
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 11:19:02 AM

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 11:19:02 AM
Tonight I go to the last meeting of the year at my Lodge.  Yes, Freemasons are like schoolchildren: we take three months off for the summer. :D

So suddenly, I find myself with more time on my hand, and thoughts naturally turn to starting up a campaign on tuesdays or wednesdays.

The question is: what should I run?
I have a few things I've been wanting to run for a while now, but I still can't come to a decision.

This is the thread where you all advise me on what I ought to run.

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: James McMurray on December 13, 2006, 11:21:23 AM
Hackmaster. ;) Just kidding.

What have you been running lately? I've always found that when it's time for a new campaign I'm more into it if I go for soemthing a little different.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Blackleaf on December 13, 2006, 11:23:30 AM
Dogs in the Vineyard? (heh heh ;) )

How about Gamma World?
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: rcsample on December 13, 2006, 11:57:50 AM
Nobilis. (Hee. Hee)

I'll throw another log on the Gamma World suggestion fire, with the modification of run an Omega World mini campaign....
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: One Horse Town on December 13, 2006, 11:59:54 AM
How about Cold Space? You seem to have liked it in your review. Give it a proper go.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Settembrini on December 13, 2006, 12:17:21 PM
Mystara Immortals.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Sethwick on December 13, 2006, 12:49:35 PM
Dogs in the Vineyard.

I'd love to read your AP on that, given it is one of the more widely well received "indie" games you usually despise.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 13, 2006, 01:16:37 PM
Quote from: SettembriniMystara Immortals
That's a no-no. Alendalansuinel will be (I hope) at Antarctica, so no. Please.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: KenHR on December 13, 2006, 01:25:26 PM
As One Horse Town has said, based on your review, it would be cool to hear your experiences with Cold Space.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Levi Kornelsen on December 13, 2006, 01:30:06 PM

I dare you.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: PhishStyx on December 13, 2006, 01:48:32 PM
Weapons of the Gods.

G'wan, do it.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: JamesV on December 13, 2006, 02:27:16 PM
I'm throwing myself in with the Gamma/Omega World crowd. And don't be afraid to post about the best in-game moments, and why.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Imperator on December 13, 2006, 02:45:24 PM
Man, you know that you really want to run some RQ goodness. RQ Vikings would be the icing of the cake.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: kryyst on December 13, 2006, 02:46:36 PM
WFRP.  Why piss around with the other games that'll just end up reminding you how much they aren't WFRP.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 13, 2006, 03:02:18 PM
Quote from: ImperatorMan, you know that you really want to run some RQ goodness. RQ Vikings would be the icing of the cake.
Who would want to play RQ?
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Caesar Slaad on December 13, 2006, 03:08:54 PM
Burning Empires...

Not that I am currently running it, but it'd be interesting to see how you react to a game that is so swinish but yet oddly traditional.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: James McMurray on December 13, 2006, 03:11:47 PM
I haven't read it, but if Omega World / Gamma world would combine to be like the original Gamma World then I'll toss my hat into the ring for that one as well.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 03:25:41 PM
Ok, let me clear a few things up:

First, I should have anticipated it, obviously, but really I (stupidly) underestimated the level of infantility here; I'm not interested in any suggestion of any of the games I'm notorious for hating.

Second, The Mystaran Immortal campaign would be great, but Sun Boy isn't around so that won't be happening.

Next, WFRP is a game I'm already running, if you hadn't heard, so that one is out too.

Here are ones I'm thinking of running:

I'd like to run a campaign in the Hollow World; its one part of Mystara we never really got to explore in my last D&D campaign.  I have a premise thought out, and I'd be using the Rules Cyclopedia rules, possibly with some add-ons from AD&D and (yes) Hackmaster.
Main advantage: coolness, clear idea what i want to do with it, all the wierdness of the Hollow World
main drawback: I might not want to finish it at the end of summer

I could do something with Amber; the recent talk in the Amber forum has made me antsy to run a campaign of this again.
advantage: its amber
Disadvantage: If I "Might" not want to finish HW at the end of summer, I would DEFINITELY not want to finish Amber. Also, to me Amber is a game you play with a large group; five players minimum, and six or even seven are better. I'm not convinced I'd be able to get that many players on a Tuesday.

