
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Spike on August 15, 2012, 07:31:09 AM

Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 15, 2012, 07:31:09 AM
Inspired by the thunderdome threads, and geographically constrained from face to face gaming I am looking to run a modified D&D 3.5 game using my setting of Haven (thus the title!), which is available in mass detail in a sticky in the Design Forum if you have a LOT of time on your hands.

I have made a vastly simple intro guide which I will be posting and linking later today and I am working on a sort of bulk 'houserules' document to cover Haven specifics, though I intend to keep as much of Core as possible (excepting monsters and prestige classes).

Starting point:

Core PHB is legal.
Any alternate core classes need sweettalking and/or bribery (bonus points if you do the hard work of explaining how they fit Haven... haha)

Alternate Races: See the Ethnic Guideline already posted (link in sticky) before you even try. Again: sweet talk and bribery and hard work or it didn't happen.
Lizard men are playable: ask me how!  Earth Genasai are playable, as are Aasimar and tieflings. Orcs are playable (caveat to come, so don't get all excitable)

Starting point will be level 2-3 (group decision), 3d6 straight line stats on the big boy program to start with. If this winds up being a problem it's dice rollers for you bastards.  

I would like a generic goal for the character and the player.

If you tell me your general concept I can fit your character into the world for you.  Note: If you want to play a big viking dude (for example) tell me if you want to be a big shaggy guy with an ax, or if you want a fearsome reputation as a reaving pirate who lives in Fjords... the number of direct analogs is limited.   I may give you multiple options if you're concept is vague.

Prestige Classes: Don't worry about building your character towards a P.Class.  I'll have more specfic rules up later, but as a guideline: a level seven character with a vaguely appropriate background (spellcasters for casting classes, etc) will qualify to seek a prestige class.   If you give me a heads up in your goals that will make it easier... but I understand that levelling can be glacial in PbP gaming, so this is a low priority all-round.

More (links) to follow, and I'm here to answer any questions/respond to feedback.

Edit:  Spike's World: Quick and Dirty Thread (
The Sticky of DOOM!!!! (
Gods of Haven (ongoing project) (
Update to Monster Manual (

Each post from me in that thread should be a self contained introduction to a facet. First (and currently only) is Cosmology, which is a good starting point. Its a thousand words, which for me is positively brisk!  Next should be the main world entry, though I think I'll pare it down some first, since there is overlap.  I should note that the Cosmology is important in how is directly influences Haven as a distinct entity from bog-standard D&D tropes.   I'll also knock out a list of Gods for the religious minded.  I think that will get its own link, though.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 16, 2012, 07:28:58 AM
I know, I promised links. Sorry, I've been busy making the edit Monster Manual list, soon to be followed by a brief Deity List. Spent at least four hours doing 'data entry'... dull but I've actually had to put some thought into what sort of critters live where... which has been surpringly useful as a late step worldbuilding project!  Who knew?

The other delay has been that every time I sit down at my personal laptop to write entries at work, my co-worker has had a personal emergency that needed my personal attention. Its what I get for starting a project on the boss's dime, I guess.

Still, they are coming, and soon.  I have the brief intro and I'm working on the quick'n dirty cosmology.

At least... until I realize that no one cares. ;)
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 16, 2012, 07:37:33 AM
You serious Pika man? Really? If you are I am game to try but I have no books. And I have to phone post most times. So if you accept me. Just give me the numbers or a stat array. Then a bit of help unless I can use Pathfinder as a guide for character build? For the feats and stuff. I can easily give you the mods. So you know if they would be allowed or not. :)

I am a horrible optimization person by the way. I think I would run an Evoker just to see if I could pull it off.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 16, 2012, 08:03:44 AM
You need numbers? Man, you MUST be out of touch! I'm in the middle of nowhere and I just got some d6s (and poker chips, and cards...)

M'kay!  (

STR 14
Dex 5
CON 12
INT  8
WIS 11
CHA 13

Hmm. The first roll I did (on the SRD page, but that proved unlinkable) gave similar numbers. The second roll was all single digits, so I, generous pika that I am, threw it out.  

