
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: Piestrio on September 01, 2013, 12:14:12 PM

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 01, 2013, 12:14:12 PM
It's september!

Time for another painting thread.

What to post:

Your plans for the month.

Progress pics.

Finished pics.

Advice/suggestions for painting.

My plans in the next post.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 01, 2013, 12:22:56 PM
So I'm still painting my Romanesque Imperial Guard/Space Marine army.

I'm still sticking to the "one unit a week" plan.

I found a really cool older GW box from before the last price hike:  


So I got a squad + Chimera for $54, about $20 cheaper than buying them separately. I wasn't planning on getting any Chimeras yet, but $20 is $20.
I'm not planning a mobile infantry guard right now so It'll either be a Melta-taxi or a mobile command base for the moment.

So plans-

Week one: Imperial Guard Infantry squad.

Week two: Imperial Guard Command squad + character (either Morbo, a commissar or a company captain)

Week three: Imperial Guard Command squad + character (same)

Week four: Chimera.

Once those are done I should be able to field a 500-750pt list. It'll be a big boring blob but bringing 55ish models to a 500pt game has it's own kind of beauty.

"Quantity has a quality all its own"

I'm out of town for labor day weekend but I'll get started when I get back monday night.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 01, 2013, 06:15:17 PM
For this month I've divided it into two two week goals.

The first two weeks I'm working on a Doomwheel, a few left overs from IoB, an old metal Plague Lord Skrolk I managed to find, and Deathmaster Snikch (my personal favourite Skaven character).

The second two weeks I'm devoting to a Warlord riding a custom Bonebreaker mount. The last time I played Skaven they didn't have any mount options, so that was one of the things that really excited me about 8th edition. GW hasn't yet done any official models for the mounts yet, however, so if you want one you have to model it yourself (or buy the really awesome but really expensive Great Plague Rat resin model from Forgeworld). Bonebreaker mounts are, to quote the army book, a specifically genetically enhineered strain of Rat Ogre created by taking an augmented specimen and submerging them in a vat of growth agents for months, requiring the sacrifice of thousands of slaves.

Most people just take a Rat Ogre and affix a platform and Warlord on the model's back, but that didn't seem impressive enough to me. I did like this custom where a fellow used a Rat Ogre from the Screaming Bell and affixed a Headtaker Queek at the end of the chain as if he's being thrown
But if I'm going to shell out 80 bucks for the bell, I'm going to want to make the bell, not just ravage it for parts. And I still think the Bonebreaker should be way bigger. I considered adapting a few other models, from the Doombull to Varghiests, but I wanted to do something unique. Thus I started looking at WH40k models and that's when I came across this fellow-
The Chaos Marine's Mauler fiend. I'll be fixing the head a bit to make him a bit more rat-like in appearance, and giving him a tail. Moreover, the Maulerfiend comes with the following alternate head, arms, and a pair of machine guns,
Which I plan to use to make a custom warp lighting cannon and a pair of Ratling Guns.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 02, 2013, 09:22:58 PM
I know it's from last months unit but my standards came in:

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 06, 2013, 09:48:27 AM
Plague Lord Skrolk nears completion

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 06, 2013, 10:11:17 AM
Quote from: TristramEvans;689105Plague Lord Skrolk nears completion


Very nice. I wouldn't normally go for a green on green coloring but it works well here.

I'm being lazy and have been making only creeping progress on my guard squad this week.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 06, 2013, 10:50:13 AM
Quote from: Piestrio;689114Very nice. I wouldn't normally go for a green on green coloring but it works well here.

I'm being lazy and have been making only creeping progress on my guard squad this week.

I wanted him to look as gangrenous and diseased as possible :)

And, yeah, my production rate has really slowed down, in that I no longer have hordes of unpainted Clanrats to motivate me to do a certain amount per day, and I've been getting into making terrain this week .
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 06, 2013, 11:02:12 PM
Quote from: TristramEvans;689130I wanted him to look as gangrenous and diseased as possible :)

And, yeah, my production rate has really slowed down, in that I no longer have hordes of unpainted Clanrats to motivate me to do a certain amount per day, and I've been getting into making terrain this week .

Terrain falls into the scope of this thread...
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 07, 2013, 12:34:35 AM
Quote from: Piestrio;689233Terrain falls into the scope of this thread...

Ill post pics as soon as I've got the first piece completed. Working on small cottages and town buildings now as practice for a wizard tower, which will be practice for a castle, and then onto underground dungeons/crypts/lairs.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: VectorSigma on September 07, 2013, 12:46:11 AM
I recently dug my models back out for general rpg & skirmishing use - there were more unpainted plastics there than I remembered.

