
Fan Forums => The Official Amber DRPG, Erick Wujcik, and Lords of Olympus Forum => Topic started by: alcmarauder on January 04, 2012, 06:22:26 AM

Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: alcmarauder on January 04, 2012, 06:22:26 AM
Zahir started his 'Crimson Unicorn' campaign and evidentially got lots of responses.  So many that he could not handle so many players.  Including, I am sad to say, me.  Are there any Amber GMs out there looking for players?  I think that we could easily fill an entire game just from us alternates if someone was willing to run one.

I would run one myself but I have zero Amber experience.  My GM experience has all been with the SW system (like AD&D 3.5 I am told).  I played fast and loose with the rules there and I think I could almost pull a game off but feel that I should try a game our two out before I try it.

Can anyone help us out?
Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: Arref on January 04, 2012, 12:50:38 PM
Supply more details so a GM can get a handle on the time commitment.

how many players?
how many GM turns per week?
link to 'Crimson Unicorn' site for comparison to game style... or some other Amber web game that stands as a yardstick of expectations.

Most games collapse if the group does not share expectations.
Title: Fair enough
Post by: alcmarauder on January 05, 2012, 03:27:09 AM
Here is the link to 'The Crimson Unicorn'

I think he said that he had 5 or 6 alternate players when I PMed him about joining.  Could be more by now, or less. More players (as long as you don't mind lack of experince) is easy.  I have friends I can drag in.

I would hope that the GM and players could post every other day, once a week at the outside.  I am not sure if that is a lot or a little because I don't have the experience.
Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: Panjumanju on January 05, 2012, 03:04:00 PM
I tried to solicit an Amber DRPG Game Master in a Play-by-Post thread, here:

No replies. Seems people are not so eager to run Amber...but I would sure like to play one, too, so I know how you feel.

Title: FINE!
Post by: alcmarauder on January 06, 2012, 09:16:55 AM
Well if I can't get anyone to run one, I will try to do my own.  Just have to take some time and work out a plot.  Everyone will just have to be patient with a newbie running things. LOL :D
Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: Panjumanju on January 08, 2012, 01:27:32 AM
Quote from: alcmarauder;501137Well if I can't get anyone to run one, I will try to do my own.  Just have to take some time and work out a plot.  Everyone will just have to be patient with a newbie running things. LOL :D

Well, I'm excited. I would love to be involved.

Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: RPGPundit on January 14, 2012, 01:07:26 AM
Good luck with that. As for me, I don't play online.

Title: Check it out
Post by: alcmarauder on January 17, 2012, 08:51:46 AM
Actually if you have the time you should check it out.  It seems like a great way to get my feet wet in the Amber DRPG.  I can watch it play out and get a feel for how it runs.  Plus they have some great writers on it.

Still working on my own campaign.  Dang is it hard!  Just considering what all the major players are up to takes a lot of brainpower.  To keep it all straight and moving in the right direction :eek:  Maybe that is why Dworkin is a bit off his rocker, he is the GM of Amber. :D  But I have a main thread of an idea I am confident in and I am working on the details.  Hoping to get a feel of how it should go by reading TCU.
Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2012, 05:01:33 PM
Yes, I certainly get how Dworkin got that way...

Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: AshenHaze on February 13, 2012, 01:19:40 PM
I am starting running a play by post forum game to try to include some of my former players who can't be in my in person games.  It has a slot or two open if people are interested.  It is still in the formative stages, I'm laying down the rules I'm going to use for it, and a few RP threads are going.

Title: DMing Amber
Post by: Taewakan on February 22, 2014, 05:52:43 PM
First, in the beginning, my rule of thumb was 4 hours of prep for every hour of game time.
Prep has gotten shorter as the years go by, but all RPGs are complex. Look at the sheer numbers of possible NPCs in the game.

I've done both table-top Amber and internet Amber gaming. There are pros and cons to both. Good luck.

Use the idea of Destiny from the Shadow Creation section. No matter what your PCs do, it WILL intersect with a plot originating in Amber. It will save you from how do I control the players headaches. Blackmail is one of the tools in the DMs bag of tricks. Make the NPCs need something from the PCs and don't let the NPCs be nice about it. Regardless of their backgrounds, the players are as new to the Amber-verse as you are.

Zelazny got this one right.
The Elders are smarter than you. After every session (and during if you can handle it) do a "what-if" fill-in-the-blank Elder knew what was going to happen? I have an NPC who has the Amber version of Guild navigators from Dune scanning the dream realms for hints of what might be. He is a grand master of assassins. He is evil. He is fun to run.

Title: Online Amber GM needed!
Post by: RPGPundit on March 02, 2014, 06:04:37 PM
Quote from: Taewakan;732585First, in the beginning, my rule of thumb was 4 hours of prep for every hour of game time.

Jesus, if I'd done that for my average Amber game I'd have been doing 40 hours of prep per week!