I'ma make a campaign page on invisble castle as soon as I get the registration email and get a chance to muddle it out, but there ya goes. Might make a decent fighter or even paladin maybe? (paladin, paladin... wherefore art my paladin? well I have some ideas where, but for all I know you're planning on a sorcerer who likes to punch people in the face before you blast 'em. I'll wait.)
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 16, 2012, 08:58:50 AM
Well I can do a Paladin if I must.  But Sorcerer? Me likey especially if I get a theme like Rokogun or Pathfinder. :)

Give me the gods/patrons and I can do a sorceress.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 16, 2012, 12:39:13 PM
I have been meaning to keep it simple, but I do like letting players actually enjoy their characters.

There are several asian influenced cultures, of course, and fey creatures and dragons and all sorts of other supernatural stuff wanging around (onomatopaeic doppler effect sound? bah, I'm too tired, should sleep... I'm not even sure anymore.)

I recently got my hands on copies of the rest of my exhaustive library. I've pushed players towards the sorcerer feats for theme type stuff in the past, but I'd like to see what other (currently speculative) players have to say...

... or how you intend to bribe me with sweet, sweet backstory on why you should have a cool theme. I'm a sucker for hard work.  :D
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 16, 2012, 11:43:40 PM
Marleycat: Don't feel compelled to pick your class based on my musings. Occupational hazard when I roll stat dice.  

If, on the other hand, you actually want to play a sorcerer, I am familiar with the beta-test Pathfinder, and have a rule book. I'll look over their 'themes' again this afternoon but as a preliminary calling: if you give up the ability to have a familiar I'll let you have a theme.  What sort of theme were you thinking about?

Everyone (lurkers?):  I should be able to get the quick'n dirty overview up in about six hours, maybe less. It'll appear first in the discussion forums, probably in Design, along with the massive MM tweak list (which is full of colorful tidbits about Haven for the curious).

I'm going to do a quick and dirty cosmology overview that is a bit more indepth than the overall overview's take. Could be important for wizards and clerics.  If I get it done before lunch it'll get posted in Design before everything else, and I'll edit a link into the OP.

Also, as a note; If you are interested in the game but intimidated by Haven and/or something I said in the OP about the rules, please speak up.  If people aren't going to have fun with 'Rule X', then I'd rather change Rule X than stand on some vague principle.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 18, 2012, 12:25:37 AM
Hallo??? (listens for echos...)
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 19, 2012, 02:08:35 AM
Well. I don't actually know if I have any players at all at this point, but in case I do:

Having looked over the pathfinder sorcerer rules I can't just import the bloodlines as is (or with the caveat that you'd lose your familiar) without unbalancing the class in comparison.  


While I intended to keep the classes and rules mostly to core (being allowed to change monsters is GM's perrogative, not houserules...) to keep everyone on the same page, rather than experiment, if enough players want, I am not adverse to doing wild things like importing  Pathfinder class abilities, or something like it. Fantasy Craft is right out, sadly. I don't have my book and it to radically alters the game to just move pieces over.

Also, and I should have mentioned this in the first place:  Haven is roughly in a renessance (sp! hate this word!!!!) period. There are, in fact, alchemical firearms for those interested in such things.  If you want one, they are exotic weapons (though I normally hate the EW feats, in this case I make an exception), and mechanically (feat wise) treat them like crossbows (rapid reloading feat, etc... ). I'd say use the Iron Kingdom's rules, but they had about seventy feats to master firearms, which is too much redundancy!  

They are, however, rare.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 19, 2012, 11:13:39 PM


Mods, please just put this dead end out of its misery.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 20, 2012, 12:05:02 AM
Crap, I am so flighty.  I''m not sure about it. But if the game happens I will do a sorcerer with theme, no familair so arcane bloodline is no go.:)

That's not a bad limit actually ....thinking maybe Fae? Or a blaster. Which would be Infernal.  You pick because either would be fun for me.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 12:34:51 AM
Fae is probably a safer bet given the cosmology.  

