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When PC-ness of a setting runs mad...

Started by RPGPundit, January 06, 2010, 07:57:24 PM

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Quote from: Ian Absentia;353745Episcopalians working for the Vatican?  What kind of crackpot conspiracist are you?


I am *not* a crackpot conspiracist! I am a conspiracist crackpot! English is a positional language, and there is a difference, thank you!

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World


Quote from: flyingmice;353738I doubt that - they are supposed to be working for the Vatican.

I am very rarely talking out of my ass when it comes to factual statements. Here, have some not particularly awesome introductory fiction.

QuoteThe charnel smell was far too fresh for an abandoned tomb. The child was here. He could hear him. At least he thought it was the boy. The strange mewling whimpers were a sound that should not be coming from human vocal cords and, despite the heat of the day, they made tiny bumps rise on his arms. But if it was the missing boy then at least he was capable of making noise. Which was better, Father Venditto found himself thinking, this sorrowful keening or the catatonic retreat of his sister into the safety of her own mind? The shadows were too deep to see into and since it was daylight he had not brought a flashlight with him in his search for the lad. What could have tempted the boy to enter this forgotten tomb and
why hadn’t the family been told that it was hidden in these woods when the property came to them?

He heard Reverend Danvers, the local Episcopal priest, entering behind him.

"You may want to wait outside," he told her.

She's one of the two signature characters. Doubt me at your peril, unbeliever.

Edit: and yeah, there's a bit of fiction about her working for the Vatican.


Quote from: flyingmice;353725The illo is faulty enough technique wise - the light is all wrong, first of all - that the existence of a female elf priest is the least of it's worries. I didn't even notice the second priest until I reread the OP. Thing is, I don't think the reason is PC-ness. I think it's - as others have stated - wish fulfillment. The crowning piece of evidence for this is the katana the woman priest is raising - awkwardly - behind her head. If you see a katana in any illo not about medieval Japan, you are in adolescent wish fulfillment territory.

Personally, I prefer my katana wielding Episcopalian Catholic elven priestesses to be a bit less mannish.
If you read the above post, you owe me $20 for tutoring fees

\'Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I have no concern for it, but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul.\'
- Thomas Paine
\'Everything doesn\'t need

Ian Absentia

Hunh.  So she really is an Episcopalian?  You know, I was going to make a joke about her being a Unitarian humanist minister, but I thought it was just too absurd to be funny.

Ah, this brings back memories of the salad days of early World o' Darkness products. :o



Quote from: Ian Absentia;353750Hunh.  So she really is an Episcopalian?  You know, I was going to make a joke about her being a Unitarian humanist minister, but I thought it was just too absurd to be funny.
Not all that absurd, really.  Federal police agencies work with local law enforcement all the time.  So, the Roman Catholic Hugh Jackman clone needs a little back up because Nun Failedsanroll is a gibbering mess, and the local Episcopalian grabbed her katana and showed up with a hearty "Come get some!".

Is that really any more absurd than the local Hospitalier hooking up with a bandit, an ex-soldier and a practitioner of the dark arts to loot some graves?  ;)
If you read the above post, you owe me $20 for tutoring fees

\'Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I have no concern for it, but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul.\'
- Thomas Paine
\'Everything doesn\'t need


Quote from: Ian Absentia;353750Hunh.  So she really is an Episcopalian?  You know, I was going to make a joke about her being a Unitarian humanist minister, but I thought it was just too absurd to be funny.

She totally is! And she's studied kendo. There's very little defense against the accusation of goofiness here, but the whole PC thing is a mile off base.


Quote from: Thanlis;353747I am very rarely talking out of my ass when it comes to factual statements. Here, have some not particularly awesome introductory fiction.

She's one of the two signature characters. Doubt me at your peril, unbeliever.

Edit: and yeah, there's a bit of fiction about her working for the Vatican.

Apologies - I didn't realize you were speaking from actual knowledge of the game.

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World


Quote from: Thanlis;353756She totally is! And she's studied kendo. There's very little defense against the accusation of goofiness here, but the whole PC thing is a mile off base.

My instincts were correct, then! :D

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World

The Shaman

Quote from: RPGPundit;353621. . . I'm sure everyone has run into cases of this, where in order to be politically correct a game author goes egregiously above and beyond to the point that something just shatters one's capacity for suspension of disbelief.

"Political correctness?" Seriously, Pundy, your need to update your stockpile of liberal-bashing cliches 'cause the expiration date on that one was about a decade-and-a-half ago.
Quote from: Thanlis;353756There's very little defense against the accusation of goofiness here, but the whole PC thing is a mile off base.
On weird fantasy: "The Otus/Elmore rule: When adding something new to the campaign, try and imagine how Erol Otus would depict it. If you can, that\'s far enough...it\'s a good idea. If you can picture a Larry Elmore version...it\'s far too mundane and boring, excise immediately." - Kellri, K&K Alehouse

I have a campaign wiki! Check it out!



Quote from: ticopelp;353711Doesn't mean that it's also representative of some insidious political correctness conspiracy.

Of course there's got to be some kind of conspiracy - it's easier for Pundit to tilt at a hillside of windmills than just one...

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Quote from: flyingmice;353764Apologies - I didn't realize you were speaking from actual knowledge of the game.
It's rather telling that your assumption was that anyone speaking here wouldn't have any actual knowledge of the game.  


(Not of you personally, clash, but of the the thread.)

David R

Quote from: StormBringer;353748Personally, I prefer my katana wielding Episcopalian Catholic elven priestesses to be a bit less mannish.

Don't we all, brother. Don't we all....

David R


Quote from: jhkim;353782It's rather telling that your assumption was that anyone speaking here wouldn't have any actual knowledge of the game.  


(Not of you personally, clash, but of the the thread.)

I suspect that's more a comment on the game, than the thread.

It is a terrible cover, I recall looking at this game and being put off by that cover.  I thought she was supposed to be a female Catholic priest with a katana, and really that just didn't work for me.

Of course, had I realised she was an Episcopalian with a katana, my reaction would have been very different.


Quote from: Balbinus;353792I suspect that's more a comment on the game, than the thread.

It is a terrible cover, I recall looking at this game and being put off by that cover.  I thought she was supposed to be a female Catholic priest with a katana, and really that just didn't work for me.

Of course, had I realised she was an Episcopalian with a katana, my reaction would have been very different.

Snort! :D

Yeah - I really didn't think anyone here would buy it with that wonky cover... I should have known better! :D

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World


Y'know. In forty some posts you'd think at least one person would NAME the fucking game for those of us who can't see the image you all are twaddling on about...

Just sayin'.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.