Found some random Empire guys, some Bret bowmen.  Gonna order some Persian infantry from Wargames Factory and turn this whole pile into my "assorted warriors and bandits".  And some ogres.

I'll probably paint bowmen first.  Though I have a ton of dwarves to finish, although they won't be as useful for the DCC game I'm going to be running, unless I do up an entire dwarf-themed adventure, which might be keen.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: thedungeondelver on September 07, 2013, 04:16:36 PM
Okay, here's what I did in August because with one exception (the dwarf cleric with the open book) they're going to continue to be done in September.  So I guess that counts.  There's also other stuff pending.






...the painted dwarf was actually done at the first of last month but I didn't post any images in that thread so I wanted to show him off a bit.  His eyes aren't that screwed up looking from a tabletop perspective; I don't plan on entering any of my minis in a show or anything...I did have fun prying him off of his reaper base and putting him on a Secret Weapon Miniatures base instead.  The other, skin-only painted dwarf I just started is also on an SW base but it was easier as he's a slotta-based mini so it was just a couple of snips plus some file work to get him onto his much cooler base.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 08, 2013, 09:00:04 PM
Nice tau.

My first week:


Now on to another command squad.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 09, 2013, 02:33:00 PM
Here's some in-progress pics of my first building. It's basically a practice run for a bunch of techniques, but even so, once painted I think it will turn out pretty nice, at least in that wonky Warhammer-fantasy approach to Renaissance Germanic architecture. Made from cardboard, foam board, Popsicle sticks and toothpicks, all courtesy the local dollar store.





Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 12, 2013, 11:29:16 AM
So I've be interviewing for a new job this week so my painting hasn't happened :/

Hoping to get my command squad built today and painted this weekend but I'm really timid about priming in the weather we've been having in Denver (underwater).
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 12, 2013, 11:52:41 AM
I've had a busy week as well, with little time for Painting. The Doomwheel is getting pushed back to next week. I am making a bit of progress on my little building though:


Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 12, 2013, 03:18:50 PM

I tried spray priming and it came out all bubbly and gloopy :(

Thought the garage would be dry enough. Turns out I was wrong.

Looks like I'll be doing a bit of stripping tonight depending on how they dry.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 13, 2013, 10:38:44 PM

Didn't turn out too bad.

Next up, company command squad. I need to come up with a slightly variant pattern for the commander and veterans. I'm thinking maybe a yellow shoulder pad or some such, maybe a red/yellow palette swap. Maybe a fancy red coat for the commander.

Then I'll have my 500pts of guard and can play a couple games :)
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 14, 2013, 06:24:07 AM



Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 14, 2013, 01:00:58 PM
The blob thus far:

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 16, 2013, 12:03:14 AM

Command squad assembled.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 18, 2013, 05:38:55 AM
Test building done! Learned a lot quickly, and confident to try something more elaborate next. This one will serve as a garrison-able way post. May give it a small hill base.



Started work on Doomwheel. Also put in a massive HoardoBits order for 80 more Skaven in prep for kicking the game up to 1500.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 19, 2013, 02:46:50 PM
Ugh... again more new job stuff (YAY!) has severely stalled my painting (BOO!). My command squad managed to get primed in the last 5 days.

On the plus side sitting in waiting rooms for 8 zillion interviews gave me time to build some lists.

With the command squad I'll have my 500pts.

Adding a heavy weapon squad and Lemun Russ will get me to 750 Pts.

from there I can keep building out guard or try and get a functioning Marine detachment (just need an HQ and I'm loving the new Marine Commander but $35 for a plastic mini is... absurd) and go for 1000pts.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 19, 2013, 11:24:42 PM
Progress on Doomwheel...







Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 20, 2013, 04:07:09 AM
Doomwheel 90% complete...

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 21, 2013, 02:58:12 AM
Doomwheel complete! Just need to do up the base with some rocks and flocks and maybe a bit of road kill:)


Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 21, 2013, 12:35:41 PM
And here's the finished model with base...

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 21, 2013, 11:32:43 PM

Pretty happy with how the palette swap turned out. The commanders coat also turned out nicely RE: the shading and highlighting.

Next week. Lemun Russ Tank :D
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 22, 2013, 03:30:39 PM
Tank base coloring (all drybrush, three shades)

Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 22, 2013, 09:45:25 PM
And... tanks are quicker to paint than I thought...


