
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Werekoala on July 22, 2008, 10:04:55 PM

Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 22, 2008, 10:04:55 PM
Anyone got any requests for a possible game? Although the last game I ran petered out after a bit (all my fault, sorry gang) I would be willing to consider another. I enjoyed using Skype and Screen Monkey for the Sunday morning AD&D game as well, so if PbP is too slow we might be able to come up with something along those lines.

Question is, a) any interest and b) in what? Genre, not necessarily system, for now please.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 28, 2008, 06:44:52 PM
That's something that's confused me since I first came here: for a site with such a high volume of discussion about roleplaying, not many [okay, essentially no] people are doing it here. Presumably, that's because a lot of us actually get to do it in real life [the most active PbP posters I know are basically frustrated offline players getting their fix the only way they (okay, we) know how], but hell, you'd think there'd be someone running a game here!

I thought about maybe asking someone to GM: there are [supposedly!] some very high-level roleplayers here, you know, guys who write games, who have GMed for decades, serious-ass sorts of fellows, but asking other people to GM isn't how it's done, so I just kind of kept my mouth shut. [Eastern Kingdoms is all the GMing I've got enough brains for.]

So you opened this thread while I was on holiday, and I thought, "Hmm. Let's see if anyone posts." But no one has. So here I am.

I'd love to play anything, in any style you'd like. Genre is unimportant to me, but I may need to do some research if it's extraordinarily esoteric. System is likewise unimportant, provided I don't need to, you know, buy stuff, something I lack important prerequisites for [read: money]. Is there anybody else who'd like to play anything?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 29, 2008, 12:39:51 AM
Well, the only systems I know well are GURPS 3rd, AD&D 1st, Classic Traveller, and d20. I also recently picked up MongTrav for that matter. I'd say most settings could be handled with that spread - just depends on what you know and/or what you have, system wise.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 29, 2008, 12:53:46 AM
How could I miss this thread?

Regardless, I'm game for anything involving fantasy, sci-fi, or superheroes. Heck, I could definitely go for another round of AD&D or some d20.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 29, 2008, 10:41:07 AM
I guess I pretty much have access to every d20 product, and I don't think it'd be impossible for me to get ahold of AD&D 1st or GURPS 3rd, or the Traveller rules.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 29, 2008, 01:32:40 PM
Well, then, maybe some d20 D&D if that strikes your fancy. How far off the rails could that possibly go?  If that sounds good, we'll work on the details later when I get home. I've actually got a module I wrote up for my regular group that starts at 1st level, so we might roll with that.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 29, 2008, 02:54:12 PM
I'm cool with d20 D&D. Which edition though? 3E? 4E?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 29, 2008, 05:46:07 PM
3.0 is all I really use - didn't see any point in shelling out for new books for 3.5 - not even really sure what the differences are.

Also, we're not set in stone on this just yet, if anyone else has some ideas. And a couple more people would be welcome as well!
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 30, 2008, 11:14:57 AM
That would be great.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 30, 2008, 03:33:29 PM
Quote from: Engine;229771That would be great.

3.0E D&D sounds good to me too.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 30, 2008, 08:50:27 PM
Ok then, we'll do 3.0 D&D - old-skool style (I actually wrote the module trying to capture the feel of old-tymie(tm) adventures using 3.0 - it was an experiment).

1st level whatever, so long as it is in the PhB. I'll post the intro and such in a day or so. Anyone else reading along at home is more than welcome to join in.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 30, 2008, 11:29:02 PM
Here's my character....

Alvin Simon Theodore
Neutral Male Enchanter 1

Alvin Simon Theodore is a bespectacled man of great copulence dressed in a snug blue robe and crowned in a red cap.

HD 1d4+2+3
HP 9

Stat Points
STR 10 +0
DEX 15 +2
CON 15 +2 +2 Familiar
INT 17 +3
WIS 12 +1
CHA 13 +1

Initiative +2

Base Speed 30 ft.

