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Troll Thread

Started by abcd_z, January 04, 2017, 09:19:15 PM

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The only way to kill a Werewolf or a Troll is to have a Werewolf eat a Troll's heart.  Poisons the Werewolf and the Troll heart can't regen and the body dies. :D
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans


Or another old one for Werewolves thats rarely used anymore.

The werewolf has to kill someone to enable it to change back to human.

As for Trolls. The turn to stone in sunlight type are from Scandinavian legends.

Trolls of Norwegian type are more like dryads.

And in some sources Troll and ogre are about the same thing. While in others trolls are a type of giant.


Here are the Trolls in Salem World

A feared enemy, and a powerful foe in combat.  Trolls come in various shapes and sizes, each having a different set of difficulty in overcoming.  They can have multiple heads, be overly huge, or even look halfway normal in low light.  No matter the type, they have a weakness in common.  If they are in direct sunlight, they start to become stone.  The full transformation happens in four rounds, unless they can find shelter.  
   All Trolls are light green in color, with a scale like look to the skin.  They grow random lumps and tumors at random, causing many to appear hunched over.  Their eyesight is poor, limiting their vision comprehension to a 10' radius.  The following are the types:

Curmudgeon – They resemble a harry old man, with larger than normal ears and noses, and stand at six feet in height.  They tend to stay around, and claim as their own, structures they can use for daytime cover; bridges, natural overpasses, shallow or deep caves, and will attack or challenge any who come near.  They are curious and collectors of anything they find valuable, leading to many stories of them trying to swindle people out of things for safety.  They are the most intelligent of the Troll race.  Curmudgeons use standard weapons.

Heart – 3
Soul – 2
Mind – 6
Strength – 5
Reflex – 2
Strike – 3
Repel – 4
Resist – 4
Skill – 2
B.D. - 68

Sourcil – They can grow upwards of ten feet in height, and are mostly found in deep forests near large water sources.  Their main diet consists of fish, and large game; but the occasional lost traveler is never overlooked.  Because of a large nose that hangs below their mouth, a Sourcil gains Advanced Smell, and can track a target by scent over three miles.  They can use any blunt weapon as long as it has been modified for their size (+5 damage)

Heart – 2
Soul – 2
Mind – 3
Strength – 7
Reflex – 3
Strike – 5
Repel – 4
Resist – 5
Skill – 3
B.D. - 260

Degoutant – The largest Troll kind, that lives in mountains and rocky outcroppings.  Each of these resemble a Sourcil, only growing upwards of 15' and having two heads.  They think individually, react as individuals, but only control one side of the body.  By nature they normally work together flawlessly.  They can; however, be confused in combat with random attacks (Regent's call).  They also receive Advanced Smell, and use an enormous Spiked Club (DV - 12)

Heart – 2
Soul – 2
Mind – 2/3
Strength – 7
Reflex – 7
Strike – 5
Repel – 5
Resist – 6
Skill – 3
B.D. - 505

Learnaean – Deadly to the core, and hard to kill, this Troll is mostly monstrous and aggressive.  It is called a Learnaen for a good reason, The Hydra of Learnaen could not be stopped, as when one head was removed two grew in it's place.  Only burning the stump would help, and the same goes for this Troll.  They only stand near 7' tall, but can have multiple heads and limbs.  Unlike the Degoutant, they are controlled by a single mind hidden inside the body.  Each head has a bite attack (TD – 10), each arm can wield a Club (DV – 4), and each leg can kick (STR +7).  There are only two ways to defeat a Learnaen.  First:  Remove all heads and burn all stumps (the hidden mind will be severed at that point.  Second:  Get them into the sun!  
   All extra heads and appendages will fall of naturally in 24 hours, and turn to dust.  When they are normal they have a single head, and resemble a Curmudgeon (slightly taller).  If they grow too many limbs, they will become incapacitated for three rounds.  After this the Body will reject the extra parts quickly, creating a dust bowl in a 20' radius.  Visibility  is only 1' in the dust. They tend to migrate to a good food source, and Human cities can provide that.

Heart - 1
Soul - 1
Mind - 4
Strength – 7
Reflex – 3
Strike - 6
Repel - 4
Resist - 4
Skill - 4
B.D. - 260


And for another type of Troll. Check out the ongoing web comic Stand Still Stay, Silent.


Quote from: Omega;940062......

Trolls of Norwegian type are more like dryads........

No, that would be "huldrefolk". Trolls are usually seen as ugly as hell, and often huge. Of course, mythological words often mix up over time, so I would not be surprised if some call Huldra (a feminine huldrefolk) a "trollkvinne" (troll-woman)


Hence my note at the end that the terms are sometimes interchangeable. One persons giant is anothers ogre and anothers troll and who knows what else. And Yeah defining the Huldra as a troll is odd. But there you go. Someone thought it fit. Kind of like how D&D elves would be faeries in some tales.


I have been trying to think of a good alt-name for the D&D/Poul Andersen troll when I import it into Earthdawn. Maybe 'fell-troll'.

Trolls in Earthdawn are one of the Namegiver races (those able to practice Disciplines and the magical arts). Here's there description as a PC race, where they have very high Toughness(Con) and Strength. Ver similar to the Shadowrun (& 1879) trolls.