I could do Cold Space: this would definitely be cool, but it would also be rather similar to the Traveller game I ran that is still pretty fresh in my player's minds...
advantage: something I haven't done before
disadvantage: I don't know if I could get the players for it, and I'm not totally sure what I'd want to do with it specifically.

Likewise, there's In Harm's Way, but I'm already running TWO historical campaigns, and I might be a little "historied" out.
Ditto with Hearts & Souls; I'm already running a Superhero game.

Finally, there's a number of either perennial favourites (CoC, Aquelarre, Deadlands, Omega World) or stuff I've wanted to run for a while without a specific gameplan (Continuum, Octane, Space: 1889, etc).

What I'd like to hear is ideas about what would be good to run for a short 3-month summer campaign and why, and if anyone has a really cool idea for a campaign in any of these systems, that would be good to hear too.

Finally, if Jong or Umasama should read this, I'd like to know what they'd think, and if any of these games/campaigns I've mentioned would make them say "I would move Heaven & Earth to play that game on a Tuesday".

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 03:26:33 PM
Omega World is spectacular, and it could certainly be a fun, light "tuesday" kind of game.  I'm going to add that one to my serious consideration list.

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Imperator on December 13, 2006, 03:28:20 PM
Quote from: SunBoyWho would want to play RQ?

Any well educated person :D
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Levi Kornelsen on December 13, 2006, 03:30:31 PM
Grab In Harm's Way.

Grab Cold Space.

Grab Space: 1889

Read Johnathan Strange and Mr.Norrell.

Dig up the orginal concept for SJGames Hot Lead.

Fuse.  Play.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: flyingmice on December 13, 2006, 03:33:23 PM
That's brilliant, Levi! I may do this myself! :D

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: James McMurray on December 13, 2006, 03:34:33 PM
It was buried in your list of "others" but I'll reiterate Omega World. You could go for a Dark Tower IV-esque feel to it. A group of young men from one of the last bastions of society are sent West to escape a coming war. However, the seemingly loyal little town they've been sent to inventory (as makework, mostly) turns out to have a sinister underbelly that's in league with the muties.

Will they find the threat?

Will they answer it themselves or run home to their mommies for help?

Can they stop it before everything is lost?
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: JongWK on December 13, 2006, 03:39:19 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditFinally, if Jong or Umasama should read this, I'd like to know what they'd think, and if any of these games/campaigns I've mentioned would make them say "I would move Heaven & Earth to play that game on a Tuesday".

Let me see what I can think of. I do agree that we probably don't want to play something that is too similar to our current campaigns, and that whatever we play has to be short-term.

Is it too late to suggest Tuesday Night Wargames? :p
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 13, 2006, 04:34:42 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditI could do something with Amber; the recent talk in the Amber forum has made me antsy to run a campaign of this again.
advantage: its amber
Disadvantage: If I "Might" not want to finish HW at the end of summer, I would DEFINITELY not want to finish Amber. Also, to me Amber is a game you play with a large group; five players minimum, and six or even seven are better. I'm not convinced I'd be able to get that many players on a Tuesday.

Disadvantage 2: I'd kill you.

Quote from: ImperatorAny well educated person :D
Oh. That's right. That answers the question of why I don't like it. Ignorance is bliss.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 13, 2006, 04:35:54 PM
Quote from: JongWKIs it too late to suggest Tuesday Night Wargames? :p

Chinaman's right! I'll be around for a few tuesdays...
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Settembrini on December 13, 2006, 04:54:20 PM
QuoteThat's a no-no. Alendalansuinel will be (I hope) at Antarctica, so no. Please.

You are that freaky elf player?!
Wow, honoured to meet you- :bow:

Was the name sounding like Alain Delon on purpose?
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Bradford C. Walker on December 13, 2006, 05:00:48 PM
You can't go wrong with a D&D game that's based off of The Seven Samurai.  A bunch of low-level PCs vs. a goblin tribe, fighting over a village in the middle of nowhere?  C'mon man!
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Warthur on December 13, 2006, 05:44:16 PM
A game that's fun but which you can drop at the end of summer... How about some WFRP? If the characters survive to the end of the summer, they'll have earned a comfortable retirement; if they don't, well, problem solved!
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 13, 2006, 05:56:16 PM
Quote from: SettembriniYou are that freaky elf player?!
Wow, honoured to meet you- :bow:

Was the name sounding like Alain Delon on purpose?

