
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Bedrockbrendan on December 02, 2011, 04:12:38 PM

Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 02, 2011, 04:12:38 PM
At midnight the emperor's brother Claudius summons each of you to the palace and brings you into one of the emperor's gardens.

By the moonlight you can make out Macro's wide silhouette standing before a broad dais upon which reclines Gaius Caligula. The emperor does not acknowledge you or make eye contact, though the he appears vaguely aware of your presence as he nibbles at peach.

make Detect Rolls
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2011, 06:25:06 PM
The young Lucius Calpurnius Piso nervously adjusts his gown with all the stealth and discretion he can manage under the circumstances. He looks at Macro, then towards the dais in an indirect manner, knowing full well he should not stare at the Princeps and let him make eye contact first if he so wishes.

Lucius knows he must redeem his family's name. This is a golden opportunity for him, and he is more than determined to not let it slip away if formally presented to him by the Emperor.

He is a young man of average build, with a fair skin, dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, and generally winning looks. He proudly wears the toga candida, the garment bleached by chalk to a dazzling white which identifies him as a candidate for public office.

Detect roll: 7. (
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 02, 2011, 06:41:20 PM
That is a success Ben. I will post what you see once I get everyone else's roll.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 03, 2011, 05:54:41 PM
Just a heads-up, will be putting up the second post tomorrow (everyone should feel free to straggle in as needed), probably around noon. That post will be up for two days as well. Then I will shift to the one day schedule.*

*also feel free to let me know if I am moving too fast or too slow for anyone as we go forward.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 03, 2011, 10:15:35 PM
Quintus stands at attention off to the side in full Praetorian gear.

ooc: detect roll (
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 04, 2011, 12:50:40 AM
A stocky youth with dark curly hair, sea tanned skin with a glint in his eye and a rolling gait.
Dressed in a dark green tunic with a wave pattern round the hem in gold and sandals of soft, dark leather.

Carus glances around sheepishly as he tries not to stare at the Princeps.
He casts a sidelong glance as his companion fidgets with his gown. His stomach rumbles as the smell of Peach wafts to his nose.
Smiling to himself, he quickly gains his composure when he notices Macro and the Praetorian standing to the side.
wondering what this initiation into the Servants will clue of this in my stars!


Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 04, 2011, 05:25:18 AM
If your Detect was 7 or higher read the spoiler:
You realize this is not an open garden and the source of light is not the moon but rather the emperor's divine glow,  radiating from his face as thought it were a polished brass mask. Perhaps sensing your revelation he gazes at you and motions for Claudius to begin the ceremony.

Claudius withdraws a live chicken from a sack and says, "M-m-ighty Jupiter and Divine Augustus I present this sacrifice and ask that you bestow favor to these noble servants of Rome..." The emperor's uncle pauses for a moment, looking embarrassed and uncertain. "Umm. Oh  yes and our emperor, Neos Helios (the new sun)," he nods to Caligula, "please accept this humble offering as well."

Divine Roll (

A slow smile breaks across Caligula's face and he looks upon you with boyish cheer as Claudius butchers the chicken, extracting its innards and inspecting the liver. Reading the entrails Claudius appears grave and takes time to construct an explanation. His interpretation of the offering is as follows:

"The omens portend both good and bad. This is not unusual, but I advise you g-g-g-uard yourselves against deception and make appropriate offerings to the gods on a regular basis. Be especially wary of the wrath of Terra Mater. How you might anger the earth goddess is unclear but there is a bright stain of blood on her portion of the liver.

I have no doubt you will serve our emperor and keep our secrets. Now rep-p-p-eat after me:  Mea erga principem imperii finis (My loyalty to the emperor and the empire to the end)."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 04, 2011, 12:31:29 PM
Quintus salutes crisply and says firmly, "Mea erga principem imperii finis (My loyalty to the emperor and the empire to the end)." He then removes his helmet, revealing a young man with close cropped black hair and unusually dark blue-grey eyes and an otherwise fairly plain face. He tucks the helmet under his left arm and stands stiffly at attention, staring straight ahead.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 05, 2011, 09:53:26 AM
Caligula extends his hand to acknowledge your oath Quintus.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 05, 2011, 11:38:44 AM
Lucius always had the utmost respect for the old traditions of Rome. Somehow, he wishes he would be the man to bring back some of that much needed deference to the Roman gods so many today lack sorely. He has no idea how he would bring about such a renewal in the hearts and minds of true Romans, given that Divine Augustus tried himself and might have failed at the task - he wonders if that is blasphemy to even think that way, and if that means therefore that Divine Augustus did, in fact, succeed in his endeavor, in which case no such renewal would truly be needed -, but if there was a first step on the way, this might be it: right here, right now. Under the protection of Divine Gaius himself.

