
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 02:46:42 PM

Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 02:46:42 PM
=== Character Creation Guidelines ===

- Ability Scores -
Players roll 2d6+6 six times, and in order for each ability; Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

- Character Race -
The character can belong to any race permitted by the Players Handbook, provided it meets all the Ability requirements of the race.  Humans are the most common race in the Korinn Archipelago, but there are also seagoing elves, half-elves, and half-orcs in the region, as well as dwarf and gnome craftsmen and halfling merchants ashore.

- Character Class -
Players do not choose a character class at this time.  The character's actions and preferences in the course of the adventure will determine what class the character becomes.

- Character Alignment -
Players Do not choose their character's alignment yet.  The character is neutral for the time being.  In the course of the adventure, the DM will watch how the character acts and behaves, compare that with the player's preference at the time the character achieves 1st level, and assign an alignment based on those factors.

- Hit Points -
Players roll 1d4+2 for the character's starting hit points.

- Languages -
The character speaks the common tongue.  If the character is a semi-human race, then it speaks its racial tongue as described in the Players Handbook.  The character will not learn its alignment tongue until after the adventure is over.  Even if the character might be able to learn additional languages due to a high Intelligence score, the character does not know them yet.

- Weapon Proficiencies -
The character starts with one weapon proficiency, which must be either dagger, quarterstaff, or dart.  The player picks the character's single weapon proficiency.

- Secondary Skills -
Players rolls 1d100 on the Secondary Skills Table (Dungeons Masters Guide, p. 12) to determine the character's secondary skill.  If a result of '68-85' is rolled, then roll again ignoring any result of '68-00.'  

- Money and Equipment -
The characters have been kidnapped from their homes by slavers who took away all their interesting gear when they were captured.  The characters are left with their breeches and tunics, or robes, and nothing else - no boots, no belts, no cloaks, no hats, no money or weapons or special gear.

- Experience Points -
The character starts play with -500 XP.

- Multi-Class Characters -
These characters will not have the option to become multi-class characters.  Players may choose the special character classes such as paladin and illusionist, assuming they meet all the requirements of the class.

- Starting Age -
The character's starting age is randomly rolled based upon the character's race on the following table:

Dwarf:     40 + 1d20
Elf:     100 + 1d30
Gnome:     60 + 1d20
Half-elf:     22 + 1d12
Halfling:     20 + 1d12
Half-orc:     13 + 1d4
Human:     15 + 1d4

This will generate a character in the Young Adult age category, which adjusts starting ability scores.  As a Young Adult, subtract 1 point of Wisdom, and add 1 point of Constitution to the Ability scores previously rolled.

=== Player Background Information ===

The Korinn Archipelago

Your character is from the Korinn Archipelago, a peaceful trading and fishing area, a string of islands extending far out into the western sea.  The Archipelago contains hundreds of islands, some enormous, some too small to see on the map.  And you do have a map - not that you need it, you know the waters by heart.

The area, which was sparsely inhabited in times past, was settled about a hundred years ago by colonists from far to the south.  They were led by a great seaman named Viledel.  Viledel, never the subtlest of men, made as his base one of the westernmost of the Islands, in the area most thickly prowled by pirates and corsairs, and began his campaign of smashing piracy wherever he found it.  His followers set up settlements and quickly spread further and further west, into the larger islands closer to civilized nations.

Viledel, who was known as the Sea King throughout his life, died 60 years ago when a pirate raid crushed his island defenses and overran his home.  Since then, the archipelago has had no central government, but has broken into a hundred petty island nations.  Most islands and cities get along quite well, knowing the advantages to be gained through peaceful trade.  Piracy has increased in the last 60 years and it is concentrated in the westernmost of the chain's islands, but pirates no longer rule the seas.  They prey upon the merchants like parasites instead of sharks.  However, the further west you sail, the greater the risk is of running into pirate ships, and some particularly bold buccaneers sail deep into civilized eastern areas for the rich pickings there.

