
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: King_Stannis on April 02, 2006, 10:43:51 PM

Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: King_Stannis on April 02, 2006, 10:43:51 PM
Collectible mini games have come on like gangbusters in the last year or so. Which is your favorite and why? While I like quite a few, I have to say that the Pirates of the Spanish Main game from Wizkids is mine. A wonderful blend of simple rules and beautifully innovative ships.

I do like Star Wars and Axis and Allies, too. Oh, and D&, my pocketbook has really taken a hit since these have burst onto the scene. :)

I am sooo looking forward to the rumored star wars spaceship collectible game.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Thjalfi on April 02, 2006, 10:55:52 PM
pirates are fun, but the rules suck ass. same goes for rocketman.

d&d minis is fun, and I've never played Warhammer or mageknigh/heroclix.

:shrug: wouldn't call any my "favorites" though.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Bagpuss on April 03, 2006, 04:32:39 AM
Yeah, it would probably be Pirates if the rules didn't suck so badly. But I'll have to go with D&D miniatures since they have dual usage and I rarely play miniatures games with the other time commitments I have.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: kanegrundar on April 03, 2006, 09:20:06 AM
DDM for me.  I rarely play the actual game, but I use the minis for everything from D&D to Warhammer Quest.  Versatility is key.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Reefer Madness on April 03, 2006, 09:54:31 PM
Chose heroclix....very interested about Horrorclix (ok mainly 16 inch tall cthulhu) but still
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: King_Stannis on April 04, 2006, 11:12:20 AM
I'm surprised  the Star Wars minis aren't getting any love. They are fairly big at the local game stores. I myself have three cases full - well over 300 figures.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Bagpuss on April 04, 2006, 11:37:21 AM
To be honest I don't have the time to play collectable games of any sort. I barely have time to play the weekly rpg game and the odd computer game after the rest of the house has gone to sleep.

Hence with one vote it's going to D&D miniatures since I get more use out of them in the 3 D&D campaigns we have going than I do out of the Star Wars ones in the erm zero Star Wars campaigns we have going.

Collectable Miniature game wise I've actually played more games of Crimson Skies than any other, and I'm not sure that can be clased as Collectable since it was easy to pick up everything that was released for it at discount.

Plus you've only got a sample size of 8 (out of more than 100 registered members), there doesn't seem much love for collectable miniatures games at all.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Sigmund on April 04, 2006, 12:04:57 PM
I want to take my Pirates ships and make use of them in my RPing somehow, maybe someday doing a Freeport campaign or something. The little things are just too cool. :singdance:
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: kanegrundar on April 04, 2006, 12:16:27 PM
Quote from: King_StannisI'm surprised  the Star Wars minis aren't getting any love. They are fairly big at the local game stores. I myself have three cases full - well over 300 figures.
I love the SW minis game, but those figs see less use since I'm don't get to play the minis game much and I'm not running a SW or general sci-fi game at the moment either.  They are my second favorite minis game though.  SW minis just can't beat the overall utility of DDM for me.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: kryyst on April 04, 2006, 01:36:33 PM
I don't have the time to play them but my favorite rules wise has been Crimson Skies clicks, plus the planes are amazing looking.  I'm tempted by Horrorclix but not so much the game just want to collect a few of them.  Other then that I played but wasn't impressed with Mage Knight or Mechwarriror clix.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Freke on April 17, 2006, 10:01:17 AM
Quote from: Thjalfipirates are fun, but the rules suck ass. same goes for rocketman.

I'm looking at using the rocketmen ships for Full Thrust.

I picked Pirates, as it is the only game on the list I actually play.  I own some D&D minis and some mage knight, but I use them for regular D&D.  (Many of the MK figures work well when rebased on 1" squares or circles.)