Yup. I'm the walrus. And no, it wasn't, but it was a good mnemotechnia for the guy playing Sir Firearm.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Imperator on December 13, 2006, 08:01:55 PM
Then, again, I stand by my point and suggest RQ Vikings: you can use the proposed saga in the book in a breeze, and it fits perfectly in the time range you are describing. Good, solid rules to emulate the viking sagas: you can't go wrong with that.

SunBoy: If you don't like it, then there's not much for me to say. You ask yourself how could any be interested in playing RQ, and I ask myself how could anyone not be interested in playing RQ (or CoC, Elric, Nephilim, Pendragon, et al). I like Chaosium's games and regard them as masterpieces of design, and frankly, I think that is self-evident. Where's the problem?
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Knightsky on December 13, 2006, 09:44:27 PM
Doctor Who, using modified Amber rules.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 10:39:38 PM
Quote from: SettembriniYou are that freaky elf player?!
Wow, honoured to meet you- :bow:

Was the name sounding like Alain Delon on purpose?

Hehe, Sun Boy, I bet you didn't know your elf was famous, huh?

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 10:40:18 PM
Quote from: WarthurA game that's fun but which you can drop at the end of summer... How about some WFRP? If the characters survive to the end of the summer, they'll have earned a comfortable retirement; if they don't, well, problem solved!

Perhaps you missed the part where I mentioned that I'm already running a very successful WFRP campaign on Saturdays.

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 13, 2006, 10:42:11 PM
Quote from: KnightskyDoctor Who, using modified Amber rules.

Dr.Who is one of my unfulfilled campaign dreams.  In fact, now that my Three Kingdoms and Legion of Superheros campaigns are going strong, its the last unfulfilled campaign dream I have left.

Since coming to Uruguay I have twice made plans to run a Dr.Who campaign, and both times it fell apart.

I'm still not sure which system would be right for it, which is part of the problem.  I don't think Amber would be the right one, frankly.

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 15, 2006, 12:51:37 AM
Ok, an update on the situation: I presented the situation to my Thursday players, expressing that basically, I'd chosen as the two potential finalists either the Omega World campaign or the Hollow World campaign.

Overwhelmingly, the players expressed interest in the Hollow World game, and three players committed to participating, with a possible fourth depending on his schedule.  And thats just in one of my groups, so I won't have to worry about a lack of players, that's for sure.

Anyways, it looks like as of this Tuesday I'll be returning to Mystara, only this time to the Hollow World!

Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 16, 2006, 12:10:20 PM
Quote from: ImperatorSunBoy: If you don't like it, then there's not much for me to say. You ask yourself how could any be interested in playing RQ, and I ask myself how could anyone not be interested in playing RQ (or CoC, Elric, Nephilim, Pendragon, et al). I like Chaosium's games and regard them as masterpieces of design, and frankly, I think that is self-evident. Where's the problem?

The problem is: I don't like RQ. I like CoC, though. But, hey, don't take it to heart, I was just joking. By the way, did you knew that "et al." means "et alumni"? :confused:
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 16, 2006, 12:11:00 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditHehe, Sun Boy, I bet you didn't know your elf was famous, huh?

It's well deserved, indeed.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Imperator on December 16, 2006, 12:13:55 PM
Quote from: SunBoyThe problem is: I don't like RQ. I like CoC, though. But, hey, don't take it to heart, I was just joking. By the way, did you knew that "et al." means "et alumni"? :confused:

I'm not taking to heart, man. :) Just acknowledging that, well, different tastes. In Spanish we've had no misunderstandings ;)

And no, I didn't knew :o. So, I apologize and stand corrected.
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: SunBoy on December 18, 2006, 10:53:37 AM
Joder, hombre, entonces todo está bien. Vamo a tomarnos una por los juegos de rol, entonces. Salud!
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: Imperator on December 18, 2006, 12:00:47 PM
Quote from: SunBoyJoder, hombre, entonces todo está bien. Vamo a tomarnos una por los juegos de rol, entonces. Salud!

Si alguna vez voy, como es mi deseo a Montevideo, yo pago la primera ronda. ¡Salud!

Translation: If I ever go to Montevideo (as is my wish), I'll buy the first drink. Cheers!
Title: Help Pick RPGPundit's Summer Game!
Post by: RPGPundit on December 20, 2006, 02:32:45 PM
Update: the first game was played. Summary of said game can be found on my blog, or on the "actual play" forum on these very fora.