Your character is from the Archipelago, from whichever island you choose, a worker in whichever profession you rolled.


=== Meta-Game Information ===

When you start off a character in an ADnD game, you begin at 1st level - acolyte, veteran, prestidigitator, rogue, etc.  The game presumes your character has had some prior experience in warfare or adventure.  Perhaps his "experience" has only been training by a superior.  In this adventure, you don't even have the slight edge that training gave you, the edge over the common man.  In Treasure Hunt, your character is the common man.  To survive the adventure, he'll have to become an uncommon man - you'll have to use your wits, survive the odds, and stay alive long enough to earn some experience and begin developing the abilities of the true adventurer.

And, once you've started developing those abilities, you'll have to choose the path your character will be taking for the rest of his adventuring career - will he be a fighting man, a magic user, devotee of a god or goddess, or a dextrous picker of pockets and pilferer of goods?  Your beginning character abilities will show you the fields where he would be best employed, but your choice of character class will be determined by your actions in the course of the adventure and the tendencies you show in the course of the scenarios.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 02:53:15 PM
18 years old. (
Ability score rolls. (
Starting Hit Points: 6. (
Secondary Skill: 35. (

Character sheet:

Name: Arnould
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 18
Description: A powerfully built, athletic young man. Arnould has been working physically very early on. He has black hair, pale grey eyes deeply set under a strong brow, a strong jaw line, and thin lips.
Languages: Common
Home: Ventris

14 = STR
12 = DEX
15 = CON
08 = INT
13 = WIS
12 = CHA

Hit Points = 6

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff.
Secondary Skill: Leather worker/tanner
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.


Title: Dice Rolls
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 02:54:38 PM
=== Dice Rolls ===

We will be using the Insivisble Castle ( website for all dice rolls in the game.  Please visit the site and create an account if necessary.

Please use this page to roll your ability scores (  
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 03:00:15 PM
Oops. Should I reroll on the form provided, or is that okay?
Title: Posting Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 03:05:16 PM
=== Posting Guidelines ===

Here are a few simple guidelines for the way I would like to see posts in my game, and how I will run the game:

-- Please post in complete sentences.

-- Please use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I know there will be some minor typos here and there, but I would ask that you spell check* before you post.

-- Please use bold when your character is talking.

-- Please use italic for your character's thoughts.

-- Please don't use colors in your posts.

-- If a character is speaking a language other than the common language, then please just write in the post that the character is speaking 'x' language.

-- I would like all players to post at least 3-5 times a week. If this post rate is maintained, then the game can progress fairly smoothly and quickly. I will officially update the game about every 3 days, whether a player has posted or not. Certainly, feel free to post more if you can.

-- Please keep all out-of-character talk in the OOC Thread and out of the actual game moves.

-- Please post your intended actions or what your character is doing in either a note or the OOC Thread, and then I will ask you to make the dice roll with any bonuses/penalties.

=== Posting Examples ===

Here are a few examples to illustrate how I would like posts to look like in the game:

• Character speaking out loud to other characters, either PC or NPC:

Looking at the bartender, JoJo says, "good sir, please give me a large mug of ale."

• Character speaking in a language other than the Common Tongue:

Looking at the Elven bartender, JoJo says in Elven, "good sir, please give me a large mug of ale."

• Character is thinking to himself:

Hmmm... I wonder if that barmaid would have a drink with me after her shift, JoJo thinks to himself while mindlessly watching her go about her work.

• Example post with both IC and OOC information:

JoJo walks into the bar and surveys the landscape, looking for his mark. Seeing a free stool at the dark wooden bar, he walks over and sits down.

Wow, what an ornate mirror over the bar, he thinks to himself when he looks up to see a rather large mirror over the bar.

He waves his arm to get the bartender's attention, and the bartender walks over to him.

"May I have an ale, please?" JoJo asks the bartender.