He steps forward and kneels before the Emperor, repeating for himself and the audience : "Mea erga principem imperii finis."

Then he adds mentally to himself, alea jacta est, this is done, then - there is no turning back now.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 05, 2011, 11:55:53 AM
Caligula turns his gaze toward Lucius and gives another salute of recognition.

Empathy Roll (failed) (
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 05, 2011, 06:54:32 PM
Carus watches intently as the divination takes place.
Taking his que from Lucius he comes to kneel next to him repeating the oath  
"Mea erga principem imperii finis!."

I stand and await further order,thinking to myself "Mithra rector mihi huic commissum." (Mithra guide me in this undertaking).
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 05, 2011, 07:36:15 PM
Caligula stands tossing the frayed remains of his peach pit to the side. "My fellow Romans," he takes a moment to gaze at each of you evenly. "You have crossed into a new life, that of loyal service to your emperor. Know that I personally selected each of you for your unique talents and unimpeachable character. No doubt you will serve me well. There is much for us to discuss, but it is late and we are running out of time."

The Emperor strides quickly to Claudius side continuing to speak. "When you return from Mauretania we can speak at length. For now I leave you in the hands of my good uncle Claudius," Caligula  looks at his uncle with knowing eyes and a playful smile. Claudius lowers his head either in embarrassment or deference as the emperor continues, "My uncle will explain everything to you... clearly I hope. Now unless you have any questions you would like to ask me, I bid you good night and wish you a safe voyage."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 05, 2011, 09:38:55 PM
Quintus salutes crisply again, remaining silent.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Nicephorus on December 05, 2011, 09:41:00 PM
{sorry, work's been a bear, detection roll was a 2  I assume the below would actually happen prior to Caligula speaking}

A slight scent of jasmine precedes Gaia as she enters the room.  She enters the room as the sacrifice is occurring and stays back so as not to interupt.  Once everyone begins making oaths, she hurries forward to join them.

Gaia throws herself to the ground and chants in almost a stage whisper.  "Mea erga principem imperii finis."  Under a cascade of long black hair, the others can see a woman of slightly below average height and the figure of a supple reed.  When she rises, her attire is clean and just slightly on the alluring side of modest but clearly middle class.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 05, 2011, 11:37:20 PM
Casting a quick grin towards Gaia as she rises, Carus looks attentively at Caligula and Claudius as he adresses them...bowing slightly as the Emporer bids them good night.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 05:15:47 AM
Nicephorus, no problem. The only thing this alters is when you entered Claudius shot Gaia a stern look and Caligula chuckled.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2011, 12:30:52 PM
Lucius keeps his mouth shut religiously. He knows better than to ask the Princeps questions that could be asked of any servant on Palatine Hill. If he has anything to say, he will talk to Claudius. There are rumors about the fellow. He seems dim-witted alright, but there seems to be more about him than meets the eye, or so Lucius thinks right now, especially when considering the Emperor himself trusted him with this mission... or is it all some kind of joke, perhaps? A trick played on him and his family to further humiliate him after the death of Germanicus? Germanicus was the Princeps' father after all...

Lucius struggles with his doubts for a moment.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 12:57:42 PM
The Emperor looks at each of you and turns to leave when it is clear no one has any questions. He is followed by Macro as he exists the garden.

Marco must have had a torch or lamp because once the emperor departs the room plunges into darkness. Only a small light held by Claudius illuminates the room now. The warm flame reveals an expression of confidence and determination upon the royal uncle's face, a stark contrast to the obsequious demeanor he carried in the presence of his nephew.

"You heard the Emperor," Claudius says. "You are to go to Mauretania at once, preferably by sea, though I don't want to know the details of your itinerary. Yes it is true we are at war with Neptune, so boats are a danger. But the way over land is long, and you will have to cross water at some point anyways. However do as you will, after all you were selected because the emperor has confidence in your judgment.

