
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Drohem on June 08, 2012, 01:19:09 PM

Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 08, 2012, 01:19:09 PM
Alright, we'll use the Invisible Castle ( website for dice rolls:
I made some rolls under the campaign and you can search to view it.

Here's an alternate dice roller site:

Quote from: Drohem;547567Hmm... OK, let's try this place :) ... (

1.  Click the Dice Room hyperlink in the top right hand corner.
2.  Enter either character name or jibbajiabba in the Nickname field.
3.  Enter Red Steel in the Room Name field.
4.  Click the Join button to enter the dice room.
5.  On the right side of the screen you will see some dice expression examples.  Click the repeat 6 4L6 hyperlink and it will automatically poplulate the roll field at the top of the screen.  Click the roll! button to the right of the field along the top of the screen.
6.  The roll will appear in the log line.  To the left of the item in the log there is a dice icon.  Click on the dice icon to the left of the roll and a new pop-up window will appear with codes to link the roll in websites or forums.

Character Ability Score Generation:  As the default, we will be using Method V from the PHB.  However, if you feel like you would like to use one of the other methods then just let me know.


"The lands of the Savage Coast give rise to larger-than-life characters and marelous adventures.  Within this region, there can be found not only humans of assorted cultures, but also feline humanoids, canine humanoids, turtle people, various lizard races, scorpion men, winged elves, and even stranger creatures.  But race isn't the only trait that makes characters in this setting exotic; there are also the unusual powers lent to them by the Red Curse, abilities often accompanied by hideous mutations.  Exotic adventures arise out of the struggle to control those powers, and to acquire the magical metal red steel, as well as from the natural conflicts of the region's divergent races and cultures."

The Savage Coast is a racially mixed area and members of most races are fairly common, or at least known, with their own civilizations and settlements.  As a consequence, most people do not find it especially notable to see a Lupin walk down the street, though a cayma or gurrash might raise a few eyebrows.  Members of other races are considered just other people, so they usually do not draw any special attention, positive or negative.  

Although, this is not to say that the Savage Coast is entirely free from prejudice.  Many of the area's wars are related to racial prejudice and conflict:  Lupins and Rakasta have border conflicts, Rakasta generally dislike Shazaks, and Gurrash hate them.  However, a Lupin would not find it unusual to meet a Rakasta on the road, and the two might cooperate on one thing or another.  How a particular member of a race is treated depends largely on the individual.

Standard Character Races
Most of the standard character races are available on the Savage Coast with some minor adjustments.  For example, Dwarves and Elves have an expanded choice of character classes in this setting.  The most important adjustment is that demi-human races do not have their own cultures on the Savage Coast.  The demi-humans who live in the area are integrated into other cultures.  One consequence of racial integration is that the demi-human languages are extremely rare, and demi-human characters may not know their traditional tongue.

Note that because of the Red Curse, most humans and demi-humans native to the Savage Coast have a reddish cast to their skin.  This varies by region, so red skin is common and somewhat dark in the Savage Baronies, while it is progressively less common and lighter in hue in countries further west.

Humans:  Most humans of the Savage Coast live in the Savage Baronies, Robrenn, and Eusdria.  Some live in Herath as well.

Dwarves:  Dwarves are fairly common in Eusdria and in Cimarron.  There are also a few found in Robrenn, Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath.  The dwarves conform to the cultural norms of the areas they dwell in.  Physically, Eusdrian dwarves are similar to Mountain dwarves, and all others resemble Hill dwarves.

Eusdrian dwarves can be Bards if they take the Skald kit, but are limited to 12th-level.  Dwarven Skalds are limited to the details in the Complete Bard's Handbook; they cannot cast spells and must conform to the rules of the Skald kit.  In addition, dwarven Skalds must take the Spellcraft nonweapon proficiency, and they can learn to resist spells.  (More details can be provided if someone wants to pursue this class/kit combo.)

Elves:  Elves have no culture of their own on the Savage Coast as well.  They are common in Robrenn, Eusdria, and Bellayne; they make up the majority of the population of Torrreon, and they are also found in Renardy and Herath.  Physically, most elves of the Savage Coast look like High elves, but those in Eusdria are similar to Gray elves.  Elves conform to the cultural norms of the states in which they live, even in regard to allowed character classes.  For example, an elf born and raised in Robrenn can be a Druid, but can adance only to 13th-level.