The bartender pulls him a pint of the house draft and sets it down on the bar in front of him. JoJo turns around and watches his mark talk with a shady looking half-elf. JoJo tries to read their lips to discover what they are talking about.


OOC: JoJo is going to use his Reading Lip proficiency to understand the conversation. Reading Lips check = 8 (
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 03:05:54 PM
Here is the Master Character list...

=== Benoist ===

QuoteName: Arnould
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 18
Description: A powerfully built, athletic young man. Arnould has been working physically very early on. He has black hair, pale grey eyes deeply set under a strong brow, a strong jaw line, and thin lips.
Languages: Common
Home: Ventris

14 = STR
12 = DEX
15 = CON
08 = INT
13 = WIS
12 = CHA

Hit Points = 7

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Leather worker/tanner
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Sigmund ===

QuoteName: Jon
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 16
Description: Jon is a fit, tanned young man with fine, shoulder length sandy blond hair and a slight build. He is a tad short for his age, although not excessively so. His eyes are a stormy blue-grey and he appears to be squinting most of the time.
Languages: Common
Home: Highport.  He has lived around the sea and ships all his life, as his father was a merchant ship captain.

11 = STR
13 = DEX
15 = CON
15 = INT
16 = WIS
13 = CHA

Hit Points = 6

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger
Secondary Skill: Navigator
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Tommy Brownell ===

QuoteName: Jono Blackmere
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 16
Description: Jono keeps a deep tan, has shaggy black hair and bright green eyes that catch a twinkle when inspiration - or mischief - strikes him. He's tall for his age, and not overly muscular, but is deceptively strong for his build.
Languages: Common
Home: Jacob's Landing, a tiny island just west of Highport, in that little chain beside it

14 = STR
13 = DEX
13 = CON
11 = INT
16 = WIS
14 = CHA

Hit Points = 3

Weapon Proficiency: Dart
Secondary Skill: Hunter/fisher (hook and line)
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Premier ===

QuoteName: Porcius Porcus
Race: Dwarf
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 41
Description: Porcius is squat and heavy-set even for a typical dwarf. He has small, deeply set eyes and a flat wide nose. He crops his black hair short and normally tucks his long beard under his jacket or in his belt to avoid getting it dirty. When bored, he chews on a twig or small root.
Languages: Common, dwarven, gnome, goblin, kobold, orcish
Home: Pig Isle

16 = STR
10 = DEX
19 = CON
10 = INT
13 = WIS
12 = CHA (13 for dwarves)

Hit Points = 5

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Animal Husbandry
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== skofflox ===

QuoteName: Sterling
Race: Stout halfling
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 32
Description: Curly chestnut brown hair, green eyes
Languages: Common, dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish
Home: Jeny Smiled (a small, obscure island in the N. chains)

10 = STR
15 = DEX
17 = CON
11 = INT
13 = WIS
14 = CHA

Hit Points = 6

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Hunter/fisher (hook and line)
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Cargoman ===

QuoteName: Kelvan Windspray
Race: Half-elf
Level: 0 (-450 XP)
Age: 23
Description: Coal Black hair, Ice Blue eyes, 5'7" Tall, 127 lbs.
Languages: Common, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll
Home: Rabin's Reef

12 = STR
15 = DEX
18 = CON
12 = INT
12 = WIS
12 = CHA

Hit Points = 7

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger
Secondary Skill: Leather worker/tanner
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Premier on January 11, 2011, 06:46:24 PM
I rolled rather well (, but before I finalise the character, I'd like to know a few things:

- Are ability modifiers and increased/decreased ability maximums in effect for demihumans (as per book)?

- Are Unearthed Arcana subraces in or out?

EDIT: What about HP bonuses for CON 17-18? Is it the non-fighter bonus?
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2011, 07:11:04 PM
My roll. (

My character's name is Jon, a human. I'm feeling a cleric coming on :)

Stats for Jon in campaign “Treasure Hunt”

Created using the Roll method on 11-Jan-11 04:08.

