
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: enelson on August 12, 2007, 10:04:29 AM

Title: Star Wars 1st Ed - Team Fire
Post by: enelson on August 12, 2007, 10:04:29 AM
I must be getting old but I thought Star Wars 1st Ed (WEG) had a team fire rule. Instead of rolling for 6 storm troopers, you roll for one storm trooper with an extra die/dice for ...

Or is the Team Fire rule in another version of WEG Star Wars?


Title: Star Wars 1st Ed - Team Fire
Post by: laffingboy on August 12, 2007, 10:11:59 AM
I know the second edition (Revised and Expanded) has rules for any group effort, including 'team fire'.

It's been so long since I played first edition, I'm afraid I can't remember.
Title: Star Wars 1st Ed - Team Fire
Post by: Aegypto on August 12, 2007, 12:50:30 PM
First edition had rules for combined fire, so the actions of a squad of troopers concentrating their shots on a single target could be solved with a single roll - base die code for the attack was of the main shooter, and for each trooper involved a pip would be added to the roll.

I think that the Rules Companion changed it slightly so a Command roll from the squad leader was required to combine fire. Stormtroopers, due to their special training and conditioning, required no Command rolls to combine fire. While isolated stormtroopers were largely ineffectual, the rule made large groups of them rather dangerous to player characters.

Second edition later expanded the rule, allowing Command rolls for teamwork and combining other types of actions.
Title: Star Wars 1st Ed - Team Fire
Post by: enelson on August 12, 2007, 04:16:38 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am scouring my 1st ed book but cannot find the combined fire rule. I thought it was something like 1D per extra trooper but I can see that being too much +1 pip sounds more reasonable.


Title: Star Wars 1st Ed - Team Fire
Post by: Aegypto on August 12, 2007, 05:34:23 PM
Quote from: enelsonThanks for the replies. I am scouring my 1st ed book but cannot find the combined fire rule. I thought it was something like 1D per extra trooper but I can see that being too much +1 pip sounds more reasonable.

Now that you mention it, my old 1st edition featured the rule in a cheat sheet of 'optional rules' at the back of the book. I suspect it may have not been part of the original release of the first edition book, but something added in later revisions, possibly before or around the time the Rules Companion was released.