
Fan Forums => The Official Amber DRPG, Erick Wujcik, and Lords of Olympus Forum => Topic started by: marcussmythe on June 30, 2010, 01:02:59 PM

Title: Are there any anticipated or upcoming PBEM games?
Post by: marcussmythe on June 30, 2010, 01:02:59 PM
After repeated attempts and failures to get my local group to play Amber, I've been looking elsewhere for my fix.

To that end, does anyone here plan to run any online Amber games (play by post or PBEM), or know of anyone who is planning on doing so in the semi-foreseeable future?

I've had both the Amber books and the RPG books associated therewith since forever, have run a game and played in a few others, but have not really gotten to play in a decade, at least.  Help!  :)