Honor is the blood and bone of our people. The other races may use the word, but do not understand it as we do. Our highland cousins forget this, and their anger lessens us all. Act with honor in all things. Respect those who do the same, and remember those who do not.
— Shara Spearcraft, Weaponsmith
Trolls are massive, standing eight and a half feet tall and weighing 500 pounds or more on average. Many trolls sport pronounced lower canines similar to orks. Skin color ranges from beige to olive and dark brown, and their skin has a rough texture with minor ridges and plating made of trolthelia, a material similar to rhinoceros horn or deer antler. Trolthelia is also the material that makes up a troll's most prominent physical feature, the horns that grow from their heads. These horns grow slowly throughout a troll's life, frequently into asymmetrical shapes. Some isolated clans have practices that shape their horns, while others may inscribe runic designs into them.

Strong and tough, trolls reach maturity in their early teens and live into their fifties. They live primarily in the mountainous regions of Barsaive, and due to their size and weight find it difficult to live among the other races. They frequently feel a kinship with obsidimen, who they call "rock brothers", and find their serenity deeply moving. Trolls are fiercely loyal to their families, and organize themselves into clans and moots—an alliance of several clans. The largest population of trolls in Barsaive—the Crystal Raiders of the Twilight Peaks—are known for their airships, which they use to raid lowland settlements and caravans, carrying the spoils back to their mountain homes. The clans of the Twilight Peaks are believed to have been the originators of the Sky Raider Discipline, and trolls are the most common race to practice that Discipline to this day. Trolls place great value on honor, following complex rules and guidelines for personal behavior that frequently baffle other races. There are three main concepts in troll honor: katorr, kat'ral, and katera, loosely translated as personal, clan, and racial honor. Individual trolls define these values in different ways and to varying degrees, and a troll that lives among other Namegivers is less likely to react violently to an insult than a Crystal Raider, but a troll will defend his honor if he believes it has been slighted. Highland trolls guilty of crimes against honor will sometimes have their horns cut off, marking them as kava, or "mud people", and exiled from troll society. Some trolls voluntarily undergo this punishment as a way of maintaining personal honor, and take pride in their status as outcasts.

Some images.

Troll Illusionist (very iconic 1st edition image):

Horn variations:

Crystal Raiders:

There is also an entry for "Cave troll" as a creature encounter. I think the D&D troll is going to be a cursed version of the Cave or Namegiver troll whos horns have gone soft an fallen out. Maybe a fungus/slime related curse to go with that theme in the Greyhawk material.


Oh, the Sky Raider Discipline (Class) gets the Fire Blood talent, and I think this is to mirror the regen effect, as it allows you to burn a Recovery Test in combat (instead of while resting) to heal damage. Fire licks the wounds closed from the inside, in mimicry of how a lava flow "heals itself".


Quote from: Omega;940337And for another type of Troll. Check out the ongoing web comic Stand Still Stay, Silent.


I absolutely recommend SSSS. It start slow, but the art is terrific and when the story drops a hammer on the audience, its impressive.

And yes, the SSSS take on Trolls is very good stuff. Rather Lovecraftian.


Black Vulmea

Quote from: Telarus;940350Maybe a fungus/slime related curse to go with that theme in the Greyhawk material.
Might be interesting to have such trolls symbiotically linked to something like green slime or yellow mold - hit the troll with a weapon, it comes back covered in green slime or releases a toxic cloud of spores.
"Of course five generic Kobolds in a plain room is going to be dull. Making it potentially not dull is kinda the GM\'s job." - #Ladybird, theRPGsite

Really Bad Eggs - swashbuckling roleplaying games blog  | Promise City - Boot Hill campaign blog



Quote from: Black Vulmea;940431Might be interesting to have such trolls symbiotically linked to something like green slime or yellow mold - hit the troll with a weapon, it comes back covered in green slime or releases a toxic cloud of spores.

Green slime troll is fucking horrid.  Gah!!!!  The gift that keeps giving...

Forgot all about GW trolls and their projectile acid vomit!

Who the fuck in their right mind would ever want to fight a damn troll???

Black Vulmea

Quote from: RunningLaser;940433. . . projectile acid vomit!
Reminds me of a weekend in Ensenada when I was in college.
"Of course five generic Kobolds in a plain room is going to be dull. Making it potentially not dull is kinda the GM\'s job." - #Ladybird, theRPGsite

Really Bad Eggs - swashbuckling roleplaying games blog  | Promise City - Boot Hill campaign blog




Quote from: Tristram Evans;939729See , that is exactly the sort of Hollywood invention that I would consider anathemic to the folklore-based settings I run.

You want to hurt a werewolf? You've got to find him during the day and steal the wolf pelt from him that he got from a demon at a crossroad, or poison the ungent that he smears over his body.

That was the point I was making: There are different versions of what are more or less the same monsters, so why not use the alternate version(s) instead? This vampire is killed only by sunlight; that one by iron, the other by beheading or a stake through the heart... or all of the above or none of the above? Stoker used several sources, including the White Ladies (Dracula's brides).
Jesus Fucking Christ, is this guy honestly that goddamned stupid? He can\'t understand the plot of a Star Wars film? We\'re not talking about "Rashomon" here, for fuck\'s sake. The plot is as linear as they come. If anything, the film tries too hard to fill in all the gaps. This guy must be a flaming retard.  --Mike Wong on Red Letter Moron\'s review of The Phantom Menace