
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Balbinus on November 17, 2006, 09:01:55 AM

Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Balbinus on November 17, 2006, 09:01:55 AM
So, let's have your gaming related real world injuries here.

For example, the time one of my players stood up to show me what he was doing, said "I knee him in the balls like this!" and misjudged the distance between us.


Over to you.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: TonyLB on November 17, 2006, 09:05:15 AM
Fuckin' Jungle Speed. :mad:

'nuff said.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Hastur T. Fannon on November 17, 2006, 09:08:48 AM
I have a small scar on my lower left eyelid, but that's from LARPing

Does that count as gaming :D
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Balbinus on November 17, 2006, 09:11:05 AM
Quote from: Hastur T. FannonI have a small scar on my lower left eyelid, but that's from LARPing

Does that count as gaming :D

Dude, larping, tabletop, board games, whatever, it's all gaming to me.

Tony, was it your finger that was broken?
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: TonyLB on November 17, 2006, 09:16:57 AM
No, that was some other guy.  My fingers have been mercifully spared from all but cuts, abrasions and bruises.  I've taken a couple of nasty shots to the face from flying totems though.

Roleplaying-wise, I once had some guy who decided (without warning) that he was going to act out his werewolf character dragging his claws threateningly down my character's spine.  So suddenly I've got him clawing his way down my back.

I do martial arts pretty seriously.  He came within (literally) a few inches of getting his nose smeared all across his face by the elbow strike I fired off defensively.  It was hard to check that instinct mid-strike.

People shouldn't do that stupid shit.  Really, how hard is it to say "Hey, can I act out what we're saying in the story?" and give people a chance to prepare themselves?  Common fuckin' sense, folks.  Table-top RPGs are not a contact sport.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: JamesV on November 17, 2006, 09:26:37 AM
It's weird, but regardless of what I eat, I tend to get indigestion on game nights. It's like 20 percent of the time.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Abyssal Maw on November 17, 2006, 10:16:34 AM
During one of the Torg playtests, I was a player.

The GM was miming a guy getting shot at the dinner table and collapsing face first into his soup. Only, he had a drink in front of him- sort of a short tumbler type cup, but made out of glass. So he slammed his head directly down on the top of this glass, which broke and cut him on the forehead. it also left a lump, and spilled a drink all over the table.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Hastur T. Fannon on November 17, 2006, 10:28:30 AM
Quote from: BalbinusDude, larping, tabletop, board games, whatever, it's all gaming to me.

ArrowKaster are a UK company that make LARP-safe bows, arrows, crossbows, bolts, etc.

They claim that they have never had an injury from one of their weapons.  This isn't true - quite.  You see I wasn't injured by one of their arrows (which are excellent), but by a bow

Very complex, multisided melee.  A young lady had fired off a couple of arrows and was now, quite sensibly holding her bow behind her, well out of the way, while she fenced with a couple of bad guys.  We turned into each other and the tip of the bow ended up in my eye.  Blood everywhere.  I forced my eye open and checked that I still had binocular vision and then I looked at her, she looked at me (knowing that we were both regular First-Aiders at this event).   There was a long pause while everyone present had the sudden realisation that no-one had bothered to pack a First Aid kit (it was a walk-on event and people were saving space, thinking that someone else would pack one after the last incident where everyone had a first aid kit).  We eventually found one under the sink in the youth hostel and had to drive home with a eyepad duct-taped to my eyelid so I could see out of it

I've come really close to injuring someone else while LARPing.  It's a bad idea to grab a martial artist from behind without warning.  There's been at least twice when I've realised that this isn't Real Life half-way through a throw and nearly strained something making sure that the NPC doesn't hit the ground head first
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Mr. Analytical on November 17, 2006, 12:23:28 PM
I remember once another player wanted his character to knock mine out.  In order to mime this he playfully picked up an empty coke bottle and hit me on the head with it, catching the very hard end of the bottle causing me to yelp in pain.  The guy was so surprised that he flung his arms up, letting go of the bottle and sending it into the GM's face, knocking his glasses off.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: TonyLB on November 17, 2006, 12:29:28 PM
Quote from: Hastur T. FannonWe turned into each other and the tip of the bow ended up in my eye.  Blood everywhere.
Aw, jeez man!  You win!  >shudder<

