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Classic Marvel

Started by James McMurray, December 30, 2006, 07:24:17 PM

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James McMurray

For my campaign I opted on Advanced. I may snag a few things from UP every now and then, like ranges for powers that don't specify, but it's got a lot more in it then I need for a first campaign.


Quote from: James McMurrayFor my campaign I opted on Advanced. I may snag a few things from UP every now and then, like ranges for powers that don't specify, but it's got a lot more in it then I need for a first campaign.

I use UPB only as a GM tool for suggesting power stunts/and or related powers--in general though I find its not as useful or balanced for making PC's as the base system from the Advanced set (I've rolled up Baron Morpheus, with 18 powers, and Adam, the Adamantium man with 1  extreme level power and everything in between.)

It's a good idea generator though.
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Our group (what was that, 1986 maybe) used the Advanced rules as our staple for a long time.  I don't know the year, but when we fell upon DC Heroes and their MEGS style of play, we jumped ship.  I think the combat was better, but then it has been a long time since I did anything with MSH.  I did find some of the old characters and 1 box set tho....  

Good Times
"Science without faith is lame, faith without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

"Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy." - Albert Einstein

James McMurray

We never played DC. Everything I've heard about it said the combat bogged down and there was a lot of wonky bits.


IMO it didn't bog down.  Now, they had some rules that could bog it down (the most current incarnation has a hero point bidding system which is usually thrown out), but it uses 2 tables, opposing stats, 2d10 (added, with doubles meaning roll again and double 1 meaning flop) and a hand full of combat options (pushing the attack, multi-attack, etc.).  You can absorbe damage with HP, but limited.  

I have a group using it now and we have been going with an online game for a few years now.  I've slowed down and play-by-post is slow, but it is still working.

The most current version is called Blood of Heroes.  There may be a new version coming (if the group that now owns it ever irons things out).  Their are 'wonky bits' in this version (it is messier than the original), but they are not hard to throw out (like their universe...yuck!).

There is an unofficial sup for it, but I would have to find it (created by the 'biggist' user group).  It was all 'optional rules', but they were generally good items.  There is also an extensive character write-up site.

"Science without faith is lame, faith without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

"Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy." - Albert Einstein


Quote from: bobmangmThere is an unofficial sup for it, but I would have to find it (created by the 'biggist' user group).  It was all 'optional rules', but they were generally good items.  There is also an extensive character write-up site.


My opinion on the "Blood of Heroes" is that it was utter munchkin version of DC Heroes (things like double linking). The DC Heroes system is ok, can be solid but can do weird things: Example : a normal guy with a rifle getting doubles, and doubles, and doubles and killing the super armored tough guy--it actually happened in one of my games.

The two chart system was slower than MSH--had to consult one for what to roll against, and then one to compare how much you 'earned' in RAPS.

It was a pretty solid game though.
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Thanks for the tip on Blood of Heroes.  I've sometimes considered tracking that down.  Do you have an opinion on the Batman rpg?  Was it more streamlined than the DC Heroes boxed set or just squeezed into a smaller package?
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsThanks for the tip on Blood of Heroes.  I've sometimes considered tracking that down.  Do you have an opinion on the Batman rpg?  Was it more streamlined than the DC Heroes boxed set or just squeezed into a smaller package?

It's streamlined a  bit, its also technically the 1.5 edition. Missing some of the additions of 2nd ed boxed set. I actually prefer it however. It lacks the meta powers: Continuum Control, Omni power,  etc which tend to be problematic anyway and don't serve Batman's allies or enemies well.  It also lacks a few skills. I believe it does use the better Wealth system you find in 2E as well. I know some people don't care for gadgets handling in 2E but I found them simple and unproblematic in the Batman game.
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
Hearts & Souls 2E Coming in 2019


Always found DC Heroes to run smooth and fast. It has it's share of rules oddities, but nothing a firm hand on the GM Bullwhip can't settle. And the way it was tailored specifically to emulate the source material (Hero Points, Subplots, etc.) always appealed strongly to me.

I got tired of going back and forth between two charts, so I combined them into one. For me, it sped up play immensely.

Blood of Heroes added retarded munchkin-ized NPCs and a truly awful setting,  but they also put in a lot of cool tweaks and rules clarifications. A mixed bag, to be sure, but I like it.
The only thing I ever believed in the Bible was John 11:35.


I like Advanced for the long long term campaign structure, more rules to explain common actions, and the number of power and talent options.  With Basic, I liked the one random power rank table, no range for power ranks, simple combat system, and most importantly rules for Sidekicks, Unique Weapons, Intelligent Weapons, and Unique Vehicles.


I actually never played the Batman Game (although I seem to remember seeing it and possible reading a little).  Can I find it anywhere?
"Science without faith is lame, faith without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

"Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy." - Albert Einstein


Quote from: bobmangmI actually never played the Batman Game (although I seem to remember seeing it and possible reading a little).  Can I find it anywhere?

It can be found at some online retailers and on ebay. Its quite easy to get as it was hugely mass produced, and cheap (9.95), I've picked up copies for under 5 dollars that were mint/near mint condition.
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
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James McMurray

Yesterday I started up my MSH campaign with my group. We were going to wait but scheduling issues had me running instead of the D&D campaign's GM. I ran the first two chapters of Day of the Octopus. In the first chapter the group (who didn't know each other) became involved in 3 seperate crimes:

Myrmidon, aka Batman was picnicking with his girlfriend when a young girl street urchin grabbed the girlfriend's purse and ran. He chased her for a few turns, constantly failing to grab the purse with low rolls and she finally dropped it so he'd leave her alone. He then jumped into costume in his car so he could head towards the Krupp building where alarms were sounding.

Siphon, with Power Absorbsion and Health-Drain touch interrupted some guys harassing a pretzel vendor for his protection money. He was quickly beaten down to 2 health and knocked unconscious by 4 gang members. He could have bested them pretty easily but he wasn't in costume and didn't want to use his powers.

Winter's Chill (Invisilibility + Ice Generation) and The Shiled (Force Field, Flight, and Mental Force) rushed into the Krupp building when they saw two well known thugs trying to steal Mandroid armor. The thugs were put down pretty rapidly. Afterwards The Shield merged with the crowd while Winter's Chill chilled a guy's soda and went to sign an autograph.

As he was signing they were ambushed by Radioactive Man, Scorpion, The Fixer, and Beetle. Radioactive man dropped fairly quickly. A Great Slam result let Batman knock Scorpion 8 areas away, and the Fixer was health drained down. Beetle fled followed shortly by Scorpion.

Overall it was a good game, mostly spent learning the rules and various combat abilities.


That's fabulous, James!  I love that module.  It's jammed packed with silly action, just like a Marvel comic.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog

James McMurray

Can you ever go wrong with Doctor Octopus creating a two-story tall Octodroid and threatening to Destroy New York as step one in his plan to rule America?