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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter!

Started by dbm, August 31, 2016, 02:05:37 PM

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Quote from: David Johansen;916954The lack of a setting is an interesting choice.  Very much a "play Forgotten Realms or whatever with GURPS."

I remember GURPS 1st edition, which I remember containing a lot of information for using GURPS with adventures you'd bought elsewhere, and a short 'fantasy without magic' adventure.  So, the idea of sitting down with this and, say, "CURSE OF STRAHD" sounds kinda tempting.


<< stupid browser double post! >>


I am glad it did not come with a setting and dont really see why people wish it did.
Making your own setting, which I prefer to do is a lot of work but very rewarding. But the option to use one of the GURPS fantasy settings already out there Banestorm, Conan, Madlands or another systems or just adapt a book all are pretty easy.
When I started there were no settings, we just had a generic town to go to.  Create an adventure and then another and so on is a decent way to play with little investment and eventually the GM creates a few specific NPCs, tossses a few names around and you have a setting.  Albeit a simple one, but it can grow organically and if the group wants that.

David Johansen

Perhaps but with a game aimed at new players, I think a simple setting would be helpful.  A town, a tavern, a dungeon, a castle ruled by an obnoxious baron.  Hmmm sounds like Keep on the Borderlands.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: David Johansen;917107Perhaps but with a game aimed at new players, I think a simple setting would be helpful.
Maybe the included adventure has a bit of that? I do think it could do with something firmer than just an anonymous dungeon and I'd be curious to see the GURPS version of Hommlet.


Quote from: David Johansen;917107Perhaps but with a game aimed at new players, I think a simple setting would be helpful.  A town, a tavern, a dungeon, a castle ruled by an obnoxious baron.  Hmmm sounds like Keep on the Borderlands.

Well the adventure does start in an Inn so thats one item.  And since you have to buy gear there has to be shops, though might not be detailed.
You know instead of the two addons (or maybe in addtion to) they could do a simple town.
Off to suggest that now :)

PS: Been too many years but yeah I think Keep on the Borderlands or the original Greyhawk were plenty workable.

David Johansen

Personally, I'd like a nice detailed poster map of Yrth but I know it's got a lot of detractors.

I know it's not a planned item but a nice poster map would be a selling point.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


I don't see the need for some sort of D&D-esque mini-setting. To me this box set hearkens back to the Melee/TFT aesthetic of a focused dungeon combat game, updated with a lot of options. The bare bones implicit setting is part of the charm.
You can shake your fists at the sky. You can do a rain dance. You can ignore the clouds completely. But none of them move the clouds.

- Dave "The Inexorable" Noonan solicits community feedback before 4e\'s release

David Johansen

You know what would be an awesome addition for this?

An updated Orc Slayer module with dozens of orcs cardboard heroes.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Since I've been saying SJgames needs to do this for years I suppose I need to back it.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D

David Johansen

I think everyone who loves GURPS has been trying to tell them this for at least a decade.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Ironically, according to the first designers notes they have been thinking about it themselves for about 12 years.

It is just that now, the stars are right...


So is this Steve Jackson basically coming back to TFT as close as he can?
"You play Conan, I play Gandalf.  We team up to fight Dracula." - jrients


Quote from: Nerzenjäger;917173So is this Steve Jackson basically coming back to TFT as close as he can?

In a roundabout way, that seems to be the end result. But it's still GURPS fourth edition with a lot more complexity than TFT. There's 400 pages of rules in that boxed set.

I'll be curious to see how the battle maps and minis are incorporated - using them by default was always one of the main charms of TFT .
You can shake your fists at the sky. You can do a rain dance. You can ignore the clouds completely. But none of them move the clouds.

- Dave "The Inexorable" Noonan solicits community feedback before 4e\'s release

Spellslinging Sellsword

It's already at 62k of 100k with 3 weeks left, so I assume it will fund. I saw this Kickstarter and planned on backing it, but then noticed you have to pay extra to get both print and PDF. Most of the rpg Kickstarters offer the PDF copies free if you order the print version, but they want $35 extra to add the PDF versions to your print copy. I said it would encourage people to back it if the PDFs were included in a print level pledge, but they said they aren't trying to encourage people to back it, they want to see how many people will buy print only without PDF support. Also, they said that the MSRP will be $49.95 whereas the Kickstarter they rounded up to $50. Since you would pay more to get it in the Kickstarter than you'll pay once released, and since you don't even get any perks for backing it on Kickstarter,  I'll just wait and order it from Amazon at a discount with free shipping. It would be stupid to pay $50 + $15 in shipping for no bonus/perk when I can order it for $35 (estimate of what Amazon will charge) with free shipping once it's released to distribution.