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Paizo apologizes for having Fantasy Police in their upcoming AP

Started by Abraxus, June 24, 2020, 10:25:32 AM

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Quote from: Snark Knight;1136029Most people don't want to lose their jobs because hundreds of screaming morons flooded their workplace's HR department with complaints about them literally employing Hitler.

And so the silent majority goes silently into the gulag.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Maybe Pundit can do a video on this as Paizo bulldog should be known and heard far and wide.

I suppose from now on my recruitment for players needs to include a warning that evil races are evil with good version being exceptions to the rule. That element of the campaign is non-negotiable or up for any kind of Debate.

I wonder if they realize let alone care of the dangerous precedent it now causes them as a company. If they have to grovel once they will have to do it again.


Quote from: GeekyBugle;1136031And so the silent majority goes silently into the gulag.

Exactly this. Eventually, there comes a point if people say enough is enough they can't cancel everyone.


What's funny is that it could be a useful teaching moment, but of course Paizo blows it.

'Police forces' back in the day consisted of whatever pack of kneebreakers worked for the local powers-that-be. Punishments could be doled out on the spot (beatings, etc). Hell, in prisons you had NO amenities or even basics -- your family had to bring it to you and hope the wardens didn't steal too much.


Oh well, fuck Paizo if they're going to be this damn stupid.
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: ZetaRidley;1136034Exactly this. Eventually, there comes a point if people say enough is enough they can't cancel everyone.

The case is that its death by a thousand papercuts. What's vital is preservation of a reference point and history so people can understand how much they lost.
That's why leftists NEED to re-write history.

Everybody becomes a conservative at one point or another.

Mordred Pendragon

At this point, I think it's time for someone to make an intentionally "problematic" RPG and do so in a way that makes it easier to market.

RPG's are a lot more decentralized and with a lower bar of entry outside of WOTC and Paizo, so I think it's going to be a lot easier to take back from the SJW's, especially once the 5E fad crashes and burns as it will eventually do.

I think we need a truly immoralist game that embraces the edge, but also isn't a pathetic "dirty Mad Libs" joke of a game like FATAL or Black Tokyo.

We need an immoralist game that is actually a good game with a good setting, one that is inherently anti-woke, anti-postmodernist, anti-punk culture, and anti-Marxist and also not fully compatible with Judeo-Christian and Islamic morality either (but also isn't explicitly vehemently opposed to the Abrahamics as it is to the Marxists and the punks)
Sic Semper Tyrannis

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: Doc Sammy;1136043At this point, I think it's time for someone to make an intentionally "problematic" RPG and do so in a way that makes it easier to market.

I know this ties into your idea of 'fixing the world with edge' but it won't work at all and is a massively bad idea. This is all a larp in your head where you think if you piss off SJWs enough that will fix things.
But it won't at all. Because SJWs love being edgy. They love random violence, general misery, gore, mind control, torture. All that jazz. They just cast themselves as the heroes within it as long as all the edge is for 'Social Justice' IE: The gays, women, trannies and the flavor of the month (Hispanics or blacks).

You can't 'win back edge' from SJWs because they made it. Proto-SJWs made edge culture to get at their dads with their 'outdated morality and culture MAAAAN' and then the kids of those things just furthered it further by pushing back at the idea of reality even being a thing with objective boundaries.

Edgelord culture was always going to fall to SJW-ism because it appeals to the same sort of person.


Has the current level of collective mental breakdown been given an official clinical term yet?

Mordred Pendragon

Quote from: Shrieking Banshee;1136044I know this ties into your idea of 'fixing the world with edge' but it won't work at all and is a massively bad idea. This is all a larp in your head where you think if you piss off SJWs enough that will fix things.
But it won't at all. Because SJWs love being edgy. They love random violence, general misery, gore, mind control, torture. All that jazz. They just cast themselves as the heroes within it as long as all the edge is for 'Social Justice' IE: The gays, women, trannies and the flavor of the month (Hispanics or blacks).