    * STR: 11
    * DEX: 13
    * CON: 15 (+1 Con)
    * INT: 15
    * WIS: 16 (-1 Wis)
    * CHA: 13

HPs: 5 (

Secondary skill: Navigator (

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger

Age: 16 (

Home: Highport

Languages: Common

Experience: -500

Jon is a fit, tanned young man with fine, shoulder length sandy blond hair and a slight build. He is a tad short for his age, although not excessively so. His eyes are a stormy blue-grey and he appears to be squinting most of the time. He has lived around the sea and ships all his life, as his father was a merchant ship captain.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Tommy Brownell on January 11, 2011, 07:21:00 PM

I just realized we already had a "Jon", so I'll work on a new first name. Despite that Wisdom score, I don't think I'm feeling "Cleric"...but I'm thinking human.

Do we need to roll for HP and Secondary Skill as well? (also, I no longer have a DMG, so I hope someone can fill in the skill for me?)

GAH. 3 HP (

Secondary Skill of 25 (

Jono is 16 ( Of those weapon proficiency options, let's go with dart. I could see it working for the "hunter" part, and no one else seems to have it yet so far.

He hails from Jacob's Landing, a tiny island just west of Highport, in that little chain beside it.

Jono keeps a deep tan, has shaggy black hair and bright green eyes that catch a twinkle when inspiration - or mischief - strikes him. He's tall for his age, and not overly muscular, but is deceptively strong for his build.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2011, 07:28:04 PM
We could both be Jon :) Would be a good excuse to develop nicknames... do it, that'd be fun.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 07:28:39 PM
Quote from: Premier;432017I rolled rather well (, but before I finalise the character, I'd like to know a few things:

- Are ability modifiers and increased/decreased ability maximums in effect for demihumans (as per book)?

- Are Unearthed Arcana subraces in or out?

EDIT: What about HP bonuses for CON 17-18? Is it the non-fighter bonus?

Awsome! :)

1.  Yes, ability score modifiers and minimums/maximums for race are in effect as per RAW.

2.  Eh, I don't want a party of drow/svirfneblin/duergar only, but, yes.

3.  Yes, any HP bonus due to high CON is the non-fighter bonus.

When the module Treasure Hunt was published, The Korinn Archipelago was a unique setting created just for the module.  However, The Korinn Archipelago was later placed in the Forgotten Realms setting via the Moonshae FR supplement.  So technically the setting is the FR setting with the associated races, which means there are no Valley Elves.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 07:33:54 PM
Quote from: Tommy Brownell;432034

I just realized we already had a "Jon", so I'll work on a new first name. Despite that Wisdom score, I don't think I'm feeling "Cleric"...but I'm thinking human.

Do we need to roll for HP and Secondary Skill as well? (also, I no longer have a DMG, so I hope someone can fill in the skill for me?)

GAH. 3 HP (

Secondary Skill of 25 (

Secondary skill 25 = Hunter/fisher (hook and line) :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Premier on January 11, 2011, 08:09:22 PM
Ah, on second thought, screw all that fancy stuff. He's a Dwarf.

With adjusted abilities and rolling the rest of the stuff:

Porcius Porcus

Level: -1 (-500XP)

STR: 16
DEX: 10
CON: 19
INT: 10
WIS: 14
CHA: 12 (13 for dwarves)

HP: 5 ( (Lowest he could get with the CON. Oh, well.)

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff

Secondary Skill: Animal Husbandry (

Age: 41 (

Porcius is squat and heavy-set even for a typical dwarf. He has small, deeply set eyes and a flat wide nose. He crops his black hair short and normally tucks his long beard under his jacket or in his belt to avoid getting it dirty. When bored, he chews on a twig or small root.

Can he have his pig farm on a minor island called Pig Isle?
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 09:29:30 PM
Quote from: Premier;432047Can he have his pig farm on a minor island called Pig Isle?

