
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 08:35:31 AM

Title: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 08:35:31 AM
I got this recently. Midgard Heroes Handbook, Midgard Worldbook, Creature Codex, Tome Of Beasts, and Tome Of Beasts 2. SO I'm invested in the setting. But I haven't seen any negatives to it at this point.

It is designed partly by Jeff Grubb. Who created the Forgotten Realms. But Midgard itself is more of a mythic earth setting. And the books are massive.

I haven't seen anything negative about Midgard at all. No politics. No SJW strangeness. The setting is what it is. Presented honestly and out there.

And frankly? I think the setting is far more gameable than the Wizards official stuff. Midgard has something that should appeal to everybody.

So what I am asking here is simple. What do you think of it? What are your experiences with Midgard? Does it get the thumbs up or the thumbs down from you? And why?

Yes, I am aware Midgard was originally conceived during the 3e era. It's had time in the oven to bake and develop. I'm also aware that there are Pathfinder 1st edition versions of it. None of this is a negative to me. It makes the setting time tested and well supported by gamers. It's not just a flash in the pan that will disappear with a shift between editions. It's here. And it's here to stay.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 08:44:28 AM
And just to geek out a bit.

Void Dragons are awesome! Truly something beyond cool!

I imagine PCs encountering one to be a truly epic moment. Especially if you are using Sanity and Corruption. Like I do.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: DM_Curt on October 19, 2021, 08:47:41 AM
I too, bought the Creature Codex and both Tomes of Beasts in hardback, and the PDF of Midgard.
The monster books are great for D&D, and the world book looks good.

But as for them being Apolitical, you might want to check the list for their stance on white, cis men and such.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 09:05:00 AM
Quote from: DM_Curt on October 19, 2021, 08:47:41 AMBut as for them being Apolitical, you might want to check the list for their stance on white, cis men and such.

I will clarify. I haven't seen politics of any kind in the books themselves. Not one sign of them. Just looking at themselves, they seem to take a fairly neutral take on character races. Nothing strongly favoring or condemning any of them. Which is fine by me. I prefer a more neutral dispassionate look at the cultures they describe.

As for the company's social media? I don't read it. I don't engage with it. Social Media is not my thing. And it is not my comfort zone to deal with.

I'm still a very much old school gamer at heart. I don't live my life on the internet. I don't post up my private details for public consumption. I prefer to live a pretty low key life overall.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: S'mon on October 19, 2021, 09:48:19 AM
I have all the monster books and a bunch of the short adventure books, plus Streets of Zobeck. I don't have the Midgard setting book.

It feels very like Paizo's Golarion ca 2010, before they went mad. Kitchen sink but some particular emphases - Steampunk, Eastern European & Scandinavian fantasia, and desert/Egypt. Those are all in Golarion too. More Fey perhaps; Fey are a big thing. A female Goliath Fighter IMC is (very slowly) falling for a Shadowfey Guardian NPC they fled the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth & Crypt of Green Shadows with.

Compared to WoTC fantasy, it's darker and earthier, but not hopeless/Grimdark. It's good, I like most of it, it definitely freshens up my Forgotten Realms campaign.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Steven Mitchell on October 19, 2021, 09:58:41 AM
I have the two monster books and some of the other ones that escape me at the moment.  When I was still running 5E, I pretty much used their monsters exclusively in place of the WotC monsters, mainly because Kobold Press seems to have a better understanding of how 5E is designed than WotC does.  Some of the KP critters are rather mean to players. :D

Don't care anything about clockwork, so that part leaves me cold, but liked most of the rest.  The setting I can take or leave. Parts of it are interesting as flavor bits, but don't think I'd ever use it straight, even ignoring the recent, later political posturing.  My settings often have a heavy Norse flavor, so obvious correspondence there.

Since I'm no longer running 5E, kind of academic.  Hated to see KP make the statements they did, because I've tended to enjoy the products themselves. 
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Zalman on October 19, 2021, 10:10:05 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 09:05:00 AM
As for the company's social media? I don't read it. I don't engage with it. Social Media is not my thing. And it is not my comfort zone to deal with.