Am I really going to try and run a PbP with only one player?  Le Sigh.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 20, 2012, 12:55:23 AM
Only me? You don't have to because I am busy like you.  But if you really want to. I am game.  If not we can try another time.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 01:28:51 AM
I had half a mind to post that scene from ghostbusters, at the neighbor's party just before he gets eaten by the demon-dog?

And that was.... two days ago.

And since I'm already house ruling the sorcerer bloodline thing, I see no reason not to do something I've been meaning to do for a while and do away with class/cross class skills.  I find it an unnecessary restriction.

Great: so for a core game I've got two house rules and a massively reworked MM...  The best laid plans...
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 20, 2012, 01:41:02 AM
Houserules are Dnd hon:)  As long as they aren't something silly of course. So remember I have no books, so what is move?  I think my name shall be Xanth of the Owl Nation.  She is nobility so be careful.:D

We are going grey elf just to make this fun.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 02:24:35 AM
An elf with fae blood? Whouda thunk?  ;)

Far be it from me to suggest piracy, but I can has massive stacks of pdf files free from the interwebz... so I hear. :nono:

Anyway: Elves:

There are a few major tribes of elves in Haven:

Siti: Forest dwelling recluses, deep in mourning for the recent (300 year ago) loss of their queen. Tall and pale, civilized in a very savage way. The First Tribe, from which all others descend.

The Illya: Live mostly in the Northwest, urbane (in their fabulous City of White Towers), and very close to Mankind in the west. (eh. Default elf, tend to look like the local humans from interbreeding)

Tuathan: Mostly found as refugees among the other elven nations. Prior to the destruction of their Shining Host at the end of the last age, they were the premier warrior-mages of Elvendom. Dark hair and eyes.

The Danu, an ancient, nearly lost tribe. Very in touch with nature, woodsy (all browns in color), yet long ago the most advanced of Elven civilizations. Mostly found on the Southern Continent among the nomadic tribes of the Sea of Grass (including the very mongol-esque Mugatu that I recently made up and added).

And the Savannah Elves, found in the Pepper Savannahs. They are more closely related to the Siti elves, generally youths (in their first century) who have run away from the oppressive, attenuated childhood imposed on them. They are marked by generations on the Savannahs with coppery skin, eyes and hair, and tend to live among the local human tribes (Think a mix of southern africa and aztec mexico for cultural cues... not a perfect match, but it gets you in the ballpark).

Standard D&D elf rules: +2 dex, -2 con (the more savage nomads can swap the Con pen for an Int pen to represent their hard lifestyle), lowlight vision, resistance to sleep and charm, and bonuses to spot and listen (+2).

I'm sure I can forward you a pdf character sheet if that'll help you run through creation.  

As for owl nations: The nomads of the Sea of Grass, and the Savannahs both tend toward animistic beliefs and totem animals as patron gods. Birds are particularly favored on the Savannahs near the Hydenimoi forest (where the Elves tend to live...), but could be found in either place.
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 20, 2012, 02:35:01 AM
Savannah Elf,  I am good with the baseline add/pens. Elven sorcerer am I pure stupid or what? Think of Xantha as being Brazilian. :)

I assume the standard Pathfinder stat array is fair? Or do you want me to roll?
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 03:01:50 AM
Sure.  I think I understood that post...   ;)

The pepper savannahs, as you might guess, are fairly hot, and crop poor. The only thing that grows really well are, of course, peppers, hence the name.

You would know that there are three major city-states in a sort of permanent detente in the Savannahs. Wei, which is built on an artificial island in a lake and is ruled by a 'living god-king' the Wei-Shakti is the most martial and aggressive.

Hmnaturpa (eh, I misspelled it I'm pretty sure...) is farther north, near the desert of Hesh (think Egypt for Hesh), and is mostly ruled by an Oligarchy, with a figurehead 'king'... currently a child.

