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Starfleet Wants You! - Got a Star Trek Crew NPC?

Started by Koltar, February 07, 2024, 04:51:20 AM

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Quote from: Svenhelgrim on February 08, 2024, 04:06:43 PM

I was going to say that Administrator Wellard looks like he just blew up Alderaan and got away with it. 

However those tunics are remeniscent of Star Trek the Motion Picture, which were my favorite uniforms.

...and that IS the problem - my campaign takes place in 2262 - halfway between "Strange New Worlds" and "TOS".  The story of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture takes place around 2272 or 2273

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


This is what my group needs in roles or positions aboard their ship:

They need 23 new crewmembers to fill out the crew.

The positions or roles they need filled are:
1 Engineering Damage Control Specialist
3 Enginerring specialists...
1 Transporters Operator specialist
1 Helm Officer who is also a Shuttlecraft pilot...
2 Nurses
4 to 5 Ordnance speciaiists...
8 Science Lab Technicians or specialists...
3 Security /Tactical Specialists or 'Security Guards'...

The 'NEW" or newly assigned graduates of Starfleet Academy are Ensigns and between the ages of 20 and 27.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...

David Johansen

Ensign Bhab

Bhab is a human from a parallel evolution world that's been stuck in the middle ages for a long time.  His family and a couple others were accidentally abducted by the USS Penzac and he joined Star Fleet and went to the accademy.  While Bhab is well liked among the crew there are still dangling cultural attitudes and values that come up.  He is devoutly Christian, moderately Greek Orthodox though Terrestial Christianity isn't an exact match.  He burns incense in his quarters.  His attitude to women is decidedly old fashioned, he knows better but his ingrained cultural behaviours still come to the surface.  Bhab has a full plate harness, knight's saddle, and longsword in his quarters.  He is quick to be offended, quick to forgive, and prone to violent solutions.  This makes him ideal for diplomatic activity involving Gorns and Klingons and so, Starfleet has put him in diplomacy and command rather than security.

Second Lietenant Jaxine
Jaxine is a Human Romulan hybrid.  She's very smart, ambitious, and even driven.  Her psyche profile has revealed seething resentment and hatred for her Romulan father and all Romulans.  She wanted to be in Command but got put in Science, much to the annoyance of a few Vulcan members of Star Fleet who find her obnoxious and emotional.  Which she is, really.  Her specialty is xenobiology and diseases and she has written a number of anonomous treatises on biological warfare.  Of course, Starfleet is aware of this but there are those who think her brilliance and talent for taming diseases is worth the risk she may pose.

Captain Tamerlain
Tamerlain is a veteran of the Klingon War, an experienced officer who's reliability and grit are well known at Star Fleet Command.  The problem is that Captain Tamerlain, oversaw the extermination of a secret Klingon outpost during the war.  He knows where the bodies are burried and has enough dirt to shake up the Federation.  He isn't bothered by it, doesn't lose sleep but will use the information to get away with his extra-legal activities.  The captain, is providing weapons to worlds and colonies along the Klingon border, prime directive be damned.  He's at least careful enough to keep the circle involved tight and provide cover stories and alibis but the reality is, what he's doing can't stay hidden forever.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: David Johansen on February 17, 2024, 09:19:29 PM
Ensign Bhab

Bhab is a human from a paralle....

Second Lietenant Jaxine

Captain Tamerlain

David - Did you even read the opening post?

Second Lieutenants and 'captains'; are not what they are looking for.

What They Are Looking for is This: "... at least one Transporter operator or specialist, several Engineers, a few Ordnance crew, 3 nurses, 4 or 5 Medical technicians, 2 or 3 Science Lab technicians, and 1 or 2 Security guards...."

Thats wat I said in the opening post.
So that means Ensigns who just graduated from the Academy or Enlisted /Non-vcommisioned officer t6upes between the ages of 20 and 27.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: Koltar on February 17, 2024, 09:45:48 PM
Quote from: David Johansen on February 17, 2024, 09:19:29 PM
Ensign Bhab

Bhab is a human from a paralle....

Second Lietenant Jaxine

Captain Tamerlain

David - Did you even read the opening post?

Second Lieutenants and 'captains'; are not what they are looking for.

