
Fan Forums => The RPGPundit's Own Forum => The Official GnomeMurdered Forum => Topic started by: RPGPundit on August 08, 2010, 12:53:21 PM

Title: PROOF: The Gnome Walks!
Post by: RPGPundit on August 08, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Its an old entry but today's blog is of direct relevance to this forum, and I thought might liven things up here a little:

More Proof of the Evil Gnome Conspiracy!

I have spoken up on this controversial subject, and many of you didn't chose to believe me; but now, more and more, people are waking up to the truth: Gnomes are evil!

Even the people at Wizards seem to have realized this, striking Gnomes from the list of Player Character Races and relegating them to the Monster Manual... did you really think this was just due to some kind of market research or mechanical reasons, or to make room for new races they wanted to introduce? NO.  Someone in WoTC has clued into the TRUTH, man.

For years, Gnomes were able to hide under a ridiculous facade of cutsey-poo niceness, being thought of as harmless little fellows in hats who hung out on your lawn virtually immobile, save for occasionally disappearing to go off on world tours, where they'd send you regular photographs.

But slowly, in the last decade or so, their house of cards, cards of LIES, has started to tumble down. Gradually, the truth about them began to surface.

First, a bold and informative program revealed the Gnomes' evil designs on your underpants; the reality being that they didn't hang out on your lawn to be nice; they did it to steal your underpants. And don't think they'll stop there! Its only a matter of time before they start stealing more of your unmentionables!

Today, though, the story has broken wide open.  Some courageous youngsters in Argentina have revealed footage of a Gnome in full, evil motion (; shambling about in the night. This footage reveals a great deal about the truth about these evil fuckers: first, those aren't pointy hats they wear for fun or to be cute, they're just covering up their hideously malformed heads!
Second, they walk really creepily!

I mean, what more proof do you need? The fuckers are evil!!


Currently Smoking: Nothing, because tonight is pipe club