Absolutely! :D
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2011, 11:04:08 PM
I wish to be from Highport if that's ok.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: skofflox on January 12, 2011, 04:15:13 AM
here tis!

Stout Halfling
Age: 32
Home: Jeny Smiled ( a small, obscure island in the N. chains.)

Str: 10 (11 -1)
Dex: 15 (14 +1)
Con: 16  (+4 on saves vs. rods, staves, wands, spells and poisons)
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Chr: 14

HP: 4

Secondary Skill: Fishing
Wpn Prof: Quarter staff
Exp: 500
Languages:common,dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish

60' Infra.
75% passage is up or down grade,
50% determining direction.
When alone (at least 90' away from the party) 2 in 3 chance to surprise the enemy, 1 in 3 open a door to do so.

Breeches & Tunic

curly chestnut brown hair, green eyes

Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Premier on January 12, 2011, 07:07:32 AM
Sterling, you're a Hunter/Fisher (guess you should choose one, and if you poach on the hogs of Pig Isle, we'll have an enmity - extra roleplaying options!

As a halfling you get -1 STR, +1 DEX. Also, thanks to your CON you get +4 on saves vs. rods, staves, wands, spells and poisons. Besides Common, you speak dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish. If you're mixed Stoutish blood (that's a subrace), you have 30' infravision, if you're pure Stout, it's 60'; and you also get  a 75% chance to determine if a passage is up or down grade, 50% to determining direction. When alone (at least 90' away from the party), you have a 2 in 3 chance to surprise the enemy, or 1 in 3 if you have to open a door to do so.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 12, 2011, 01:04:57 PM
OK, we just need a character from Hairfoot and Cargoman and I will start the first IC thread. :)  Benoist, what's your character's name and race?
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Benoist on January 12, 2011, 01:22:32 PM
Arnould is the name. He's human.

EDIT- 18 years old. Edited my character's post ( accordingly.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: skofflox on January 12, 2011, 02:51:07 PM
Quote from: Premier;432156Sterling, you're a Hunter/Fisher (guess you should choose one, and if you poach on the hogs of Pig Isle, we'll have an enmity - extra roleplaying options!

As a halfling you get -1 STR, +1 DEX. Also, thanks to your CON you get +4 on saves vs. rods, staves, wands, spells and poisons. Besides Common, you speak dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish. If you're mixed Stoutish blood (that's a subrace), you have 30' infravision, if you're pure Stout, it's 60'; and you also get  a 75% chance to determine if a passage is up or down grade, 50% to determining direction. When alone (at least 90' away from the party), you have a 2 in 3 chance to surprise the enemy, or 1 in 3 if you have to open a door to do so.

Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Cargoman on January 12, 2011, 04:33:56 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432244OK, we just need a character from Hairfoot and Cargoman and I will start the first IC thread. :)  Benoist, what's your character's name and race?

I will comply shortly O'mighty Master of the Game .
I don't want to use the computer at work for this ,
but You should have it by 0300 GMT 01/13/11
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 12, 2011, 06:22:30 PM
Cool, sounds good. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Cargoman on January 12, 2011, 07:47:46 PM
Kelvan Windspray
Stout Half Elf
Age: 23
Home: Rabin's Reef

Str: 14
Dex: 5
Con: 9 (8+1)
Int: 7
Wis: 8 (9-1)
Chr: 4

HP: 5 (3+2)

Secondary Skill: Leather Working
Wpn Prof: dagger
Exp: -500

60' Infra.

Breeches & Tunic

Coal Black hair, Ice Blue eyes

5'7" Tall 127lb
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Hairfoot on January 12, 2011, 08:40:38 PM
Ugh. Sorry guys. having email account hassles. I'll try to have it up in the next few hours.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Hairfoot on January 12, 2011, 09:31:50 PM
Registered three times for an invisible castle account before it would send a verification link, then said the link had expired - five minutes after it was sent.

