
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Zachary The First on August 13, 2014, 08:20:31 PM

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 13, 2014, 08:20:31 PM
Hello all! We're back with another year of Gen Con Indy coverage! Today, we picked up my buddy Jeff from RPG Circus, and we headed downtown to see some pics of the convention setting up:

There's a big "Welcome Gamers" floor sign welcoming Gen Con attendees. Gen Con has really found a welcoming home in Indy. Local businesses love the revenue, and many even get into the swing of the convention by having the wait staff dress up, doing decorations, or holding promotions to bring gamers through the door.


Inside the convention center, there was a huge line for registration and badge pick-up. The Gen Con staff and volunteers were legion, however, and seemed to be moving things along as quickly as possible. 24-hour registration was a good move, I think:


One of the best thing about Gen Con is all the posters advertising games and companies. They're massive:


(And yeah, Paizo has a deal now with Obsidian for licensing some Pathfinder stuff for electronic titles).

Gaming has already started! Anywhere there's a table, there's a game:


Battletech Pods being set up:


Many of the card and event rooms are still being set up:


WotC is still setting up the D&D 5e area, but they've got some big banners up all over.


The Pathfinder banners are all over, too, and impressive! This cavernous room is all Pathfinder Society:


Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 13, 2014, 08:22:43 PM
Oh, and the Gen Con store is open for business already! People were SWARMING this booth outside one of the exhibit halls:


Lots--LOTS--more tomorrow.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 13, 2014, 08:27:46 PM
one day... I will make my pilgrimage to Mecca... errr.... Gencon...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 13, 2014, 08:35:41 PM
Oh man, it's something else. Everyone does their best to bring their A-game here.

One more of the Pathfinder Society area. It's dark, but those are all huge banners of iconic characters in the background:

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: JamesV on August 13, 2014, 09:06:41 PM
I look forward to this thread every year. Thank you for doing this.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RPGPundit on August 13, 2014, 09:51:08 PM
This was the subject of my blog entry for today. That's how much I value it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 13, 2014, 10:23:08 PM
Yay! Battletech pods! The original locale is near us here. Allways wanted to order myself at least a pair of pods. Still have my award certificate from the 1999 Gen Con event.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Marleycat on August 13, 2014, 10:31:26 PM
Quote from: JamesV;779406I look forward to this thread every year. Thank you for doing this.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Raven on August 13, 2014, 11:02:41 PM
Thirded. Love it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Snowman0147 on August 13, 2014, 11:33:23 PM
I am really hoping they make a rpg and allow you to mod it all to hell like they did with Neverwinter Nights.  I am just saying that would be epic.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Goober on August 14, 2014, 12:10:10 AM
nice shirt
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 14, 2014, 12:21:14 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

haha that is going to cause a stir at The Big Purple
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 04:23:53 AM
Good morning! Getting up and going now. I'll try to get an update here not long after the hall opens this morning. First order of business after breakfast is picking up my badge from the press room, and getting some shots of some of the outside/hallway areas and rooms.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jeff37923 on August 14, 2014, 05:19:10 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

I want one.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: One Horse Town on August 14, 2014, 06:09:09 AM
Ha! Is that you Zach?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 06:41:25 AM
Quote from: One Horse Town;779488Ha! Is that you Zach?

Nope. Gray polo and KC Royals hat today. Not a lot of Royals fans here....or anywhere.

Standing in the line for a press badge right now. Long line already!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 14, 2014, 07:17:45 AM

If I lived in Indiana still, I might have gone.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Psychman on August 14, 2014, 07:24:57 AM
It may be a little early in the Con to find out, but can you keep an eye out for Moon Design's product announcements? I already know of the webcomic, Heroquest Glorantha, and 13th Age in Glorantha,  but even more was being held back for Gencon.  Also let us know how Mythic Britain and the other RQ6 stuff looks, please?

Have a good show!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Harrowedsmiley on August 14, 2014, 08:28:48 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

Okay, where did you score that? Cause I want to troll someone.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 14, 2014, 08:40:34 AM
Quote from: Harrowedsmiley;779505Okay, where did you score that? Cause I want to troll someone.

Funnier would have been if they could have gotten Gen Con to give them out to everyone in the freebies packet. :D
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: One Horse Town on August 14, 2014, 08:50:57 AM
Quote from: Harrowedsmiley;779505Okay, where did you score that? Cause I want to troll someone.

Welcome Harrowed!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BarefootGaijin on August 14, 2014, 09:46:56 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

Pic of this shirt and Mearls. Naow!!!11!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 14, 2014, 09:50:19 AM
Quote from: YourSwordisMine;779452haha that is going to cause a stir at The Big Purple

Actually with the current ruling on no discussion of Zak & Pundit, it's not.  Folks may see it and get steamed, but if they try to discuss it then red text is going to fly.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 14, 2014, 10:10:22 AM
Quote from: jcfiala;779522Actually with the current ruling on no discussion of Zak & Pundit, it's not.  Folks may see it and get steamed, but if they try to discuss it then red text is going to fly.


That would have been a week or more worth of entertainment... oh well...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Exploderwizard on August 14, 2014, 10:12:29 AM
Quote from: jcfiala;779522Actually with the current ruling on no discussion of Zak & Pundit, it's not.  Folks may see it and get steamed, but if they try to discuss it then red text is going to fly.

That's actually funnier. If we could harness all that pent-up purple rage our energy problems would be over. :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 14, 2014, 10:19:43 AM
Why GenCon can't make posters of their artwork for sale is beyond me.  Last year's and this years art is great.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Marleycat on August 14, 2014, 10:23:42 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt
:D Carry on.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 11:11:50 AM
Update incoming....
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: dragoner on August 14, 2014, 11:24:16 AM
Quote from: Endless Flight;779497Impressive!

If I lived in Indiana still, I might have gone.

I have family visiting, or I would go, probably Saturday though.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 11:34:56 AM
Holy cow, what a crowd this morning! I was able to get in a bit early to the Exhibit Hall to take some pics, but not without wading through thousands of gamers.


Inside, gamers were already queuing at booths like Fantasy Flight and Paizo--most Very Important Gamer passes, or folks who otherwise squoze their way through a bit early.


Doomtown from AEG--holy cow, the line seemed to never end. My goodness! People were going nuts over the re-issue of this game.


My first stop as soon as I could grab something was at Inkwell Ideas, where Joe Wetzel had his cool new versions of his DungeonMorph dice, and  a great show special on his Cityographer software.



I also picked up the new Black Box from Troll Lord Games. Super-cool guys, will to chat with the customers and cut a deal if you're buying enough. Trollzah!


A pic of the TLG booth before the doors opened:


Fantasy Flight's Star Wars Armada game looks amazing:


Devious Weasel's booth has dancers doing rhythmic stuff in sync. One of the nearby booths was talking about how that was Sending The Wrong Message:

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 11:35:16 AM
Paizo's booth is even bigger, and holy crap does their presence at Gen Con continue to grow. The Sagamore Ballroom was full of hundreds and hundreds of Pathfinder Society gamers. Also, the Advanced Class Guide is here, and looks good:



The Sagamore Ballroom, or about 60% of it:


Lots of great costumes this year:


Wizards of the Coast has its own hall, and had a pretty sizable number of folks playing 5e. However, there wasn't too much of a line to pick up the PHB--maybe because it's only $30 on Amazon? Check out those cool faction banners:


The line for D&D's "Bazaar", where you can buy their stuff, at about 10:45 this morning:


And with that, the convention hall is PACKED, with everyone attempting to get Day 1 Exclusives. It's worth your life to try to cut in line at Paizo, Fantasy Flights, Privateer, or AEG right now.


More later!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 14, 2014, 11:48:39 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779562Devious Weasel's booth has dancers doing rhythmic stuff in sync. One of the nearby booths was talking about how that was Sending The Wrong Message:


Well, unless he's selling dancing girls, I think it's the wrong message.  I would want to get through the hall to pick up games, not get trapped behind someone who's dawdling to check out girls who aren't even on sale. :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 14, 2014, 11:58:52 AM
It is sad at how bland the WoTC 5e room is compared to the balls to the wall Paizo room. That disparity is kind of jarring. Did you notice that too, or was it just me? It is hard to tell from your pictures. Did you get a different sense in person?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 14, 2014, 12:02:46 PM
Last year the D&D Hall had Lolth front and center; I guess they need to get a huge Tiamat statue now....

Seconded the opinion on Armada.  Makes me want to shout "IT'S A TRAP!!!"

How close are the Trolls to Mayfair this year? On Sunday, the Mayfair crowd gets so huge and so loud that it drowns out everything nearby, and it was starting to grate on the people at the Troll booth last year.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: HMWHC on August 14, 2014, 01:03:07 PM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

Oooh I'd like one of those T-Shirts!

Thanks for starting this thread, I have to live vicariously as I can't easily make the pilgrimage to Mecca myself.

Also finally got off my ass and signed up for the forums here and given up on and it's SJW trolls.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: One Horse Town on August 14, 2014, 01:15:48 PM
Welcome Gwarh!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Saplatt on August 14, 2014, 01:21:13 PM
So I've heard that a few 5e Monster Manuals are available to people who bought special passes.

Any sightings of those?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 01:25:35 PM
Quote from: Saplatt;779612So I've heard that a few 5e Monster Manuals are available to people who bought special passes.

Any sightings of those?

The official word being given to customers at the 5e Bazaar is that MM books are not available, not coming in on time or somesuch. At least for the plebes--I can't speak to anything else, but will ask around.

Re: decorating, yeah, D&D's area is a bit more barebones. But it's not that they're doing anything wrong, I think, it's just Paizo is clearly absolutely rocking it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 01:27:21 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;779582Last year the D&D Hall had Lolth front and center; I guess they need to get a huge Tiamat statue now....

Seconded the opinion on Armada.  Makes me want to shout "IT'S A TRAP!!!"

How close are the Trolls to Mayfair this year? On Sunday, the Mayfair crowd gets so huge and so loud that it drowns out everything nearby, and it was starting to grate on the people at the Troll booth last year.

Trolls are 1719 this year, Mayfair is on the other side, down in the 100s-300s this year.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Ladybird on August 14, 2014, 01:29:08 PM
I really like those dungeon morph dice.

Quote from: Zachary The First;779562Devious Weasel's booth has dancers doing rhythmic stuff in sync. One of the nearby booths was talking about how that was Sending The Wrong Message:


So what they want to tell us is, they can hire girls, not that they know game design. Boring.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Saplatt on August 14, 2014, 01:43:24 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779615The official word being given to customers at the 5e Bazaar is that MM books are not available, not coming in on time or somesuch. At least for the plebes--I can't speak to anything else, but will ask around.

Here's my source (!&prefixid=dndnext).

Also a Mearls tweet (, a few hours ago, stating that the MM was part of the D&D all-access pass swag.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 01:47:08 PM
So, let's talk dice. I always show Q-Workshop, Gamescience, etc. There's a couple of new players this year.

Artisan Dice ( makes some absolutely incredible wooden dice, but also make some out of other materials, including alligator bone! They aren't cheap, but they're beautiful.



Gator bone and resin, I believe:

If you're looking for metal dice, Inkwell Ideas is selling bronze, brass, copper, silver, and gold-colored metal dice, treated to last, for $40 per set:


Of course, for those who want to pick out a mug of more traditional dice, Chessex still has their massive dice reservoirs at four different locations in the Exhibit Hall:


Talked some more to the Paizo folks. Apparently, they have some really big plans on their deal with Obsidian Entertainment--beyond their tablet trading card game that will be coming out. I guess we'll see just what that is.

There's a side display that shows some of the figures coming up for D&D Attack Wing:



Back to dice and dice accessories for a moment: Wyrmwood Gaming ( has some incredible dice trays and dice tray holders, made from woods ranging from Cherry and Maple to Zebrawood and Bolivian Rosewood (I didn't ask about Uruguayan Rosewood). This is top-end stuff:



Time to grab a quick lunch. More soon! This year's convention is absolutely busting with stuff!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 01:48:12 PM
Quote from: Saplatt;779619Here's my source (!&prefixid=dndnext).

Also a Mearls tweet (, a few hours ago, stating that the MM was part of the D&D all-access pass swag.