Elves can be Bards on the Savage Coast, if they take an appropriate kit.  An elf from Robreen can be a Peasant or Noble Bard (level limit 13), while one from Eusdria can a Skald (level limit 12).  An elf from torreon or Renardy can be a Swashbuckler Bard (level limit 12), while one from Bellayne can be a Herald (level limit 6).

Half-Elves:  Half-elves are common in Eusdria and Torreon; some are also found in Robrenn and Herath.  Half-elves use kits appropriate to the lands in which they live.  Along the Savage Coast half-elves breed true; the offspring of two half-elves is always a half-elf.  The term 'demi-elf' is usually in reference to those who have at least one half-elven parent.  A person who has one elven parent and one human parent is still known as a half-elf.

Halflings:  Halflings conform to the cultures in which they live, having no unique culture of their own in the region.  Though most common in Cimarron, halflings are also found in Robrenn and Eusdria, and rarely in Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath.  Hairfeets are the most common halflings, though Stouts are found in Cimarron and Eusdria, and Tallfellows in Robrenn, Eusdria, and Bellayne.  Halflings characters use those kits available in their homeland.  Halflings from the Savage Coast cannot become Heralds.

Gnomes:  There are no gnomes native to the Savage Coast.  Player character gnomes must have arrived from other regions of Mystara.

New Character Races
There are four new player character races in the Red Steel campaign setting:  Lupins, Rakasta, Tortles, and Aranea.  Also, player characters can also be from one of the goblinoid races of the Savage Coast:  Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and Ogres.  Kobolds are not native to the Savage Coast, and player character kobolds must have arrived from othe regions of Mystara.  

Aranea:  Aranea are arachnid mages thought by most to be extinct.  Those who still do exist are usually found in Herath.

Goblinoids:  Player character goblinoids are created using the rules in the Complete Book of Humanoids.  However, these characters will use the kits from the Red Steel setting, and be from the cultures of the Savage Coast like the demi-human races.

Lupins:  Lupins are furred humanoids with doglike heads.  They are descended from a nomadic culture, and they now make up the vast majority of the population of Renardy.  There are also some lupins in Herath and the Savage Baronies, but elsewhere they are rare.  Lupins have a culture similar to that of the Savage Baronies.

Rakasta:  Rakasta are feline humanoids.  Bellayne is populated mostly by rakasta, split between the settled town dwellers and the nomads who carry on the rakasta' ancient traditions.  Rakasta culture is unique, somewhat mystical, and concerned primarily with battle and honor.  Some members of the race dwell in Herath, but the creatures are rare in other states.

Tortles:  Tortles are bipedal turtles, about the same height as humans.  They have inhabited the lands of the Savage Coast for thousands of years.  But tortles have no real government, living in small family dwellings, often within the borders of some other race's state.  The creatures are generally peaceful, scholarly farmers, but will defend their homes.

Savage Coast Character Kits
Character Kits by Nation
Special Character Kit Notes

Allowed:  Inheritor, Local Hero (very common), Swashbuckler (rare); Defender, Honorbound, Myrmidon; Mystic (rare); Fighting Monk; Bandit, Scout; Trader.
Never:  Noble; Beast Rider, Gaucho; Militant; Shaman, War Priest; Herald, Skald.

Yazak Steppe Goblinoids
Native:  Beast Rider, Defender, Honorbound (rare); Shaman (goblinoids only), War Priest; Bandit, Scout; Trader.
Non-native:  Inheritor, Local Hero, Swashbuckler; Myrmidon; Militant; Fighting Monk.
Never:  Noble; Gaucho; Mystic; Herald, Skald.

Yazi Goblinoids
Native:  Inheritor (rare); Beast Rider, Defender, Honorbound (only gnolls of El Grande Carrascal); Shaman (no non-natives), War Priest; Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader.
Non-native:  Local Hero, Swashbuckler; Myrmidon; Militant (non-natives); Fighting Monk.
Never:  Noble; Gaucho; Mystic; Herald, Skald.

Characters from Hule are always human, and have the following kits:  Defender; Mystic; War Priest; Bandit, Scout.