You can't 'win back edge' from SJWs because they made it. Proto-SJWs made edge culture to get at their dads with their 'outdated morality and culture MAAAAN' and then the kids of those things just furthered it further by pushing back at the idea of reality even being a thing with objective boundaries.

Edgelord culture was always going to fall to SJW-ism because it appeals to the same sort of person.

SJW's hate edge at its very core and remember that they only used as a means to end to defeat their previous enemies.

You're a moralist and you just hate the fact that the SJW's are doing to the Christians and Jews what your side did to old Pagan Europe many centuries ago.

SJWism is basically just an atheistic version of totalitarian Abrahamic morality at its very core.

They only hate Yahweh because they ain't Yahweh. That's it.

I support edge culture because it's a potent weapon against both Judeo-Christian morality and SJW morality. The Left used edge to defeat the Yahwehists, and we can use it to defeat the SJW's. You have to admit that or you're just as bad as them

The world is doomed and we're heading for a grand Malthusian catastrophe anyway, and Yahweh won't save you from it.

The West could've prevented this millennia ago, but we threw it all away to chase false hopes and submit to evil false morals.

The world is damned unless we renounce moralism of any stripe and return to paganism and colonialism.
Sic Semper Tyrannis


Quote from: sureshot;1135989I will never stop playing Pathfinder

You may want to reconsider your stance.

Even if you never purchase more product from Paizo, by playing Paizo games - especially as a GM - you are putting Paizo in a prominent place at your game table and reinforcing the Paizo brand - consciously or subconsciously - to your players. If you play or run Paizo games at conventions or FLGS events, you are promoting the Paizo brand to your local gaming community - even if you're running PF1e.

Please understand that I don't like this idea either.

For decades, I have preached the concept of separating CREATOR from CREATION. AKA, you can enjoy HP Lovecraft's stories and not condone his racism, or you can enjoy Paizo's games and not condone their woke stupidity. However, the current climate in the culture war has made me reconsider my stance.

Everything today is becoming a "badge of allegiance", aka our purchase choices now signal the side we wish to win the culture war because brands have clearly chosen sides. Our promotion of a brand equates to promotion of the brand's ideological stance. If we play WotC, Green Ronin, or Paizo games, we thus signal support for Leftist dominance.

As others have pointed out "nuance" is gone from the conversation. If we like X, buy X, play X, and thus promote X, then to the world at large, we clearly support the politics of X.
Please note that I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THIS because I don't want to police all my entertainment choices or my recommendations or my posts from a decade ago for wrongthink. But what's option B in the face of cultural collapse to the SJW mob?

Perhaps a Pathfinder clone exists...or soon will.

Quote from: Warpiglet;1136027I am a refugee posting for the first time here after leaving another forum which would not have allowed this common sense assessment to go unchecked.

Welcome aboard Warpiglet!! Welcome to the Mos Eisley of gaming forums, the home of the RPG community's most wretched scum and villainy!

Start a thread about your favorite games!

Quote from: Snark Knight;1136029Most people don't want to lose their jobs because hundreds of screaming morons flooded their workplace's HR department and social media with complaints about them literally employing Hitler.

This is true.

Yet another good reason to own your own business or work in a small company which doesn't have HR monkeys. The federal laws that empower the HR asshats don't kick in until you have 15 employees. And I believe freelancers and contractors don't count (although the laws on that may vary state to state now)

Quote from: GeekyBugle;1136031And so the silent majority goes silently into the gulag.

This is also true.
But who wants to lose their job during a recession? Good jobs are getting scarce fast.

Quote from: ZetaRidley;1136034Exactly this. Eventually, there comes a point if people say enough is enough they can't cancel everyone.

Maybe, maybe not.

However, the Leftists have noticed the business owners and non-SJW residents in Seattle do nothing but quietly grumble, make posts, send letters and emails, but don't storm the Mayor's office demanding action.  Same with all the communities where our history is being torn down.