Kinda sucks they were telling customers they just didn't have it. But, I guess they didn't, for non All-Access customers.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Armchair Gamer on August 14, 2014, 01:48:21 PM
Quote from: Saplatt;779619Here's my source (!&prefixid=dndnext).

Also a Mearls tweet (, a few hours ago, stating that the MM was part of the D&D all-access pass swag.

  And people on that thread and on TBP are reporting that they have the book in hand.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Saplatt on August 14, 2014, 01:59:26 PM
Quote from: Armchair Gamer;779625And people on that thread and on TBP are reporting that they have the book in hand.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Ladybird on August 14, 2014, 02:09:50 PM
I am looking forward to hearing more about the Obsidian deal, because holy shit can those guys write a good RPG.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 02:16:53 PM
How busy was the Wiz Kids booth? They were turning people away at 1:30pm because they just had sold enough for the day. Fun with limited quantities!

Seriously, the sheer push for some of these first day products--like the cloaked ship molds for Star Trek Attack Wing--is just nuts.

Tried to get a pic of the Indie Press Revolution--FATE and all that--and it was a mob! I'll try again in a bit.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Emperor Norton on August 14, 2014, 02:19:40 PM
Quote from: Ladybird;779638I am looking forward to hearing more about the Obsidian deal, because holy shit can those guys write a good RPG.

Chris Avellone is one of the best video game RPG writers in the business. I mean Planescape: Torment and Knights of the Old Republic II are brilliant (even if KotORII was rushed to release and could have been better).

I'm looking forward to both Tides of Numenera and whatever Pathfinder game they release, especially if Avellone gets attached the Pathfinder one as well.

So yeah. What you said.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 14, 2014, 04:46:55 PM
There is a serious lack of updates...

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 05:23:50 PM
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: JamesV on August 14, 2014, 05:45:26 PM
I have a dice tray from Wyrmwood, and though it's a little on the small side for my tastes, they're nice-looking and well made. Good for games and really good for Yahtzee as a matter of fact.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 05:54:11 PM
Monte Cook Games makes some pretty stuff. They're in the very back of the Exhibit Hall, and the booth wasn't swarmed, but several people commented on just how pretty the stuff for Numenera and the Strange was. Here are some shots of their new The Strange RPG and the booth.




Here's the inside of the Doomtown Deluxe Edition, by request. Seriously nice game components:


OK, this might seem cozy now, but think of hundreds of gamers flopping on these things over the next 4 days. Cue the HazMat crew:


I grabbed some Traveller dice for my next campaign from the Gamescience booth. Lou Zocchi had stepped out, so I'll swing back by:


So Catalyst was just giving away nice Quick-Stars for their games Cosmic Patrol, Shadowrun, and Valiant Universe. Nice idea, and a really nice booth.



This. This is all Mayfair Games demo space. And that's not even all of it. When I talk about booths like Fantast Flight and Mayfair dominating parts of the Exhibit Hall, this is part of what I mean:


The D&D space might not be too fancy this year, but they're definitely getting some folks through some demos. Most everything is sold out:


You know, I think part of the reason there's not too much of a line by the WotC bazaar is that multiple booths are selling the 5e PHB. No exclusivity here!

Having some upload issues on the wifi here, so will post more from home base.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: estar on August 14, 2014, 05:59:40 PM
Hey if you have a chance stop by the Columbia Games booth and let me know how their new Harnworld looks. If you talk to Tom Dhlagheish let him know I sent you.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 06:01:27 PM
One more on the way out the door--it seems like Gen Con has cut out some of the more pervy stuff, especially some of the more hardcore, shall we say, anime booths? However, that doesn't mean there's not some stuff that seems to attract a certain....creeper clientele (catpee and all). Now, the people in this photo didn't seem creepy, and I'm sure they're very nice, but man, I'm glad Gen Con seems to be working to limit some of these booths at what is supposed to be a gaming convention. There was some pretty hardcore stuff on the floor last year. Some non-gaming booths are cool, but there's been a worry by some attendees they'd take over entirely.



So....there's that.

Back soon with more gaming stuff!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 14, 2014, 06:44:08 PM
Quote from: estar;779706Hey if you have a chance stop by the Columbia Games booth and let me know how their new Harnworld looks. If you talk to Tom Dhlagheish let him know I sent you.

Haha, I was just going to post a request for a fly-by of CGI as well. =)

My friend picked up a HarnWorld 3ed binder for me (only $25) today, can't wait to see it on Monday.  I so wanted to go, I'd love to meet the CGI crew.

I wonder what else they have on sale there.  Maybe Orbaal, I guess, but I have that coming through on HQ subscription so I didn't ask my friend to pick that up.

Oh, any of the funky DCC dice anywhere?  If so I may have to ask my friend to pick up some -- they are a pain to find around here.

And Armada -- yeah, I'm going to try VERY hard to resist.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 07:03:26 PM
Will see what I can do for Harn.

DCC funky dice? Sure! Try Koplow (1123) and Gamescience (1503)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 14, 2014, 07:07:43 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779721Will see what I can do for Harn.

DCC funky dice? Sure! Try Koplow (1123) and Gamescience (1503)

Thanks!  I'll send a note to my friend and ask him to pick up some for me.  Also thanks for trying to get by CGI.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 14, 2014, 07:22:22 PM
Quote from: Ladybird;779618I really like those dungeon morph dice.

So what they want to tell us is, they can hire girls, not that they know game design. Boring.

Or that their game is so exciting that it cause people to spontaneously break out into dance. :cool:
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Raven on August 14, 2014, 07:50:38 PM
Interested to see if they break 50K attendance this year.

Quote from: Zachary The First;779622Artisan Dice ( makes some absolutely incredible wooden dice, but also make some out of other materials, including alligator bone! They aren't cheap, but they're beautiful.

These are amazing.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Piestrio on August 14, 2014, 08:07:50 PM
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 14, 2014, 08:16:12 PM
I'd love to see what Chaosium has going on at their booth.  Similarly for the Savage Worlds folks.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: GameDaddy on August 14, 2014, 08:16:21 PM
Yes... SJGames... No one over there is selling Car Wars in a baggie just yet, are they?

Also, the Artisan dice look simply awesome!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Sutekh on August 14, 2014, 09:31:30 PM
The Armada stuff looks great, I guess Itll take a while to get reduced to the scale its played it. How good were the actual models? Well detailed?

Thats always been the greatest boon of the X Wing game, the attention they pay to the modelling.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 14, 2014, 10:19:54 PM
I second the need for fewer of the hentai stuff. I know that some of those vendors disappear or cover things up a bit on Sunday, but really that's one aspect of the hobby that always bothered me.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Sutekh on August 14, 2014, 10:31:36 PM
Flyerfan: What hobby? Hentai/Anime isnt part of the roleplayer hobby is it? I know we may have some anime based rpgs but Anime itself is pretty peripheral to roleplaying in general. As for Hentai, well thats not even close.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 14, 2014, 10:35:15 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;779775I second the need for fewer of the hentai stuff. I know that some of those vendors disappear or cover things up a bit on Sunday, but really that's one aspect of the hobby that always bothered me.

Uh what aspect?

Have you ever been to Gen Con? They have people there selling BDSM gear, real swords, costuming supplies, videos, videos and more videos, etc.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: crkrueger on August 14, 2014, 10:51:56 PM
Remember Design Mechanism - Mythic Britain!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 14, 2014, 10:57:27 PM
Quote from: Sutekh;779763The Armada stuff looks great, I guess Itll take a while to get reduced to the scale its played it. How good were the actual models? Well detailed?

Thats always been the greatest boon of the X Wing game, the attention they pay to the modelling.

Oh, they were beautiful. Just really, really cool up close.

Quote from: jcfiala;779746I'd love to see what Chaosium has going on at their booth.  Similarly for the Savage Worlds folks.

OK, so I had planned for a bunch of Savage Worlds pics, but most of the SavWo stuff was on about 3 shelves, with a bunch of boxes blocking half of it, no good photo angles, and annoyingly back-and-forth browsers. That's just how it happens, sometimes. I'll try again tomorrow.

On the bright side, the Chaosium booth was cool. It's always great to see them still plugging along, and Sandy Petersen was totally in his element, you could tell. Perhaps the best part of the Chaosium booth was off to the side, where the Cthulhu Wars models and sculpts were on display, including a few upcoming supplemental ones. That game is going to be amazing, and they had a show special for people who missed the buy-in. Check this out:




Oh, and here's another photo I forgot on D&D Attack Wing. These models look pretty sharp, too!


Back to RPGs for a moment, Pelgrane Press had a crowded but lively booth, with demos running in the middle and some nice displays of their 13th Age RPG and other products:


Tracy Hickman was really working for his new Sojourner Tales product. He was talking and really engaging with everyone who came up to the booth. I'll admit, I was never a big Dragonlance fan, but it's easy to see why he remains such a popular figure here:


More dice, this time the animal dice bins over at Koplow Games. These just make me happy--the kids love them, too. Koplow makes dice with alligators on them, while Artisan Dice makes dice out of alligator.


I'll try to hit as many of the suggestions tomorrow as I can. I'll have my daughter with me, so I'm sure there will be some My Little Pony time, but I won't subject you to that. :)

Have a great night, and we'll be back to it in the AM!


Quote from: CRKrueger;779781Remember Design Mechanism - Mythic Britain!

You know it! Went by today, but Loz was away when I passed by. Will try again tomorrow!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 14, 2014, 11:09:01 PM
Quote from: Omega;779779Uh what aspect?

Have you ever been to Gen Con? They have people there selling BDSM gear, real swords, costuming supplies, videos, videos and more videos, etc.

Yes, I've been for several years now, and on Sunday the vendors tone things down a bit.  But really, are they part of geekdom or gaming?

Costuming supplies, yes. After all, LARPers are gamers. But the other stuff? Not quite so much, although the videos by groups such as The Gamers dovetail with the hobby nicely.

But I'm with Zach about certain aspects of Gen Con needing to tone it down a bit.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 14, 2014, 11:09:39 PM
Quote from: Sutekh;779778Flyerfan: What hobby? Hentai/Anime isnt part of the roleplayer hobby is it? I know we may have some anime based rpgs but Anime itself is pretty peripheral to roleplaying in general. As for Hentai, well thats not even close.

I meant geekery in general.  But yeah, it's only peripheral to gaming at best.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 14, 2014, 11:14:26 PM
Does Black Dragon Press or Susan Van Camp have a spot at Gen Con this year? Just found out a few days ago that everything pertaining to Dragon Storm and Crypt Crawlers is gone. Susan hasnt posted on her site in around 2 years.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Callous on August 15, 2014, 12:11:53 AM
I'm enjoying GenCon as always. Mostly wandered around and looked at stuff today. Will demo at Academy Games tomorrow. True Dungeon was lots fun. Successful with no deaths. Dinner at Adobo was fantastic!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zak S on August 15, 2014, 12:28:04 AM
The Cthulhu Wars minis are


Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jibbajibba on August 15, 2014, 12:59:38 AM
Quote from: Sutekh;779763The Armada stuff looks great, I guess Itll take a while to get reduced to the scale its played it. How good were the actual models? Well detailed?

Thats always been the greatest boon of the X Wing game, the attention they pay to the modelling.

Our homebrewed Space combat game way way better, using extendable car aerials and a steel sheet base and magnets it was genuine 3D :D
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Claudius on August 15, 2014, 01:41:56 AM
Quote from: CRKrueger;779781Remember Design Mechanism - Mythic Britain!

Quote from: Zachary The First;779783You know it! Went by today, but Loz was away when I passed by. Will try again tomorrow!
I didn't know that Mythic Britain would be available in GenCon. Color me interested.

Zachary, thank you very much for this thread, as usual, it's a pleasure.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Claudius on August 15, 2014, 01:48:13 AM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

Quote from: jeff37923;779484I want one.
Yo también quiero una! I also want one! :D
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Spinachcat on August 15, 2014, 01:57:16 AM
Zachary, thank you so much!

I'd bet cash this site has plenty of stealth Bronies so I'm sure our quiet Brony Brothers would love to see pics of the My Little Pony booth!

If possible, get some pics of Palladium's Robotech Tactics demos. The PB forum poster Phaze was supposed to bring a Macross City model and a huge Space setup as well and his preview pics looked very impressive.

Quote from: YourSwordisMine;779580It is sad at how bland the WoTC 5e room is compared to the balls to the wall Paizo room. That disparity is kind of jarring.