EDIT:  Here is a huge Savage Coast map:

Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 08, 2012, 04:17:33 PM
D'oh!!  I made all these charts to go with the above information, and forgot to post them, LOL!

Red Steel Racial Ability Requirements Table:
Aranea 3/18 8/18 3/16 12/18 3/18 3/18
Lupin 8/18 3/18 8/18 3/18 3/18 3/18
Rakasta 9/18 8/18 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/18
Tortle 6/18 3/18 6/18 3/18 3/18 3/18

Red Steel Racial Ability Adjustements:
Aranea -2 +2 -2 +2 n/a n/a
Lupin +1 n/a +1 -1 -1 n/a
Rakasta n/a +2 n/a n/a -2 n/a
Tortle n/a -2 +1 n/a +1 n/a

Red Steel Racial Class and Level Limits:
Fighter Paladin Ranger Wizard Cleric Druid Thief Bard Psionicist
Aranea 6 -- -- U 9 12 12 -- 10
Lupin 13 -- U 12 15 13 13 9 8
Rakasta 15 -- 11 15 2 13 13 U 8
Tortle 11 -- -- 9 12 -- 9 9 8

Red Steel Thieving Skill Racial Adjustments:
Aranea -- -- -- +10% +5% -- +5% +10%
Lupin -- -- +5% -- -- +20% -5% --
Rakasta -- -- -- +5% +5% +5% +5% --
Tortle -- -- -- -5% -5% -- -20% --

Red Steel Wizard Racial Requirements:
Aranea Any.
Lupin Mage, diviner, abjurer, invoker, necromancer.
Rakasta Mage, conjurer, enchanter, illusionist, transmuter.
Tortle Mage, abjurer, conjurer, diviner, water elementalist.

Red Steel Multi-Class Combinations:
Aranea         Tortle
Mage/Fighter Fighter/Cleric
Mage/Cleric --
Mage/Psionicist --
Mage/Thief --

Red Steel Average Height and Weight:
Height in Inches Weight in Pounds
Race Base Modifier Base Modifier
Aranea 44/44 1d10 Varies Varies
Lupin 60/58 2d12 150/140 6d6
Rakasta 58/56 4d6 140/125 8d6
Tortle 62/62 3d6 500/500 5d20

Red Steel Age Table:
Starting Age Max. Age Range
Race Base Variable Base + Variable
Aranea 15 4d4 200 + 2d100
Lupin 15 1d6 90 + 2d10
Rakasta 15 1d4 90 + 2d8
Tortle 20 2d4 50 + 2d100

Red Steel Aging Effects Table:
Race Middle Old Venerable
Aranea 100 133 200
Lupin 45 60 90
Rakasta 45 60 90
Tortle 50 66 100
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 10, 2012, 12:26:41 PM

Name: Duncan Mosstone
Player: Bloody Stupid Johnson

Class: Thief 1/Psionicist 1
Kit: Diplomat (The Complete Handbook of Dwarves; p. 67)
Race: Hill Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral Good

=== Ability Scores ==
14 - STR
16 - DEX
15 - WIS
13 - INT
15 - CON
14 - CHA (15 to dwarves)

07 - Hit Points
06 - Armor Class (leather + DEX)
20 - Base THAC0

=== Saving Throws ===
--  (+2 vs. enchantment/charm effects; +4 bonus against spells, rod/staff/wand and poison)

13 - Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
14 - Rod, Staff, or Wand
10 - Petrification or Polymorph
16 - Breath Weapon
15 - Spell

=== Weapon Proficiencies [2] ===
Hand axe
Light crossbow

=== Non-Weapon Proficiencies [7] ===
12 - Ancient History (Savage Coast) [1 slot]
12 - Ancient History (Rockhome) [1 slot]
13 - Appraising [1 slot]
15 - Forgery [1 slot]
14 - Reading/Writing (Dwarven) [1 slot]
14 - Reading/Writing (Common) [1 slot]
15 - Religon [1 slot]

=== Detection Proficiencies [5] ===
18 - Grade/Slope in Passage [1 slot]
18 - New Tunnel/Passage Construction [1 slot]
16 - Sliding/Shifting Walls or Rooms [1 slot]
14 - Stonework Traps, Pits, and Deadfalls [1 slot]
14 - Approximate Depth Underground [1 slot]

=== Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies ===
14 - Brewing [1 slot; racial]
13 - Language, Modern (Dwarven) [1 slot; free]
13 - Language, Modern (Common) [1 slot; free]
13 - Language, Modern (Thyatian) [1 slot; kit]
13 - Language, Modern (Traladaran) [1 slot; kit]
13 - Language, Modern (Elven) [1 slot; kit]
13 - Language, Modern (Gnomish) [1 slot; kit]

=== Thief Skills ===
--  (Thieves' Cant; Backstab damage x2)

05% - Pick Pockets
45% - Open Locks (15-pts)
35% - Find/Remove Traps (15-pts)
10% - Move Silently
05% - Hide in Shadows
25% - Detect Noise
50% - Climb Walls
25% - Read Languages (30-pts)

=== Psionicist Powers ===
20 - Psionic Strength Points
01 - Disciplines: Clairsentient
01 - Sciences: Object Reading (10; 16 PSPs)
03 - Devotions: Know Direction (13; 1 PSP), Poison Sense (15; 1 PSP), Spirit Sense (12; 10 PSPs)
01 - Defence mode: Mind Blank

=== Legacies ===

=== Diplomat Kit ===
Detect Noise +10%
Open Locks +05%
Pick Pockets -10%
+3 reaction bonus with other races (only +1 with racial enemies)

=== Dwarven Racial Abilities ===
Infravision 60-feet.
20% chance of malfunction using magical items.
+1 to hit orcs, goblins, or hobgoblins.
Ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants or titans suffer -4 to attack rolls.
Base movement 6.

=== Equipment [43 lbs; Unencumbered] ===
--  (Clothing = 5 lbs)

Leather Armor (15 lbs)
x2 Handaxe (10 lbs)
Throwing axe (5 lbs)
Dagger, Red Steel (0.5 lb)
Broad-brimmed felt hat
Grey cloak
Spare tunic and breeches (2.5 lbs)
Silver hat pin (6 GP; improvised lockpick)
Backpack (2 lbs)
Belt pouch, large (1 lb)
Scroll case (0.5 lb)
x3 sheets parchment, sheet quality paper
x10 sheets low grade (filter) paper
Vial ink (8 GP)
Bag of sand (0.5 lb)
Wineskin (1 lb)
Flint & steel
Reading glasses

=== Money ===
23 - Gold
06 - Silver
07 - Copper

=== Description ===
Slightly plump dwarf, 4'2", wgt 160 lbs, often dresses in a broad-brimmed hat.
Age: 57. Brown hair, neatly trimmed beard. Carries glasses for reading.

=== Quirks ===
Unusually diplomatic and well-spoken for a dwarf.
Fancies human women (doesn't like stubble).

=== Background ===
Duncan was born in Rockhome, and has only recently travelled to the Savage Coast. Still relatively young for a dwarf, his bookish inclinations were a disappointment to his sturdy, axe-wielding father Dougal, the veteran of a number of skirmishes against orcs from the Broken Lands. The younger of three children (he has one older brother and one older sister), he spent much time reading in the libraries of the city under the tutelage of the greybeards there. His time there also uncovered some mystical lore; he sometimes has uncanny visions of past events when handling objects, or hunches he cannot explain (at this point he has probably read of other stranger powers, but is yet to develop anything himself), and as someone who has learned a few other tongues he was oft called upon to speak to travellers.

A number of merchants visiting Rockhome occasionally brought strange objects to the elders for examination, some from distant lands. On one occasion an ancient dagger, said to be made of red steel, was brought to them. Upon handling it, Duncan had a vision of an ancient battle among strange humans unlike any he'd seen previously, among strange architecture - which books did describe as being like ruins seen on the Savage Coast. The vision was clouded somehow but had a strange fascination on him, leading him to abandon his previous interest in the time of Blackmoor and study for a trip away, in hope of perhaps making his name discovering a lost civilization, unknown to modern scholars.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 10, 2012, 12:27:15 PM
Name: Don Dulce Rivera (Emelio Maldiro)
Player: BedrockBrendan

Class: Bard 1
Kit: Charlatan (The Complete Bard's Handbook; p. 21)
Race: Human, Gargoñan
Alignment: Neutral Good

