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Brainstorm: "Seven Copies of Adrian Zmed"

Started by Dr Rotwang!, March 17, 2007, 02:03:45 PM

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Dr Rotwang!

See, kids, now...here's why I dont use drugs.

Just now I went to the restroom, and on my way back out, I suddenly and for no good damn reason just thought of the words

"There are seven copies of Adrian Zmed."

I have no idea, Earthly or otherwise, as to what this means.  But I believe this to be true: any idea, no matter how stupid, can be mined for something awesome.  You just have to try it.  

So what would you do, game-wise, with this idea?  Fold, spindle, mutilate to your heart's content.  Go for broke.  Brainstorm.

My idea, so far, relates to a SF setting like maybeTranshuman Space: there are seven ghosts of Adrian Zmed, each inhabiting a bioroid which bears his image circa Batchelor Party.  Maybe they don't know about each other.  Maybe someone who is a perverse collector of some sort wants them, and hires the PCs to track them down.  Maybe they do know of each other, and are planning an elaborate prank of some kind -- or perhaps something worse...

Spin it, turkeys!  What can ya think up?
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.

John Morrow

Quote from: Dr Rotwang!
"There are seven copies of Adrian Zmed."

Was this before or after you imagined yourself "boinking Taarna"?  Dude, you need to loosen the tie -- and undo the top button.

Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Spin it, turkeys!  What can ya think up?

I'm thinking that your best bet involves combining T. J. Hooker and Jet Li's The One.  At least that doesn't require you to explain why someone would purposely create seven copies of Adrian Zmed.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%

Dr Rotwang!

Quote from: John MorrowWas this before or after you imagined yourself "boinking Taarna"?  Dude, you need to loosen the tie -- and undo the top button.
I only said that to derail the onme-upsmanship.  Also,it was funny.

Quote from: John MorrowI'm thinking that your best bet involves combining T. J. Hooker and Jet Li's The One.  At least that doesn't require you to explain why someone would purposely create seven copies of Adrian Zmed.
I haven't seen The One.

EDIT: And remember, it's a starting point, and nothing's written in stone.  Maybe it's not Adrian Zmed; maybe it's another has-been, or maybe it's Winston Churchill.  

The idea is that even you dumb ideas can get you somewhere if you jack with 'em long enough.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.

John Morrow

Quote from: Dr Rotwang!I haven't seen The One.

Start there.  Ignore the nay-sayers.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%

David R

Title : Bring Me The Head Of Adrian Zmed

System/Setting : Gamma World 1st Edition

Plot : While travelling through seven different provinces the PCs encounter seven different faction leaders with the same request - "Bring me the head of Adrian Zmed" A cloning experiment went wrong and now seven copies of Zmed (each with the personality of one of his characters from seven different movies) are running around causing trouble. The PCs have to deal with the fallout.

I ever tell you about my Castle Falkenstein idea called - How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love Peter Sellers....

David R


Named for the scientist's favorite actor, Adrian Zmed is the name of the first successfully cloned Grey produced from the alien ship wreckage acquired from a hidden Nazi storage facility in 1947.  While the first clone was created in 2001, by 2005 there were 8 of these strange, living beings held at  different military research locations in the United Kingdom.

After the Second Incident and the death of one of the clones all clones were scheduled for termination.  While it's unclear what happened, various black ops groups are now aware that these clones seem to have disappeared and are now believed to be at large among the general populace.  Several instances of terrorism attributed to mainstream terrorist groups are believed to have originated with these seven Adrian Zmed's, or "AZs" for short.
My LiveJournal - What I'm reviewing and occasional thoughts on the industry from a reviewer's perspective.

James J Skach

Without clones:

While it is common knowledge that Adrian Zmed attended DePaul University for theater, it is not well known that he also studied physics. It was there that he met and befriended Julie Henderson. Though close, Adrian and Julie never dated, remaining best friends for the rest of their lives.

In 2014 Dr. Julie Henderson claimed to discover the secret to cold fusion energy.  In a press conference, she announced she had found a method to efficiently and effectively create energy for almost no cost and with almost no harmful waste. Her paper on the subject was to be published in seven consecutive articles.  She assured everyone that her discovery would be repeatable and would prove to be the greatest discovery since fire.

Dr. Julie Henderson disappeared soon after, and the papers she was to have published with her.

It is now 2066, and the world is in need of more energy. Since 2014, rumors have swirled around what really happened to Dr. Henderson and her discovery. Your employer, an eccentric billionaire, has recently informed you that he knows the truth: in an effort to secure her discovery, Dr. Henderson had copied her paper onto the back of seven headshots of her best friend, Adrian Zmed.  If those could be found, the world would have Cold Fusion.

Your job, recover all seven copies of Adrian Zmed.
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs


Immortality, the word rang crisp and clear. His one dream, his only hope. The last word of a dying man, the singular utterance of the one and only spell he had ever studied.

Something went wrong.

He was shattered, body and soul, across all existence, every plane, every heaven and every hell, all seven levels of the Sephiroth. It was his best and worst day, it would be eons if ever he was whole again. Desperate and scared he began the only thing left to him, he began to collect himself.

That was eons ago, and he has needed help, he's been assisted and betrayed, loved and hated, blessed and condemned. His dream has become his nightmare and now he just wants to finish his collection and die. He has almost completed his work but now needs your help for the hardest part ever.

There are seven pieces left of Adrian Zmed.

Dr Rotwang!

Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.