Starting work now so don't have time to fuck around with emailing the admin, so gonna have to drop out.  Sorry guys.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Premier on January 13, 2011, 08:18:28 AM
I can't help being a f*cking pedant in an OOC thread, so I must ask, Cargoman: what's a "Stout Half Elf"? 50% human, 50% elf, 50% Stout hobbit? That's, like, 50% more character lineage than the humanoid body can maintain! :P
And why does he get +1 CON -1 WIS? I'm not aware of any race that does that.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 02:27:05 PM
Quote from: Premier;432428I can't help being a f*cking pedant in an OOC thread, so I must ask, Cargoman: what's a "Stout Half Elf"? 50% human, 50% elf, 50% Stout hobbit? That's, like, 50% more character lineage than the humanoid body can maintain! :P
And why does he get +1 CON -1 WIS? I'm not aware of any race that does that.

I'm sure it's typo and he meant half-elf. :)

All of your characters have the -1 WIS and +1 CON modifier due to your starting age; please see post #1 in this thread. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 02:27:37 PM
Quote from: Hairfoot;432361Registered three times for an invisible castle account before it would send a verification link, then said the link had expired - five minutes after it was sent.

Starting work now so don't have time to fuck around with emailing the admin, so gonna have to drop out.  Sorry guys.

Bummer. :(  Oh, well.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 02:36:17 PM
OK, in reviewing the characters, we still need some information for a few.  Below is the what I have so far for your characters.  Please fill the blank spots on your sheet for me. :)

Also, note that I have adjusted some of your Ability scores due to age (see post #1 in this thread).

Cargoman, I went with the first time-stamped stat rolls you made on Invisible Castle (which was the best of the three) and adjusted since your mistakenly make the wrong dice roll.  You rolled 2d6+2 for all of your ability scores instead of 2d6+6! :)

Unfortunately, for Cargoman and Premier the CON bonus due to age is lost due to racial maximums.

This characters are listed in no particular order...

=== Benoist ===

QuoteName: Arnould
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 18
Description: A powerfully built, athletic young man. Arnould has been working physically very early on. He has black hair, pale grey eyes deeply set under a strong brow, a strong jaw line, and thin lips.
Languages: Common
Home: Ventris

14 = STR
12 = DEX
15 = CON
08 = INT
13 = WIS
12 = CHA

Hit Points = 7

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Leather worker/tanner
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Sigmund ===

QuoteName: Jon
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 16
Description: Jon is a fit, tanned young man with fine, shoulder length sandy blond hair and a slight build. He is a tad short for his age, although not excessively so. His eyes are a stormy blue-grey and he appears to be squinting most of the time.
Languages: Common
Home: Highport.  He has lived around the sea and ships all his life, as his father was a merchant ship captain.

11 = STR
13 = DEX
15 = CON
15 = INT
16 = WIS
13 = CHA

Hit Points = 6

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger
Secondary Skill: Navigator
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Tommy Brownell ===

QuoteName: Jono Blackmere
Race: Human
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 16
Description: Jono keeps a deep tan, has shaggy black hair and bright green eyes that catch a twinkle when inspiration - or mischief - strikes him. He's tall for his age, and not overly muscular, but is deceptively strong for his build.
Languages: Common
Home: Jacob's Landing, a tiny island just west of Highport, in that little chain beside it

14 = STR
13 = DEX
13 = CON
11 = INT
16 = WIS
14 = CHA

Hit Points = 3

Weapon Proficiency: Dart
Secondary Skill: Hunter/fisher (hook and line)
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Premier ===

QuoteName: Porcius Porcus
Race: Dwarf
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 41
Description: Porcius is squat and heavy-set even for a typical dwarf. He has small, deeply set eyes and a flat wide nose. He crops his black hair short and normally tucks his long beard under his jacket or in his belt to avoid getting it dirty. When bored, he chews on a twig or small root.
Languages: Common, dwarven, gnome, goblin, kobold, orcish
Home: Pig Isle