Paizo has clearly won the Art Wars, both in books and at cons. It's a shame its attached to a game I don't enjoy.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Sutekh on August 15, 2014, 03:03:38 AM
Quote from: jibbajibba;779796Our homebrewed Space combat game way way better, using extendable car aerials and a steel sheet base and magnets it was genuine 3D :D

Can I?

Stop your jibbajabba foo! :) (Mr/T)

In regards to the 5e/ Paizo comparison, what color I have seen in the 5e shots has been impressive, esp those faction hanging displays. Very nice. And their sold out signs for their demo games must be saying something about popularity.

I still chuckle with mirth over the pathfinder missprint on the Advanced Class guide cover. You hope someone got taken over the coals for that.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: crkrueger on August 15, 2014, 05:09:37 AM
Quote from: Claudius;779802I didn't know that Mythic Britain would be available in GenCon. Color me interested.

Zachary, thank you very much for this thread, as usual, it's a pleasure.

I don't believe it is, but Loz and Pete are going to be there, maybe with some layout to show and demos to run.

Here's their plans. (
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 15, 2014, 06:25:08 AM
Quote from: Sutekh;779816I still chuckle with mirth over the pathfinder missprint on the Advanced Class guide cover. You hope someone got taken over the coals for that.

There are things that I want people to get taken over the coals for. That isn't one of them.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Gavken on August 15, 2014, 06:57:37 AM
Zach, thank you once again for doing this for all of us who have no hope of getting to Gen Con. It really gives us a nice warm feeling seeing all the new products and things going on at Gen Con.

Also, colour me interested in seeing some of the Design Mechanism's stuff on Mythic Britain for RQ6.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 09:45:31 AM
Good morning, guys! Here with my oldest daughter today! I'll be sure to check on RQ and Mythic Britain--I think they're supposed to have some proofs.

A couple of quick pics before the Exhibit Hall opens:

Fat Dragon, as always, amazes me with what they can do with cardstock. There are some new models at this year's show, and a great deal on their products:




Does no one else find it amazing that's just cardstock?

One thing I meant to mention yesterday that I didn't: Shadows of Esteren has a fairly large, very impressive display here at Gen Con this year. No wonder people rave over the production values of that line:



And yes, for you Who fans, as always:



I have seen more Doctors in costume this year than in any I can remember. And I'm pretty sure the eyes of the Doctor furthest to the left follow you when you move.

Here's the White Wolf/Onyx Path/Dark Darkness (or Not) booth. Not a very good pic, I'll try to get another.


More a bit later, guys--thanks for reading and the comments! I'm trying to respond to your messages and PMs as I can.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 15, 2014, 09:49:21 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779861Good morning, guys! Here with my oldest daughter today! I'll be sure to check on RQ and Mythic Britain--I think they're supposed to have some proofs.

A couple of quick pics before the Exhibit Hall opens:

Fat Dragon, as always, amazes me with what they can do with cardstock. There are some new models at this year's show, and a great deal on their products:


I need a new keyboard, I think I just ruined this one from drooling over this picture.  How do I buy this?  I need to buy this.

(Well, I need to buy two.  One for my daughter to play with, and one for me to enjoy.)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Mistwell on August 15, 2014, 10:42:11 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779615The official word being given to customers at the 5e Bazaar is that MM books are not available, not coming in on time or somesuch. At least for the plebes--I can't speak to anything else, but will ask around.

Here are the pics from the other thread on it...

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 12:16:24 PM
Quote from: jcfiala;779864I need a new keyboard, I think I just ruined this one from drooling over this picture.  How do I buy this?  I need to buy this.

(Well, I need to buy two.  One for my daughter to play with, and one for me to enjoy.)

It's available on RPGNow--and check out the Fat Dragon website, too...

New update incoming...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 12:35:19 PM
I went past the Moon Design/Design Mechanism booth, and talked to Pete Nash (no Loz at that moment). I was able to look at a map and some early proof sheets for Mythic Britain. Pete is saying they're projecting a release by the end of the year. A really cool feature is the pdf map that comes with it will be layered, so you can turn off and on various layers and labels on it.

Overall, layout is mostly done, and it sounds like Loz is working on the last parts of it. Here's a super-special sneak peek for you:




One of the absolute, hands-down coolest things I've seen at Gen Con is Collapsible Construction (Booth 465). Their fold-down building essentially lie down flat, and pop into place with an absolute minimum of work. Seriously, this was AMAZING to see. I think I just stood there with my jaw dropped open. I deal all the time with having either the time or space for minis buildings, and here's a really cool solution to that--everything can just be kept in a page protector, popped up when needed, and folds down with zero hassle!

Here's a Facebook page ( website is still under construction. Seriously, seriously impressive.

By the way, that is a HEAVY pewter mini sitting on top of this stuff with no bend or apparent stress.




Received a GREAT demo of Syrinscape (, the sound effects player and software that is on display here at Gen Con. I'll confess--I thought this was going to be another simplistic product that detracted from the focus of a game, rather than add to it. I was wrong, I think. The various sound packages, the sliders to increase and mix, and the push-button one-off sounds are presented in a seriously smooth package.




For what it's worth, my daughter says Syrinscape and Collapsible Construction are the two coolest things she's seen today. Getting to see a sneak peek of Mythic Britain was a highlight for me, but I have to say, both of those were absolutely awesome.

Much, much better reception at Kenzer this year, I am happy to say! Happy booth, plenty of fan interaction, and some demos a-rockin' the place:


My daughter and I did this game Snake Oil ( at Out of the Box. GREAT family, group, or party game--picked up a copy for $20, and was happy to do so.

Still need to hit up SJ Games and plenty more--will update later this afternoon, God and wifi willing.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Dirk Remmecke on August 15, 2014, 12:50:57 PM
Quote from: Omega;779779Have you ever been to Gen Con? They have people there selling BDSM gear, real swords, costuming supplies, videos, videos and more videos, etc.

Gen Con had an "Anime Track" as long as I have been there (1990-2001). Even TSR obviously considered them relevant enough.
The 1990 screening of Akira probably had the biggest attendance of any movie screening that took place at Gen Con (at least while they were at MECCA).
Back then movie screenings took place in a small room that seated maybe 30, 40 persons.
The movie before Akira was Terry Gilliam's Baron Münchhausen, and the room was packed - not because the people wanted to see Münchhausen, but because they wanted to secure places for Akira! When Gen Con saw the hundreds of people waiting outside the room they moved the screening in the last minute to the big stage area (where usually the Dragonlance plays, the sword fight demos, and special guest events like Mark Hamill's Q&A took place).

Zack, thank you this coverage!

Many many years ago I did Gen Con reports on German usenet (albeit without pictures as this was before smart phones) so I can relate to what you are going through.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 15, 2014, 01:03:09 PM
Mythic Britain looks nice!  How is RuneQuest?  I've never played it but I read up on it a few days ago and I'm tempted -- downloaded the free rules and going to give it a read this weekend.

Also, did you get the chance to stop by Columbia Games?  Curious to see how much Harn stuff they have out and how they present it (the HQ subscriber articles just come in little baggies).  Wondering if Orbaal makes an appearance as well, copies should be shipping to subscribers in the next couple of weeks so it may be there as well.

Thanks again for this thread, it's almost like being there.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: One Horse Town on August 15, 2014, 01:57:15 PM
Great work, Zack! You'll need a holiday when you get back home. :D
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RunningLaser on August 15, 2014, 02:11:48 PM
Thank you for time and effort taking all these pictures, posting them and giving write ups- very appreciated!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: VengerSatanis on August 15, 2014, 02:46:53 PM
Quote from: JamesV;779702I have a dice tray from Wyrmwood, and though it's a little on the small side for my tastes, they're nice-looking and well made. Good for games and really good for Yahtzee as a matter of fact.

Those do look fancy!  

Now that The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence kickstarter is over and done with, I can start making more custom dice trays...


They were an upper tier backer reward.  12" x 12".  Sigils are wood-burned, stained, and sealed by me.  

Email me if you're interested.  $50 + $15 for shipping/handling within the U.S.  It also comes with a sigil key-code so you know what each sigil means... sorcery, chaos, luck, etc.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 03:17:12 PM
OK, back at it. Talked with the folks at Columbia Games. They have a Gen Con special for the new HarnWorld Overview and Map, which includes the Harndex in pdf for $25 total.




There were some demos going on of the new Robotech RPG at the Palladium booth. I tried to get a few closeups of the minis:



Oh, and my daughter demoed the My Little Pony card game...and I joined. So hopefully there's no photographic evidence out there. That's Dad Sacrifice to the thousandth power, right there.

Picked up Regular Show Fluxx at the Looney Labs/Steve Jackson Games booth. I asked after the Car Wars game, and they said they did have it as a prerelease here, but had sold out--they only had a few reserved/spoken for left. So that was that.  


I still can't get into the (expletive) Savage Worlds rows to take any (expletive) photos because its about 8 feet square, can fit two gamers at a time, and has boxes on the other side blocking it. Irritated somewhat.

A bit blurry on this one. Apologies.


This guy was soon back, and in greater numbers:


So many minis at Iron Wind Metals:


Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 03:17:39 PM
The obligatory Geek Chic shots. Still amazing, still expensive:



More later! If there are any requests for today or tomorrow, just let me know--no promises, but I'll do my best!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Sacrosanct on August 15, 2014, 03:28:19 PM
I could spend all day at that minis table.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: 3rik on August 15, 2014, 03:44:01 PM
Cubicle 7, Modiphius and Eden Studios?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 15, 2014, 03:47:53 PM
Quote from: Sacrosanct;779972I could spend all day at that minis table.


When I go back to Gen Con, I'm probably going to block out a couple of slots for going through the dealer's room.  For both the "check every booth" pass and the "deep delve into inventory' pass.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 15, 2014, 03:47:57 PM
Quote from: jcfiala;779864I need a new keyboard, I think I just ruined this one from drooling over this picture.  How do I buy this?  I need to buy this.

(Well, I need to buy two.  One for my daughter to play with, and one for me to enjoy.)

You get them from the site store or Drive-thru.

They make quite a few interesting sets now. (

You print them to, or mount them to cardstock from the PDFs.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 15, 2014, 03:48:25 PM
How much traffic does Columbia get these days for Harn vs. their block games?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 15, 2014, 03:49:53 PM
Quote from: Omega;779980You get them from the site store or Drive-thru.

They make quite a few interesting sets now. (

You print them to, or mount them to cardstock from the PDFs.

Yeah, I hit up google to do a search once I found a replacement keyboard, and now I'm considering it.  I need to see how well my current printer prints on cardstock, or at least on stiff paper.  (Hard to say, it's an older printer.)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Saplatt on August 15, 2014, 03:53:17 PM
Cthulhu Wars just made my Christmas wish list.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: estar on August 15, 2014, 04:18:51 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779969OK, back at it. Talked with the folks at Columbia Games. They have a Gen Con special for the new HarnWorld Overview and Map, which includes the Harndex in pdf for $25 total.

Thanks Zach!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: estar on August 15, 2014, 04:21:32 PM

Does the fact that I know what that shield means makes me a hard core Harn nerd :)

It is the heraldry of the Order of the Checker Shield, a fighting order of the Church of Larani. It was sponsered by a King of Kanday to guard his northern border against the depredations of the Kingdom of Rethem which is dominated by the "evil" church of Agrik. The order faces off along the border against it archrival the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook.

Yeah I guess I am a Harn nerd.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 15, 2014, 04:49:59 PM
Quote from: estar;779994Does the fact that I know what that shield means makes me a hard core Harn nerd :)

It is the heraldry of the Order of the Checker Shield, a fighting order of the Church of Larani. It was sponsered by a King of Kanday to guard his northern border against the depredations of the Kingdom of Rethem which is dominated by the "evil" church of Agrik. The order faces off along the border against it archrival the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook.

Yeah I guess I am a Harn nerd.