Size Medium

AC 12 (10 Base +2 Dex +0 Armor +0 Shield +0 Misc)
   16 (w/ Mage Armor)

Saving Throws
Fort +2 (+0 Base +2 Con +0 Misc)
Refl +2 (+0 Base +2 Dex +0 Misc)
Will +3 (+2 Base +1 Wis +0 Misc)

Base Attack Bonus +0
Melee  +0
Ranged +2

+0, 1d6, x2

Light Crossbow
+2, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 ft.
+3 w/ Point Blank Shot

Skills  4 Max, 2 CC
Alchemy           = +7 Total = +3 Int +4 Ranks
Concentration           = +5 Total = +1 Con +4 Ranks
Listen = +3 Total = +1 Wis +2 Ranks
Search           = +3 Total = +1 Wis +2 Ranks
Spellcraft           = +7 Total = +3 Int +4 Ranks
w/ Enchanctment        = +9 Total = +3 Int +4 Ranks +2 Misc
Spot                    = +3 Total = +1 Wis +2 Ranks

HB Toughness
L1 Point Blank Shot

Class Features
 Scribe Scroll
 Summon familiar
 Enchantment Specialization (Evocation Prohibited)

Racial Features
 Medium Size
 Base Speed 30 ft.
 1 Extra Feat
 4 Extra Skill Points
Gear Name Value
AMMO Crossbow Bolts (x50)  5 GP
BOOK Spellbook  ----
CONTAINER Backpack  2 GP
GEAR Bedroll  1 SP
GEAR Torches (x3)  3 CP
GEAR Trail Rations (x2)  1 GP
GEAR Waterskin  1 GP
MELEE Club  ----
OUTFIT Explorer's Outfit         10 GP
POUCH Spell Component Pouch  5 GP
RANGED Light Crossbow 35 GP

Wealth : 60 gold pieces, 8 silver pieces, 7 copper pieces

Magic Item Special Bonuses

Lvl 0 / 1
Slots   3   1  
Bonus   0   1  
School  1   1
Total   4   3

Base DC      13 (+10 Base +3 Int)
Caster Check  1 (1 Caster Levels)

0 All except Flare, Light
1 Charm Person, Enlarge, Mage Armor, Shield, Sleep, Summon Monster

0 Detect Magic, Mage Hand (x2), Read Magic
1 Mage Armor, Sleep (x2)

Deacon - Toad
 STR  1 -5 HD 1
 DEX 12 +1 HP 4
 CON 11 +0 AC 16
 INT  6 -2 SR --
 WIS 14 +2 DR --
 CHA  4 -3 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
 Empathic Link
 Improved Evasion
 Share Spells
 Hide +21
 Listen +5
 Spot +5
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: hgjs on July 30, 2008, 11:50:25 PM
What method are you using for determining initial Ability scores?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 31, 2008, 12:33:59 AM
Typically we (my group and I) roll a matrix and pick "best of" - 6x6. I'm not real particular though, so long as you don't have 18's across the board.

Also, max HP at 1st level, and max gold. Adjust accordingly.

Edit: Dead, like your character. Anyone with a toad familiar and a Chipmunks homage as their name is cool in my book.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: One Horse Town on July 31, 2008, 08:04:00 AM

Tench wears the olive green robes of his order. He is of unassuming appearance, is softly spoken and courteous.

1st Level Human Monk

Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (0)
Wisdom 17 (+3)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Alignment: Lawful Good
Level: 1
Hit points: 12 (9 + Toughness)
AC: 16 (17 dodge) (13 FF)
Movement: 30ft

Fort: +3
Reflex: +5
Will: +5


Class Features
Unarmed Strike (flurry of blows)
Stunning Attack (DC 13)

Initiative: +3

Base Attack: 0
Base Unarmed Attack: 0

Kama: +2 (1d6 +2, x2)
Unarmed: +2 (1d6 +2, x2)
Unarmed flurry of blows: +0/+0 (1d6 +2, x2)
Shuriken: +3 (1, x2, up to 3 thrown per attack)

Climb 4 (+2) +6
Diplomacy 4 (+1) +5
Escape Artist 4 (+3) +7
Jump 4 (+2) +6
Tumble 4 (+3) +7