I'm still a very much old school gamer at heart. I don't live my life on the internet. I don't post up my private details for public consumption. I prefer to live a pretty low key life overall.

Amen, that's why Occule's List ( is so great. Just because I don't like engaging with the garbage that is social media doesn't mean I want to live with my head in the sand as to how content producers feel about me as a consumer. I get to put my money in the right place and live that yummy "low key" life.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 10:11:07 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 19, 2021, 09:58:41 AMHated to see KP make the statements they did, because I've tended to enjoy the products themselves.

I haven't seen those comments. Never knew they existed before this thread. And I still don't know what they are.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Manic Modron on October 19, 2021, 12:57:13 PM
Midgard has often been tempting, but these days I'm pretty burnt out on how D&D 3+ manages things.

Might get the Pathfinder version and put it in a Savage Worlds blender sometime though.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 01:11:58 PM
The beef toward Kobold Press seems to be from one specific book. A book that can be ignored completely. Which I plan to do.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: DM_Curt on October 19, 2021, 01:22:58 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 01:11:58 PM
The beef toward Kobold Press seems to be from one specific book. A book that can be ignored completely. Which I plan to do.
That's entirely up to you, and if that's your choice, I have no beef with you.  I just saw you state that they were apparently apolitical and I figured I'd let you know that some feel otherwise about them:
Quote from: The_List
Kobold Press Chapter 2 of "Guide to Gamemastering" has a whole section telling the reader to "check your privilege" and the whole thing kind of reads like a gender studies course or something. Actively disparages cis white males. Also known to charge writers for the chance to write for them, and then prides themselves on paying them a penny per word.

Either way, Game On, Good Sir!
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Jam The MF on October 19, 2021, 01:49:10 PM
I own the 1st Tome of Beasts; and there is a massive amount of good lore in that book, alone.  Great Artwork, great lore, great variety.  Too much to sum up in just a paragraph; and that's just the 1st monster book.  Midgard must be quite good, as a game setting.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 02:42:11 PM
The three monster books are epic. There is just so much goodness in all of them. That goodness inspired me to get the Midgard Heroes Handbook and the Midgard Worldbook. None of them disappoint.

My curiosity toward the character and magic options is what drew me to get books with the character options in them. I was fascinated by the new forms of magic. And the different class options that they made available. I thought they would really add something special to any game I ran.

I intend to combine elements from all of this with the books I ordered from the Iron Kingdoms Requiem Kickstarter. I'm a huge Iron Kingdoms fan. And see all of this new material just adding more goodness to the mix. I also recently supported the Iron Kingdoms Borderlands & Beyond Kickstarter. Which will just add more goodness.

As I mix this stew of sources together. I plan to share it, Because I know that more people than just myself will enjoy the results. Abd I'm only doing this to make for happy gaming for people who like all of this material.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 02:51:07 PM
Creature Codex was originally going to be labeled as Creature Codex: Tome Of Beasts II. Then they put out Tome Of Beasts II as a separate book. Which was kind of odd.

So the Tome Of Beasts II we got honestly should have been labeled as Tome Of Beasts III. Just for the sake of preventing customer confusion.

All three of the books work so well together. That I can't imagine them apart at this point. There is just so much good overlap in all three of the books.They are massive. Glorious. And there is just so much pure fun to be had from them. I honestly couldn't recommend them higher.

If you are going to buy these, Buy all three! You won't regret it for a second.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: BoxCrayonTales on October 19, 2021, 05:34:04 PM
I think their take on the elemental plane is interesting. It actually interpenetrates the mortal plane and causes the weather and other natural phenomena... as opposed to the standard D&D platonic realm of unplayable annoyance.

I'm a weirdo who fixates on tiny things like that.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: S'mon on October 19, 2021, 05:48:40 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 02:51:07 PM
Creature Codex was originally going to be labeled as Creature Codex: Tome Of Beasts II. Then they put out Tome Of Beasts II as a separate book. Which was kind of odd.

So the Tome Of Beasts II we got honestly should have been labeled as Tome Of Beasts III. Just for the sake of preventing customer confusion.