"As to the r-r-r-reason for your mission. My dear friend, Pomponius Mela has been living in Tingis for some time in an effort to map out sacred sites in the region. He and I have corresponded for several months. Mostly his letters were just fabricated stories of nymphs and golden apples, but his last epistle concerned me. He seemed like a man whose future is uncertain, and spoke about the possibility of his death. He raved about a cult, a g-g-golden bull and an artifact connected to the god Poseidon, or Neptune.

"Go and find what  you can about this cult and see if this has anything to do with the sea god. More importantly, protect my friend Pomponius Mela. Any questions?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2011, 01:50:32 PM
Lucius understands the importance of the task at once. "What shall we say to your friend once we meet him? I imagine we should avoid mentioning your Divine Nephew. We may present ourselves in your name instead, if you are willing...?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 06, 2011, 02:01:58 PM
(Waiting for him to answer Lucius's query.)
Bowing slightly to Claudius..."Sir, if I could have Pomponius's birth information I would like to see what the stars have to say about the man, as well as our travels. Any portent gleaned may prove of benefit. And would it be possible to see the messages he sent?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 02:12:29 PM
"Yes, you raise a good point Lucius," Claudius ponders the matter for a moment before continuing, "Tell him you are Merchants looking for olive suppliers in Mauretania, here Carus's experience should be of some use. If you find the thought of playing a merchant unbearable Lucius, then simply pretend Carus is your client. Tell Pomponius you need his services as a cartographer. Until we know just what Pomponius has seen, do not tell him of my role in this. If he's been turned we don't want any information about the Servii Gaii or my personal interest in his Mauretanian ventures to be discovered."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 02:16:09 PM
"Yes, Carus," Claudius says, "I will provide you with such details before you leave."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 06, 2011, 02:35:23 PM
Quintus stands in a more relaxed posture. "Also sir, am I permitted to reveal my military rank while in Mauretania, that I may command military resources to aid in protecting Pomponius Mela? May I bring, perhaps, a pair of Evocati with us to assign them to protection duty? I assume my assignment to the Praetorian Guard must be concealed, so may I requisition the arms and armor of a Legion Tribune or even those of a common Centurion to take with me? If I am not to reveal my Praetorian rank, then perhaps a temporary assignment to the XXII Deiotariana out of Egypt would be more fitting.", he says respectfully.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2011, 02:39:17 PM
Lucius waits for his turn to speak. He has another question in mind, but now is not the time to confuse the conversation even more. He lets Claudius answer his companions of Fortune's first.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 03:01:39 PM
"Quintus," Claudius begins, "C-c-c-onceal your rank while in Mauretania. We do not want problems with Ptolemy. You may take two or three praetorians with you, but you should disguise yourselves as hired bodyguards. I suggest you try to pass yourselves off as former gladiators."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 06, 2011, 03:02:43 PM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;493974"Quintus," Claudius begins, "C-c-c-onceal your rank while in Mauretania. We do not want problems with Ptolemy. You may take two or three praetorians with you, but you should disguise yourselves as hired bodyguards. I suggest you try to pass yourselves off as former gladiators."

Quintus nods curtly.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 06, 2011, 03:12:52 PM
Claudius looks uneasy for a moment."One other thing Quintus. Do not let the praetorians know why they are with you. Just tell them the emperor has an interest in protecting Carus, the olive merchant. These days we can't even trust the praetorian guard with our secrets I am affraid. Be mindful of that fact during your investigation: Neptune is everywhere."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 06, 2011, 03:28:28 PM
Quintus salutes and says, "I hear and obey."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 07, 2011, 05:44:55 AM
"Are there any other questions before you depart?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2011, 01:51:54 PM
"Yes, as a matter of fact I do."

Lucius tries to put this as delicately as he possibly can, but decides finally that a direct approach might be best : "The funds. Will you provide us with letters or references we might show to silence our potential creditors, or grant us access to means that would cover such expenses ? I understand if you deem it necessary for the sake of discretion for us to work with what we have, and not attract attention to ourselves unnecessarily..."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 07, 2011, 02:24:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;494094"Yes, as a matter of fact I do."

Lucius tries to put this as delicately as he possibly can, but decides finally that a direct approach might be best : "The funds. Will you provide us with letters or references we might show to silence our potential creditors, or grant us access to means that would cover such expenses ? I understand if you deem it necessary for the sake of discretion for us to work with what we have, and not attract attention to ourselves unnecessarily..."

