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Flames of "Freedom"

Started by Marchand, October 05, 2020, 10:08:00 PM

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The Witch-King of Tsámra

My hopes for Colonial Gothic died the day I found out it was being published by Daniel D. Fox. Why can't people just leave games games. I don't want a political message in a game unless it's a clever allegory.
Playing: Nothing sadly
Running: Tales of Gor, FKR Star Wars, Vampire 4th edition


Zwei wasn't that bad about gender and race issues, tbh. It was ren fair-y, but one could just say "eh, all games do it now, whatever". This though seems like a concentrated attempt to cash in on the current events. A literal xploitation product.

Snark Knight

What's funny is if this was a just a Fantasy Not!North America with the names changed around a bit and set on Not!Earth (so basically Warhammer Fantasy, which Zweil is already a serial-numbers-filed-off rip of) none would have a reason to blink twice. Then again I suspect the point is to try and drum up the controversy so the usual suspects feel obliged to throw money at it to #resist - "I saw the Drumpf Chuds were upset so I backed it to spite them! Also FUCK CAPITALISM!" Hell, (Fuck Off) Daniel is already screencapping posts from here for that reason.

Quote from: Marchand on October 05, 2020, 10:08:00 PM
"In the war for survival, it does not matter what your creed, color, culture or gender is %u2013 all stand together.

I'm going out on a limb and guess he'll leave out one of the reasons for the revolution was the colonists wanting to push into Native land the British told them not to touch.

Quote from: HappyDaze on October 06, 2020, 06:47:42 PM
Quote from: VisionStorm on October 06, 2020, 05:14:20 PM
How the fuck does one because an RPG safety and trauma %u201Cexpert%u201D? When the hell did this become an area of study, and where are all the people who were injured or traumatized as a direct result of their participation in the RPG hobby to necessitate the creation of this specialty? How did this even become a requirement to write an RPG? WHAT YEAR IS THIS?!? *passes out*
I got a paper cut from a character sheet many years ago. Does that count?

You suffered from serious physical trauma that left you disabled for a not inconsiderable period of time, as well as the long-term, anxiety induced stress that overwhelms you around character sheets, rulebooks and anything made of paper. You may also be suffering from gender dysphoria.

Habitual Gamer

Quote from: Snark Knight on October 07, 2020, 08:19:38 AM
Quote from: Marchand on October 05, 2020, 10:08:00 PM
"In the war for survival, it does not matter what your creed, color, culture or gender is %u2013 all stand together.

I'm going out on a limb and guess he'll leave out one of the reasons for the revolution was the colonists wanting to push into Native land the British told them not to touch.

Pretty simple really: the PCs are good guys, and anyone who engages in racism is 100% evil.  Because a good chunk of folks who -say- they want moral ambiguity in their games, really don't.

Quote from: VisionStorm on October 06, 2020, 05:14:20 PM
How the fuck does one because an RPG safety and trauma %u201Cexpert%u201D? When the hell did this become an area of study, and where are all the people who were injured or traumatized as a direct result of their participation in the RPG hobby to necessitate the creation of this specialty? How did this even become a requirement to write an RPG? WHAT YEAR IS THIS?!? *passes out*

Reminds me of a certain person offering to "help" Cyberpunk 2077 with its issues of racism and cultural appropriation.  For a fee of course.  To which Mike Pondsmith basically tore them a new orifice.

Personally, you don't need X cards or safe words or any of that.  As one of my players pointed out, his N card is to show up less, and his X card is to stop coming.  Typically speaking, if you have a game that wallows in (trigger) and (trigger) and even some use of (trigger), why the heck would you keep going?  "They're my friends!"  Some friends.


Colonial Gothic was a good game. I got to play a convention game and the dark woods of Puritanical New England during the rise of rebellion was good Cthulhuesque fodder. The original version is worth hunting down.

BUT...I do appreciate the "Flames of Freedom" cover because Candace Owens as Revolutionary War patriot is a pretty fun image and I'm sure she'd like it.