All three of the books work so well together. That I can't imagine them apart at this point. There is just so much good overlap in all three of the books.They are massive. Glorious. And there is just so much pure fun to be had from them. I honestly couldn't recommend them higher.

If you are going to buy these, Buy all three! You won't regret it for a second.

They are really good! Along with the adventures that use them, definitely a campaign enhancer. Love the Ravenfolk, love the Shadow Fey.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Palleon on October 19, 2021, 08:15:21 PM
I have most of their 5E content.  The monster books are great.  The Midgard setting has more good going for it than annoyances.  They have several TSR-era alumni working on things, which keeps things moored closer to my sensibilities for D&D.

Clockwork and steampunk stuff just isn't my cup of tea...
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Aglondir on October 19, 2021, 08:39:36 PM
I seem to recall I got an older Midgard pdf, maybe by Wolfgang Baur, in a bundle of holding.  It was filled with art of gorgeous women. I was amazed they got away with it.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 11:57:38 PM
Given the amount of pure fantasy goodness, I see in the Midgard setting. It sort of leaves me dumbfounded that anyone would consider them a woke company.

Over what? One article in one minor book? That's sort of throwing the baby out with the bathwater to condemn the company like that. Especially since almost all of their output has been almost purely old-school in style and presentation.

My general conclusion? That one article was an aberration. In the face of a body of work that really speaks for itself.

So yeah. Adding Kobold Press to a list of woke companies I feel is more than a little reactionary.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Slipshot762 on October 20, 2021, 12:27:45 AM
I cannot comment on Midgard the setting as published with any play experience; but I will say that in choosing or trying to design a setting I've always been pretty focused on something Arthurian or Conan like in tone, from what I read here this setting might just be conducive to such, if your inclinations run like mine. I feel compelled to state however that as of late I've taken to pining for a more Baron Munchausen type of fantasy setting.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: S'mon on October 20, 2021, 02:41:59 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 19, 2021, 11:57:38 PM
Given the amount of pure fantasy goodness, I see in the Midgard setting. It sort of leaves me dumbfounded that anyone would consider them a woke company.

Over what? One article in one minor book? That's sort of throwing the baby out with the bathwater to condemn the company like that. Especially since almost all of their output has been almost purely old-school in style and presentation.

It was one article in a book of essays by a variety of authors, including old school luminaries. Obviously lots of different POV. So yes I completely agree.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 07:47:05 AM
Quote from: S'mon on October 20, 2021, 02:41:59 AMIt was one article in a book of essays by a variety of authors, including old school luminaries. Obviously lots of different POV. So yes I completely agree.

Yeah. The company is not responsible for every opinion piece that appears in one of its books. That's pretty much a disclaimer that appears in most media. That the opinion therein is not necessarily shared by the company that published that media.

Most books carry such a disclaimer inside of their cover page. In fact, I struggle to find a book that does not contain one.

So yeah. I think that makes it even more excessive that Kobold got labeled a woke company for an article that was nothing more offensive than literally anything that any other game company has printed.

But again that list isn't an objective one. It's a hit-list created to roast literally anything seen as being in opposition to the position of its author. It's a hateful screed that takes wide swipes at game publishers for simply printing something the author of said list opposed.

Such a list is akin to creating a list of books to burn based on the author's loosest whims. There is no objectivity involved in any of it. Just hate.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: SHARK on October 20, 2021, 08:48:11 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 07:47:05 AM
Quote from: S'mon on October 20, 2021, 02:41:59 AMIt was one article in a book of essays by a variety of authors, including old school luminaries. Obviously lots of different POV. So yes I completely agree.

Yeah. The company is not responsible for every opinion piece that appears in one of its books. That's pretty much a disclaimer that appears in most media. That the opinion therein is not necessarily shared by the company that published that media.

Most books carry such a disclaimer inside of their cover page. In fact, I struggle to find a book that does not contain one.

So yeah. I think that makes it even more excessive that Kobold got labeled a woke company for an article that was nothing more offensive than literally anything that any other game company has printed.