Quote from: kryystI don't have the time to play them but my favorite rules wise has been Crimson Skies clicks, plus the planes are amazing looking.  
Yes, I've been tempted to pickup some of that stuff off of ebay.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Teflon Billy on April 17, 2006, 11:11:50 PM
Quote from: King_StannisI am sooo looking forward to the rumored star wars spaceship collectible game.

What the...?

Where'd you hear about that?
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: BlackFlagRebel on April 21, 2006, 07:01:27 PM
I had hoped to like the Axis and Allies game, but I tried it and found it a little too simple for my taste. The fact that it was announced as a 15mm game and the vehicles are more like 10 or 12mm was also an annoyance. Pirates looks cool but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Finaira on April 23, 2006, 05:00:47 PM
I voted other.  Mostly because I like Warhammer 40k.  But Pirates is pretty cool.  I think I just like to have little model boats taking up a shelf.  It confuses visitors.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: King_Stannis on April 25, 2006, 01:50:17 PM
Quote from: Teflon BillyWhat the...?

Where'd you hear about that?

Sorry so late to answer, TB. But I heard scuttlebut when I dropped in on the Wizards of the Coast boards (SW minis forum)...also, Bullitt said it was under consideration when he left WotC. Whether or not the turbonerds over there are right about it being released towards the end of this year or not I don't know, but I definitely got the impression that it's in development.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: CantankerousSaltbeard on May 09, 2006, 03:41:22 AM
I think you need to add Dreamblade to this list, as that's easily my answer at this point. I've played about 10 games of Dreamblade so far and it's quite an amazing game. I'm starting to blog about my matches; the depth of tactics and strategy is refreshing, and the gameplay is unique.
Title: Pirates look great, but DDM rocks more!
Post by: cnath.rm on May 14, 2006, 11:45:13 PM
Another vote for loving the look of the ships for Pirates, but I actually get use out of the D&D mini's. Now if only they didn't make them so addicting.:heh:
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Sniktch on June 13, 2006, 09:43:30 AM
Quote from: SigmundI want to take my Pirates ships and make use of them in my RPing somehow, maybe someday doing a Freeport campaign or something. The little things are just too cool. :singdance:

That's why my friends and I started buying them - we have a session coming up involving several fleets of ships and we wanted to be able to visualize it better.  Now we're hooked on the game, too.

There are some issues with the rules, I agree, but IMO many arise from the arbitrators not having enough feedback from the designers.  But my friends and I have been able to work through the issues we had, and we have a blast when we play!
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Sobek on June 13, 2006, 10:39:37 AM
I had to say "DDM" as it's the only one I've purchased (2 cases + a few packs).  Really, though, I don't have the group to do any minis games.  It's D&D or a boardgame (Carcasonne or Puerto Rico, usually).  Any suggestion of variance earns odd looks.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Jack Spencer Jr on July 15, 2006, 11:08:32 AM
Chess works, and it's easy to get the full set.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Bagpuss on July 25, 2006, 11:05:36 AM
Quote from: Jack Spencer JrChess works, and it's easy to get the full set.

You say that, but I've ended up with too many pawns and only one queen! The queen rocks I need at least another 3 in my army, I can probably afford to loose the bishops and rooks to cover the additional points cost.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Bagpuss on July 25, 2006, 11:06:49 AM
I had to say DDM too, but actually I really like Crimson Skies, thankfully I've picked up everything for it on the cheap.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: Sobek on July 31, 2006, 09:22:38 AM
Quote from: BagpussYou say that, but I've ended up with too many pawns and only one queen! The queen rocks I need at least another 3 in my army, I can probably afford to loose the bishops and rooks to cover the additional points cost.

This may be sad, but you've got me thinking that chess would be interesting with a point buy.
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: pandiculator on July 31, 2006, 07:36:57 PM
I voted Star Wars, but I don't actually play it. I don't play any mini's games, I just think the Star Wars mini's are pretty well done. :imsorry:
Title: What is your favorite collectible miniature game?
Post by: JongWK on August 04, 2006, 12:26:19 PM
Haven't played any of then... :(