Yeah, I know Candace charging with a bayonet isn't overly realistic, but neither is Red Sonja or She-Ra, and its a fun image that captures Candace's powerful Trumpian spirit, like She-Shaft!

The cover itself would make a great Trump campaign T-shirt considering that's the whole point of civic nationalism - all patriots of all colors fighting against everything the leftists stand for.

Who knew Daniel Fox was a covert Republican?


Quote from: Spinachcat on October 06, 2020, 05:16:51 PM
Zwei-bitch loves me!!


The comments are a gas. I gotta bookmark them because if I'm ever lost on a desert island, I can squeeze their REEEEEEEs for enough salty tears to keep me hydrated and full of minerals!

Apparently, poor Zwei got booted off the RPGPub. As I don't (and won't) have a personal Twitter account, I hope his tard minions post here because HOT DAMN I do loves me some fresh chew toys.

All I can say is good work!  That is hilarious!   Hats off to you!  You would think REEEEE!  Was hyperbole until you read the responses....


For a guy really hates Pundit he sure as hell likes to keeping bringing him up in conversations whenever possible.

I guess he is still angry that he can no longer continually shill his products on this forum. One less rpg for me to buy. I had downloaded the PDf from Drivethrurpg awhile back. That was before 4E Warhammer was announced by C7 and before what an utter twat I knew Fox was. So both Zweihander and his new rpg will remain unread by me.

What killed any interest was this review: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_reviews_info.php?&reviews_id=489094&products_id=326840 of the product. It's another historical rpg set in the time period with 2020 values. Not interested in another SJW vanity product.

Armchair Gamer

I skimmed the Quickstart scenario yesterday and SPOILERS ....

the monster is the religious figure. Color me disappointed, but unsurprised. It's just such a cliché at this point, though.


Quote from: sureshot on October 09, 2020, 08:26:23 AM
For a guy really hates Pundit he sure as hell likes to keeping bringing him up in conversations whenever possible.

I guess he is still angry that he can no longer continually shill his products on this forum. One less rpg for me to buy. I had downloaded the PDf from Drivethrurpg awhile back. That was before 4E Warhammer was announced by C7 and before what an utter twat I knew Fox was. So both Zweihander and his new rpg will remain unread by me.

What killed any interest was this review: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_reviews_info.php?&reviews_id=489094&products_id=326840 of the product. It's another historical rpg set in the time period with 2020 values. Not interested in another SJW vanity product.


Wow Geesus! That fellow JD S certainly provided a scathing game review! Excellent, too. His game review captured my own thoughts, suspicions, and criticisms just from what I had read of the games own preview and introduction.

Split and divergent loyalties from the Colonialists--those that were Patriots and supported the Revolution; those that were Loyalists to the British Empire; and those that were somehow neutral or self-seeking. In the beginning of the American Revolution, each of these factions represented about a third of the Colonial population, making the American Revolution almost as much of a "Civil War" at least as much as a revolution. Brothers and long-time friends each opposed and fought each other, for example. Many of the hallmarks of the American Civil War that was to occur some 88 or so years later were present to a very significant degree during the American Revolution. Our own Benjamin Franklin was estranged from his eldest son for the rest of his life during the American Revolution, and ever afterwards based on his eldest son choosing to remain a Loyalist to the British Empire. Similar estranged relationships, up to and including fighting, killing, lynching, betrayals, spying, all kinds of atrocities abounded throughout the American Colonies. Also like the American Civil War, irregular, semi-organized State Militias and frontiersmen and backwoods battalions played a prominent role on both sides of the American Revolution.

Slavery and Indentured Servitude were both very large issues, even in the American Revolution.

The various Native American Indian tribes had their hands full, and were powerful participants throughout the American Revolution, with some tribes supporting the British Empire, and some tribes supporting the American Colonialists. Then, too, the different factions and alliances of Indian tribes fought against each other, viewing each side as deadly enemies. The Indian tribes were serious in their own warfare, as well, and were never sweet, kind, or gentle--let alone forgiving--to their enemies, most particularly enemy Indian tribes of the opposing faction. Oh, and another thing--it wasn't just the white people that enslaved the black Africans--there were Indian tribes that enslaved the black Africans as well. The political relationships circling about between the different Indian nations, the British Empire, the French, and the American Colonials was always complex, tense, and full of high-charged drama. Several of the Indian nations, such as the Cherokee and the Iroquois were very powerful, and who they chose to support was certain to bring lots of blood and casualties to the side they opposed.

