
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: The Butcher on April 14, 2013, 12:46:19 PM

Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: The Butcher on April 14, 2013, 12:46:19 PM
In what looks like another sure sign of the Apocalypse, Palladium not only is branching out, but has teamed up with another company -- Cipher Studios (the guys who did Hell Dorado and Anima Tactics) -- to put out a Robotech tactical miniatures game.

Palladium blurb complete with vintage Kevin Siembieda manic enthusiasm here (

Cipher Studios page here. (

Not a lot of hard info on what the game's like, sadly.

Kickstarter coming this week.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on April 14, 2013, 01:46:27 PM
Given the speed at which Palladium moves, I can't blame you for missing the other thread:
Robotech Tactical Game (
Supposedly the Kickstarter (yes, an actual Kickstarter, instead of internal crowd-sourcing, which has not gone well for Palladium), is supposed to launch April 20th.

If it starts at $100 for a Basic Set (a common price point people have been speculating on), I'm not sure how much backing they can expect. On one hand, there's a fair amount of RT fans who will buy anything RT-related. On the other hand, it's Palladium, who's reputation for vaporware is pretty high too.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 14, 2013, 02:29:35 PM
Quote from: Novastar;645793Given the speed at which Palladium moves, I can't blame you for missing the other thread:
Robotech Tactical Game (
Supposedly the Kickstarter (yes, an actual Kickstarter, instead of internal crowd-sourcing, which has not gone well for Palladium), is supposed to launch April 20th.

If it starts at $100 for a Basic Set (a common price point people have been speculating on), I'm not sure how much backing they can expect. On one hand, there's a fair amount of RT fans who will buy anything RT-related. On the other hand, it's Palladium, who's reputation for vaporware is pretty high too.

Hey, cool! My old thread got linked!

They should start small and offer a pamplet or pdf of the basic rules ($10), followed by downloadable unit cutouts + rules ($20), and move on to specific minis (25+), and eventually a box set with previous items ($100).

That's what I would do, and I thought that up in the last minute and a half!
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 15, 2013, 05:07:03 PM
am I the only person looking at this thinking "FINALLY - old-school battletech mech miniatures!"*


*=the macross ones, anyway...
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 15, 2013, 06:59:20 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;646139am I the only person looking at this thinking "FINALLY - old-school battletech mech miniatures!"*


*=the macross ones, anyway...

That's actually what I plan on using them for. If the game is cool, even better.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: The Yann Waters on April 15, 2013, 08:09:47 PM
Quote from: The Butcher;645777In what looks like another sure sign of the Apocalypse, Palladium not only is branching out, but has teamed up with another company -- Cipher Studios (the guys who did Hell Dorado and Anima Tactics) -- to put out a Robotech tactical miniatures game.
And the third company in this joint venture is Soda Pop Miniatures, the folks behind Super Dungeon Explore, Relic Knights, and Tentacle Bento. In fact, the Cipher connection already cropped up in the TB thread from a while ago.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Shawn Merrow on April 16, 2013, 12:21:14 AM
The release is being handled under the company Ninja Division. They have been posting pictures and some info on their Facebook page.

Ninja Division - FB Page (
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 16, 2013, 11:31:48 AM
They submitted their kickstarter proposal yesterday, but so far there is nothing on the Kickstarter site.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: The Yann Waters on April 17, 2013, 06:55:25 PM
Siembieda was interviewed about the project here (
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Shawn Merrow on April 18, 2013, 12:20:38 PM
The Kickstarter is up.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ (
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Brasidas on April 18, 2013, 01:16:59 PM
Damn it all. I'm not a big Kevin fan, and both Ninja Division's parent companies (Cipher and Soda Pop) have had issues getting stuff out. Hell, Relic Knights may never release at this rate.

But the 12 year old boy I once was, who used to get up at 6am on Sunday mornings to watch his favorite cartoon, and who spent hour after hour with his Robotech RPG books (first rpg I bought, first mail order I made), just burst outta my psyche like a prepubescent alien and demanded I support this, even though I know it's going to end badly.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 18, 2013, 09:36:56 PM
Quote from: Brasidas;647067But the 12 year old boy I once was, who used to get up at 6am on Sunday mornings to watch his favorite cartoon, and who spent hour after hour with his Robotech RPG books (first rpg I bought, first mail order I made), just burst outta my psyche like a prepubescent alien and demanded I support this, even though I know it's going to end badly.

