
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: beeber on July 26, 2007, 02:40:44 PM

Title: BFGs!
Post by: beeber on July 26, 2007, 02:40:44 PM
thinking about the manga "appleseed" a lot recently.  in the series, the cyborg briareos gets to carry around HUGE rifles.  IIRC they're almost like 20mm assault rifles.  

what examples are out there (in gaming, not IRL, obviously) of huge, vaguely man-portable slugthowers?  there are two i can think of off the top o' me 'ead are a 6 shot, revolver-style RAM GL we used in traveller (almost always in the direct fire mode :haw: ).  the other is from challenge magazine, the LRF gauss gun, equipped with a TL 14 grav-assist jacket (a la plasma/fusion guns).  it was basically a step between the gauss LMG and a VRF gauss gun.  insane ROF, great penetration vs. armor, easy to throw around.  

i never played SR or CP2020.  i'm sure they must've had some sort of "anti-cyborg" rifles, shit that would do sick amount of damage.  any thoughts?
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Spike on July 26, 2007, 02:50:53 PM
Quote from: beeberthinking about the manga "appleseed" a lot recently.  in the series, the cyborg briareos gets to carry around HUGE rifles.  IIRC they're almost like 20mm assault rifles.  

what examples are out there (in gaming, not IRL, obviously) of huge, vaguely man-portable slugthowers?  there are two i can think of off the top o' me 'ead are a 6 shot, revolver-style RAM GL we used in traveller (almost always in the direct fire mode :haw: ).  the other is from challenge magazine, the LRF gauss gun, equipped with a TL 14 grav-assist jacket (a la plasma/fusion guns).  it was basically a step between the gauss LMG and a VRF gauss gun.  insane ROF, great penetration vs. armor, easy to throw around.  

i never played SR or CP2020.  i'm sure they must've had some sort of "anti-cyborg" rifles, shit that would do sick amount of damage.  any thoughts?

Not only did CP2020 have anti-borg guns, it had things like the .666 revolver and the gatling 12 guage designed for use BY borgs.  there was a whole line of borg only guns by the end of the line.  Then they had two seperate 20mm 'rifles'... one firing a saboted submunition the other a 'true 20mm'... and the 30mm was the next entry down.

BIG Fookin' Guns.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Serious Paul on July 26, 2007, 02:58:05 PM
Shadowrun has no specifically designed munitions, but as you can see Raygun ( has a pretty good section on anti-material rifles, and the like.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Spike on July 26, 2007, 03:12:16 PM
Quote from: Serious PaulShadowrun has no specifically designed munitions, but as you can see Raygun ( has a pretty good section on anti-material rifles, and the like.

Technically I think the panther assault cannon fits under what he was asking about without going into fanmade stuff.

Of course, since missile launchers have been in the mrb since the heady early days, its hard to tell what's really meant to be a 'big gun' in Shadowrun.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: kryyst on July 26, 2007, 03:15:24 PM
Well Rifts has many examples, the most known of course being the Glitterboy's Rail Gun.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Serious Paul on July 26, 2007, 03:16:29 PM
I like Raygun's stuff because it's logical, and well put together-unlike the PAC, and some stuff like it. (Have any of you looked at what a Panther Canon is? I mean what it really is?)

But back to the original request-check out Rigger 3 Revised, and the Canon Companion, and Rayguns site for some inspiration. Also the Cyper Punk stuff is pretty cool for an anime feel.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Spike on July 26, 2007, 03:57:56 PM
Sure I have Paul.  I've never had a character that had one, wanted one, or even liked the thought of them. Its supposed to be some sort of direct fired miniature artillery round by is treated like a super-fantastic sniper rifle. I don't like bringing fan-made stuff in, often because it is of low quality (the Thresher fanbook for SLA industries made me weep, for all its popularity with the online SLA fans....), and most importantly it lacks easy portability to new tables.

I am a mobile gamer, Every other year I have to make new freinds, and new gaming buddies.  Maybe once I'm forty I'll be able to settle down and get a single, solid group of players that will last out decades of play. Until then, however, if I can't be 'garaunteed' to get a new table to adopt it, I don't even bother with it.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Serious Paul on July 26, 2007, 04:02:40 PM
Quote from: SpikeI don't like bringing fan-made stuff in, often because it is of low quality (the Thresher fanbook for SLA industries made me weep, for all its popularity with the online SLA fans....), and most importantly it lacks easy portability to new tables.

Agreed, in that a lot of fan stuff is of pretty poor quality-but if you've looked Ray's stuff you'll see that sometimes you come out ahead. I've seen some stuff here and there that's been amazing, and with the internet you can access it from anywhere, at anytime.

That's the beauty of gaming these days-you don't have to have more than a laptop, and a internet connection. Boom! You have all the books, all of the time.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Skyrock on July 26, 2007, 04:19:19 PM
Quote from: SpikeTechnically I think the panther assault cannon fits under what he was asking about without going into fanmade stuff.

Of course, since missile launchers have been in the mrb since the heady early days, its hard to tell what's really meant to be a 'big gun' in Shadowrun.
The biggest gun you could technically carry around was the M12 mortar. Practically, I'd settle either for the Panther or the Great Dragon anti-tank missile launcher.

And of course there was the whole naval warfare weaponry, making the above three weapons look like BB-guns, although I don't know if ship-mounted weapons belong into this thread...
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Ian Absentia on July 26, 2007, 04:24:11 PM
Feng Shui had a few memorable guns that appeared in the future juncture of 2056.  Not all of them were huge, but they all featured nearly-impossible huge caliber ammunition.  I recall the Godhammer service pistol, the Blade of Truth submachinegun, and there was some immense assault rifle with an equally intimidating name.  They could rip a demon a few new assholes, which is precisely what they were designed to do.

Title: BFGs!
Post by: beeber on July 26, 2007, 05:14:05 PM
SP, thanks for the raygun link.  i'll scope that out tonight

kryyst, i think the GB rail gun is just outside of my scope.  something that requires bracing like that (the supports that fire from the legs, IIRC) is bit more like artillery than the man-portable i was going for.  and MDC is a bit too overkill

IA, i have a feng shui book around here somewhere.  i forgot about all the 2056 juncture stuff.  i'll have to check that out too

thanks all

edit:  spike!  i forgot you!  that CP stuff sounds like what i'm talking about.  now to look for online resources.  but the damage scales weirdly in that doesn't it?  i think i recall something about regular assault rifles doing tons of damage as it is. . . .
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Ronin on July 26, 2007, 05:24:40 PM
RT-20 Antimaterial Rifle ( (20x110mm Hispano)

Mechem NTW-20 ( (20 x 83.5 mm MG151)

DENEL PAW-20 "Neopup" ( (20x42mm) (Technically its a direct fire grenade lanucher but its close enough for our purposes.)

Oops! You were looking for fictional weapons.:p

[Edit] I guess the people who had the pics I linked to didnt like me linking to them. Oh' well. The pics were neat. But you can still check them out you just have to follow the links now.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: beeber on July 26, 2007, 06:16:41 PM
heh, RL ones are ripe for conversion! :D
Title: BFGs!
Post by: GlauG on July 27, 2007, 04:13:12 AM
Well, BESM lets you build any anime BFG you so desired,but I guess that's cheating. ;)

Sticking with anime-themed stuff, there are some larger weapons in the BGC game which needed to be carried by power-armoured humans or boomers/cyborgs.  Either high-calibre assault rifles or railguns, usually.  There are also a bunch of AD Police weapons designed to take down androids/high powered cyborgs, which could be used by a normal human, barely.

From other gaming sources, I remember the Technocracy Assembled Syndicate book had the "Mjolnir", a TechnoMagically enhanced assault rifle which IIRC intentionally looked mean for the sake of sympathetic magic...  I never had any of the other books, but I'm sure Iteration X had some unholy weaponry.  

The Aliens RPG of course has the Smartgun...  And the assault rifle is a BFG by modern standards (High-explosive caseless rounds fired like mini-railgun shots.  AND a grenade launcher underslung...).

My mind's drawing a depressing blank on everything else, however.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: ghost rat on July 27, 2007, 05:34:00 PM
Mayfair Games' Underground had a fair amount of crazy-big weapons as I recall, including an autofire grenade launcher and a man-portable railgun.
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Spike on July 27, 2007, 05:35:18 PM
Quote from: ghost ratMayfair Games' Underground had a fair amount of crazy-big weapons as I recall, including an autofire grenade launcher and a man-portable railgun.

heh... Yeah, the SMALL guns were .50 calibre...
Title: BFGs!
Post by: Sosthenes on July 27, 2007, 08:37:10 PM
Decent weapons in SLA Industries started at caliber 12.7 mm (i.e. .50) or 10 gauge...