=== Ability Scores ==
05 - STR
14 - DEX
13 - WIS
15 - INT
11 - CON
16 - CHA

06 - Hit Points
10 - Armor Class
20 - Base THAC0

=== Saving Throws ===
13 - Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
14 - Rod, Staff, or Wand
12 - Petrification or Polymorph
16 - Breath Weapon
15 - Spell

=== Weapon Proficiencies [2] ===
Short sword
Short bow

=== Non-Weapon Proficiencies [7] ===
15 - Appraising [1 slot]
16 - Crowd Working [1 slot]
16 - Etiquette [1 slot]
15 - Heraldry [1 slot]

=== Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies ===
-- (Acting and Disguise both at +1)

18 - Acting (Charlatan kit) [1 slot + 3 slots from alloted]
15 - Disguise (Charlatan kit) [1 slot]
13 - Forgery (Charlatan kit) [1 slot]
16 - Gaming  (Charlatan kit) [1 slot]
15 - Language, Modern (Common; setting) [1 slot]
15 - Language, Modern (Espa; setting) [1 slot]

=== Bard Skills ===

40% - Pick Pockets (20-pts)
20% - Detect Noise
60% - Climb Walls
10% - Read Languages
05% - Identify Item

=== Legacies ===

=== Charlatan Kit ===
Detect Fakery

=== Equipment [14.5 lbs; Moderate Encumbrance] ===
-- (Clothing = 5 lbs)

Short sword (10 gp; 3 lbs)
Short bow (30 gp; 2 lbs)
Quiver (holds dozen; 8 cp; 3 lbs)
Sheaf arrow x12 (6 sp; 1 lb)
Cloak (8 sp)
Doublet (8 sp)
Hose (2 gp)
Chaperon (1 sp)
Belt (3 sp)
Shoes (1 gp)
Pouch, small (7 sp; 1/2 lb)

=== Money ===
43 - Gold
06 - Silver
02 - Copper

=== Description ===
Black hair, green eyes, tan skin, 160 lbs, 64 inches, and 19-yrs-old.

=== Background ===
Emelio Maldiro was his given name, but currently he is masquerading as the nephew of Baronesa Esperanza "La Illustre" de Sotto y Rivera; the current ruler of the Baronía de Gargoña.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 10, 2012, 12:27:51 PM

Name: Rasesisk Salasar
Player: jibbajibba

Class: Fighter 1
Kit: Noble (Red Steel Campaign)
Race: Rakasta
Alignment: Neutral Good

=== Ability Scores ==
18 - STR (35%)
18 - DEX
09 - WIS
12 - INT
09 - CON
14 - CHA

10 - Hit Points
01 - Armor Class (chain + DEX)
20 - Base THAC0

=== Saving Throws ===
--  (-1 versus sonic attacks; +4 when detecting invisibly)

14 - Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
16 - Rod, Staff, or Wand
15 - Petrification or Polymorph
17 - Breath Weapon
17 - Spell

=== Weapon Proficiencies [4] ===
Sabre (specialized; 2 slots)
Natural Weapon (Claws)
Martial Arts (Torasta)

=== Non-Weapon Proficiencies [6] ===
18 - Dancing [1 slot]
14 - Dueling [1 slot]
13 - Reading/Writing (Rakastayne) [2 slots]
12 - Riding (land-based) [1 slot]
14 - Panache [1 slot]

=== Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies ===
NA - Blind-Fighting [NA; racial]
14 - Etiquette [1 slot; kit]
12 - Heraldry [1 slot; kit]
12 - Language, Modern (Common) [1 slot; free]
12 - Language, Modern (Rakastayne) [1 slot; free]

=== Rakastan Racial Abilities ===
Takes half damage from any fall.
Infravision 60-feet.
Detect Noise 20% (as Thief skill).

=== Legacies ===

=== Noble Kit ===
+3 reactions to local nobility
+2 reactions to local non-nobility
+2 reactions to other nobility
Must pay 10-100% more goods and services
Always asks for and expects the best
Will accomodate any other noble at his own cost
In addition to these due to Rask's rather romantic nature he will put up any young female that needs assistance and aid anyone elderly or any children.