Equipment (21 lbs carried)
Kama 2gp (2lbs)
6 shuriken 6gps (6/10 lb)
backpack 2 gps (2lbs)
bedroll 1 sp (5lbs)
Monks outfit (2 lbs)
4 days trail rations 2 gps (4 lbs)
Waterskin 1 gp (4 lbs)
Flint & steel 1 gp
2 torches 2 sp (2 lbs)

Money & treasure

5 gps & 7 silver pieces
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 31, 2008, 09:29:27 AM
DeadUematsu, what did you use to make your character?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 31, 2008, 11:54:26 AM
Engine, what do you mean?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 31, 2008, 11:55:32 AM
Werekoala, will we already know each other, or will we meet within the game? Should our characters be "adventurers," or just people who live in the surrounding area?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on July 31, 2008, 12:26:35 PM
Assume knowing each other already, how well I leave up to you. I'm assuming a wandering group of adventurers (brand-new, just out of the package, obviously).
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on July 31, 2008, 04:30:14 PM
Quote from: DeadUematsu;230301Engine, what do you mean?
I was wondering if you'd used a character generator: I liked the format of your output, and was hoping to replicate it.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: DeadUematsu on July 31, 2008, 05:07:37 PM
Quote from: Engine;230497I was wondering if you'd used a character generator: I liked the format of your output, and was hoping to replicate it.

Nah. I didn't use any character generator.

I just used the following text sheet:

Character Name
Alignment Gender Race Class Level (/Class Level/Class Level)

HD #d#+#
HP #

Stat Points
STR ## +#
DEX ## +#
CON ## +#
INT ## +#
WIS ## +#
CHA ## +#

Initiative +#

Base Speed ## ft.

Size Medium (or Small)

AC ## (10 Base +# Dex +# Armor +# Shield +# Misc)

Saving Throws
Fort +# (+# Base +# Con +# Misc)
Refl +# (+# Base +# Dex +# Misc)
Will +# (+# Base +# Wis +# Misc)

Base Attack Bonus +#
Melee  +#
Ranged +#

Weapon Name
+#, #d#+# damage, ##-##/x#

+1 Longbow
+8, 1d8+1 damage, x3

Skills  # Max, # CC
Skill Name           = +# Total = +# Abl +# Ranks
Skill Name           = +# Total = +# Abl +# Ranks
Skill Name           = +# Total = +# Abl +# Ranks
Skill Name           = +# Total = +# Abl +# Ranks

HB (Human bonus feat, if applicable)
F1 (Feat for fighter class level)
W1 (Feat for wizard class level)
L# (Feat for character level)

Class Features
 Class Name
  Class Features
 Class Name
  Class Features

Racial Features
 Racial Feature
 Racial Feature
Gear Name Value

Wealth : Monetary wealth (ex: 100 gold pieces, 5 silver pieces, etc.)

Magic Item Special Bonuses
Individual effect
Individual effect

Lvl 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / ...
Slots   #   #   #   # / ...
Bonus   #   #   #   # / ...

Base DC      ## (+# Base +# Int)
Caster Check ## (# Caster Levels)

0 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
1 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
2 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
3 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
0 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
1 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
2 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...
3 Spell Name, Spell Name, ...

Familiar/Animal Companion
Familiar/Companion Name
 STR ## +# HD #
 DEX ## +# HP ##
 CON ## +# AC ##
 INT ## +# SR ##
 WIS ## +# DR ##
 CHA ## +# Fort +#, Ref +#, Will +#
 Special Feature
 Special Feature
 Feat Name
 Feat Name
 Skill Name +#
 Skill Name +#
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Engine on August 01, 2008, 08:07:52 AM
Here's a link to Caernhas' character sheet ( I'm supposed to get two more languages, but it didn't make any sense for me to have more than one. I didn't understand the "6x6 matrix" method of ability score generation, so I just took the stats One Horse Town had rolled and used them.

Anyway, here's the character:

The short form
Caernhas is a young fighter with a strong sense of wanderlust and an ambient distaste for authority. He is physically capable, an archer of some skill, and is most at home in the field. He carries a longbow and longspear, wears simple linens and hide armor, and has a ladies' locket on a silver chain around his wrist.

