
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: dar on March 31, 2007, 12:34:46 PM

Title: The curse of plenty...
Post by: dar on March 31, 2007, 12:34:46 PM
I suffer from the curse of plenty.

Recently I received an invite to a sponsored dungeon crawl from someone on nearby gamers, awesome, cept I can't make it, crap.

After this I realized that in my greater municipal area (only two in my state) I have EIGHT gaming stores, all of them within a 10 minute drive. Two of them have two branches, all of them have gaming tables, two of them are glorified comic stores, two of them are solely gaming stores.

The invite came from a store I had been avoiding, to my own detriment. They have MORE than half the store dedicated to tables that are right up front. When I recently walked in they were all full on a Wednesday night, games from war gaming to card games to board games to an rpg or two and a gentleman giving a miniature painting lesson! It's probably the furthest place away, and I was a little put off by them hosting a separate local con, splitting off from the original, at the same time as the original.

The closest place is similar, but it's kinda a dive. It seems they are VERY focused on miniature skirmish and card games, neither of which I want to host. It's the kind of store that I imagine was started by someone who wanted a place to play out of his home and needed a way to fund it. I (and maybe my kids) could ride our bikes there. What I want to play isn't on the shelves.

The next place is probably the oldest. In fact they partnered at one time with the other store I'll talk about in a minute. Their first location was the second comic book/gaming store I've ever walked into, not to mention my kids love the place. It's owned by an old grognard that I suspect is immortal because he looks exactly as I remember him from so long ago. The tables there though are 'in the back'.

The other place was where I did most of my gaming as a youth. They've changed hands but the store is very much the same place. And my kids love the place as well. I've got a LOT of sentimental value attached to this store (is that weird?). Endless hours were spent there, more than a few times we invited the manager out to join us for breakfast. I started going there when the FIRST gaming store I ever waked into closed due to the owner retiring. They don't sell what I want to play.

I've patronized them all, and will continue to do so. I am, however, paralyzed by indecision. I've recently upended my life and rearranged my schedule (yea, quit my old job for one that isn't trying to kill me) and I'm going to start a game. I want to host it at a flgs, but which one? How would you decide? Where do you play outside of the home? Why wouldn't you have a game at a flgs or outside the home?

I am bragging a little here (I'm under the impression that flgs's are a rare thing most places, am I wrong?), I'm also curious about where everybody plays, and about your local scene, and I need a little nudge to make up my freaking mind.
Title: The curse of plenty...
Post by: Zachary The First on March 31, 2007, 08:57:08 PM
You know, I'm pretty lucky in that I have a clean, friendly gaming store I frequent.  For me, it's a no-brainer that that's where I hold my games.  I also demo for Palladium (and for myself) and running there regularly has netted me an audience and almost a half-dozen spinoff games by others.

It's great you have such a selection!  I'd chat with the owner of each one as you get the chance, see how they handle in-store gaming, see if they know of what the gamers in that area are interested in, and if they have any interested parties.  If you have that for multiple locations, you've still got personal comfort and cleanliness to look at.

For me, my FLGS has become a gaming home/HQ of sorts.  I think if you find one that gives you the same feel, you'll know that's where you want your game. :)