You are a Harn Nerd

Harn is one of those games I've always known existed, but never owned or had a chance to really look through the books. Their maps are always awesome though.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 15, 2014, 04:51:28 PM
Zack, can you stop by the Flying Buffalo booth and check on status of the Tunnels and Trolls Deluxe
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Larsdangly on August 15, 2014, 05:00:47 PM
Quote from: YourSwordisMine;780003Zack, can you stop by the Flying Buffalo booth and check on status of the Tunnels and Trolls Deluxe

I second that motion!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 15, 2014, 05:26:33 PM
Thank you very much for the Columbia Games booth shots!  Man, can't wait to get my HarnWorld binder on Monday, and Orbaal in the mail from my HQ subscription.  I had no idea HarnDex PDF was also included in the GenCon special, looking forward to that as well.

estar, we're both Harn nerds.  In fact, I don't know if it is possible to be anything but -- I've never met a casual Harn fan. =)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Psychman on August 15, 2014, 05:33:48 PM
Quote from: YourSwordisMine;780003Zack, can you stop by the Flying Buffalo booth and check on status of the Tunnels and Trolls Deluxe

I third that, and second the earlier Cubicle 7 visit request.  Specifically The One Ring, and any tidbits regarding the Lone Wolf Kickstarter that's running.  Any pictures gratefully received also.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 15, 2014, 05:35:31 PM
Quote from: jcfiala;779983Yeah, I hit up google to do a search once I found a replacement keyboard, and now I'm considering it.  I need to see how well my current printer prints on cardstock, or at least on stiff paper.  (Hard to say, it's an older printer.)

A Kinkos or Staples equivalent could likely do. Not sure of it would be cost effective or not.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 05:53:14 PM
A lot of folks will have the Fat Dragon stuff printed at a local print shop all at once. Not sure if that'd work for you.

I went by Flying Buffalo, and talked with the folks there. Sorry, but no definitive word on when Tunnels & Trolls Deluxe will be out--Liz Danforth is working away on it, but they were reluctant to pin down any specific date.

I thought this was a neat pic--that's Ken St. Andre and Rick Loomis, two gaming pioneers, at the same booth. Loomis is seated, while St. Andre is standing next to him:


Speaking of, here's Larry Elmore, and some minis at the Dark Sword booth:



The ENnies booth:


I have some C7 booth shots--I'll go through everything later and post them up. The thing is, Cubicle 7 is actually like eleventy different companies sharing space, so I think I've actually already shown stuff that was technically C7, but doesn't look like it, if that makes sense.

I did see Lou Zocchi today at the Gamescience booth. They're working on getting supply back up, and actually have a decent stock of Zocchi-made dice at this year's show:


Random shot:


OK, we're pretty wiped at this point, and I need to see what everyone is doing. Sorry for anything I haven't been able to get to yet--it's not for a lack of trying, but at some point late each day I sort of get lost in the weeds, and have to go through and see what's missing. This is for you guys who can't go (yet), so tell me what's needed, and I'll give it a shot.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Psychman on August 15, 2014, 06:22:50 PM
Fair enough about getting your pictures organised before posting.  I am aware that Moon Design/Design Mechanism is part of Cubicle7's booth, so I'm not surprised there are others.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 15, 2014, 07:10:20 PM
Quote from: Psychman;780028Fair enough about getting your pictures organised before posting.  I am aware that Moon Design/Design Mechanism is part of Cubicle7's booth, so I'm not surprised there are others.

I'm pretty sure Esteren is printed by them too, although judging by Zach's posts they've broken out into a separate area.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 15, 2014, 07:51:14 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780046I'm pretty sure Esteren is printed by them too, although judging by Zach's posts they've broken out into a separate area.

Shadows of Esteren is printed via Studio 2 Publishing, not Cubicle 7.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: 3rik on August 15, 2014, 08:17:59 PM
Quote from: 3rik;779976Cubicle 7, Modiphius and Eden Studios?
According to their site, Eden Studios is at booth 629. Modiphius are not attending.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 15, 2014, 10:23:09 PM
Yes, and sorry for not getting anything at Eden yet.

I think Modiphus is part of the Indie Press Revolution booth.

Here's a shot of Cubicle 7, as requested:


Here's the C7 booth on the Moon Design/Design Mechanism side:


Awesome minifigs at the Paizo booth on display:


Rob, one more shield for you from the Columbia Games booth--sorry I missed it!


Went to the Tyranny of Dragons launch party--briefly. It was held in a plaza outside, and verily, the factions were already beginning their assault--on the assembled food trucks. They started playing the sort of music that people play now at large parties, and we left. Jarlaxe was on his cell phone the whole time, but it just might have been a dude dressed like Jarlaxe. I'll have to post the pic once I charge my camera's battery.

I thought the convention was busy yesterday, but we started seeing that Friday creep even earlier in the day, and by 5 or so, the place was absolutely full up with gamers, even moreso than before:


By request, a few more shots of Goodman Games and DCC. Joe Goodman in the fella behind the booth in the gray t-shirt:



I'll post some more pics tomorrow--if you have requests, I'll do my best, but I have a couple of obligations tomorrow, so I'll have to hit it hard and do what I can to work it in.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: 3rik on August 15, 2014, 10:34:21 PM
QuoteYes, and sorry for not getting anything at Eden yet.
No problem. Thanks for all you effort so far!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 15, 2014, 11:03:53 PM
Quote from: Skywalker;780053Shadows of Esteren is printed via Studio 2 Publishing, not Cubicle 7.

Ah, you're right.

Doctor Who, not Esteren.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: VengerSatanis on August 15, 2014, 11:11:14 PM
Next year, this will all be televised.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 15, 2014, 11:18:00 PM
Quote from: VengerSatanis;780118Next year, this will all be televised.


Well, there is an Oomba livestream out there, but the streaming itself sucks.  I've not been able to get synced audio and video yet.

But what's all the more annoying is that apparently the production values on the ground look really good, but they can't seem to get that last mile done.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: James Gillen on August 16, 2014, 02:52:43 AM
Quote from: Saplatt;779986Cthulhu Wars just made my Christmas wish list.

It looks like RISK Legacy, except instead of writing your own country onto the game board, you inscribe the text of Call Ithaqua and become an insane cannibal.

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 16, 2014, 02:56:46 AM
Request for Indie Game Developer Network Booth (1539) for both Kotodama Heavy Industries and Khepera Publishing.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Spinachcat on August 16, 2014, 03:05:50 AM
Thank you again Zach. I hope you are taking time to PLAY STUFF!!!

Great job as always!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BarefootGaijin on August 16, 2014, 03:06:21 AM
Today I learnt that they give awards for RPGs! How quaint!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Claudius on August 16, 2014, 03:33:26 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;779906I went past the Moon Design/Design Mechanism booth, and talked to Pete Nash (no Loz at that moment). I was able to look at a map and some early proof sheets for Mythic Britain. Pete is saying they're projecting a release by the end of the year. A really cool feature is the pdf map that comes with it will be layered, so you can turn off and on various layers and labels on it.

Overall, layout is mostly done, and it sounds like Loz is working on the last parts of it. Here's a super-special sneak peek for you:
Thank you again Zachary, for taking those pics. It's always a pleasure to read your threads about GenCon.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Psychman on August 16, 2014, 04:31:32 AM
For those who are curious, here's a link to the Cthulhu Wars website (

From there you can also download a copy of the full rules.

Thak you again for your sterling efforts, Zach, and I also hope you are getting in some gaming!  If I may be cheeky and ask after one more company - FASA, particularly progress on Earthdawn 4th Edition?

Otherwise thank you again, as I will be working across the weekend so won't get much chance to follow up until late on Sunday (after 5pm your time).
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Hodgson on August 16, 2014, 08:16:30 AM
QuoteThe thing is, Cubicle 7 is actually like eleventy different companies sharing space, so I think I've actually already shown stuff that was technically C7, but doesn't look like it, if that makes sense.

We have Moon Design sharing a corner of our booth, but everything else is pure c7 - no other companies present.  Drop by the stand today Zach if you're in the vicinity and I'll give you the tour and the latest news/gossip. I'm delivering a panel first thing, but I'm at the stand from 11 if you make it back to our part of the exhibit hall. Given how busy it's been on Thursday and Friday you could be forgiven for not managing it today! :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 08:50:44 AM
Quote from: Hodgson;780167We have Moon Design sharing a corner of our booth, but everything else is pure c7 - no other companies present.  Drop by the stand today Zach if you're in the vicinity and I'll give you the tour and the latest news/gossip. I'm delivering a panel first thing, but I'm at the stand from 11 if you make it back to our part of the exhibit hall. Given how busy it's been on Thursday and Friday you could be forgiven for not managing it today! :)

Ah, gotcha. The way the booth was broken up, I thought it was a few different companies. My apologies! I'll try to catch up with you today--I appreciate it! It's been a whirlwind for sure! :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Hodgson on August 16, 2014, 08:58:17 AM
It's been absolutely crazy. It's 9am and I'm not sure I'm going to last the day. :)

Hopefully speak to you later on!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 09:15:09 AM
It's raining this AM at Gen Con, after frankly perfect weather for the past week. Still, it's cool, and only a very light drizzle at the moment.

Here are some pics of outside the convention center around 7am this morning:



The Tyranny of Dragons party last night was not so hot. It was a large mass of people in a fairly small tent and area, and no one quite seemed to know what to do--probably more a testament to the general social skills of those in our hobby as much as anything.




Here's the Cardhalla exhibit this year! Change will be thrown at this to destroy  it to benefit Gleaners Food Ban. Sic transit gloria mundi.


Here is the board game room, where if you're of a mind you can grab a game off the rack, sit down with friends or strangers, and play. a lot of games.


Oh, and wanted to mention the cool Funko booth, which has some pretty cool action figures on display.



I'm not sure how updates will work today, as I have a few obligations, but I'll take plenty of photos as I can, and will be back with updates when I can.

One thing I've noticed more and more that I get fewer of the Cosplay/Costumes each year. It's a product of growing old and thinking a lot of stuff is total crap, I guess. I get excited over seeing a really good Darth Vader or Green Arrow, whereas the anime kids who inhabit the dark corners of the convention run up to some guy with spiky hair, sunscreen, a banana, and a sword, and gush as to how it's AMAZING and OMG TAKE A PICTURE. Well, I think I sound enough like an old fart for one day.

I'll tell you, I am really, REALLY ready to play with Cityographer, and I know it's going to be a while before I get to mess around with it. If you're at the show, though, and haven't checked it out, stop by Inkwell Ideas Booth 3019 at the end of the hall. I can't wait to start mapping with it. The same goes with getting to play more with Syrinscape ( went home last night and downloaded it/bought a subscription, but haven't been able to mess with it as much as I'd like. So, so cool.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Koltar on August 16, 2014, 10:38:51 AM
Two requests - 1) can you take a picture or two in the region of booth /table 2534 ? Some friends of mine are vending t-shirts there (Junior Birdman Press)

and 2) See if you can find the Steampunk group from the Cincinnati area. I know they are there somewhere and they've got a booth selling stuff and promoting a local Steampunk convention.


- Ed
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 16, 2014, 10:47:01 AM
Quote from: BarefootGaijin;780146Today I learnt that they give awards for RPGs! How quaint!

Um... Origins Awards each year have been around for ages?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Opaopajr on August 16, 2014, 11:01:14 AM
Don't worry, if I ever go to Gen Con I'll Larry Elmore it and hairspray my hair within an inch of my life and rock the shoulder pads. Then you won't feel so old. Until the kids starts commenting how cool the 80's were, but don't get any of the references...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 01:06:57 PM
I'll see what I can do on requests. I apologize, but I wasn't able to get any good shots of FASA/Earthdawn. If I have time this afternoon, I will try to get back in there and see what I can manage.

I was really happy to meet up with Jon Hodgson at the Cubicle 7 booth, who showed me some of what they had at the show (hint: it was a lot). First off, check out part of the Magnamund map that's part of their Lone Wolf line (Kickstarter here (


There's also a lot to like about The One Ring RPG, which has been revised into a single book. It's just a really, really good-looking book:


Also, let's talk about their Darkening of Mirkwood ( product, which is a 30-year (!) campaign, and is also super-nice.


Here's a shot of their Fourth Doctor sourcebook for Dr. Who. The Fifth Doctor sourcebook's release is just around the corner:


I should have a bit more on C7 later, but thanks to Jon H. for taking the time to chat with me and show me around!

I also have to share this. I asked the guy how often he had heard the phrase "Happy Little Trees (" today. He said he had been there 10 minutes, and had already heard it 37 times:


I'm not sure I can tell you how much I want this robe. Possible Kickstarter for it?