Claudius walks toward the exit indicating the audience is coming to an end shortly and motions for you to follow him. "Funds are not an issue but we must be discreet," Claudius says. "I prefer to deal directly with coin before you leave. Will 300 Denarii be sufficient?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2011, 08:05:31 PM
Lucius follows a few steps behind the Princeps' uncle. "I think it will, yes. That is most gracious of you and your Divine nephew, good Sir. Now, if something happens while we are there - like your friend having disappeared, or any such turn of events - shall we investigate the matter fully before reporting to you? We do not know what we might find there once we arrive. The situation might have evolved somewhat in the meantime."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Nicephorus on December 07, 2011, 10:36:49 PM
Gaia waits for the men to run out of steam somewhat before entering the fray so as not to act above her station or gender.  Then she bows slightly to Claudius.  "Sir, I don't wish to impose upon you but Carus has an excellent point.  Reconnaissance and Intelligence are always important before any expedition.  If you would be willing to part with the body of letters for the duration, we could leave sooner and read them on the way.  It would also minimize the time that we would be in your company and lessens the chance that a loudmouthed servant might make note of the the pairing, thus starting to unravel the dark cloth of secrecy.  I hate to ask for such a boon but I also wish to accomplish your goals to the utmost."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 07, 2011, 11:00:34 PM
Quote from: Benoist;494158Lucius follows a few steps behind the Princeps' uncle. "I think it will, yes. That is most gracious of you and your Divine nephew, good Sir. Now, if something happens while we are there - like your friend having disappeared, or any such turn of events - shall we investigate the matter fully before reporting to you? We do not know what we might find there once we arrive. The situation might have evolved somewhat in the meantime."

Claudius leads you to the front door of palace and says "Yes, Lucius. Investigate any developments until you have sufficient information for a full report. I realize this must be very new to you all but when you return a senior member of the order will share his wisdom with you."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 07, 2011, 11:04:19 PM
Quote from: Nicephorus;494167Gaia waits for the men to run out of steam somewhat before entering the fray so as not to act above her station or gender.  Then she bows slightly to Claudius.  "Sir, I don't wish to impose upon you but Carus has an excellent point.  Reconnaissance and Intelligence are always important before any expedition.  If you would be willing to part with the body of letters for the duration, we could leave sooner and read them on the way.  It would also minimize the time that we would be in your company and lessens the chance that a loudmouthed servant might make note of the the pairing, thus starting to unravel the dark cloth of secrecy.  I hate to ask for such a boon but I also wish to accomplish your goals to the utmost."

It is no imposition my lady. I will send the letters before you leave."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 08, 2011, 05:50:39 PM
"Now if you will excuse me," Claudius says. "I am v-v-v-ery tired and would like to retire. I shall have my slave send along the letter, coin and information about Pompius Mela's birth before the morning."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 08, 2011, 06:53:40 PM
Quintus salutes yet again, and returns to attention until Claudius has left.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 09, 2011, 02:00:12 AM
Bowing..."As you see fit."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2011, 10:44:23 AM
Lucius bows and lets Claudius get on with his business.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 09, 2011, 10:58:58 AM
"I look forward to your return from Mauretania," Claudius says then turns and shouts down the hall. "Narcissus, come show our guests safely to their homes."

A weary-eyed slave ambles quickly in your direction as Claudius departs. Without looking at you he strolls through the front door motioning for you to follow.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 09, 2011, 10:59:54 AM
Quintus returns his helmet to his head and walks after the slave.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2011, 11:04:00 AM
Lucius follows without a word.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 10, 2011, 09:55:06 AM
The slave makes certain you each arrive home safely. And he vows to return with in the morning with money, the letters and information on Pomponius Mela's birth.

If there is anything you would like to do before the morning(or any questions you want to ask the slave) let me know. Also feel free to discuss the matter among yourselves.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 10, 2011, 02:39:19 PM
As we all walk..."Perhaps we should meet later to discuss our plans. It will take me a bit to create a chart on Pompius. How does this evening sound?"

Continuing with a grin "My father just received a fantastic wine from Baetica, of which I managed to ahh, liberate, a few amphora. I like to get to know my travelling companions before a venture and I can think of no better enticement."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Nicephorus on December 10, 2011, 08:17:20 PM
Gaia smiles.  "I like the way you think, Carus.  I'll find something to go with the wine.  And we really should begin planning right away.  In the mean time, I'll ask the Queen of Heaven to guide our trip and pick an auspicious day to leave."