16 = STR
10 = DEX
19 = CON
10 = INT
13 = WIS
12 = CHA (13 for dwarves)

Hit Points = 5

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Animal Husbandry
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== skofflox ===
QuoteName: Sterling
Race: Stout halfling
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 32
Description: Curly chestnut brown hair, green eyes
Languages: Common, dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish
Home: Jeny Smiled (a small, obscure island in the N. chains)

10 = STR
15 = DEX
17 = CON
11 = INT
13 = WIS
14 = CHA

Hit Points = 6

Weapon Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Secondary Skill: Hunter/fisher (hook and line)
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.

=== Cargoman ===

QuoteName: Kelvan Windspray
Race: Half-elf
Level: 0 (-500 XP)
Age: 23
Description: Coal Black hair, Ice Blue eyes, 5'7" Tall, 127 lbs.
Languages: Common, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll
Home: Rabin's Reef

12 = STR
15 = DEX
18 = CON
12 = INT
12 = WIS
12 = CHA

Hit Points = 7

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger
Secondary Skill: Leather worker/tanner
Equipment: Breeches and tunic.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 13, 2011, 02:42:28 PM
I had forgotten to adjust my stats for starting age, so I went back and did that.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 02:46:42 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;432555I had forgotten to adjust my stats for starting age, so I went back and did that.

What is Jon's weapon proficiency choice? :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Benoist on January 13, 2011, 02:56:33 PM
Edited my character seet ( accordingly. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 13, 2011, 02:57:27 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432559What is Jon's weapon proficiency choice? :)

I suppose a club. As a kid who's dad was the captain, he either would have not had to do much fighting, and the crew might have taught him to hit stuff with the belaying pin, or he would have been taught "officer's weapons", and learned to use a sword (or whatever sailing officers use in this world). Then again, he might have learned to use a spear to fish with... lemme think about it.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 03:00:35 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;432563I suppose a club. As a kid who's dad was the captain, he either would have not had to do much fighting, and the crew might have taught him to hit stuff with the belaying pin, or he would have been taught "officer's weapons", and learned to use a sword (or whatever sailing officers use in this world). Then again, he might have learned to use a spear to fish with... lemme think about it.

Your weapon proficiency choice is very limited; please see post #1 in this thread for weapons proficiencies available. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 03:01:13 PM
Quote from: Benoist;432561Edited my character seet ( accordingly. :)

FYI: you have 7 hit points due to CON bonus. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Sigmund on January 13, 2011, 03:04:54 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432564Your weapon proficiency choice is very limited; please see post #1 in this thread for weapons proficiencies available. :)

Ack, missed that. Not feeling any of those, was gonna just go with a club.... suppose quarterstaff would be next closest, just not sure how that would fit with his background. Suppose the only one that makes any kind of sense is dagger, so dagger it is.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 03:14:05 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;432566Ack, missed that. Not feeling any of those, was gonna just go with a club.... suppose quarterstaff would be next closest, just not sure how that would fit with his background. Suppose the only one that makes any kind of sense is dagger, so dagger it is.

Yeah, when reading your post talking the possibilites, I thought that the dagger would be the best fit out of the three choices.  Sailors and long knives = win! :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Gray Lensman on January 13, 2011, 03:21:24 PM
I got my stats rolled on invisible castle but it won't let me roll 1d6 for the hit points.  hmmmm...  rolled fairly well too.

STR   15
DEX   15
CON   10
INT   13
WIS   12
CHA   11

I guess If all rolls have to be made at that site I will have to bow out as well, I CANNOT modify my firewall/security settings to play a PbP.

Sorry folks. :o
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 03:27:20 PM
Quote from: Gray Lensman;432579I got my stats rolled on invisible castle but it won't let me roll 1d6 for the hit points.  hmmmm...  rolled fairly well too.