Some dude offered to take my picture next to this lady. I declined. He asked again. I declined, saying I was just taking pics for press coverage. He then said he was, too, and I could still have my photo taken with her. I fled.


I took multiple pictures of Eden Studios, and this one is apparently the only one that turned out worth anything (and even this one is blurry). They sort of had their RPG products off to the side, and were pushing their other games like Adventure Maximus ( pretty hard:


EDIT: Oh, and you should see some of these wargame and dungeon crawl setups!

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Marleycat on August 16, 2014, 01:39:31 PM
Quote from: Spinachcat;780145Thank you again Zach. I hope you are taking time to PLAY STUFF!!!

Great job as always!

That is what I have been wondering? Zack are you playing anything?!?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 03:08:17 PM
Quote from: Marleycat;780219That is what I have been wondering? Zack are you playing anything?!?

A bit. I've been doing some card and board game demos, looked at some wargames, and am holding out hope for getting some Castles & Crusades and 5e in. Otherwise, I do my best to find stuff that will add to my gaming the other 361 days of the year.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RPGPundit on August 16, 2014, 03:15:31 PM
Quote from: Goober;779449nice shirt

Yes. Yes it is.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RunningLaser on August 16, 2014, 05:02:42 PM
Glad to see that The One Ring is now One Book:)  I didn't care for the two book format.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Marleycat on August 16, 2014, 05:29:50 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780245A bit. I've been doing some card and board game demos, looked at some wargames, and am holding out hope for getting some Castles & Crusades and 5e in. Otherwise, I do my best to find stuff that will add to my gaming the other 361 days of the year.

Cool. And thanks again for doing this.:)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Opaopajr on August 16, 2014, 07:15:37 PM
OMG! Cosplaying Bob Ross is sheer genius! "Happy little trees!"
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 16, 2014, 08:29:59 PM
That Lone Wolf map looks sweet.  I have the KS starred, not quite ready to pull the trigger.  What is the RPG like?  I generally like more realistic, low- to very low-magic settings.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 16, 2014, 08:51:00 PM
Quote from: BigWeather;780334That Lone Wolf map looks sweet.  I have the KS starred, not quite ready to pull the trigger.  What is the RPG like?  I generally like more realistic, low- to very low-magic settings.

At a base level, it uses the solo gamebook mechanics. C7 seem to be adding a Background/Race, Skill and Trait system to that, as well as some form of balancer for PC creation, which otherwise ignores balance.

I would read Flight from the Dark and Fire on the Water here: //, to get an idea of the setting and rules. It's a world that is more grounded in history than most D&D settings, but with elements of high fantasy. Magic is rare, by there are lots of special talents. The Kai Monks are essentially fantasy Jedi knights.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 16, 2014, 09:40:46 PM
Quote from: Opaopajr;780322OMG! Cosplaying Bob Ross is sheer genius! "Happy little trees!"

Seconded.  That falls under the heading of "why didn't I think of that?"
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 16, 2014, 09:42:37 PM
Quote from: BigWeather;780334That Lone Wolf map looks sweet.  I have the KS starred, not quite ready to pull the trigger.  What is the RPG like?  I generally like more realistic, low- to very low-magic settings.

I still have fond memories of those Lone Wolf "choose your own adventure" books.  That's really awesome.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: danbuter on August 16, 2014, 09:55:24 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;779785Yes, I've been for several years now, and on Sunday the vendors tone things down a bit.  But really, are they part of geekdom or gaming?

Costuming supplies, yes. After all, LARPers are gamers. But the other stuff? Not quite so much, although the videos by groups such as The Gamers dovetail with the hobby nicely.

But I'm with Zach about certain aspects of Gen Con needing to tone it down a bit.

Someone's a prude! Got your Puritan hat on? :nono:
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: danbuter on August 16, 2014, 10:09:01 PM
I had no idea a Robotech mini game was being made. I need some Zentraedi and Invid figs right now!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 16, 2014, 10:12:23 PM
Quote from: Skywalker;780341At a base level, it uses the solo gamebook mechanics. C7 seem to be adding a Background/Race, Skill and Trait system to that, as well as some form of balancer for PC creation, which otherwise ignores balance.

I would read Flight from the Dark and Fire on the Water here: //, to get an idea of the setting and rules. It's a world that is more grounded in history than most D&D settings, but with elements of high fantasy. Magic is rare, by there are lots of special talents. The Kai Monks are essentially fantasy Jedi knights.

I was interested, but I was disappointed to find out they were using the same system that Dever used for the books. It was good for that format, but I'd like a little more meat for an actual RPG.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 10:16:04 PM
Sorry this one is coming in late. We had our GM's Jam seminar, which was in a room in the Crowne Plaza apparently located underneath a heavy railroad track. Seriously, the floor shook and it was incredibly loud with each passing train. It did make an effective prop when we discussed railroading, however.

The GM's seminar went really well. We had some newer and more experienced GMs in the crowd, and we talked about issues at our table, and some ideas on how to improve our games. I don't think the far location helped this year--attendance was definitely down, but everyone seemed to have a good time!

I stopped by the Kobold Press/Open booth today and got to chat with Wade Rockett a bit. He said that it's been a very busy convention, as one would imagine with folks curious about Tyranny of Dragons and Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Always nice to see some of the friendliest and coolest folks in gaming:



Evan being impressed (or possibly terrified) with the size of the pieces for the giant U.S. Catan game:



So, for all the good at Gen Con, there's also a booth advertising some sort of furry erotica game. I am really, really glad this shot is a little blurry, but this seriously has to go against some standard of Gen Con, and possibly the universe:


I also spent some time walking around the wargaming area. Some of these setups are enough to drop your jaw. Here's a quick few of some of the best. I definitely want to sign up for a few of these next year--maybe take part of my Saturday and do so. I'll put some more up later:



(A board for Battle of the Five Armies. I love this. A lot):


The parade of costumes for the costumes was this afternoon. It was insanely crowded, but some of the costumes were absolutely amazing. Here's a quick shot from the crowd:


Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 16, 2014, 10:25:39 PM
Quote from: danbuter;780348Someone's a prude! Got your Puritan hat on? :nono:

Bend over and let's find out. ;-)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: YourSwordisMine on August 16, 2014, 10:55:28 PM
Quote from: danbuter;780350I had no idea a Robotech mini game was being made. I need some Zentraedi and Invid figs right now!

They are just covering Macross at the moment. There are plans for the later stuff, but that wont happen for a while.

I've got 350+ minis coming to me from the Kickstarter. I'm looking forward to it.

About 200 of those are Battlepods lol
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 16, 2014, 10:59:12 PM
Quote from: Skywalker;780341At a base level, it uses the solo gamebook mechanics. C7 seem to be adding a Background/Race, Skill and Trait system to that, as well as some form of balancer for PC creation, which otherwise ignores balance.

I would read Flight from the Dark and Fire on the Water here: //, to get an idea of the setting and rules. It's a world that is more grounded in history than most D&D settings, but with elements of high fantasy. Magic is rare, by there are lots of special talents. The Kai Monks are essentially fantasy Jedi knights.

Cool, I checked it out at that link.  They have a ton of resources, including a companion for the world.  I *love* the big map as well as the nine (four available now) sets of maps for each region.  I'm such a sucker for nice maps. =/  

Quote from: flyerfan1991;780346I still have fond memories of those Lone Wolf "choose your own adventure" books.  That's really awesome.

I don't know how I missed them as a kid -- I played CYoA, Endless Quest, and also the Steve Jackson ones, but never saw Lone Wolf.  Was this mainly a UK thing?

Quote from: Endless Flight;780351I was interested, but I was disappointed to find out they were using the same system that Dever used for the books. It was good for that format, but I'd like a little more meat for an actual RPG.

Sounds like they're adding on to the base system.  Then again, I love smaller rules so I'm OK with it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 16, 2014, 11:08:41 PM
OK, guys, I'm done for the evening. Off to bed. I hope everyone has a good evening, and is enjoying the coverage. I'll wrap things up tomorrow:

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 16, 2014, 11:11:36 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780367OK, guys, I'm done for the evening. Off to bed. I hope everyone has a good evening, and is enjoying the coverage. I'll wrap things up tomorrow:


So... what you're saying is that at the end of such a long day, you're very Thor? :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 16, 2014, 11:47:59 PM
Quote from: BigWeather;780366I don't know how I missed them as a kid -- I played CYoA, Endless Quest, and also the Steve Jackson ones, but never saw Lone Wolf.  Was this mainly a UK thing?

No, I discovered them at K-Mart, of all places.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 17, 2014, 12:21:59 AM
Quote from: Endless Flight;780351I was interested, but I was disappointed to find out they were using the same system that Dever used for the books. It was good for that format, but I'd like a little more meat for an actual RPG.

They adding Backgrounds, Skills and Traits, as well as a balancing mechanism for PC Creation. That is a significant bunch of added meat for the RPG.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 17, 2014, 12:25:19 AM
Quote from: BigWeather;780366I don't know how I missed them as a kid -- I played CYoA, Endless Quest, and also the Steve Jackson ones, but never saw Lone Wolf.  Was this mainly a UK thing?

Like Fighting Fantasy, they are British and had a much wider release in UK and Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand. US got them much later in the day and on a much smaller distribution.

IIRC they are second best selling solo gamebooks after Fighting Fantasy. They excelled in that they told a single large consistent story in a more cohesive setting than any other solo gamebook of the time.

I still remember being asked if I had found something some 5 or so books after I had done it, and being gobsmacked at the continuity :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 17, 2014, 12:36:41 AM
Quote from: Skywalker;780381They adding Backgrounds, Skills and Traits, as well as a balancing mechanism for PC Creation. That is a significant bunch of added meat for the RPG.

I'd like to see a new resolution mechanic. Like I said, I was fine with Combat Skill and Endurance and the random table in the books. I'd just like something with a bit more heft for an RPG.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 17, 2014, 05:11:26 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780353So, for all the good at Gen Con, there's also a booth advertising some sort of furry erotica game. I am really, really glad this shot is a little blurry, but this seriously has to go against some standard of Gen Con, and possibly the universe:

You obviously have never seen some of Liz Danfourth or Phil Foglios pieces then... ahem.

Looks like Furoticon. an adult CCG in the same vein as XXXenophile.

That said... This is the sort of thing generally the furry community tries to tone down. And to date this would make the first blatantly adult anthro game. As opposed by the dozens of adult non-furry RPGs out there. Yeah, especially THAT one... :rolleyes:

I am surprised though that Furroticon is now big enough to afford a booth at Gen Con and FA:United at the same time, then hitting up Indy Fur Con a week later.

And thanks for all the pics! Wish I had the funds to hit up Gen Con again like used to in the 90s. I'd love to see first hand how the new place looks! I miss getting to talk with other game designers and artists too.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 05:35:48 AM
Quote from: BigWeather;780366I don't know how I missed them as a kid -- I played CYoA, Endless Quest, and also the Steve Jackson ones, but never saw Lone Wolf.  Was this mainly a UK thing?

No, I'm in the US, and it was a contemporary of the ICE version called "Middle Earth Quest" or "Tolkien Quest" back in the early/mid 80s. I have to admit that I mainly bought those books from independent booksellers, so they might have been geared to the UK market.

Just like the ICE ones, you could take your character and progress through the storyline just like a regular RPG. Since they'd written the books to accommodate people who were jumping in for the first time, characters tended to be OP by the midway point in each 5-book sequence.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Koltar on August 17, 2014, 05:48:51 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780353Sorry this one is coming in late. We had our GM's Jam seminar, which was in a room in the Crowne Plaza apparently located underneath a heavy railroad track. .......

(A board for Battle of the Five Armies. I love this. A lot):


That does look fabulous. Some parts I recognize from other older out of print games. The fortress towers are from 'MAGE KNIGHT', all of the trees appear to be from HEROSCAPE sets.

I DID make it there today! (YAY!!).

Enjoyed the GM seminar you ran a couple of years ago that you ran and I attended.

- Ed C.

P.s. - The Food trucks were a good idea and nice surprise this year...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Skywalker on August 17, 2014, 05:56:25 AM
Quote from: Endless Flight;780383I'd like to see a new resolution mechanic. Like I said, I was fine with Combat Skill and Endurance and the random table in the books. I'd just like something with a bit more heft for an RPG.