Nearest the forest (and were you born on the Savannahs, or did you escape oppressive permanent childhood among the Immortal Siti?), where your tribe tended to wander is Xibaltci, which is also the southernmost city, with great wooden walls.  The warriors of Xibaltci wear dyed feathers over leather as armor, mostly blue, and they are ruled by a queen.

Fellow nomadic tribes include the mostly Human Maxcai, who are very tall and dye every inch of themselves a bright red, and who hunt the Korribe to earn their adulthood (Think Dire lions), and mixed human and half orc tribes similar to your own.

The mighty river Erd marks the boundaries of the Savannah. To the East lies the lands of the demon worshipping Huron, but the do not cross the river.  To the South lies more civilized kingdoms (south of the Savannah are 'Tenebrian' kingdoms, so vaguely asiatic, as you go west you run into more western style nations).

I had thought to start play elsewhere, but since i've got one player so far I can start in the Savannahs.  Otherwise it is easy enough to leave on a trade caravan or river barge to see the rest of the world.

I should note that, as Haven is a Flat World, temperature of lands has less to do with geography than metaphysics. The Savannahs are very hot because the Sun is closer than The Sky (Elder Gods in each case).  Hesh is hotter and drier still, because that nation is particularly favored by The Sun, while the lands of the Huron are both dark and cold, as He (the Sun, duh) turns His face away from their profane ways.

As a sorcerer you would know that on the Savannah's that self-mortification is often practiced to gain magical power. Not that you would need to do that, of course. You probably were sent as a young sorcerer on a spirit quest involving really awesome drugs. With Fae blood, you would have the Outsider:Spirit(native) descriptor, as all fae do, for what that is worth.

I'll set up an IC and OOC thread pair in a little bit, leaving this for rules and creation as well as recruiting anyone who wanders by...
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Marleycat on August 20, 2012, 03:39:56 AM
I am from Xibaltci but on my spirit
/vision quest so I'm good to go anywhere. :)'
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 03:55:10 AM
You don't have to be from a city, I was just letting you know what's in the area. Likewise, you're vision quest would have been a literal visit to the Spirit Realm (The Ethereal plane, more or less), which would mark you out among your tribe as an adult.

If you want I can give you the quick and dirty on Xibaltci's political landscape.

I am unreasonably proud of myself for doing all that off the top of my head without looking at my voluminous notes.

Off the top of my head, sorcerers are in that 2+int modifier catagory for skills, and since no one said anything, you are second level.  You should also need some spells.  The Savannahs are metal poor, but as peppers are worth their weight in gold in the rest of the world, you should have a fair amount of gold for working as a guard on the trade caravan.

You said you were short books, This should help! (
Title: [Recruitment] Haven Help Us! (D&D 3.5)
Post by: Spike on August 20, 2012, 05:57:56 AM
Quote from: Marleycat;573938I assume the standard Pathfinder stat array is fair? Or do you want me to roll?

I missed that somehow. I thought we had your stats already?

EDIT::: Er, you have six skill points and 2 first level spells you know (and 5 0 level...). For a second level character you have... say 300 gp worth of stuff you've accumulated plus pay for the caravan. Savannah clothes tend to be light and/or brief due to the heat... mostly leather, with linens imported from Hesh and crude silk woven from giant spider's webs available in Xibaltci.  In Xibaltci, bird feathers denote castes based on dyes used and amount displayed. Light blue is the royal color, used by the Queen's army, green is for holy men and red used to be for slaves until very recently.  You might be considered casteless, wearing undyed feathers, or, as a sorcerer, be affiliated with the religious caste, and wear a token green feather.

Of course, since we won't be in the pepper savannahs, that doesn't really matter.   Also, you have a small pouch with dried peppers given to you as a flavorful reminder of home when you left.  If sold it might be worth about 5gp in Paravail, the city where your caravan landed at. Now, I'm off to make those other threads.