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Tell me about your character

Started by Abyssal Maw, September 06, 2006, 11:41:37 AM

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Abyssal Maw

No seriously. Tell me about one or two of your favorite characters.

Here's a pair of mine:

Nimbus Aliir was a character I played in a college campaign. I had sworn off of AD&D after 2nd edition came out and sucked, but years later, my girlfriend invited me to her ongoing campaign. So Here I was trying to figure out what the hell a 'kit' was and totally entranced by Spelljammer. I ended up with a thief character that I envisioned as sort of a jester or clown. In some adventure I set off some kind of magical throne that gave my guy Wild Magic (i.e. the DM had just bought the 2nd Edition Tome of Magic and needed someone to try it out). Nimbus eventually disappears (dies?) by hurling himselfinto a chaos warp before it draws the PCs ship in. I later brought him back as a villianous NPC ("The Chaos Jester") in a Rifts game.

Nimbus constantly got his ass kicked, but he did have Slippers of Spider Climbing and a +2 sword at one point.

Another character:

Dion was my Amber (diceless) character. I was really kind of into playing Chaos characters even though they were weaker, and my first few were these sort of villianous guys. But Dion was based on sort of classical greek figure. He had his home shadow of Arcadia (and a coterminus shadow called Atlantis that was like an underwater world) both were kind of mythic greece fantasy type places, and a magical white dolphin as an animal companion. In his last few adventures, he ended up involved with some kind of mermaid princess. While the other Amberites scrambled for the throne I think he retreated to an underwater shadow to lay low. Eventually he allowed himself to sucked into the conflict, but more or less acted only as a supporter of another PC's bid for the throne.  (My sister's PC. And she failed, by the way). In retrospect I realize I was avoiding the plot, but I could give a crap about being on the throne of Amber. On the other hand, having a kick-ass shadow was a lot of fun.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

Hastur T. Fannon

Cam de Fluve

Long running LRP character in a game that started our vaguely Napoleonic, but ended up throwing everything you could imagine in there.  I had quite a stressful job at the time, so a character who acted before he could think was a hell of a lot of fun.  Jack of all trades basically: scout with a bit of magic

The refs loved him because he/I kept on doing stuff  that they could play off and react to.  For example we were investigating this unstable portal that we knew could suck people in (represented by a glowstick in a wicker ball on the end of a fishing pole held by a ref).  Someone shouted "Get back Cam" when I got a bit close so I looked the ref holding the pole in the eye and shouted back "Don't worry - I know what I'm doing!"

Instantly sucked threw and tentacle-raped.  Don't worry, they didn't psy-rep the tentacles

We eventually produced our own version of Skippys List for Cam.  IIRC it included "There is no situtation that can be improved by the summoning of Eris Discordia." and "No matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to convince the Office of Theurgy that a ritual involving human sacrifice isn't inherently evil."

I'll see if I can dig the full list it out later tonight