But again that list isn't an objective one. It's a hit-list created to roast literally anything seen as being in opposition to the position of its author. It's a hateful screed that takes wide swipes at game publishers for simply printing something the author of said list opposed.

Such a list is akin to creating a list of books to burn based on the author's loosest whims. There is no objectivity involved in any of it. Just hate.


Kool-Aid with extra, double-plus goodthink sugar!!!! *Laughing* ;D

Semper Fidelis,

Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 10:55:31 AM
Nothing to see. I've said my piece,

I'm going back to building my D&D campaign world. Which I hope to share the components to in the future.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Armchair Gamer on October 20, 2021, 11:25:18 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

  When did Michael Surbrook pass? I just saw him post on Facebook this morning...
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:35:53 AM
Quote from: Armchair Gamer on October 20, 2021, 11:25:18 AM
  When did Michael Surbrook pass? I just saw him post on Facebook this morning...

They announced it a couple of weeks ago on TBP.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: HappyDaze on October 20, 2021, 12:05:28 PM
Quote from: Armchair Gamer on October 20, 2021, 11:25:18 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

  When did Michael Surbrook pass? I just saw him post on Facebook this morning...
10 years ago before I quit Facebook, I had a dead friend's account that kept sending me stuff for Farmville and some Mafia game. I guess the licensing for those let's them keep pushing their stuff even through the dead.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: DM_Curt on October 20, 2021, 01:41:16 PM
Quote from: HappyDaze on October 20, 2021, 12:05:28 PM
Quote from: Armchair Gamer on October 20, 2021, 11:25:18 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

  When did Michael Surbrook pass? I just saw him post on Facebook this morning...
10 years ago before I quit Facebook, I had a dead friend's account that kept sending me stuff for Farmville and some Mafia game. I guess the licensing for those let's them keep pushing their stuff even through the dead.
That's....Ghoulish, I would say. They may not be literally harvesting the flesh of the dead to eat, but harvesting their social connections for advertising.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: RebelSky on October 21, 2021, 01:53:10 PM
What makes Midgard, as a setting, cool is that the writers don't use western medieval Europe as it's historical basis. It's much more historical eastern European instead, and I think it shows in how the setting was designed.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Wrath of God on October 26, 2021, 03:16:05 PM
And there's also Southlands - the setting book for Midgard equivalent of Africa, also really excellent one.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: oggsmash on February 18, 2022, 04:52:50 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.

  Hoax?  Or best thread ever now?
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:54:22 PM
Quote from: oggsmash on February 18, 2022, 04:52:50 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.

  Hoax?  Or best thread ever now?

Not sure what you'd want to prove this is not a hoax account... unless you want my posts on FB, Twitter, and my activity on some Discord servers.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: FingerRod on February 18, 2022, 04:57:28 PM
This means that for the first time ever, TBP has provided bad information. Landmark moment.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:58:14 PM
Quote from: FingerRod on February 18, 2022, 04:57:28 PM
This means that for the first time ever, TBP has provided bad information. Landmark moment.

BTW, what's "TBP"?
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: FingerRod on February 18, 2022, 05:02:53 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:58:14 PM
Quote from: FingerRod on February 18, 2022, 04:57:28 PM
This means that for the first time ever, TBP has provided bad information. Landmark moment.

BTW, what's "TBP"? big purple
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: oggsmash on February 18, 2022, 05:21:31 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:54:22 PM
Quote from: oggsmash on February 18, 2022, 04:52:50 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.

  Hoax?  Or best thread ever now?

Not sure what you'd want to prove this is not a hoax account... unless you want my posts on FB, Twitter, and my activity on some Discord servers.

  I mean, it appears someone said you were dead, and you were not.  OR you have come back from the dead, in which case this would be the best thread ever.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Xavier Onassiss on February 18, 2022, 05:24:25 PM
Has anyone got an actual link to the alleged obituary on TBP?

Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 05:46:01 PM
Quote from: Xavier Onassiss on February 18, 2022, 05:24:25 PM
Has anyone got an actual link to the alleged obituary on TBP?