=== Equipment [56 lbs; Unencumbered] ===
-- (Clothing = 5 lbs)

Excellent Sabre (34 gp; 5 lbs)
Excellent War Claws (12; 1 lb)
Fine Chain Mail (100 gp; 40 lbs)
Rakastan open faced Helm (10 gp; 4 lbs)
Sword scabbard and Baldric
Excellent quality clothing
Fur trimed cloak - fine
Riding boots - Rakastan
Leather Coin Purse (1 lb)
Cinnabryl ring - 4 ounce (8 gp)   

Excellent Riding Horse (80 gp)
Fine leather riding Saddle (10 gp; 35 lbs)
Tack and harness (4 gp; 3 lbs)
-- In saddle bags ---      
Saddle Bags large (5 gp; 8 lbs)
50" coil of rope (20 lbs)
2 Sets of excellent clothes (8 gp; 5 lbs)
Iron rations, 1 week (7.5 lbs)
2 bottles of fine Rakastan wine (2 gp; 3 lbs)
Pack of tea (1 lb)
Cooking kit (5 lbs)
Tinder Box
Scissors (1 gp)
Scented oil (2 gp; 1 lb)
Comb - silver (2 gp)

=== Money ===
04 - Gold
00 - Silver
00 - Copper

=== Description ===
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 167 lbs
age : 16

=== Background ===
The middle son of a settled Rakastan noble, Rasesisk (for short Rask) is a romantic idealist. since being a small cub he has longed for adventure and intrigue but finds himself under the suprisingly rigid guardianship of his father. As a second son he was expected to join the military with a commission and has been trained extensively in the martial arts to this purpose. However, Rask longs to live a more varied life than a minor officer in a local garrison. He longs in truth to be an Honourbound and to live the romantic life of a wandering nomad mercenary. He has even secretly presented himself to the local Honourbound garrision but was rejected due to his impatience and lack of discipline.

Like all rakasta he believes they are a superior race but this is further exasberated by his noble privileged background.
For all his expensive upbringing Rask is rash and rather naive and easily manipulated.

Rask steered his piebald along the narrow cliff path, below the sea bellowed and crashed throwing sprays of white foam high into the air. Rask had never been a great horseman. To him like many Rakasta the adoption of the horse as a mount instead of the traditional dire cats of the nomads was one of the many compromises that were necessary to live amongst the humans and elves. What Rask would have given to live that simple nomadic life unburdened by the pressures of his family responsibilities but a Rakasta cannot change his fate.

The horse plodded forward as Rask day-dreamed of riding a Sabre-toothed Dire Cat across the steppes on some romantic quest instead of acting as a messenger for his father, Viscount Kesilask Salasar. A fortnight ago his father has summoned Rask to the formal gardens in their manor house in Earldom of Theeds. There walking under the cherry blossom he had informed Rask that he was to set sail the following day to deliver some important documents to the family agent in Baronía de Narvaez where they traded extensively in cotton and textiles. He was to collect the legers for last year’s trade and return to Theeds. Rask initially was thrilled this would be his first journey outside the earldom alone and the mission whilst mundane at least showed his father had some degree of trust in him.

Then his father informed him that when he returned he would be taking up a commission in the Theeds Regiment, a small parochial force that guarded the boarders and maintained the peace. Rask’s heart sank, he knew that this time would come but he had been dreading it for months. The last thing he wanted to be doing was patrolling the boarders a dozen miles from the town he had grown up in.
‘This trip will be your chance to sow some wild oats my son, to see something of the world before you settle down and take on the responsibilities of a Salasar,’ his father said slapping him on the back before going off into one of his stories about when he was young and the adventures he had had.

The voyage had been easy enough, although Rask didn’t like water and had never learn to swim and so even the slightest swell had filled him with a cold dread. Once in the port town of Puerto Morillos rather than take the stage as his father had advised he had decided instead to spend his ample stipend on supplies and had purchased the piebald from a very trustworthy and benign merchant who had assured him that the beast was the scion of a champion thoroughbred, although to be honest Rask could not have told a thoroughbred from a tinkers pack animal, but it certainly looked the part. It was a week’s journey by the King’s road will good lodgings along the route. Rask had enjoyed the ride meeting with travellers in the inns at night and enjoying hearing their tales of distant lands. He had lost some money at dice, drunk a little too much wine but had yet to summon the courage to take up any of the lascivious women that offered to warm his bed for the night in return for a coin.