Far more discussion points to be had about the reality and the dimensions of the American Revolution and this pathetic game to be sure. "Players cannot touch the issue of slavery at all". Really? Who the hell do these people think they are? I am sure the game doesn't breathe a word about some free black people owning white people, Indians, and black Africans as slaves, either. Slavery in America was also far more complex and far more multi-faceted than the game morons would ever like to admit, though the institution of slavery throughout America was multi-faceted, especially during the days of the American Revolution, and the years beforehand. Through the years, the institution of slavery in America changed as well, like much of everything else as well, from politics, to the economy, and more, and also from different region to region and state to state.

The game definitely comes off as more SJW 2020 poured backwards into a historical game. A brainwashed, SJW jello game to make SJW's in particular feel like superheroes resisting the "Hu White Supremacy"! They can REEE themselves silly and choke.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: sureshot on October 09, 2020, 08:26:23 AM
For a guy really hates Pundit he sure as hell likes to keeping bringing him up in conversations whenever possible.

I guess he is still angry that he can no longer continually shill his products on this forum. One less rpg for me to buy. I had downloaded the PDf from Drivethrurpg awhile back. That was before 4E Warhammer was announced by C7 and before what an utter twat I knew Fox was. So both Zweihander and his new rpg will remain unread by me.

What killed any interest was this review: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_reviews_info.php?&reviews_id=489094&products_id=326840 of the product. It's another historical rpg set in the time period with 2020 values. Not interested in another SJW vanity product.

Frankly that was my thought too.  Are you really wanting to avoid Someone when you read their friends' social media and then blast it?

Weak sauce.  But again hats off in getting a reaction.  Too funny.


Surprise surprise two five star reviews of the product. By total absolute coincidence I am sure. The fact that they are almost copy and paste is also completely coincidental of course. 

Shawn Driscoll

Quote from: Marchand on October 05, 2020, 10:08:00 PM
Just came across Flames of Freedom quickstart on drivethru - powered by Zweihander, remake of Colonial Gothic.

Open up the free preview and there is a preamble called "Uses and Abuses of History": "...this game is not an excuse to reenact harmful words or acts of the past, including ageism, ablism [etc.]... trans or queerphobia"

Uses and abuses of history, indeed.

I like the old days when RPG rules started with "Generate your character and go adventuring in whatever setting you choose!" So simple.

Now players have to be told how to behave because of bad parenting. I read the first part of Flames of Freedom, and was not impressed by the D100 stuff. The game is a non-use for me.

Crawford Tillinghast

Oh for the love of God! It's been four decades and One True Wayism still haunts the hobby?
Quote from: SHARK on October 09, 2020, 09:53:41 AM

"Players cannot touch the issue of slavery at all". Really? Who the hell do these people think they are?
If Daniel Fox finds out you are playing his game wrong, he will be very very angry at you.  He might go so far as to send you a letter saying how very angry he is. ;)


People who find historical settings to be too edgy should just stick with fantasy and sci-fi settings.  I'm speaking of game designers, not just players.

The original Colonial Gothic had its flaws, too.  The system was clunky and enemy horrors where plucked straight from the Lovecraft mythos, rather than being created specifically for the setting.

When I ran a horror campaign set in colonial America, I used Savage Worlds for the system, mythos generation tables from Silent Legions to create the enemy horrors, and Colonial Gothic for practical setting information.
Playing: John Carter of Mars, Hyperborea
Running: Swords & Wizardry Complete


I am curious where this trend will go. Since the rise if the Forge authors have become increasingly direct in how the GM can run their game. We used to laugh at Gary Gygax comparatively tepid direction to GMs.

Will games point have some kind of legalese so a disgruntled players can report a non compliant GM?