I wonder if they were thinking of Mike Satran? But ha passed a few years back.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Xavier Onassiss on February 18, 2022, 06:00:33 PM
I don't know, but I'm glad you're not dead because we got a game tonight!
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 06:01:14 PM
Quote from: Xavier Onassiss on February 18, 2022, 06:00:33 PM
I don't know, but I'm glad you're not dead because we got a game tonight!

I am VERY much looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Armchair Gamer on February 18, 2022, 07:18:21 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
For the record, I am NOT dead.

  I was pretty sure you weren't, and am glad to hear it.

  Neither is your HERO System involvement, judging from the homepage.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: HooliganX on February 18, 2022, 07:26:37 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.

Now you did it. You're not supposed to say his name three times.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 08:07:56 PM
Quote from: HooliganX on February 18, 2022, 07:26:37 PM
Quote from: Michael Surbrook on February 18, 2022, 04:42:04 PM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

For the record, I am NOT dead.

Now you did it. You're not supposed to say his name three times.





Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: DigitalDreaming on February 19, 2022, 05:14:15 AM
Quote from: Darrin Kelley on October 20, 2021, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Steven Mitchell on October 20, 2021, 09:07:10 AM
Well Darrin, I'm glad you've found a new hobby horse besides Hero System to display your complete lack of understanding of any kind of nuance.  I'll drop out here over to the side and watch the inevitable train wreck unfold, yet again.

The Hero System is dead. There is nothing about it to talk about anymore. The company killed it dead.

I spoke to Michael Surbrook before he died. He had proposed and was ready to fund a new, simplified version of Champions. But the company wanted to charge him a $1000 licensing fee for the privilege. But then at the last minute, they pulled out and instead went with Ron Edwards to make Champions Now.

Michael Surbrook gave up on the Hero System. Called it a dead system. And he was working with Evil Beagle Games to make a bunch of his library of books to be compatible with Prowlers & Paragons. But that all fell apart when he died.

I've moved on,

So, you talked to him before he died... but he's still active on the Hero Discord, just released a new supplement for Hero... and has shown up here amazingly alive.... >.<  Fascinating.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: RTrimmer on March 01, 2022, 05:04:23 AM
I'm in a game Michael Surbrook is running. He's writing content for Evil Beagle Games. He ran games at Genghis Con this weekend.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: tenbones on March 03, 2022, 10:20:09 AM
Damn this is getting good.

We got mysteries. The murder of a system. A ghost? Or is this some Sixth-Sense shit where the protagonist sees only live people.

Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Armchair Gamer on March 03, 2022, 10:51:06 AM
Quote from: tenbones on March 03, 2022, 10:20:09 AM
Damn this is getting good.

We got mysteries. The murder of a system. A ghost? Or is this some Sixth-Sense shit where the protagonist sees only live people.

   Pretty sure it's just a case of Darrin getting Michael Surbrook confused with someone else.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Darrin Kelley on March 07, 2022, 11:24:18 AM
For the record. I have been in contact with him and provided him the information on confronting TBP directly on the issue.

THis matter is closed.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Dropbear on March 09, 2022, 12:56:38 PM
This is the only setting built for 5E that I actually enjoy. It's too bad that the system for 5E brings me little desire to play it unless I use a ton of house rules and maybe even Epic 6 with 5E. The superhero fantasy of 5E is generally not my cup of tea. So many people pumped it for not being 4E, but I feel like a lot of those folks must be blind because it Carrie's a lot more of 4E's genetics than it does those of 2E or 3E.

I especially like Tales from the Old Margreve. Makes me want to run a forest folk fantasy game.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: Plotinus on March 09, 2022, 03:28:38 PM
At no point have I ever been able to keep Midgard, The Midlands, and The Midderlands straight.
Title: Re: Kobold Press's Midgard setting
Post by: HMWHC on May 05, 2023, 04:57:38 PM
I personally like the Midgard setting and own several/most of the books in the series, though I also ain't keen on Clockwork Tick Tock characters in my FRPG 's.

I was disappointed after watching Diversity & Dragons video on the sort of folks Kobold Press hires but I also kinda expected it sadly.

I'll keep my Midgard books but I don't think I'll be buying anything new from them either.