He savoured the sensation of each day knowing that in a few weeks his adventure would be over. He recalled the time when he had foolishly thought about leaving his family behind and taking a different path. An Honourbound legion was passing through Theeds and he has taken off to present himself as a recruit. He knew he was fast and a skilled warrior, strong and well trained so why would he not make as good an Honourbound as any others. Certainly the captain had listened and had even been fairly impressed with his skill with the sabre and at Torasta but after a short discussion about the reasons he wanted to become Honourbound he had been advised to wait a few years. Dejected he had returned home and had never mentioned the incident to his father or brothers.

The path flattened out now just a few feet about the crashing waves and Rask could smell the salt and taste it on his whiskers. Rask spurred his still unnamed mount forwards to a gallop and exhilarated in the wind and spray in his face and he rode Forward to Adventure.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 10, 2012, 12:42:44 PM
Name: Finnur Dalgaard
Player: Sigmund

Class: Wizard 1
Kit: Academician (Complete Wizard's Handbook)
Race: Grey Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good

=== Ability Scores ==
06 - STR
12 - DEX
15 - WIS
16 - INT
12 - CON
08 - CHA

6 - Hit Points
10 - Armor Class (Robe)
20 - Base THAC0

=== Saving Throws ===
--  90% resistant to sleep and charm-related spells

14 - Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
11 - Rod, Staff, or Wand
13 - Petrification or Polymorph
15 - Breath Weapon
12 - Spell

=== Weapon Proficiencies [1] ===

=== Non-Weapon Proficiencies [9] ===
13 - Alchemy [2 slot]
15 - Legacy Lore [1 slot]
16 - Alertness [1 slots]
16 - Observation [1 slot]
14 - Spellcraft [1 slot]
16 - Languages, Modern (Draconic) [1 slot]
17 - Read/Write, Modern (Thyatian) [1 slot]
17 - Read/Write, Modern (Draconic) [1 slot]

=== Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies ===
17 - Reading/Writing (Thyatian) [1 slot; Kit]
16 - Languages, Modern (Thyatian) [1 slot]
16 - Languages, Modern (Eusdrian) [1 slot]

=== Grey Elf Racial Abilities ===
--  90% resistence to Sleep and Charm-related spells
--  Infravision 60-feet.
--  Manifestation (Complete Book of Elves)
--  Reverie (Complete Book of Elves)
-- (-4) to enemy's ability to avoid being surprised by character when alone, 90' or more from group, or only with other elves and/or halflings.
--  Secret/concealed door detection: secret/concealed 1 in 6 passing within 10', 2 in 6 searching secret, 3 in 6 searching concealed.

=== Legacies ===

=== Academician Kit ===
--  Academicians maintain an extensive correspondence with scholars throughout the world. Additionally, an Academician's reputation as a man of wisdom often precedes him. When encountering an NPC who is familiar with his reputation, who turns out to be one of his correspondents, who fancies himself an intellectual, or who is an author, researcher, teacher, journalist, or fellow scholar, the Academician receives a +3 reaction bonus.
--  The Academician receives a +1 bonus to all Intelligence Checks and Wisdom Checks.
--  Not a strong melee fighter: -1 to hit on the first melee strike vs. any given enemy.
--  Can come across as haughty: -3 on reactions from non-elves, -1 from other elves.

=== Spells and Spellbook ===
-- Traveling Spellbook (21 pgs/50 pgs used)--
1st Level:  Read Magic (2 pgs), Detect Magic (5 pgs), Sleep (3 pgs), Unseen Servant (1 pg), Find Familiar (5 pgs), Charm Person (5 pgs)

=== Spells Memorized ===
1st Level: Charm Person

=== Familiar ===
Excellent Vision

Bird / AC / MV / HD / THAC0 / # AT / Dmg/AT / Morale / XP Value
Raven / 7 / 1, Fl 36 (B) / 1-2 hp / 20 / 1 / 1 / Average (8-10) / 15

Raven (Crow)
Ravens and crows are often mistaken as bad omens by superstitious farmers and peasants. They attack with strong claws and their long, sharp beaks. Ravens employ a grab and peck approach to combat. These birds are 10% likely to attack an opponent's eyes. If successful, the attack causes the opponent to lose an eye.