The long form
The youngest of five children - three boys, two girls - Caernhas is largely a victim of his own selfishness, founded at the knee of an overgenerous mother and two doting older sisters. With plenty of available family labor when he was young, Caernhas missed out on many of the chores and hard work his older siblings had been forced to endure, caring for the various animals of the family farm, mending clothes, cooking meals. As such, little kept him grounded in the daily life of a future productive villager.

As he aged, increasing responsibility made him resentful; he would rather be running through the fields, or felling birds on the wing with his sling. The field grew increasingly to be where he felt most at home, free from all responsibility but the need to remain alive. He exchanged a variety of furs one winter to a passing trader in exchange for a longbow, and his course was set. He spent hours in meadows, picking a point on a distant tree and landing as many arrows as he could as closely to it as he might.

His expeditions grew ever-longer, until he was packing a woolen blanket, water, even a cookpot, and remaining out for days, to the dismay of his family. He encountered more and more dangers, learning not all to be feared was animal: orcs, bandits, outlaws. After being injured badly enough to lay him abed for nearly a month, he took a doe and convinced Eliot, once an armorer, to fit him for leather armor. He began carrying a spear, for the times when foes came too close to practically take them down with his bow. Three times he'd saved villages or travelers from harm, a feeling of power and accomplishment which spurred him to ever-greater boldness.

Self-absorbed to the point of being nearly unable to understand the motives of civilized intelligent beings, he now travels in a world of his own making, shrouded in ignorance of the human condition while walking in the human world. He has no goals beyond seeing the next horizon, no ambitions beyond helping those he might along the way.

And if you're such a bore you want to read what happend the day before he met the rest of the group...
The father found his son precisely where he expected to: arms crossed over the pasture fence, eyes toward the setting sun. The boy's pack rested at his feet, which his father had not anticipated, but was not surprised at, either; for the last several years, his youngest had taken to disappearing for days or weeks at a time, returning with unlikely stories and bizarre trophies. The father shook his head. "Caernhas," he called, and the boy acknowledged his name with a nod, but did not turn. Without further preface, he continued, in a tone more harsh than he'd intended, "This has got to stop. This will be your sixteenth season. By your age, all your brothers had a trade. They earned their keep until they started families of their own, which is more than I can say for you."

At that, Caernhas turned, his brow furrowed as if in confusion, his eyes meeting those of his father, wordlessly. His gaze shifted to the outsize longbow resting against the fence, back to his father, and back to the setting sun. He didn't say anything, but his meaning was clear: twice in previous seasons, the family had been spared only by Caernhas's singular skill with the bow.

His father relented. "It's not about...Caernhas, it isn't about the food. You're never here, you 'forget' chores given over to you years ago. You can barely get along with the other village boys. And..." he hesitated at breaking the informal truce they'd developed over the years against what Caernhas had once called, "the lowest of blows," but continued in a rush, "...and you break you mother's heart every time you go."

Caernhas's eyes flashed, but he steadfastly refused to speak. His mother was a kind soul, the gentlest of women, and Caernhas's only regret was the amount of hurt he had heaped on her over the years, simply by being who he was.

"It cannot go on, son. You need to make a choice."

A long silence stretched, as the last limb of the sun rounded below the horizon, and the calls of nightbirds began to ring through the village. Finally, Caernhas turned toward his father. "You're right, pa. Tell mother I love her." And he shouldered his pack and left home, for much longer than he had intended when he'd made up his bedroll earlier in the day.

He stopped only once in the village before he departed. Aelwyn sat on her family's porch, mending linens outside as she often did to escape the sound and fury of her younger siblings within. He tried to approach without notice, that he might watch her longer, but she sensed him somehow as she always did. He said nothing, only stood in the moons' shade of the great apple tree in front of her father's home. Her face turned wry at the sight of his pack - she, too, worried at his frequent departures to gods-know-where - an expression that turned quickly to fear, then anger, as she saw the set of his face. She had known since they were toddling children this day would come, and she had feared and hated it more than anything. Her fury and sadness combined to force hot, salty tears from her eyes, though she would not sob before him.