Gaia waves bye.  "Until this evening."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 10, 2011, 08:33:24 PM
(I make sure everyone has the location of my loft above the family storehouse before we depart.)
"I shall await your surprise expectantly lady. Till then." as I sketch a bow and admire her graceful ease as she fades into the night...

I keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the Lucius and Quintus "All this talk of missions and minions has me rather excited. And to meet the Princeps in person, if only I could tell my family!" as I clap Quintus on the shoulder and grin broadly, striding confidently.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 11, 2011, 04:20:54 AM
Quote from: skofflox;494621(I make sure everyone has the location of my loft above the family storehouse before we depart.)
"I shall await your surprise expectantly lady. Till then." as I sketch a bow and admire her graceful ease as she fades into the night...

I keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the Lucius and Quintus "All this talk of missions and minions has me rather excited. And to meet the Princeps in person, if only I could tell my family!" as I clap Quintus on the shoulder and grin broadly, striding confidently.

Make a Detect Roll.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 11, 2011, 04:50:09 AM
2d10:1 & 8
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 11, 2011, 08:22:18 AM
Quote from: skofflox;4946352d10:1 & 8

You see:

Nothing out of the ordinary.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 11, 2011, 01:29:27 PM
I will take a step back so you guys can plot, plan, interact, etc. Let me know when you are ready to make a move.

Nicephorus, by morning the slave will bring Gaia the details about Pomponius Mela's birth. You can use this to make a Divination roll when you are ready. It takes several hours for each attempt to put together an astrolgical chart, and each attempt can focus on only one of the following: the subject's past, the subject's future, or the subject's present situation.

Skofflox, the slave will bring Carus the letters by morning as well. I will post a handout in this thread for you today.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 11, 2011, 09:04:11 PM
Quintus removes his helmet as he walks, and nods politely during the conversation, but otherwise remains quiet.

ooc: It is sometimes difficult for me to post each day on weekends, and this weekend has been particularly busy, but I should be able to keep up during the week.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 12, 2011, 03:42:36 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;494702Quintus removes his helmet as he walks, and nods politely during the conversation, but otherwise remains quiet.

ooc: It is sometimes difficult for me to post each day on weekends, and this weekend has been particularly busy, but I should be able to keep up during the week.

No worries sigmund.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 12, 2011, 06:40:32 PM
Skofflox, here are the letters from Pomponius Mela to Claudius:


Letter #1


I hope all is well in Rome and that the gods are keeping you and your family safe. There are rumors you are love struck old friend and that the object of your affection is an actress. Of all the women in the empire, you selected your's from the ranks of the infames. What an enigma you are to me and what a scandal this will cause. You must come visit me at once so I can purge you of this folly at the altar of Astarte. If this actress is any indication, the temple will suit your tastes perfectly.

Your Loyal Friend,

Pomponius Mela

Letter #2


I sincerely wish you were here. The Library of Tingis is stocked with interesting material by the Greeks. I've stumbled on some unusual claims. They may lead to nothing, but if true I could be the first to map the location of the Garden of Hesperides.

Your Friend Pomponius Mela

Letter #3


Tell your nephew I shall have a map worthy of his divinity—the greatest map ever rendered by mortal hands. The texts in the library were true. I've been to the garden and beheld the nymphs with my own eyes, even tasted the golden apples with my own tongue. While they failed to make me immortal, their meat was beyond description. And I learned something of great value from the Nymphs. Something I cannot put into writing, but information of another sacred site that will bring great joy to our dear Princeps.

Pomponius Mela

Letter #4


If this is the last you hear from me, then write me off as dead and do not come here to find me. What I said in my previous message was true and the knowledge may be my doom. I am certain I know where to find a most spectacular artifact, one of great significance to Poseidon. A strange cult pursues me. I believe they worship a golden bull but cannot be sure, as my sources on the subject have been vague and contradictory. Fear that this message will fall into their hands keeps me from revealing too much about the artifact's location. I have one last place to explore before I can confirm. Will contact you soon if all is well.

