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Wizards Announces New "Evolved" D&D Revision

Started by RPGPundit, September 29, 2021, 11:55:56 PM

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Some of the buyers may be current or former MtG players who simply want a setting book for Strixhaven. However, given the many negative reviews, many people were probably expecting something slightly different from what they got.


Quote from: mightybrain on December 18, 2021, 01:46:30 AM
Interestingly its the (more expensive) variant cover that's in the top 100 in the UK, the original cover is way lower in the charts.
The original cover art is very un-inspiring in my opinion.  It's just a couple of people hanging out, wearing renfaire garb.


Quote from: RPGPundit on December 05, 2021, 01:29:13 AM
Quote from: fixable on December 03, 2021, 03:32:20 AM
Quote from: RPGPundit on November 25, 2021, 02:53:20 PM
Quote from: Tubesock Army on November 24, 2021, 09:28:38 AM
Quote from: RPGPundit on October 05, 2021, 02:12:03 PM
Quote from: horsesoldier on October 04, 2021, 08:37:48 AM
This is the first edition of DnD to be helmed by total mediocrities. Every other edition has something the designs can point to as their masterpiece. What does Perkins, Crawford et al have?


Aside from the most popular edition of the world's most popular RPG lmao

They were not the creators of that RPG, though. They "have" the Good Name of that edition on their side, which is an advantage to be sure. But 4e's designers had the Good Name of 3e to bank on, and then completely tanked when they put out a Shit Edition anyways.

And just like with 4e, look for D&D CRT Edition to SHIT ALL OVER 5e, in this case talking about how bigoted and transphobic and White-male-oriented and Colonialist it was and how anyone who ever like it (or maybe even played it) was a Literal Nazi.

Its funny that you are on this campaign against an edition you actually helped build (you're a consultant on 5e right?) But I guess you eat your own and you turncoat when needed. As you are a part of the outrage brigade. Like OMG they use 'they/them' pronouns... its the END OF THE WORLD... omg.

That's one hell of a take. I'm defending the current edition, against people who want to change it not to make it more gameable, but to suit an ideological agenda. Who is 'eating their own' here?
Ok fair enough. I apologize for being absolutist about this. To be honest I'm pretty sure your input into 5e has probably steered it away from doubling down on the 4e paradigm and bringing it closer to old school roots... and for that I would thank you.

But there is still a matter of the nature of the hobby in general. I follow this site and see constant attacks on so called social justice warriors and woke commies. It is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. From my point of view, anyone who has an opinion on the game that doesn't conform with your own opinion is a a SJW and woke commie.

I intend to state that the demographics of this game have changed. People who come from backgrounds WAY different than my own now enjoy this game and this hobby in numbers that have not previously been seen. Elements of this game and this hobby may be perceived by players who have different experiences and backgrounds than I, differently than I. What I may find fine may be offensive from someone from  a different background. Who am I to just say to another person what should or should not offend them?

Are they wrong to want a game that appeals to them? Is D&D something that is owned by a specific demographic? Do you own D&D? Do you have sole dictate on what D&D should be? If people want to play the game differently than how you would play it, should they be met with this hostility?


Quote from: Shrieking Banshee on December 03, 2021, 09:27:27 AM
Quote from: fixable on December 03, 2021, 03:32:20 AMIts funny that you are on this campaign against an edition you actually helped build (you're a consultant on 5e right?) But I guess you eat your own and you turncoat when needed. As you are a part of the outrage brigade. Like OMG they use 'they/them' pronouns... its the END OF THE WORLD... omg.
While I think 5e is hot garbage, and that the Pundits consultation is him hyping himself up for an achievement of nothing (for all his hate of 4e, 5e is largely just 4e repackaged), this is a moronic comparison.
If you make something, and then later down the line other people involved make it worse: of course your gonna be upset!

This is one of those 'Getting people fired for calling somebody gay when they where 13 is totally comprable to discussing how much you don't like a new release' false equivalencies
And like OMG are you really like like OMG doing that?
Nice strawman.

Its not about anything you stated. I guess it is a certain incredulity in that I fail to see the significance of any of this and there has been no real conclusive and factual arguments that make this thread anything more than a bunch of old grognards getting mad that 'game they don't even like' is supporting 'people they hate'.

I'm ok with you hating anyone you want, but why make a big deal out of it? Just enjoy hating others in the privacy of your own homes and let everyone else continue with their lives in peace.




I am curious about one thing, though. As I hear the future of D&D Evolved being reveled in/reviled (in my area, much more praised than anything else), is it a coincidence that soybean futures are soaring right now?


Even 4E wasn't awful. It had flaws, but I think people wouldn't have recoiled from it if it had been branded and marketed as 'D&D Tactics' with an emphasis on squad strategy rather than being an RPG. Kind of like 40k's Kill Team.


