxes and I knew that song before it was famous. I know the location of every thrift shop within a 30-mile radius of here, and my record player was given to me by a member of Modest Mouse (I won't say which one because I'm intriguing and mysterious). I can totally fully relate to Holden Caulfield, and judging by his movies, it was almost as if John Hughes knew me personally. Sometimes I read Hemingway on the bus while I wear my oversized reading glasses that I found at a Fleetwood Mac concert.

If I'm not complaining about how the show Freaks and Geeks was cancelled then I'm scouring New York City for a denim jacket that is the appropriate level of distressed. You may find me strolling along the streets in the fall wearing my yellow Doc Martens and avoiding eye-contact. I sojourn in coffee shops made entirely of bamboo that sell only acai seeds, Larabars and freshly ground coffee from obscure places in South America. I appreciate any homage to the great Woody Allen, and have a single cactus plant that I keep by the window to attract others of my kind. I own several guitars and no tuner and if anyone asks it is because I have perfect pitch, not because I cannot play. I wear plaid shirts around my waist and make witty references to movies you've never seen before. Ok so maybe I don't actually use that typewriter, but it looks really good on that driftwood shelf next to all my mason jars.

But I am not a "Hipster" because the title itself confines me to a stereotype and I believe self-definition is overrated."

"When devils will the blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows..."


Evidently, knowledge of part pop culture is all that's required. As a VERY good Trivial Pursuit player (who does not use his phone to cheat), I feel I could possibly be a decent hipster. Unfortunately, can't discuss -- have to hop in my flivver. I'm togged to the bricks and gotta get to work. Don't wanna be a crumb, after all.
"When devils will the blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows..."


Who are those guys who wear big loose scarves bundled around their necks... like a turban that came undone. Usually they've got careful manscaping and work on documentary films. Are those guys hipsters? I'm irrationally annoyed by them... mostly because of the giant scarf thing... and their self seriousness.


Quote from: Simlasa;847183Who are those guys who wear big loose scarves bundled around their necks... like a turban that came undone. Usually they've got careful manscaping and work on documentary films. Are those guys hipsters? I'm irrationally annoyed by them... mostly because of the giant scarf thing... and their self seriousness.

They are all John Malkovich.