Still need to do some basic weathering but basically done.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Rincewind1 on September 22, 2013, 10:37:21 PM
Should cover that tank in some Roman/esque stuff/motiffs IMO. I like how the whole thing's coming together - at first I was kind of "Meh, so it's basically IG with Roman colour scheme", but I like the small touches.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 22, 2013, 10:41:52 PM
Quote from: Rincewind1;693064Should cover that tank in some Roman/esque stuff/motiffs IMO. I like how the whole thing's coming together - at first I was kind of "Meh, so it's basically IG with Roman colour scheme", but I like the small touches.

Thanks :)

Besides some Roman numerals for unit/legion ect... any recommendations?
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Rincewind1 on September 22, 2013, 10:51:01 PM
Playing with vehicles is your best bet - big, huge "canvases" to mod them around, and you can just glue some swords/doves/laurels on them (basically what bits you have). Fitting out officers with red cloaks if you've got any'd not be a bad idea also. And if you want to go full out - take one of the vehicles and put a "shrine to War god" on it's top, like some banner, skulls and some pseudo - altar behind the hatch or something.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 22, 2013, 10:57:20 PM
Quote from: Rincewind1;693067Playing with vehicles is your best bet - big, huge "canvases" to mod them around, and you can just glue some swords/doves/laurels on them (basically what bits you have). Fitting out officers with red cloaks if you've got any'd not be a bad idea also. And if you want to go full out - take one of the vehicles and put a "shrine to War god" on it's top, like some banner, skulls and some pseudo - altar behind the hatch or something.

That's a cool idea, perhaps for the leader of my Lemun Russ squad will have a little shrine.

I'm not super bits rich but I do have some metal legionnaire I can mutilate.  

I'm trying to get a priest outfitted with a big chain axe that I can turn into a giant Fasces with which to murder people (seems suitably 40k).
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 22, 2013, 11:36:28 PM
Added Legion number, a decoration (based on Roman battlement crowns) and some soldier graffiti.  



Of course the next tank graffiti I do will be "daemones eunt domus" :p ;)

And my chimera will say "Nos sunt plena" on the rear hatch.

Next up: Marine Captain, once I get him I'll have a 1000pt list I can field.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 25, 2013, 01:05:06 PM
Quote from: Piestrio;693069Added Legion number, a decoration (based on Roman battlement crowns) and some soldier graffiti.  



Of course the next tank graffiti I do will be "daemones eunt domus" :p ;)

And my chimera will say "Nos sunt plena" on the rear hatch.

Next up: Marine Captain, once I get him I'll have a 1000pt list I can field.

Your faces are always very impressive. You should do a tutorial on your method, especially as it seems to not take you very long
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 27, 2013, 10:12:41 AM
Quote from: TristramEvans;693925Your faces are always very impressive. You should do a tutorial on your method, especially as it seems to not take you very long

Man, I wish I had something that could be called a "method" but it's really a super simple 'block and wash'. I do tend to go very heavy on the wash, I load up a crappy hobby lobby brush with as much wash as it will hold and blot it on to the faces so that the base color is almost entirely obscured and let it dry.

I'm using citadel "Cadian Flesh" and "Reikland Fleshshade" so any good results are entirely to their credit.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 27, 2013, 11:00:45 AM
I lied about the Marine Captain, I'm painting another Leman Russ (I just couldn't pull the trigger on a $35 single mini).

On other news I've plotted out 2000pts of IG and Marines, an all-comers list.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 28, 2013, 03:22:46 AM
Got my second Russ done. Might not be able to paint next week I'm relocating for a new job.


Bonus points if anyone reccognizes the graffiti :p
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 30, 2013, 10:21:23 PM
To end the month;which I did not accomplish nearly as much as I set out to do; here's what I've been working on this last weekend, as time permitted:



Bones C'Thulhu!

Which will be playing the part of a Hell Pit Abomination when we kick the game up to 1500 points.
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: TristramEvans on September 30, 2013, 10:23:17 PM
Quote from: Piestrio;694592Man, I wish I had something that could be called a "method" but it's really a super simple 'block and wash'. I do tend to go very heavy on the wash, I load up a crappy hobby lobby brush with as much wash as it will hold and blot it on to the faces so that the base color is almost entirely obscured and let it dry.

I'm using citadel "Cadian Flesh" and "Reikland Fleshshade" so any good results are entirely to their credit.

Huh, well it seems to work really well. Will have to give that a try.

I don't think anyone guessed the graffiti, so where's it from?
Title: September Paint Thread - Paint Thread 2: Paint Harder
Post by: Piestrio on September 30, 2013, 10:30:12 PM
Quote from: TristramEvans;695586Huh, well it seems to work really well. Will have to give that a try.

I don't think anyone guessed the graffiti, so where's it from?

It say's Deamonus Eunt Domus or roughly "The demons they go the house":

Referencing this bit from Monty Python: