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Bob Bledsaw II Sprints Past the Line

Started by Mistwell, February 10, 2020, 01:20:29 PM

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Quote from: Orphan81;1121987We keep bringing up Tolkein but let's use a more modern example. Imagine J.K. Rowling dies and has a Son

You don't even have to go that far. JK Rowling is a TERF, and for some, that makes her worse than Hitler.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Quote from: GeekyBugle;1121880I have never bought a single JG product and when I found out abt this I was confusing them with the other one, the one for 5e. Sucks for the people that were publishing through them and serves as a reminder of why you need to vet your business associates or better yet self publish.

As for DT pulling everything down, I would have done the same.
Quote from: Orphan81;1121987Doesn't matter if he had nothing to do with Judge's Guild products... He still profits from it, and he's come out as a racist douche bag. Scorched Earth is the only response you can have sadly. It just goes to show how selfish of a fuck this guy really is, by not even considering the consequences of his actions and how it would effect others.
Quote from: Haffrung;1121988That may be a moral imperative for people who feel some kind of emotional connection and affinity for people they buy RPG products from. But I'm not one of those people. I no more care who writes my RPG books than I care who manufacturers the laundry detergent I use. I no more regard my patronage of RPG creators as 'support' than I regard buying Tide at the grocery stores as support for [searches google] Procter & Gamble.

Personally, I'm closer to Haffrung's position here. I still wouldn't think much of buying Judge's Guild products, though it would cross my mind. There are a handful of creators that rise to the level of things that I would boycott, but unless Bledsaw II is doing more than just tweeting his odious views, this doesn't cross into that territory for me.

That said, I've got nothing against GeekyBugle or Orphan81 choosing differently. That's their decision.


Quote from: Brad;1121966I think it has something to do with him profiting off the work. How much money has Lovecraft made the past 20 years?

Somewhat amusingly, legally Lovecraft's estate probably belongs to his Jewish wife, since he never finalized the divorce.

But somehow Robert Howard's estate (who died before HPL) belongs to a Swedish game company, Paradox. Despite him being far more racist than HPL, we never hear anything about that...


Quote from: Shasarak;1121986I looked at the stuff in the OP and it looks like a big so what.

If only people had taken the time to respond to you repeatedly with additional information so you could see it goes way beyond the OP.

Oh, wait...they did.


Quote from: JeremyR;1121998But somehow Robert Howard's estate (who died before HPL) belongs to a Swedish game company, Paradox. Despite him being far more racist than HPL, we never hear anything about that...

Oh, got me interested enough to google it....

QuoteHoward's viewpoint was also affected and softened by his correspondence with H. P. Lovecraft -- whose own beliefs about race were a lot stronger

Not according to Wikipedia?! No idea who's right here, just indicating current regular source of information indicates otherwise. So even if you're correct, it's going to be hard to get that message out. Maybe Paradox has better control of it's branding. Is there a way to check if Paradox has edited the Wikipedia page?
I just wanna fight some fuckin' dragons! Is that too much to ask? - Ghostmaker


Quote from: Haffrung;1121988That may be a moral imperative for people who feel some kind of emotional connection and affinity for people they buy RPG products from. But I'm not one of those people. I no more care who writes my RPG books than I care who manufacturers the laundry detergent I use. I no more regard my patronage of RPG creators as 'support' than I regard buying Tide at the grocery stores as support for [searches google] Procter & Gamble. And if some honcho at Procter & Gamble is revealed to be an unsavoury person, it won't affect my purchases at all. Because I still prefer Tide to Gain.

And I don't see how buying JG products would help Bledsaw II create more hate. Anyone who can pay for internet can post whatever ugly nonsense they want all day long. There's no correlation between money in his pocket and the amount the hate he spews.

Since the moral imperative around creators and content varies person to person, why should I be denied the right to purchase products? Why should your moral outrage go further than a personal boycott, and make products accessible to me?

No, it's more about voting with your dollars, just as I wouldn't buy shit from Varg, or any SJW the same applies here, I'm not putting money in the wallet of a fucker whose views are not only antithetical to mine but are a very real danger to me as a non-white or my family/friends who fall in that same category.

As someone else already pointed to you I'm sure they have their own website where you can buy their stuff.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: JeremyR;1121998Somewhat amusingly, legally Lovecraft's estate probably belongs to his Jewish wife, since he never finalized the divorce.

But somehow Robert Howard's estate (who died before HPL) belongs to a Swedish game company, Paradox. Despite him being far more racist than HPL, we never hear anything about that...

You must have missed the discussions in this very site about REH and his racism. And all over social media too, where it's brought up constantly.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: tenbones;1121967The SJW's have already decided all you OSR guys (edit: Everyone NOT SJW) are "Nazis". Is it a shame this guy is ruining the IP? Sure. But welcome to reality. SJW's in this industry created people like him. He sounds like he got activated and went "the other way" - but he's still in the same shithole tier as the SJW's. I recognize Robert and others have vested interests in the IP... but be wary of trying to "distance" yourself too much because the more you try, the more detraction you'll get.

You made elf-games. Those elf-games are now in the hands of an asshole. Walk away, otherwise you're playing the Identity Politics Game which unless you're vested in thatfight  - you won't win, as they have nothing to lose, and you have *nothing* to gain. That's their game. The best case scenario is to give a polite "fuck off" to all parties concerned about the identity-shit and move on. Sucks, I know... otherwise...

As Identitarians say: You may not care about Identity, but it cares about you.

I loathe the SJWs, but the blame for Bledsaw II & III spouting racist, anti-Semitic BS lands squarely on the Bledsaws alone. Identity politics may be poison, but it's an individual people who choose to drink whatever flavor they pick up. And while I think all flavors are vile, I think some are particularly more so than others. The SJWs didn't force the Bledsaws to adopt the racist thoughts they have. If the Bledsaws ever try to come back from this (a near impossible task in my opinion), they have to own their actions, and not try to blame it on the SJWs.


Quote from: Orphan81;1121987Doesn't matter that he didn't create Harry Potter, doesn't matter other people "expanded" the universe with Videogames and other things. He's still going to profit off of it. You bet your ass all of it would be torn down, and removed from purchase from every store out there, and every streaming service.

Sadly, were that scenario to actually happen odds are more likely that the stuff would stay up because its just too popular. Hence my comment prior on this ever being a fickle double edged sword. I've seen this in action way too often both indirectly and directly.


Quote from: Omega;1122018Sadly, were that scenario to actually happen odds are more likely that the stuff would stay up because its just too popular. Hence my comment prior on this ever being a fickle double edged sword. I've seen this in action way too often both indirectly and directly.

Yep. I can't see Warner Brothers ditching the Harry Potter franchise, no matter how sleazy her hypothetical future son may be. At most, maybe they'd put out a disclaimer of some sort.
Hell, I don't think people would stop consuming the product.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Quote from: JeremyR;1121998But somehow Robert Howard's estate (who died before HPL) belongs to a Swedish game company, Paradox. Despite him being far more racist than HPL, we never hear anything about that...

There is. But its been overall low key as Howards views in some cases seem to have stemmed from personal bad experiences I have been told while researching for a game project. I did not at the time get any particulars other than he apparently had a distinct dislike of either certain tribes of Native Americans, or an overall dislike?


Quote from: ponta1010;1122007Oh, got me interested enough to google it....

Not according to Wikipedia?! No idea who's right here, just indicating current regular source of information indicates otherwise. So even if you're correct, it's going to be hard to get that message out. Maybe Paradox has better control of it's branding. Is there a way to check if Paradox has edited the Wikipedia page?

Wikipedia is about as reliable as asking a SJW what racism means.

Wayy the hell back while researching I was shown part of one letter from Howard where he has some pretty harsh things to say about Native Americans. But was only part and I never got to see the rest for context so have no clue what he was on about. But yeah he did indeed have some strong dislikes.


Quote from: Ratman_tf;1122019Yep. I can't see Warner Brothers ditching the Harry Potter franchise, no matter how sleazy her hypothetical future son may be. At most, maybe they'd put out a disclaimer of some sort.
Hell, I don't think people would stop consuming the product.

Weinstein is pretty slimy and you don't see the movie studios pulling all the movies with his name on it from the shelves.


Quote from: goblinslayer;1122028Weinstein is pretty slimy and you don't see the movie studios pulling all the movies with his name on it from the shelves.

Weinstein also has "distance" from the product. He's the faceless director, hell most people probably didn't even know who he was until the scandals came out. Even then, there's a difference between "I pressured starlets to have sex with me for good roles in my movies" and is a blatant pedophile talking about it on social media.

Just look at how fast Kevin Spacey was unpersoned for the idea he could be a pedophile. Netflix pulled his series, and nobody will hire him.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Orphan81;1122030Weinstein also has "distance" from the product. He's the faceless director, hell most people probably didn't even know who he was until the scandals came out. Even then, there's a difference between "I pressured starlets to have sex with me for good roles in my movies" and is a blatant pedophile talking about it on social media.

Just look at how fast Kevin Spacey was unpersoned for the idea he could be a pedophile. Netflix pulled his series, and nobody will hire him.

Kevin Spacey also wasn't a part of a franchise as big as Harry Potter.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.