Even cops have abandoned their brotherhood (and their own reputations) to stay silent to protect their cushy pensions.


The problem is Spinachcat it's easier said then done as I have all the 1E hardcovers and in my area that version is still pretty popular. As I said it's not the apology (which imo was not needed). It's the sheer embarrassing level of grovelling from Erik Mona. WTF did he have his balls cut off or something. So until their is a loss of interest in PF 1E as an rpg I am kind of stuck with it.

What is equally sickening is the sheer level of butkissing and hypocrisy from posters in the thread. They had no issues with playing amoral pirates yet "suddenly" uncomfortable playing police. What a load of pure bullshit. Police = bad and problamatic yet Paizo Ogres which are a cross between the hillbillies from Deliverance crossed with the hills have eyes cranked to a factor of ten are neither.


Quote from: Spinachcat;1136048You may want to reconsider your stance.

Even if you never purchase more product from Paizo, by playing Paizo games - especially as a GM - you are putting Paizo in a prominent place at your game table and reinforcing the Paizo brand - consciously or subconsciously - to your players. If you play or run Paizo games at conventions or FLGS events, you are promoting the Paizo brand to your local gaming community - even if you're running PF1e.

Please understand that I don't like this idea either.

For decades, I have preached the concept of separating CREATOR from CREATION. AKA, you can enjoy HP Lovecraft's stories and not condone his racism, or you can enjoy Paizo's games and not condone their woke stupidity. However, the current climate in the culture war has made me reconsider my stance.

Everything today is becoming a "badge of allegiance", aka our purchase choices now signal the side we wish to win the culture war because brands have clearly chosen sides. Our promotion of a brand equates to promotion of the brand's ideological stance. If we play WotC, Green Ronin, or Paizo games, we thus signal support for Leftist dominance.

As others have pointed out "nuance" is gone from the conversation. If we like X, buy X, play X, and thus promote X, then to the world at large, we clearly support the politics of X.
Please note that I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THIS because I don't want to police all my entertainment choices or my recommendations or my posts from a decade ago for wrongthink. But what's option B in the face of cultural collapse to the SJW mob?



I fully agree that abandoning a favorite RPG is easier said than done, especially if its a favorite of your players. Taking a stand is never easy and always has consequences. However, not taking a stand may appear easy, but also has consequences - perhaps worse consequences depending on how the unknown future plays out.

Erik Mona is a Leftist and Paizo exists to promote Leftist propaganda through gaming. It's no surprise his vocal fanbase are primarily fellow Leftists. This isn't new.  

In Leftist ideology, there's nothing wrong with playing amoral villains, but plenty wrong with playing peacekeepers. Mona and Paizo are only staying true to their ideology. They aren't compromising their values.


Quote from: Spinachcat;1136055I fully agree that abandoning a favorite RPG is easier said than done, especially if its a favorite of your players. Taking a stand is never easy and always has consequences. However, not taking a stand may appear easy, but also has consequences - perhaps worse consequences depending on how the unknown future plays out.

Erik Mona is a Leftist and Paizo exists to promote Leftist propaganda through gaming. It's no surprise his vocal fanbase are primarily fellow Leftists. This isn't new.  

In Leftist ideology, there's nothing wrong with playing amoral villains, but plenty wrong with playing peacekeepers. Mona and Paizo are only staying true to their ideology. They aren't compromising their values.

I heartily agree.  And the most annoying part of this to me, primarily a D&D player is the lack of choice.  WOTC is every bit as political and instead of merely changing a module are changing long-standing lore and GAME MECHANICS! To pacify the pearl clutching social engineers!

On some forums, even saying this gets you a warning and hence my presence here after nearly a decade elsewhere.

If the silent and cowed majority? Significant minority? All wrote to them about their displeasure would that help?

I am hundreds of dollars in---books, minis and supplements but not a penny more until these neo-Marxists figure it out.  I don't care who you vote for or who you date or who you worship...just stop jacking around with my hobby!  Now it's personal.