It looks like Skills will modify the roll and Traits add additional effects, along with more mechanics around Discpline and the like. It's not just CS and End anymore than D&D is Attack Bonus and HP.

As for a d10 dice mechanic as the resolution mechanic, that's not significantly different from a number of hefty RPG systems like d20.

I get what your saying. The Mongoose Multiplayer Game did suffer as a full RPG for sticking with the solo Gamebooks. But C7 look to be building on that base to give you something more like you are wanting.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Ladybird on August 17, 2014, 06:33:56 AM
Quote from: jcfiala;780368So... what you're saying is that at the end of such a long day, you're very Thor? :)

He's a very modest reporter, likes to keep things Loki.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 06:57:59 AM
Quote from: Ladybird;780432He's a very modest reporter, likes to keep things Loki.

Maybe he was just so Frigga tired.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 07:27:04 AM
A prize to all of you. :)

I'll get some more photos up a bit later on today.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 08:52:49 AM
Here are a few more from the wargaming area. Imagining transporting all this and setting it up! Some of these guys have made a science of it:


(Chik-fil-A is very popular here, since it is at the Mall Food Court, and [for fast food] delicious)

Pretty a-maze-ing, right guys? Right? Ahahahahahaha--eh, forget it. I'm too tired.


Pieces from the Miniature Building Authority (


You get to play dragons in this one, laying waste to a town and getting points for it. Think of a Death Race for Dragons. I am SO playing in this next year!



Another cool one:


There was some animated discussion going on over this one while I was there. Japan was up to some mischief, apparently:


Grimdarkness makes an appearance, of course!


Custom map of Westeros:


Will try to get some IGDN shots today...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 09:09:39 AM
A few more I didn't get to post up yesterday--

They had a neat set-up for this game called Rivet Wars: Eastern Front ( You could get your picture taken in the tank. I did not get my picture taken in the tank:


More costume contest stuff:


My close-up encounter with a Jawa. I couldn't get him to turn around for a picture, so I had to resort to speaking to him in his native language. It worked:


Another shot of the (oh so pretty) One Ring line at Cubicle 7:


Lots of nerdy t-shirt booths, as always:


I would play this so hard:


It seemed to me 5e traffic had picked up considerably by yesterday in the D&D area. There was a queue to start playing, and they were really having organizers hustle people off the tables ASAP:


Pic from the Soda Pop Miniatures/Ninja Division booth (Super Dungeon Explore, I believe):


An unfortunately blurry photo of Margaret Weis Publishing. I think I took this one on the run (sorry):

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: GameDaddy on August 17, 2014, 09:24:17 AM
Awesome photos this year, Thank You!

Did manage to do a stealth drive-by this year, dropping off Koltar, and then picking him up around midnight last night. Would have stopped in to check everything out for myself, however had another Traveller's aid obligation that involved getting a young lady safely on her way home to her mother in NYC. This took me back over to Dayton for most of Saturday.

I'm pretty sure some new attendance records were shattered overall. Downtown Indianapolis was buried in geeks. I think the Colts had an exhibition game so with both events there was probably 100,000 extra people in the immediate downtown area yesterday.

Traffic and driving was all big-city like.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Spellslinging Sellsword on August 17, 2014, 12:34:24 PM
On G+ I saw a photo of a flyer that Pinnacle is giving out at Gen Con that shows a new line of Lankhmar books for Savage Worlds. If you get a chance can you see if they have any info on when these are coming out?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 01:20:02 PM
Quote from: ptingler;780493On G+ I saw a photo of a flyer that Pinnacle is giving out at Gen Con that shows a new line of Lankhmar books for Savage Worlds. If you get a chance can you see if they have any info on when these are coming out?

Yes! I was just about to mention Savage Lankhmar! Still trying to ascertain something on the date.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: BigWeather on August 17, 2014, 01:58:14 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780505Yes! I was just about to mention Savage Lankhmar! Still trying to ascertain something on the date.

Wow, that's very very interesting!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 06:38:45 PM
We made it up there for Sunday, once again.

A few short notes:

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 06:47:43 PM
Indie Game Developer Network booth:


No release date yet on Lankhmar, Sixth Gun, Necessary Evil 2, or Weird War I, but it sounds like a pretty full schedule.

Love the Warmachine setup every year:


The CritSuccess ( booth was mobbed every day, every time I went past. I'm pretty sure people were just throwing money at them.


So, that's it for now. My apologies for everything I didn't get to--I have a lot of photos I haven't gone through yet, so I might post a bit more, and tomorrow I'll have a link to my "Best of Gen Con".
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Ladybird on August 17, 2014, 07:21:06 PM
Ohmigoth, I had never seen those critsuccess rings before, but they are SO COOL.

Shipping's reasonable, too...
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 07:33:04 PM
Quote from: Ladybird;780574Ohmigoth, I had never seen those critsuccess rings before, but they are SO COOL.

Shipping's reasonable, too...

As online-savvy as we all are, a big part of Gen Con for me is finding out about stuff I had no idea existed, or just hadn't paid attention to before. That's part of the reason I don't mind running around with a camera for 3 or 4 days--I want everyone to see all the cool stuff and get a feel for Gen  Con, but in the process I see plenty of cool stuff myself.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 08:41:14 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780353So, for all the good at Gen Con, there's also a booth advertising some sort of furry erotica game. I am really, really glad this shot is a little blurry, but this seriously has to go against some standard of Gen Con, and possibly the universe:

FWIW, this wasn't there on Sunday.  The 3000 means it was waaay back in the corner of the new area, and my wife and I spent some time down that way where some of the Kickstarter backed games were.  I hadn't even realized I'd not seen it until I went back to check your pics again.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 08:42:04 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780576As online-savvy as we all are, a big part of Gen Con for me is finding out about stuff I had no idea existed, or just hadn't paid attention to before. That's part of the reason I don't mind running around with a camera for 3 or 4 days--I want everyone to see all the cool stuff and get a feel for Gen  Con, but in the process I see plenty of cool stuff myself.

Zack, I noticed on Sunday that the Looking for Group RPG booth was really busy.  Did you see that on the other days?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 17, 2014, 09:01:09 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780588FWIW, this wasn't there on Sunday.  The 3000 means it was waaay back in the corner of the new area, and my wife and I spent some time down that way where some of the Kickstarter backed games were.  I hadn't even realized I'd not seen it until I went back to check your pics again.

They were only there for Friday and Saturday.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 17, 2014, 09:02:34 PM
Did they run True Dungeon at the con this year?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 09:07:28 PM
Quote from: Omega;780596Did they run True Dungeon at the con this year?

Yes, and I heard it was it's usual fun self.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 09:12:38 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780589Zack, I noticed on Sunday that the Looking for Group RPG booth was really busy.  Did you see that on the other days?

Moderately. I remember passing by it Friday, I think, and noticing a pretty solid crowd, but I was on my way to somewhere else, and couldn't get a decent pic.

Honestly, with whatever the bump was in attendance this year, I had to fight hard for pics in several instances.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 17, 2014, 09:39:22 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780600Moderately. I remember passing by it Friday, I think, and noticing a pretty solid crowd, but I was on my way to somewhere else, and couldn't get a decent pic.

Honestly, with whatever the bump was in attendance this year, I had to fight hard for pics in several instances.

My brother-in-law said he'd heard rumors of 70k, but I don't think it got that high.  But boy were the thoroughfares crowded, even into the afternoon on Sunday when typically things start to thin out a bit.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 17, 2014, 09:58:40 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780611My brother-in-law said he'd heard rumors of 70k, but I don't think it got that high.  But boy were the thoroughfares crowded, even into the afternoon on Sunday when typically things start to thin out a bit.

That's one thing I'm going to mention tomorrow; I thought placement on some of the large booths where there's obviously going to be a line could have been much better. But, hey, I suppose that's something to bring up for next year.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Sutekh on August 17, 2014, 11:32:59 PM
Thanks for the lovely stream of updates and photos.

One thing I noticed I didnt see was anything of Codename Morningstar (the new software that WOTC is using as the character builder for its new 5e). Apparently they were there running demos. (Trapdoor Technologies). Did you manage to see this or talk to anyone there about it?

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 06:37:17 AM
Quote from: Sutekh;780626Thanks for the lovely stream of updates and photos.

One thing I noticed I didnt see was anything of Codename Morningstar (the new software that WOTC is using as the character builder for its new 5e). Apparently they were there running demos. (Trapdoor Technologies). Did you manage to see this or talk to anyone there about it?


Yeah, I heard about it, but didn't get in on any demos. Sorry for that. I probably should have pushed a bit more for 5e stuff this year, given the anticipation.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 07:34:45 AM
Thanks to everyone for reading this year. I'm sure there's more discussion to come, and I'm happy to answer any question (with the warning that a lot of times at Gen Con I just see a snapshot of what's going on at a particular moment).

Here's the link to my "Best of Gen Con 2014 (" for this year, if you'd like to see the product and game highlights from my point of view: (
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RunningLaser on August 18, 2014, 07:47:31 AM
Zach- again, thanks for doing all of this:)

Question for you- Troll Lord said they were releasing a companion box for their white box and I thought I heard it was to be at Gencon.  Did they have anything?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 07:53:06 AM
Quote from: RunningLaser;780672Zach- again, thanks for doing all of this:)

Question for you- Troll Lord said they were releasing a companion box for their white box and I thought I heard it was to be at Gencon.  Did they have anything?

Yes! They had the Black Box. It came with a full set of dice (the d6s were Troll Lord-marked), and there are three booklets inside the box: Adventurer's Companion, Gods and Monsters of Airhde, and an updated adventure. The Adventurer's Companion has some cool preset backpacks for various class, and three new C&C classes: Archer, Avatar, and a Thief! I believe they did a print run of 300 initially for Gen Con (I got #19).

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: The Butcher on August 18, 2014, 08:44:49 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780673(

Whoa, that's pretty. Did you get it?

Hopefully they'll release the Adventurer's Companion as a stand-alone?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: dragoner on August 18, 2014, 09:02:05 AM
Pretty cool thread, Zachary The First, thanks. :)
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 09:20:32 AM
Quote from: The Butcher;780676Whoa, that's pretty. Did you get it?

Hopefully they'll release the Adventurer's Companion as a stand-alone?

Oh yeah, that was a day one purchase. :)

I'm pretty sure the Adventurer's Backpack was originally conceived as a stand-alone product. I'm not sure if we'll something that expands on it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 18, 2014, 09:35:07 AM
Thanks again Zach, for all of the pictures and commentary!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Armchair Gamer on August 18, 2014, 09:37:08 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780682Oh yeah, that was a day one purchase. :)

I'm pretty sure the Adventurer's Backpack was originally conceived as a stand-alone product. I'm not sure if we'll something that expands on it.

   From some checking I did over in the TLG forums, I'm pretty sure the Black Box version of the Adventurer's Backpack is a cut-down preview version of the full release.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 18, 2014, 11:54:57 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;780671Thanks to everyone for reading this year. I'm sure there's more discussion to come, and I'm happy to answer any question (with the warning that a lot of times at Gen Con I just see a snapshot of what's going on at a particular moment).

Here's the link to my "Best of Gen Con 2014 (" for this year, if you'd like to see the product and game highlights from my point of view: (

Thanks for all the work, Zack. I was wiped after a single day, and I couldn't imagine how you were able to keep going.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 12:09:15 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780726Thanks for all the work, Zack. I was wiped after a single day, and I couldn't imagine how you were able to keep going.

You're very welcome! I think a good breakfast each day there is a must.

Oh, I was tired, but it was largely a good tired. I basically operate on gamer euphoria, try to actually get some sleep, and drink plenty of coffee with that awesome breakfast.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 18, 2014, 12:24:34 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;780726Thanks for all the work, Zack. I was wiped after a single day, and I couldn't imagine how you were able to keep going.

Try doing it on sleep-dep for the duration.

Gen Con 2001. No room for the whole con due to a mix up and so wandering the con dragging my luggage EVERYWHERE... for FOUR DAYS...

Still, had fun overall aside from having to sever ties with BDP. But near the end I was pretty spaced out.