Mela, proud descendant of Sertorius

Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 13, 2011, 09:10:05 AM
Quintus, upon arriving home, summons his slave, Theodorus, and sends the man to the homes of two Evocati that had served well and loyally in the past with orders to report to Quintus in the morning for a new assignment and an offer of possible further rewards to be discussed. He then removes his armor, spends some time cleaning and polishing it, and then dons his tunic and clavus angustus and straps on a pair of carbatina and then sharpens his gladius until Theo returns, at which time he orders the slave to put on his best tunic and prepare to leave for Carus' house.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 13, 2011, 01:50:31 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;494914Quintus, upon arriving home, summons his slave, Theodorus, and sends the man to the homes of two Evocati that had served well and loyally in the past with orders to report to Quintus in the morning for a new assignment and an offer of possible further rewards to be discussed. He then removes his armor, spends some time cleaning and polishing it, and then dons his tunic and clavus angustus and straps on a pair of carbatina and then sharpens his gladius until Theo returns, at which time he orders the slave to put on his best tunic and prepare to leave for Carus' house.

Okay Sigmund. There are many Praetorian Evocati, but the two who stand out most are Gallus and Hostus.

EDIT: In some cases I will just be using a single name for characters so you guys aren't swamped in full roman names all the time. But let me know if you want to know someone's whole name. Whether I use their full name or a short name won't be a reflection of how significant they might be in the setting.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 13, 2011, 04:13:50 PM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;495003Okay Sigmund. There are many Praetorian Evocati, but the two who stand out most are Gallus and Hostus.

EDIT: In some cases I will just be using a single name for characters so you guys aren't swamped in full roman names all the time. But let me know if you want to know someone's whole name. Whether I use their full name or a short name won't be a reflection of how significant they might be in the setting.

ooc: Okay :)
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 14, 2011, 08:02:38 AM
Those who go to Carus' house can feel free to interact. Or if you have something you want to do before morning let me know.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 17, 2011, 10:11:00 AM
Going to start posts again Monday (to give everyone time to gather and prepare before you set out or anything like that).
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Nicephorus on December 17, 2011, 11:10:55 AM
During the day, Gaia, stops by the houses of a couple of her superiors who she can trust to be discrete.  she lets them know that she had a dream that she was in Africa protecting the land from a storm. She asks them about contacts and priests of Isis who live in the areas from Mauretainia to Cyrenaica and lets them know that she might be away from the City for a while.

Gaia arrives at Carus' house with a bottle of Greek wine and a basket of goat cheese, oysters, and green olives.  Out of curiousity, she looks at the goods in the warehouse as she is led in, checking to see what Carus deals in and how well he's doing.

(Assuming that no one else has arrived yet.)
She hands the basket to Carus.  "Here is something to keep our thoughts strong."

Once they are settled in and niceties are established: "For some things, we should wait until the others arrive.  However, I think we are better disposed to handle the travel details than they are.  I think the best cover to go with searching for olives to import is to pose as merchants.  And the best way to do that is to be actual merchants.  I know a guy who can get me a couple of cartloads of cloth for a reasonable price.  I'm sure you can find some other things to bring.  We can set aside a large wagon's space for goods that each of us want to take without looking too suspicious.  Do you know of a ship we can hire?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 18, 2011, 12:26:11 AM
After a fitful sleep and morning athletics I await the servant to bring the letters and information.
After a cursory look at the missives I get to creating an astrological reading for Pomponius's present situation...
(after an amaturish try...1d10 rolled a 2)
"Hmmm...nothing definitive."

After a walk to the markets to pick up some figs, Pistachios and fresh greens I return home and prepare a carmalized Pistachio, garlic and wild greens salad with a fig and parsley garnish.
I Peruse my amphora of wine and decide on a white...I summon a servant to put my loft in order while I go to the warehouse for a bit of labor and gossiping.
I will bathe and anoint myself with an herbed infusion of the finest olive oil and await my guests.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on December 18, 2011, 12:43:46 AM
Quote from: Nicephorus;495714*snip*
Gaia arrives at Carus' house with a bottle of Greek wine and a basket of goat cheese, oysters, and green olives.  Out of curiousity, she looks at the goods in the warehouse as she is led in, checking to see what Carus deals in and how well he's doing.
Bolts of fine and common clothe, amphora of various grades of olive oil and the smell of spices wafting from crates...some servants loading wagons and sorting goods.
Seems to be a successful venture, at least in recent times.
It is a family affair.

Quote(Assuming that no one else has arrived yet.)
She hands the basket to Carus.  "Here is something to keep our thoughts strong."

"A pleasure to see you this evening Gaia. I trust you found my hovel without difficulty?" as I take the proffered basket and sketch a bow.
I grinn, continuing..."Yes, strong thoughts and steady hearts will be required afore this task is finished.!"

