
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: Willmark on November 11, 2017, 09:35:10 AM

Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Willmark on November 11, 2017, 09:35:10 AM
Says it all, I still play RPGs but working in IT Monday-Friday, terrain building is where it's at for me. Something about it, i.e. stepping away from technology is a fun diversion.

Feedback welcome.
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Voros on November 13, 2017, 05:19:50 AM
That's pretty amazing looking, reminds me of the castle that burns down in Kurosawa's Ran.
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Willmark on November 13, 2017, 06:59:19 AM
Thanks. Ran is a great movie, need to watch that again.

It's floor-plan/layout is based on Kagakawa castle in Central Japanese:

Outer walls are based on those from the Siege & Conquest rukebook, ,so not orginal but a fun project none the less.
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Willmark on December 26, 2017, 01:00:57 PM
Yet another update:

So it seems that I keep thinking of more modular ideas for this castle.

The next decision I'm contemplating is to add a moat in a modular fashion like Nick Davis did in White Dwarf #225 (AFAICR) and then create a hill than will raise the whole thing up to simulate a mountain castle. The idea would be to use the moat to simulate a castle on the low-lands and then swap it out for the raised base.
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Voros on December 26, 2017, 01:16:08 PM
Really lovely. I wonder historically why the Japanese castles were't just burned down all the time? Did they treat the wood walls? That is probably an OT question, but thought you migt know if you've been researching. Make me want to break out a 5e OA campaign!
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Motorskills on December 26, 2017, 03:18:46 PM
Beautiful work!
Title: Warhammer Fantasy Battle And Nippon Terrain!
Post by: Willmark on December 27, 2017, 07:53:15 AM
Quote from: Voros;1016147Really lovely. I wonder historically why the Japanese castles were't just burned down all the time? Did they treat the wood walls? That is probably an OT question, but thought you migt know if you've been researching. Make me want to break out a 5e OA campaign!

Typically, sieges were a rare thing and storming the walls were rarely done. Add to that the defending force would usually issue forth and do battle outside the walls more often than not. There were some cases where fire was used but on the whole not often.

Add to this Japan was fairly ambivalent about gun powder too in warfare. And factor is the size, Japanese castles covered a lot more ground than a European castle with multiple wards inclosing the whole complex.