I miss that sort of mayhem. :cool:

Thanks for the tour. Very interesting to see how things have changed.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: trechriron on August 18, 2014, 12:29:20 PM
Thanks for the reports, the images, and braving the crowds to keep us informed. You sir are a scholar and a gentleman!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RandallS on August 18, 2014, 02:02:51 PM
Thanks for doing this again this year, Zach. I really enjoy your photos and comments.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 18, 2014, 02:51:14 PM
You are all very welcome!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: yabaziou on August 18, 2014, 03:10:39 PM
Thank for the nice pictures ! It was nice of you to share your GEN CON !
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: bryce0lynch on August 19, 2014, 12:23:27 PM
56,614 attendees.

It FELT busy Thursday, in an unusual way.

I also noticed that many of the RPG rooms seemed fuller than they had in the past. More events at more tables and fewer empty tables at any given time.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Endless Flight on August 19, 2014, 12:59:29 PM
Thank you for all your hard work!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Omega on August 19, 2014, 03:35:38 PM
Quote from: bryce0lynch;78093556,614 attendees.

It FELT busy Thursday, in an unusual way.

I also noticed that many of the RPG rooms seemed fuller than they had in the past. More events at more tables and fewer empty tables at any given time.

What was the attendance last year?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 19, 2014, 03:54:44 PM
Quote from: Omega;780986What was the attendance last year?

The post I saw said that last year was 49,530.  Apparently the convention has doubled in size between 2009 and now.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Raven on August 19, 2014, 06:21:08 PM
Attendance 2003 - present:
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 19, 2014, 06:43:02 PM
Quote from: Raven;781030Attendance 2003 - present:

At their current rate they'll blow past 60k next year.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Critias on August 19, 2014, 08:29:33 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;781034At their current rate they'll blow past 60k next year.
I would be very surprised if they didn't.  Something'd have to go wrong somewhere, in a big way.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 19, 2014, 10:02:46 PM
Quote from: Critias;781049I would be very surprised if they didn't.  Something'd have to go wrong somewhere, in a big way.

For me, the real trick will be what will happen on the 51st Gen Con.  I can see the 50th anniversary being a huge event, but whether Gen Con LLC can keep the momentum going, that's the big question.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 19, 2014, 10:16:37 PM
The good news is, there's still room for expansion, while keeping it all centrally located. The ICC has plenty of room to still be utilized, but make no mistake, they also need to take a hard look at traffic flow and walking space. It's a completely different feel at 30k vs. 56k.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 19, 2014, 10:41:59 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;781067The good news is, there's still room for expansion, while keeping it all centrally located. The ICC has plenty of room to still be utilized, but make no mistake, they also need to take a hard look at traffic flow and walking space. It's a completely different feel at 30k vs. 56k.

The press conference snippets I saw mentioned Swartout commenting about the size being close to maxed out, but that they often are competing with an NFL preseason game during Gen Con.  This makes me wonder whether the city will start to "encourage" the Colts to take an away game during Gen Con week.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jibbajibba on August 20, 2014, 02:32:36 AM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;781074The press conference snippets I saw mentioned Swartout commenting about the size being close to maxed out, but that they often are competing with an NFL preseason game during Gen Con.  This makes me wonder whether the city will start to "encourage" the Colts to take an away game during Gen Con week.

Hmmm... move the football game or move Gencon.... I guess the locals would vote for ...

doesn't the 500 have like 300,000 vistitors or somethign insane
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 20, 2014, 08:18:10 AM
Quote from: jibbajibba;781097Hmmm... move the football game or move Gencon.... I guess the locals would vote for ...

doesn't the 500 have like 300,000 vistitors or somethign insane

It's preseason, not regular season. To a lot of avid football fans, it's a waste of time. (Unless you want to watch the Browns' Johnny Football implode in real time.)

The 500 may have a huge amount of visitors, but they also have a) that infield that has an entire golf course inside it, and b) people who get hotel space as far away as Chicago, Cincinnati, and Louisville. By comparison, Gen Con is much smaller and more tightly focused in scope.

But judging from the Indy news reports, the local governments absolutely love Gen Con for the sheer amount of money they get out of the gamers. Compared to the average preseason game, I know which side the local governments would land on.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 20, 2014, 08:37:54 AM
They might be getting close capacity for the main part of the ICC (although I still saw many unused areas), but all of that part downtown is interconnected via the tubes. I’m guessing if they moved a few events a bit further away, it would open up room.

The city loves Gen Con—it’s a serious money-maker, and I think that’s apparent by the way local businesses have really embraced it and tried to cater to it.

EDIT: The 500 is huge, but it’s also on the west side of town, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a lot of campers and single-day attendees.

To give an idea of just how massive the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is, by the way, here’s just some of the stuff you could fit inside:

Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 20, 2014, 01:11:00 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;781139They might be getting close capacity for the main part of the ICC (although I still saw many unused areas), but all of that part downtown is interconnected via the tubes. I'm guessing if they moved a few events a bit further away, it would open up room.

The city loves Gen Con—it's a serious money-maker, and I think that's apparent by the way local businesses have really embraced it and tried to cater to it.

EDIT: The 500 is huge, but it's also on the west side of town, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a lot of campers and single-day attendees.

To give an idea of just how massive the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is, by the way, here's just some of the stuff you could fit inside:


And it goes without saying, the 500's infield crowd makes the Gen Con crowd look like a bunch of tame church mice.  There's a reason why the 500's infield (as well as the Kentucky Derby's infield) is known as a place of drunken debauchery.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: bryce0lynch on August 20, 2014, 03:38:39 PM
I think this has run it's course, so I'm going to now hijack with some of my GenCon experiences:

I played in that Battle of Hoth mini's game Zack was drooling over.
I was Imperial 1, with an AT-AT, and my wife was Imperial 6, with an AT-ST and, eventually, Darth Vader. I was really hamming it up with the taunting of the rebels (Bill Cosby BuckBuck impression. "We hit your AT-AT for 90 points!" "What's that? A piece of paper? Someone threw a piece of paper at me!") , and they focused on me. I went down first. My wife was head-hunting rebel forces and killed Leia, Han, and Luke with her e-web gun crews. Chewie opened the door to the base and sent some rebel troops out, but didn't close the door. The door right next to Vader ... My wife killed off the troops with her heavy weapon squads, rushed two stormtroopers through the door, and followed with Vader. It was a very cool moment. Then 800 rebels inside fired at Vader and killed him. But, she did prevent a rebel transport from taking off, which eventually was the deciding factor in which side won the game. Note the square grid in the pictures. The AT-AT's moved 4 squares a turn and could only move forward. It was a LONG slog. At four hours the game lasted about an hour too long.

I came away with a very favorable impression of 13th Age.
It was a lot of fun and was everything the D&D game should have been. It was an intro game and did a great job of teaching the system and the world, without being generic or lame or mechanics focused. The DM was a little ... academic? but he still did a decent job. I was an Emo Necromancer who carried around the bones of his neonatal dead twin sister "Little Girl." I was the biological son of the Dwarf King and The Emperor, who I had negative feelings toward, but I was raised by the Lich King, who I had conflicted feelings towards. I spent most of my days up at the Elf Queens's at the Sylvan Learning Academy, and spent summers with The Crusader. I learned courtly manners from The Diabolist at my dads dinner parts in Necropolis. My One Unique Thing was that I was a time traveling spaceman, and thus the only true necromancer in the world. Fuck if I know man; it was the DM's job to work it in. After 30 minutes or so of play I settled on a teenage emo thing. If I ranted and raved maniacally (think evil necromancer monologue) I had a chance to get my dailies back. I turned that in to raving at my 'dad', the Lich King, and how he didn't control me, blah blah blah. Teenage angsty rebellion. I really enjoyed the game world and I really enjoyed the system. The adventure (a halloween special) was decent, if a bit railroady. But it's a con game and so that's more ok than usual. It's not something I would run, probably, but I wouldn't mind playing it. I was really inspired by the game world though, and the icons. Nice environment to adventure in.

The official D&D EPIC sucked shit.
Saturday night my wife and I played in the D&D Battle Interactive. It was the second worst game at the con for me and I was very disappointed. My wife enjoyed it more, but still stayed up in bed several nights trying to figure out how to 'fix' D&D. We both really love D&D and are sad to see it mismanaged. The problem is Baldman Games, the group that runs the games at the cons. They suck. They don't get the adventures to the DM's on time so the DM's are unprepared. Plus, the DM crew is not the greatest. They need to fill tables so the standards for a DM are pretty low, then they work them to death. Our guy was on hours 12-16 or running that day. Notably, if you pay a shit ton of money, you are guaranteed a good DM. But not if you pay $12 for the 3 hour BI. Note that that ticket cost if roughly FOUR TIMES GREATER than a normal game would be. We got assigned a table and DM very quickly. Good job Baldman! We then sat there and sat there, not knowing what to do. The DM was reading and resisting questions. He then wanted to start the game. But we didn't have characters. Then we needed factions. WTF are factions? Then he says "Ok, you can go look for missing trade goods, or talk to some fey, or kill some kultists. What do you want to do?" That's the fucking intro for the game. And the entire game was like that. "Ok, some wolves attack. They are corrupted." or "Ok, you get attacked some by some owls and eagles. Roll for init." No fucking life at all. No flavor. No excitement. No D&D. "The dragon makes some attacks but they are all disrupted by the elf ghost." That was supposed to be one of the big climactic portions. The quality level of these games is below "Piss Poor." Late adventures, overworked DM's, bad DM's, DM's in a tactical mini's mindset. Fucking. Lame. We finished WAY early, because I played to win. Some wandering DM kept dropping by our table to have the dragon attack. While we were sitting there shooting the shit. No one gave a shit what she was saying. We just sat there, a look of apathy on all our faces. Kill me. Who cares. She wasn't in to it at all.

DCC Kicks Ass
I took my son over to 'Escape from Catastrophe Island', the after-hours event being run the DCC gang in the bar of the Embassy Suites, on Thursday night. It was crazy badass fun. The 30 or 35 players were all split up in different but adjacent tables and were all on the island simultaneously. An event at one table could trigger an event at another, or all, of the tables. We started with a 0-level and some kind of goofy random item. The night before there had been flaming eels in the water and some other funky stuff. We met giant floating moai, a stone kobold, insect swarms, erupting volcanos, typhoons, lava people ... my face got eaten off in the first encounter by the stone kobold after I smashed his spirit token to pieces with a hammer. After dying I turned in to a ghost and was able to continue the adventure! My son saved himself by playing his card, a herd of angry hippos, when the statue came after him. It got carried-away, cartoon-style, in the stampede. Doug Kovacs was my DM. You will find no better group of people than the DCC crew and their bizarre, metal, gonzo games. D&D the way it should be.

Saturday afternoon my son and I went to play in the official DCC funnel run by Harley Stroh. Again .... top tier con experience. I play pretty aggressively. That's not a good match sometimes.  The format is like the old Tower of Gygax: you pay a generic, sit down, and then when you die someone else takes your seat and you can get in line again.  The first time I died I was sledding down a slushy incline to get aware from some evil dwarves and lost control and knocked a fellow party member off the cliffside with me. I mean to use my spear to jab it in to the ground to keep myself from falling, but in my excitement I forgot all about that. Oops.  The second time I crowbar'd a portcullis up and then ran up to a dwarf screaming DIE DIE DIE while stabbing him in the face with a dagger. I missed. He slammed me in to the wall. Did I mention I only had 1 HP? I should have taken that in to account beforehand. Oops. My son was standing in line with me, on his phone, while some guys were discussing one of the puzzle rooms they were in that had just killed them. My son ended up in the same room but, because he wasn't paying attention, had no idea about the solution.  My wife had played the funnel the day before with one of her old girlfriends was declared The Best Thief Ever by Harley. Nice!

Shadows of Esteren is really expensive
Yeah, as Zack pointed out the books are gorgeous. But the adventure, which I was going to pick up to review, was something like $35 or $50 for around 40 pages. I try not to be cost-conscious or "get my lawn" old-man-a-tude, but the cost per page was REALLY high. I ended up not buying it. I waffled a lot on Mirkwood but then decided in the end to not grab it.

That T-shirt booth Zack showed ...
Is actually Chimera Games. They do the "Buy 1 get 3 free" RPG book thing and also have a MASSIVE collection of dead CCG's. I picked up a complete set of that pog-game Doomtown Range Wars for $15 to mess around with. Something like 16 boxes (8 factions and 1 expansion for each faction.)