QuoteOnce they are settled in and niceties are established: "For some things, we should wait until the others arrive.  However, I think we are better disposed to handle the travel details than they are.  I think the best cover to go with searching for olives to import is to pose as merchants.  And the best way to do that is to be actual merchants.  I know a guy who can get me a couple of cartloads of cloth for a reasonable price.  I'm sure you can find some other things to bring.  We can set aside a large wagon's space for goods that each of us want to take without looking too suspicious.  Do you know of a ship we can hire?"

Listening to her reasoning and nodding as I gesture with a sweep of my palm..."This is a good idea. As you can see I have some knowledge of trade and with my family connections I should be able to aquire all the trappings without to much difficulty. I hope to turn a profit on this venture!"
As I pass a tray of figs over..."Easy enough to explain the would Lucius fit in I wonder?"
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 18, 2011, 01:46:06 PM
Quote from: Nicephorus;495714During the day, Gaia, stops by the houses of a couple of her superiors who she can trust to be discrete.  she lets them know that she had a dream that she was in Africa protecting the land from a storm. She asks them about contacts and priests of Isis who live in the areas from Mauretainia to Cyrenaica and lets them know that she might be away from the City for a while.

Your superior, Akhom, looks at you with concern in his eyes. "Mauretania is a dangerous place. Do not trust anyone you meet, even the person I am about to mention. Ask for a woman named Kemisi in Tingis. She is well known for her potions and talismans."
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 19, 2011, 05:38:41 PM
Morning arrived as do the Evocati and the funds Claudius promised (far more than expected: 450 Denari).
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 20, 2011, 12:28:55 PM
Guys, have to go in for another surgery this Fruday early, so I will post through wednesday, pause and start up again on monday (if people can't post during the holiday break let me know.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on December 21, 2011, 01:43:25 PM
Lucius will make his arrangements. He will give instructions to his stewart and other slaves tending to the household while he is away, then make a sacrifice to the Gods by the hearth to ensure a safe journey and general good fortune, and will leave for Carus's place afterwards.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on December 21, 2011, 05:22:07 PM
Quintus and Theo, when the time comes, leave for the home of Carus.

ooc: Will post about the Evocati after we have concluded posting about our meeting.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 22, 2011, 09:30:13 AM
Quote from: Benoist;496448Lucius will make his arrangements. He will give instructions to his stewart and other slaves tending to the household while he is away, then make a sacrifice to the Gods by the hearth to ensure a safe journey and general good fortune, and will leave for Carus's place afterwards.

Sounds good. Can you make a Ritual Roll TN 6 for the sacrifice?
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 22, 2011, 09:31:33 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;496485Quintus and Theo, when the time comes, leave for the home of Carus.

ooc: Will post about the Evocati after we have concluded posting about our meeting.

It is dawn so probably time to go to Carus's.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on December 28, 2011, 04:10:20 PM
I am recovered from the surgery so ready to resume.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on January 11, 2012, 02:43:35 AM
(hopefully) entertaining Gaia with tales of my travels awaiting the others to arrive...
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 11, 2012, 07:57:32 AM
I am afraid I have been sick since Thursday and have another surgery scheduled for this Friday. I realize things have lagged a bit. When I am recovered next week I will open a new thread to start the next part of the adventure.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2012, 08:09:06 AM
Hope things go well Brendan.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 11, 2012, 09:48:18 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;503332Hope things go well Brendan.

Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: skofflox on January 13, 2012, 02:05:23 AM
take care !
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Benoist on January 13, 2012, 11:08:48 AM
Sending good vibes your way Brendan. Hope the surgery goes well. I'll be there when you return.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Nicephorus on January 13, 2012, 11:27:48 AM
I hope you fully recover soon.  I'm still psyched about this and am ready to jump in when it starts back up.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 13, 2012, 04:56:53 PM
Quote from: Nicephorus;504436I hope you fully recover soon.  I'm still psyched about this and am ready to jump in when it starts back up.

Thanks guys.

Back from surgery and so far, so good. If I don't run into any problems should have a new thread up beginning of the week. To keep things moving this time around, i was thinking two days for each post then move on (if someone doesn't post I will just assume they are quietly following along). Let me know if that approach works for everyone.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on January 18, 2012, 02:09:04 PM
Sounds ok to me.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 24, 2012, 08:25:40 AM
New SOG thread started.
Title: [Servants of Gaius pbp] Part One: Introduction
Post by: Sigmund on January 24, 2012, 08:27:02 AM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;508529New SOG thread started.

Thanbks bro :)