=== Equipment [28 lbs; Light Encumbrance] ===
left small belt pouch - [1/2 lb.]
20 X sling bullets [4 lbs.]
sling (when not in use)

right small belt pouch- [1/2 lb.]
spell components
copper and silver coins (6cp/8sp)

backpack- [2 lbs.]
spare clothing [2.5 lbs.]
small sack containing gold coins (4gp)
stick of chalk
flint & steel
scroll case [1/2 lb.]
wool winter blanket [3 lbs.]
Traveling spellbook (50 pages; wrapped in winter blanket) [10 lbs.]
4 ounces of Cinnabryl

-- (Clothing = 5 lbs)
Brown leather belt, Sandals, 2 X cotton breeches (grey), 2 X common cotton hooded robes (grey), brown leather knife sheath, brown leather backpack, 2 X small brown leather belt pouches
Wearing- belt, sandals, breeches, robe, sheath, pouches, backpack, knife in sheath, cinnabryl (on leather thong)

=== Money ===
04 - Gold
08 - Silver
06 - Copper

=== Description ===
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 98 lbs
age : 101

=== Background ===
Finnur is from the Duchy of Frisonnia in the Kingdom of Eusdria. As a new apprentice while first learning Alchemy, Finn became impatient and tried mixing a batch of smokepowder with added vermeil and cinnabryl dust to try to increase it's efficacy. The foolish experiment detonated, wrecking Finn's strength and marring his body with a large red patch that has resisted all attempts to heal it. This accident, while damaging Finn's body and dampening his spirit, alsogranted the young elf a level of wisdom and capacity for patience uncommon even among his long lived race. His once attractive face marked by his impatience, Finn often wears a hood and seeks to avoid direct attention, except when engaged in scholarly discussion, especially about the Red Curse and the Legacies that come with it. About these subjects, Finn has a scholar's obsession, and he has dedicated his life and studies to pursuing knowledge of both magic and all things relating to the Red Curse, including continuing his study of Alchemy. Newly freed by his Wizard master after being pronounced competant to seek power and study on his own, Finn has set out to learn all he can about his chosen areas of knowledge.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 12, 2012, 01:23:21 PM
Here are the House Rules for this Red Steel game:

Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 12, 2012, 01:36:54 PM
The Savage Coast Campaign Book ( is online at the Vaults of Pandius ( (the official Mystara website) and it a great resource for information the Savage Coast and the Red Steel campaign.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 18, 2012, 04:29:59 PM
Here is an image of the coat of arms of the Savage Coast:

Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on June 18, 2012, 04:31:07 PM
Here is a map that focuses on the Savage Baronies:

Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on July 01, 2012, 05:15:14 PM
I will be using the optional rules for critical hits and fumbles.  Critical hits will do double weapon/dice damage, and fumbles are usually just an automatic miss.  I am not a big fan of Jar-Jar Binks type fumble rolls, but sometimes I may narrate a different result on a fumble for effect or based upon circumstances.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on July 17, 2012, 02:26:14 PM
FYI:  I am using the Hovering on Death's Door optional rule (DMG, p. 104) for both PCs and NPCs.
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on July 28, 2012, 11:19:31 AM
For the struggle in the common room of La Taberna de Rosa Dulce on the 13th of Klarmont, A.C. 1010:

Rask receives 2 Panache Points!
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on July 28, 2012, 11:39:27 AM
Occasionally, I may call for a Luck Roll from the players.  This is one of my House Rules.  It functions just like a Saving Throw; I will set the number necessary to roll equal to or above on a 1d20.  However, the number is not static and will change from roll to roll based upon circumstances.  

Here is how to make a Luck Roll:

Luck Roll = 1d20 + CHA Reaction Adjustment
Title: [Drohem's Red Steel] Information Thread
Post by: Drohem on July 28, 2012, 11:43:19 AM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;565595( (

OK, this was an important die roll for Emelio Maldiro; it was a Luck Roll to see if the Baronesa Esperanza "La Illustre" de Sotto y Rivera really and truly does have a nephew named Dulce Rivera.  

As a result of the successful Luck Roll, there is a real Dulce Rivera alive in the game world that Emelio is impersonating. :)