There is A LOT to do at GenCon. My wife volunteered in the SPA open-crafting room. I kept her company making a necklace of skulls to track my kills. That one small non-RPG area is MASSIVE, both with open crafting and with other craft events. There is an absurd number of boardgaming, card gaming, CCG and RPG events at GenCon. Where else will you find a room with 6 full tables of people playing 13th Age, for 12 hours every day for three-four days? The Pathfinder room was MASSIVE and ALWAYS full.

The 2014 program guide is available online. (

And to you people complaining about the kids & cosplayers: heh. Old guy is old.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 20, 2014, 05:55:13 PM
Well written.

Quote from: bryce0lynch;781293And to you people complaining about the kids & cosplayers: heh. Old guy is old.

I loved the kids and cosplayers. It shows their passion.

And the Training Grounds were packed. Means the future of the hobby is there before us, as long as we don't fuck it up.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Opaopajr on August 20, 2014, 06:49:50 PM
Quote from: bryce0lynch;781293The official D&D EPIC sucked shit.
Saturday night my wife and I played in the D&D Battle Interactive. It was the second worst game at the con for me and I was very disappointed. My wife enjoyed it more, but still stayed up in bed several nights trying to figure out how to 'fix' D&D. We both really love D&D and are sad to see it mismanaged. The problem is Baldman Games, the group that runs the games at the cons. They suck. They don't get the adventures to the DM's on time so the DM's are unprepared. Plus, the DM crew is not the greatest. They need to fill tables so the standards for a DM are pretty low, then they work them to death. Our guy was on hours 12-16 or running that day. Notably, if you pay a shit ton of money, you are guaranteed a good DM. But not if you pay $12 for the 3 hour BI. Note that that ticket cost if roughly FOUR TIMES GREATER than a normal game would be. We got assigned a table and DM very quickly. Good job Baldman! We then sat there and sat there, not knowing what to do. The DM was reading and resisting questions. He then wanted to start the game. But we didn't have characters. Then we needed factions. WTF are factions? Then he says "Ok, you can go look for missing trade goods, or talk to some fey, or kill some kultists. What do you want to do?" That's the fucking intro for the game. And the entire game was like that. "Ok, some wolves attack. They are corrupted." or "Ok, you get attacked some by some owls and eagles. Roll for init." No fucking life at all. No flavor. No excitement. No D&D. "The dragon makes some attacks but they are all disrupted by the elf ghost." That was supposed to be one of the big climactic portions. The quality level of these games is below "Piss Poor." Late adventures, overworked DM's, bad DM's, DM's in a tactical mini's mindset. Fucking. Lame. We finished WAY early, because I played to win. Some wandering DM kept dropping by our table to have the dragon attack. While we were sitting there shooting the shit. No one gave a shit what she was saying. We just sat there, a look of apathy on all our faces. Kill me. Who cares. She wasn't in to it at all.

GMing that badly like that would take actual effort for me. Was the GM sedated?, half asleep?
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Exploderwizard on August 21, 2014, 08:51:01 AM
Quote from: bryce0lynch;781293The official D&D EPIC sucked shit.
Saturday night my wife and I played in the D&D Battle Interactive. It was the second worst game at the con for me and I was very disappointed. My wife enjoyed it more, but still stayed up in bed several nights trying to figure out how to 'fix' D&D. We both really love D&D and are sad to see it mismanaged. The problem is Baldman Games, the group that runs the games at the cons. They suck. They don't get the adventures to the DM's on time so the DM's are unprepared. Plus, the DM crew is not the greatest. They need to fill tables so the standards for a DM are pretty low, then they work them to death. Our guy was on hours 12-16 or running that day. Notably, if you pay a shit ton of money, you are guaranteed a good DM. But not if you pay $12 for the 3 hour BI. Note that that ticket cost if roughly FOUR TIMES GREATER than a normal game would be. We got assigned a table and DM very quickly. Good job Baldman! We then sat there and sat there, not knowing what to do. The DM was reading and resisting questions. He then wanted to start the game. But we didn't have characters. Then we needed factions. WTF are factions? Then he says "Ok, you can go look for missing trade goods, or talk to some fey, or kill some kultists. What do you want to do?" That's the fucking intro for the game. And the entire game was like that. "Ok, some wolves attack. They are corrupted." or "Ok, you get attacked some by some owls and eagles. Roll for init." No fucking life at all. No flavor. No excitement. No D&D. "The dragon makes some attacks but they are all disrupted by the elf ghost." That was supposed to be one of the big climactic portions. The quality level of these games is below "Piss Poor." Late adventures, overworked DM's, bad DM's, DM's in a tactical mini's mindset. Fucking. Lame. We finished WAY early, because I played to win. Some wandering DM kept dropping by our table to have the dragon attack. While we were sitting there shooting the shit. No one gave a shit what she was saying. We just sat there, a look of apathy on all our faces. Kill me. Who cares. She wasn't in to it at all.

This is why I have NEVER paid to play an rpg and never will.  I have played in con games at sci-fi gatherings and had a great time and it didn't cost one penny beyond the price of the con badge.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jcfiala on August 21, 2014, 11:20:01 AM
Quote from: Exploderwizard;781474This is why I have NEVER paid to play an rpg and never will.  I have played in con games at sci-fi gatherings and had a great time and it didn't cost one penny beyond the price of the con badge.

Well, that works fine if you can manage it, but it's pretty similar to saying "This is why I have NEVER paid to buy a sandwich and never will.  I've had free sandwiches at picnics and had a great time and it didn't cost one penny beyond the price of the bowl of macaroni salad I brought."  You can make your own sandwich, and be sure it's pretty good, out of your own materials, or you can let your friend make you a sandwich while you've visiting.  But it's sometimes fun to go out to eat with a whole bunch of people at an event, or to try a type of sandwich you don't want to buy the ingredients for.

I've paid for a number of games to play both at national conventions and at local gaming conventions here in Denver, and it's usually a lot of fun. (Or, I can offer to run a bunch of games and get free game tickets in exchange, which is what I used to do before my daughter was born.)  But yeah, sometimes you get a dud.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: jibbajibba on August 21, 2014, 12:41:14 PM
Quote from: Zachary The First;781139EDIT: The 500 is huge, but it's also on the west side of town, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a lot of campers and single-day attendees.

To give an idea of just how massive the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is, by the way, here's just some of the stuff you could fit inside:

Fair enough I thought it would be more like the Grand Prix.
When that comes to town (Singapore and the pit lane is opposite this room I am typing from though of course they surround the whole place in a temporary stadium so you can't see without paying :) ) the whole thing lasts for 3 days 2 days of time trial stuff to determine starting grid. There are pop concerts every night etc etc . Anyway it attracts tens of thousands and the hotels fill to the brim.
Would have thought the 500 was an even bigger deal after all there are dozens of grand prixs but only 1 Indy 500.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 25, 2014, 06:34:47 AM
Over 16,000 views at this point! Gen Con likes us to send examples of coverage of the event (believe it or not, some "press" don't do much covering at all). I'll definitely be sending this to them, along with a couple of interviews/reviews that came out of the convention period, too. Thanks again, everyone!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on August 25, 2014, 09:12:37 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;782464Over 16,000 views at this point! Gen Con likes us to send examples of coverage of the event (believe it or not, some "press" don't do much covering at all). I'll definitely be sending this to them, along with a couple of interviews/reviews that came out of the convention period, too. Thanks again, everyone!

I have to agree about the occasional (lack of) coverage at Gen Con. It's as if the "geek quota" was filled up by SDCC, and news outlets have to recharge for a month or two.

Hey, maybe they'll get you a press pass.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Hodgson on August 25, 2014, 11:31:51 AM
Quote from: Zachary The First;782464Over 16,000 views at this point! Gen Con likes us to send examples of coverage of the event (believe it or not, some "press" don't do much covering at all). I'll definitely be sending this to them, along with a couple of interviews/reviews that came out of the convention period, too. Thanks again, everyone!

Thanks for dropping back at the C7 stand, Zach.  I know it's a hellishly busy time for you trying to get round everything.  Good to meet you.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Spinachcat on August 26, 2014, 02:14:20 AM
Thank you again Zack. Wonderful work.

Quote from: Exploderwizard;781474This is why I have NEVER paid to play an rpg and never will.  I have played in con games at sci-fi gatherings and had a great time and it didn't cost one penny beyond the price of the con badge.

If you paid for the con badge, your per game fee was already weaved into the cost so you already have paid to play an RPG. I've been on boards to decide con prices and we calculate table usage per hour as part of the total con ticket cost.

The pay-per-game model is much less common today, especially regionally. Back in the 80s, it was remarkably standard, but hey even Disneyland used to have a per ride ticket model. (AKA, the E-Ticket Ride)

I'm not a fan at all of that model because its nickel and diming the audience. I would rather GenCon just add $30 to their 4 day ticket price and be done with it. Of course knowing GenCon, they would just raise the price and give you nothing in exchange.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on August 26, 2014, 06:08:46 AM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;782479I have to agree about the occasional (lack of) coverage at Gen Con. It's as if the "geek quota" was filled up by SDCC, and news outlets have to recharge for a month or two.

Hey, maybe they'll get you a press pass.

I usually attend on a press pass, although I feel a bit silly using the term. The one big bonus it adds for me is a bit of ease in breaking the ice sometimes, and getting into the hall an hour early Thursday to get photos before everything goes nuts.

Quote from: Hodgson;782513Thanks for dropping back at the C7 stand, Zach.  I know it's a hellishly busy time for you trying to get round everything.  Good to meet you.

No, thank you! I know you were quite busy--I appreciate the grand tour I received!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: CharlesDM on September 07, 2014, 06:24:34 PM
Thank you (belatedly) for your coverage of GenCon 2014!  I have been traveling, and I very much enjoyed reading this thread.  I joined theRPGSite to thank you.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on September 09, 2014, 09:35:45 AM
Quote from: CharlesDM;785691Thank you (belatedly) for your coverage of GenCon 2014!  I have been traveling, and I very much enjoyed reading this thread.  I joined theRPGSite to thank you.

Welcome aboard, Charles!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: NinjaWeasel on September 10, 2014, 06:34:55 AM
Quote from: CharlesDM;785691Thank you (belatedly) for your coverage of GenCon 2014!  I have been traveling, and I very much enjoyed reading this thread.  I joined theRPGSite to thank you.

I want to extend my gratitude too.

I've been lurking around here since 2006 at least, and may have even been coming for a few years before that (my memory is a little hazy on that), but have only just started posting here.

I always look forward to Zack's coverage of Gen Con and it was those threads that led, over the years, to me becoming a regular lurker round these parts. In fact, Zack's coverage is my primary source of info on the Con these days.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: flyerfan1991 on September 10, 2014, 08:51:13 PM
Quote from: NinjaWeasel;786138I want to extend my gratitude too.

I've been lurking around here since 2006 at least, and may have even been coming for a few years before that (my memory is a little hazy on that), but have only just started posting here.

I always look forward to Zack's coverage of Gen Con and it was those threads that led, over the years, to me becoming a regular lurker round these parts. In fact, Zack's coverage is my primary source of info on the Con these days.

Welcome aboard, Ninja!
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: RPGPundit on September 12, 2014, 11:16:25 PM
I'm a bit late due to work and stuff distracting me from theRPGsite; but yeah: thank you so much Zack.
You are an incredible value to this forum, and this thread is one of your great (annual) contributions that make theRPGsite special.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: Zachary The First on September 13, 2014, 09:35:34 AM
That is very kind of you to say! Thanks, guys. I'll keep doing my best to do it so long as there's value to others in it.
Title: Zack's 2014 Gen Con Blog!
Post by: NinjaWeasel on September 14, 2014, 05:53:14 PM
Quote from: flyerfan1991;786285Welcome aboard, Ninja!

Thanks for the welcome Flyerfan!

Quote from: Zachary The First;786751That is very kind of you to say! Thanks, guys. I'll keep doing my best to do it so long as there's value to others in it.

Thanks. It would be very much appreciated! I used to follow several blogs, coverage on TBP and your coverage but for the last few years it's pretty much just been yours. The coverage on TBP this year was virtually none existent and the only blogs I looked at were publisher's blogs which, naturally, tend to be somewhat biased and narrow in focus. Your coverage is the only one that gives any wider sense of what's happening at the Con.