STR   15
DEX   15
CON   10
INT   13
WIS   12
CHA   11

I guess If all rolls have to be made at that site I will have to bow out as well, I CANNOT modify my firewall/security settings to play a PbP.

Sorry folks. :o

Dude, you registered and rolled your stats there.  You entered a 'd6' instead of '1d6' in the dice field; it was a simple mistake, that's all! :)  You don't have to adjust any security settings, I don't think.  (Besides, you roll 1d4+2 for staring hit points; please see post #1 in this thread.)

Anyway, if you want to bow out of the game, that's no problem either. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Cargoman on January 13, 2011, 04:55:19 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432548I'm sure it's typo and he meant half-elf.

Quite true .
I had simply copied skofflox's format so I wouldn't embarrass myself by idiotically leaving out something .
Instead I mindlessly left to much in .

Drohem , thanks for catching My errors . I might be slow , but I can be taught .
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Tommy Brownell on January 13, 2011, 05:35:50 PM
Edited my post, adding Age, Home, Description and Weapon Proficiency. I think I'm good to go now.
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 07:33:12 PM
=== Races of the Islands ===

The original settlers of the islands were humans, but Viledel's followers included demi-humans as well.  Most races flourish in maritime environments:  dwarven and gnome craftsmen build fine ships, elves and half-elves are sailors at least equal to humans (and have better vision), halflings make good traders, and all the world needs soldiers, the one occupation to which half-orcs are most admirably suited.

=== The Islands in General ===

Throughout the archipelago, the islands share some common features.  By and large, they are hilly and mountainous, with few good fields.  Consequently, there are not many farmers; there are many fishermen, and herdsmen of goats, sheep, and pigs.  Many wild herbs and spices grow here.  These, plus wool, linen, leathers, fish, pork, and mutton, make up the primary goods exported and traded throughout the island.  The people are mostly simple fishermen and herdsmen, hardened by weather and adversity.  There are many traders, especially on the larger islands and in the greater port cities, which also feature many craftsmen and providers of luxury goods and services.

=== Guide to the Islands ===

The largest and most important islands of the archipelago include:
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Benoist on January 14, 2011, 01:48:47 PM
Added a pic of Arnould on my character sheet (see link to character in my sig, or post #2 of this thread).
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 14, 2011, 02:53:46 PM
Cool! :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Gray Lensman on January 15, 2011, 04:51:12 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432580Anyway, if you want to bow out of the game, that's no problem either. :)

Doesn't matter anyway, you see this is a recurring problem for me, trying to get into games and RL getting in my way.  :mad:

I play an old game called TradeWars 2002 and every time I sign up for a tournament game RL does something to prevent it between the time I sign up and the actual start of the game (this has been going on for years).  :(

Friday my boss told me I would be going out of town for a few months, I leave on Monday the 24th.

Of course, ALL is not bad, because I am going to Roseau, in the Commonwealth of Dominica. (//)

I have been there for work a few times before and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone.

However, I will really miss this game.  :teehee:
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 15, 2011, 04:59:16 PM
Cool.  Thank you for touching base. :)
Title: [Treasure Hunt] Character Creation & Game Guidelines
Post by: Drohem on January 15, 2011, 10:20:36 PM
Quote from: Drohem;432039When the module Treasure Hunt was published, The Korinn Archipelago was a unique setting created just for the module.  However, The Korinn Archipelago was later placed in the Forgotten Realms setting via the Moonshae FR supplement.  So technically the setting is the FR setting with the associated races, which means there are no Valley Elves.

This is for those players familiar with the Forgotten Realms setting, and if you're not familiar with the setting it's no big deal.

The Korinn Archipelago is located just north of the Moonshae islands to the west of the Sword Coast.  The majority of the inhabitants are descended from the Northmen of the Savage Frontier (think Vikings).  A few of the inhabitants are descended from the Ffolk (think Celtic cultures), the native humans to the Moonshae islands.