
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: CD on September 17, 2021, 12:57:33 AM

Title: Insight Into Being A Dungeon Master
Post by: CD on September 17, 2021, 12:57:33 AM
I have recently ran a session for a YouTuber known as Sameøldji( ).
He didn't want to have me take away any of his player agency away.
He is convinced that D&D can only be played on the railroad and does not offer much in the line of verbal interaction and character development.
He is also assumed that he would have to play this "mother may I" game, where he has to ask if he can do something and that these questions lead to a lot out of character dialogue that kills his immersion into the game.
I responded to him on by claiming I could run an ad&d 2ed campaign for him where he has all his player agency, and I could offer something other than constant dungeon crawls.
I told him he could do what he wanted with minimal questions, but those questions would not be about asking permission to do something.

I told him I was not railroading him in anyway after our first session, because he brought out a video expressing concern about a game master railroading him, but lying to him about it.
Realizing his concern, I put together a video giving him the inside baseball knowledge that would squash his concerns.

If you are interested in hearing what I let him in on, check out this video -