What They Are Looking for is This: "... at least one Transporter operator or specialist, several Engineers, a few Ordnance crew, 3 nurses, 4 or 5 Medical technicians, 2 or 3 Science Lab technicians, and 1 or 2 Security guards...."

Thats wat I said in the opening post.
So that means Ensigns who just graduated from the Academy or Enlisted /Non-vcommisioned officer t6upes between the ages of 20 and 27.

- Ed C.

Asking other folks for ideas... ok.

Asking other people to do your work for you, then berating them for their attempts... *chef's kiss*

David Johansen

Quote from: Koltar on February 17, 2024, 08:49:40 AM
This is what my group needs in roles or positions aboard their ship:

They need 23 new crewmembers to fill out the crew.

The positions or roles they need filled are:
1 Engineering Damage Control Specialist
3 Enginerring specialists...
1 Transporters Operator specialist
1 Helm Officer who is also a Shuttlecraft pilot...
2 Nurses

4 to 5 Ordnance speciaiists...
8 Science Lab Technicians or specialists...
3 Security /Tactical Specialists or 'Security Guards'...

The 'NEW" or newly assigned graduates of Starfleet Academy are Ensigns and between the ages of 20 and 27.

- Ed C.

To my mind, that's a job for a random name generator.

Ensign Josh Hardy Damage Control
Josh is a big guy, he struggles with his weight and the ship's doctor has put a security lock on his replicator.  His big hands are amazingly capable of delicate work.  He plays guitar but doesn't like to perform or talk about it which is weird because in the face of failing shields, sparking busbars, and deadly radiation he's utterly fearless.

Ensign Betsy Mconkle Engineering
Betsy is a computer technician, her specialty is database management.  She's sweet and innocent and shy but quite capable of murder if someone decides to endlessly pursue or harass her.  If the transporter database happens to lose your buffer pattern address, who's fault is that anyhow?

Ensign Tozvak Chort Engineering
Tozvak is a Eoden (the trilateral guys anyhow) power conduit coupling engineer.  Due to a racial sensory variation, they can identify microscopic model variations and even resistance buildup without so much as a dosimeter.  The good ensign struggles to understand human culture and biology at the best of times and has imfamously terrible facial recognition skills.  For all that, they are helpful and ready to volunteer because they desperately desire validation.

Ensign Igglwy Vonft Engineering
Vonft is an Andorian particle physics technician with a masters degree in high energy esoteric, quasi-particles.  The science officer swears this is a real thing but avoids having to explain it.  Vonft is the guy to go to when the weird energy fields and unknown forms of matter come up.  He's a bit of a boor and drinks too much, but he's also a warrior at heart and has been waiting all his life to be converted to non-dimensional psuedomatter by a god-like aliens so he can finally get some answers from somebody who knows what the hell is going on.

Ensign DDDalakanat ransporter Technician
The universe is full of obscure and unknown alien races from other worlds.  Starfleet Acadamy has a very open and diplomatic admissions policy.  When the strange entity known as DDDAlakanant appeared and applied, they were allowed to take the entry exams which they passed with 100% in all categories, they then proceeded to pass all academic courses and testing with impossibly high grades.  DDDalakant looks like a mobile pile of rock about three feet tall which is capable of extruding psuedopods.  It's morphology is carbon crystal based.  It feeds on esoteric energy patterns like those produced by transporters.  If DDalakanat has a weakness it is somewhat slow to respond to verbal communications due to the process of surface vibration analysis by which it hears.  It doesn't socialize, it seldom responds to anything but direct interogatives.  Everyone's sure it's up to something, everyone's watching it closely, but it does the job and does it well.  Some think it is slowly feeding on transporter energy in order to grow and reproduce by division, but nobody's sure.

Ensign Sakladoma Helm and Shuttle Pilot
The ensign is a slim human hermaphrodite from a colony that has been reproducing by cloning for a century.  They are what they were made, attentive, fast, and smart, they're also emaciated and have brittle bones but that's the price someone in the body banks was willing to pay.  They came to starfleet as refugees fleeing an opressive regime and enlisted to obtain the skills to go back and fight against the mad dictator back home.  They are little interested in socializing or the arts but love ping pong because they are so very good at it.

Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com