Quote from: fixable on December 29, 2021, 03:51:10 AM
Who am I to just say to another person what should or should not offend them?


Why do SJWs think they need to speak for "the minorities"? Is it guilt? Lack of self-esteem? Whatever the reason it's horribly condescending, and as far as I've heard none of the those "other people" appreciate it.

Though one or two would-be game designers have tried to leverage it in an obvious cash grab.
Old School? Back in my day we just called it "School."


Because minorities are a cudgel used to beat you, and others that disagree with them, out of revenge and out of the hobby.

They don't give a flying fuck about minorities, unless those minorities also kow-tow to their definitions of reality.

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: fixable on December 29, 2021, 04:05:26 AM
Nice strawman.

Its not about anything you stated
Not to be a grammar nazi, but I cannot comprehend what your trying to say here. I don't even comprehend your point.

Something about strawmans, and the old adage 'shut up unless you have positive things to say'. Which is bullshit and can be applied to any principle but people only demand for things they like.
Quote from: fixable on December 29, 2021, 03:51:10 AMWho am I to just say to another person what should or should not offend them?

I have one better: Who gives a shit? Why is somebodies offense people should care about outside of a personal desire to be nice (and as such free to not do if they thing that they don't deserve politeness).

The truth is that only the offense of certain groups gets any traction. Which is to say that they just have been branded morally right.


Quote from: Ghostmaker on December 29, 2021, 08:27:03 AM
Even 4E wasn't awful. It had flaws, but I think people wouldn't have recoiled from it if it had been branded and marketed as 'D&D Tactics' with an emphasis on squad strategy rather than being an RPG. Kind of like 40k's Kill Team.



Quote from: Zalman on December 29, 2021, 09:41:29 AM
Quote from: fixable on December 29, 2021, 03:51:10 AM
Who am I to just say to another person what should or should not offend them?


Why do SJWs think they need to speak for "the minorities"? Is it guilt? Lack of self-esteem? Whatever the reason it's horribly condescending, and as far as I've heard none of the those "other people" appreciate it.

Though one or two would-be game designers have tried to leverage it in an obvious cash grab.
Well it works both ways. Those who are so beholden to tradition and the past need to accept that the world is a different place. The demographics of who is interested in playing D&D are different now than then they were in the 70's and 80's.

I guess if you want to consider developing a game that appeals to people who are different than you a 'cash grab' then go ahead. That is your prerogative to contextualize things that way.  I think it is a very privileged way of looking at things. So a game that suits you it is appropriate and right, but a game that makes an attempt to appeal to someone different than you is just a cash grab and has no merit.


Evolved doesn't sound like a "I want it" word to me. It sounds like something with all the corners beveled off.



Quote from: Shrieking Banshee on December 16, 2021, 04:42:27 PM
The same people that demand nupronouns and justify it as a insignificant thing you can ignore also demand removal of chainmail bikinis or other "problematic" stuff.

Its all about power and control. Can we make you wear a hat and jump on command?
Well the audience for fantasy has grown up. We aren't teenagers anymore who are drooling over chainmail bikinis. That nonsense is over. It's not about power or control its about growing up and being adults about this. It is about considering women equal in terms of marketing and maybe relegating women in game art to being nothing but sex objects is not a great way to go about that.

But you may be fine with it... good for you. I'm going to bring my daughter into the RPG fold but not if she's just going to be a sex object for some basement dwellers.


Quote from: Zalman on December 29, 2021, 09:41:29 AM
Quote from: fixable on December 29, 2021, 03:51:10 AM
Who am I to just say to another person what should or should not offend them?


Why do SJWs think they need to speak for "the minorities"? Is it guilt? Lack of self-esteem? Whatever the reason it's horribly condescending, and as far as I've heard none of the those "other people" appreciate it.

Though one or two would-be game designers have tried to leverage it in an obvious cash grab.
Are you an expert and you can make those statements?

Sounds like you are mostly talking out of your ass. My point is that a group has no right to determine what is offensive for another. If a person whom you would label as woke is offended by something, they have every right to be offended. You don't get to state..."You are just a woke moron, stop being offended". You don't have authority over another person to tell them what they should believe or feel.

If a corporation decides to accommodate such is their business as well. Unless you are a board member of WoTC or whatever you don't really have much of a say. But WoTC is a corporation... their only goal is to make money. If they feel accomodating people who differ from you as a means of making money then that probably says something about the future of this hobby.

I guess you just have to accept that you are on the losing side of this. That's fine. You can continue what you believe (for better or worse). But if capitalism rules all, and profit is to be made then maybe there are conclusions to be made. That maybe what you call 'woke' is really what is valued in gaming and is the future of D&D.