Caernhas stepped forward, then, his heart torn between the selfish love of the trail and the small portion of him that cared for others deeply. He stood awkwardly before her, uncertain if she would rebuff any attempt at support, wanting her pain to end, but unable to understand her well enough to aid her.

"I'll miss you," he lied.

"I won't miss you," she lied.

He turned to leave, then on an impulse, with his lightning movements, he reached out and snatched the locket from her neck, breaking the thin strand of silver which held it in place. She cried out - the locket was an heirloom, and its removal thus was doubly painful - but as he retreated into the night, something in her warmed, that a piece of her would go with him. Then she remembered how like a fool he had played her, to leave her alone after all these years, and she wept bitterly into her linens, quiet as to remain alone with her sorrow.
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on August 02, 2008, 07:20:06 PM
Haven't abandoned ya ust been busier than expected the last couple of days. We'll see about getting started tomorrow. Any questions about anything before we get the ball rolling?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Venosha on August 03, 2008, 01:05:25 AM
Will this be play by post, if it is not, please let me know what other formats you will be using and time frames.  I would love to join.  Let me find my 3.0 book and I will conjure up a character within a day or two.  I see there is an enchanter, monk and fighter.  Is there a certain character you would like me to pursue for party balance?
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on August 03, 2008, 02:29:19 AM
This will be PbP, yes, and we'd love to have you. As to "party balance" just play whatever you like to play - at first level (to start) it won't make a huge difference, and if I can't think on my feet with a couple of actions a week, I need to hang up my spurs. ;)
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: James J Skach on August 04, 2008, 07:06:19 PM guys got a game going? Too late to join? What  was the decision?

Ah shit...I shouldn't...I'll be on vacation in a bit...
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Werekoala on August 04, 2008, 09:05:46 PM
Last call for players - if you want to join, you have 24 hours.

If any CURRENT players have questions, now is the time to ask them.

In 24 hours, the approach to the Lair begins!
Title: It pretty quiet 'round here...
Post by: Venosha on August 05, 2008, 12:25:06 AM
Here's my character:

Chaotic Good; Female Human Ranger Level 1

HD d10+1
HP 11

Stat Points
STR 17 +3
DEX 14 +2
CON 13 +1
INT 12 +1
WIS 16 +3
CHA 11 --

Initiative +2

Base Speed 30 ft.

Size Medium

AC 16 (10 Base; +2 Dex; +4 Chain Shirt; +0 Shield; +0 Misc)

Saving Throws
Fort +3 (+2 Base; +1 Con; +0 Misc)
Refl +2 (+0 Base; +2 Dex; +0 Misc)
Will +3 (+0 Base; +3 Wis; +0 Misc)

Base Attack Bonus +1
Melee  +4
Ranged +3

Long Sword
+4, 1d8+4 damage, 19-20/x2 (2WF: +2 to hit; +4 damage)

Short Sword
+4, 1d6+4 damage, 19-20/x2 (2WF: +2 to hit; +4 damage)

+3, 1d8 damage, x3

Animal Empathy           = +4 Total = +0 Cha +4 Ranks
Concentration           = +5 Total = +1 Con +4 Ranks
Heal           = +7 Total = +3 Wis +4 Ranks
Knowledge (Nature)           = +4 Total = +1 Int +3 Ranks
Wilderness Lore           = +6 Total = +3 Wis +3 Ranks
Move Silently           = +5 Total = +2 Dex +3 Ranks
Listen           = +6 Total = +3 Wis +3 Ranks
Track (Class feat)
Far Shot

Class Features
  Ambidex and 2WF in Light or no armor
  Favored Enemy:  Giants

Racial Features
 +4 Skill points at 1st; +1 per level
 Bonus feat
 Bonus Language

Gear Name Value
Worn Chain Shirt  100gp
Left Sheath Longsword  15gp
Right Sheath Short sword  10gp
Back Longbow  75gp
Back 2 quivers  2gp
Back Backpack  2gp
Pack Bedroll  0gp1sp
Pack Hooded Lantern  7gp
Pack Trail Rations (x7)  3gp5sp
Pack Flint and steel  1gp
Shoulder Rope (50')  1gp
Belt Waterskin  1gp

Wealth : 26gp 4sp