Everything heal up okay, in the end?
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: One Horse Town on November 17, 2006, 12:33:52 PM
Not sure this counts, but a good friend of mine dislocated his shoulder whilst we were playing d&d a few years ago. We were in a very creepy and atmospheric scenario where we were tracking down a vampire. We were in the crypt after about nine hours of this intense adventure and he had an epileptic fit (dunno whether the adventure caused the fit or not, but the gm was really guilty and bought him a few modules afterwards!). He fell on the floor fitting and his shoulder popped out. Ouch!
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Balbinus on November 17, 2006, 12:35:00 PM
Does everyone know the thing from in which Captain Spaulding was shot with a paintgun?

First session with a new group, his character got injured in the game, the GM pulled a paintball gun from under the table and shot him point blank in the chest with it, which unsurprisingly hurt like hell.  The GM explained that they did it to all new players, so they could feel how it felt to get injured.

I don't think he went back to play further with that group, but being British nor did he brutally kill them all as they so richly deserved.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: TonyLB on November 17, 2006, 12:38:50 PM
Quote from: BalbinusFirst session with a new group, his character got injured in the game, the GM pulled a paintball gun from under the table and shot him point blank in the chest with it, which unsurprisingly hurt like hell.  The GM explained that they did it to all new players, so they could feel how it felt to get injured.
My.  :eek:  God.  :eek:

You know, I've occasionally mentioned things like "And, of course, there are unspoken rules that we all live by without even thinking about it, like no assault and battery at the gaming table," and I sort of thought that it went without saying.  Apparently I've led a very sheltered life.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Christmas Ape on November 17, 2006, 12:50:36 PM
Hmm, I've already covered the time I was on fire...

There was the time our strangest player (girl was a little odd) had arranged all of the dice by type on the den floor where we played - in the middle of the night. Later I'm crossing the den for the washroom in the dark, and I step on the collection of d4s. Now, this is the accumulated collection of seven avid D&D players - I stepped on about ten of the fuckers. Startled and hurt, I step away - onto the rest of the d4s. Now both feet hurt, I'm trying not to swear and wake someone up, and I'm stumbling around in the dark....

..right onto the d20s. You can see where they differ from d4s; where one is sharp and stable, the other is almost round. They scatter from under my feet like Japanese scientists fleeing Godzilla, and that foot ends up somewhere parallel with my other knee before I realize what's going on. Here's where time slows down and I'm acutely aware of everything...

Falling backwards, I slam a kidney into the edge of the arm of the couch, leaving a bruise that won't fade for the next two weeks. From there I sort of...bounce...into the wall, shoulder first. Now I'm really falling, flailing out for something to catch my fall. As there's nothing, I try to catch myself from the floor...and there's a d20 or two under my (presently) one good arm's hand, so it goes flying out in front of me. This hand strikes the bottom of the couch - made of good honest Canadian hardwood - at roughly the same time I land face first on the ground. Well, not quite on the ground.

On the d4s. Nobody slept through that part.

Dice lived in the bag after the session from then on.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Hastur T. Fannon on November 17, 2006, 01:11:09 PM
Quote from: TonyLBEverything heal up okay, in the end?

Teenie-tiny little scar.  That's it
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: fonkaygarry on November 18, 2006, 02:19:45 AM
Christmas Ape, are you absolutely sure you're not make of ink and paint?
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Divine Hammer on November 18, 2006, 02:45:14 AM
Quote from: BalbinusDoes everyone know the thing from in which Captain Spaulding was shot with a paintgun?

First session with a new group, his character got injured in the game, the GM pulled a paintball gun from under the table and shot him point blank in the chest with it, which unsurprisingly hurt like hell.  The GM explained that they did it to all new players, so they could feel how it felt to get injured.

I don't think he went back to play further with that group, but being British nor did he brutally kill them all as they so richly deserved.

I don't know what paintballs taste like, but I could find out from the guy who shot me with one at the gaming table.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Christmas Ape on November 18, 2006, 05:26:57 AM
Quote from: fonkaygarryChristmas Ape, are you absolutely sure you're not make of ink and paint?
Yes, I am.

I might, however, be an incredibly convincing 3D model. Anybody see a poly count?
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Kyle Aaron on November 18, 2006, 09:10:02 PM
Quote from: TonyLBI do martial arts pretty seriously.  He came within (literally) a few inches of getting his nose smeared all across his face by the elbow strike I fired off defensively.  It was hard to check that instinct mid-strike.
He does theory, and he is totally a thirty-eight dan black belt!

d00d, he will pwn ur ass!!!!1!
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: TonyLB on November 18, 2006, 11:12:18 PM
Quote from: JimBobOzHe does theory, and he is totally a thirty-eight dan black belt!
Only second dan, I'm afraid, but I appreciate the confidence :D
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: C.W.Richeson on November 20, 2006, 09:31:47 PM
I once watched a roleplayer crash face first into a glass door because the glass was so clear he thought the whole door was open.

Luckily for him, the entire piece of glass came out of the door and fell in the opposite direction.  It was, perhaps, the most comical thing I've ever seen while roleplaying.

It didn't even break, we fixed it back up before we left that night.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: C.W.Richeson on November 20, 2006, 09:32:34 PM
Quote from: BalbinusDoes everyone know the thing from in which Captain Spaulding was shot with a paintgun?

That is my very favorite story from, and I recount it to just about every roleplayer I meet at some point.
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Warthur on November 20, 2006, 09:37:17 PM
Is it wrong of me that the threads I find most interesting on are the ones involving hilarious gaming horror stories?
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: O'Borg on November 21, 2006, 11:20:00 AM
I've yet to injure myself beyond a papercut or two, but a few months back someone shot a hole in the windscreen of my car as it was parked outside the GMs house during the session.
Quote from: BalbinusDoes everyone know the thing from in which Captain Spaulding was shot with a paintgun?
I don't think he went back to play further with that group, but being British nor did he brutally kill them all as they so richly deserved.

I remember that post :D
Part of his outrage wasnt just being shot, but the fact he was wearing a brand new and fairly expensive shirt. He didnt kill them all and take their stuff, but being British he did slap the GM's face with a leather glove and challenge the cad to a duel, before calling him an 'absolute shower, don'tcher know!" ;)
He was a regular in our monthly tabletop game until recently, and the first thing I said upon meeting him was to turn to the GM and say "Have you got the paintball gun?"
Title: Gaming related injuries
Post by: Blackthorne on January 01, 2010, 12:21:52 AM
I put Serpent7's head thru a wall when he stole my lighter. I was trying to knock him onto the couch, but had a little too much adrenaline and momentum, so ended up knocking him over the couch.

I put Chad thru a door.

Strife tried to drown me in the fish pond.

Rosh punched me in the gut when I convinced him I'd killed Chad. I hadn't.

I got tired of players showing up without their books, asking me to borrow a book, THEN, when I was wasting my time getting a book for them, not even paying attention to me- so I would toss the book at their face. That usually got the point across not to ignore me when you asked me to do a favor for you. I stopped doing that when Ace said he'd beat me with the book if I threw another one at a player's head.

I chained Joey to the gaming table.

I shot at Malentendo's head with a crossbow. Missed by inches. This was after he put a crossbow bolt into my wall. After joking that I wasn't going to get my security deposit back on the apartment.

Strife brought a knife to the game. I poked another player in the stomach to see how sharp it was. Pretty sharp, it drew blood. He was a new player, he didn't come back.

When waking up from an all-night game, I went to wake up Ace, who wanted to sleep. I get pestering him to wake up. Finally, he grabbed an empty coke can near the couch and crushed it into my kneecap to incapacitate me.

When I licked Ace's bare back, he was startled, and caught me in the throat with his elbow.

Once Ace & I were wrestling and rolled across his knife collection, which was on the floor where he was cleaning it.

Once Ace shot an arrow from a bow indoors. It passed through 2 walls. Didn't hit anyone.

Once I threw a bag of fireworks onto Ace's bed to wake up Jason.

Once Ace set me on fire. He was surprised when I didn't try to put myself out, so he had to save me.

Ace & Serpent7 got into a fist fight, but I wasn't there to see it.

I got into a fight with a werewolf, but he was a friend. We weren't even mad at each other. I got a black eye. He was a martial artist with a fantastic amount of strength. The best part was going in to see my boss, so he could see the black eye and knew I wasn't making the story up just to get out of work, to tell him I wouldn't be in to work tonight.

Those are the most interesting ones.