I KNOW! It's almost like being a Eagles fan. You want to believe something good is going to happen, but you know deep down that somehow it's going to get all fucked up.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Bradford C. Walker on April 18, 2013, 09:44:05 PM
The Kickstarter has already achieved double its goal of $70K.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 18, 2013, 09:50:57 PM
It met goal within three hours, I think.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on April 18, 2013, 10:05:41 PM
$70k for a mini's game with a $80 buy-in, seems like a low goal to me.
Don't get me wrong, I hope it goes gangbusters, especially if it means they'll make a MAC II Monster mini, it just seems like a low goal to get a thousand investors.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Settembrini on April 18, 2013, 10:17:05 PM
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on April 19, 2013, 02:29:56 AM
You'll forgive me, but from reputations I've experienced or heard from people about those involved, I'll wait till there's a box set in my FLGS.

Hell, it might be a bit more expensive, but 1) I'm supporting my FLGS, and 2) I won't get heated about investing money, if they take forever to deliver.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 19, 2013, 02:56:30 AM
Quote from: Novastar;647275You'll forgive me, but from reputations I've experienced or heard from people about those involved, I'll wait till there's a box set in my FLGS.

Hell, it might be a bit more expensive, but 1) I'm supporting my FLGS, and 2) I won't get heated about investing money, if they take forever to deliver.

I agree with you completely.

While I want to nerd-rage over the fact that the kickstarter did so well, I also didn't contribute anything to it, and I'm pretty confident in saying that I will not contribute to any Palladium kickstarter. I've known the company for 20 years - I'm not a sap.

I just really want to use a Marauder and an Archer in Battletech.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: BarefootGaijin on April 19, 2013, 03:23:35 AM
At 1/285th scale! Perfect for Battletech, erm I mean yes, good idea for a game! Looks good.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Steve Dubya on April 20, 2013, 04:41:39 PM
I think that HG really missed the boat on just licensing these as "decorative miniatures" vice attaching them to a game that I'm guessing will get little actual play; I'm pretty sure that folks will be using them for display, for Mechwarrior/Battletech, but I'd be shocked to find out that even a fifth of folks that end up getting the game actually bother to even read the rules that come with it.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Brasidas on April 22, 2013, 10:29:55 AM
I pulled this from the kickstarter comments, from some guy who had a demo at Adepticon.

QuoteHad chance to run through the demo twice during is a topline on the rules. Demo's are always streamlined so I am assuming that there will be more depth in the final version (ie modifiers for range, cover, etc).
Players make an initiative role to see who goes first.
Game is IGUGO with each player activating squad. Squads do not have stay in coherency but gain shooting bonus for doing so.
Battle pods can move up to 14 inches and have the ability to come back on 5 or 6 when they killed. Battle pods only have 5 hit points so they fragile.
Vertitech's have 3 modes. You choose the mode when you activate the squad. Fighter mode makes you fast so you fly across the table, harder to hit and have access to missiles. Guardian is hybrid between jet and battleloid. Batteloid mode gives makes it easier to shoot and have access to rotary cannon. They also get command points which can be used to make a reaction.
Combat requires you to roll a d6 and beat the targeting you are shooting at's defense stat. You gain modifers based on facing, crossfire, etc.
There will be rules for terrain. You will be able to blow-up buildings.
Overall, I'm really pumped for this. The rules felt like they captured the feeling on battles in Robotech with a lot of fast and furious action. The game will require solid tactics for maneuver and positioning with UEDF as harder to kill but fewer in number so your Destroids will help hold objectives while the vertichs provide mobility. Zentradi are flimsy but a never ending horde.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on April 24, 2013, 04:07:27 PM
The gameplay demo is up on the Kickstarter.

Here is the YouTube video:

Here is an unrelated YouTube video:

The gameplay looks good. I like how it moves quickly with a good amount of minis on the board. The free change action for the Veritechs is a nice touch.

I can see this game drawing in old Battletech fans.

System reminds me as a blend of 40k, Battletech and AT-43. There seems to be a nice balance between ease and tactics.  I like how the minis actions are batched into small groups. Enough to keep a player engaged, but not so much that you are waiting long for your turn. Gameplay looks like a nice back and forth slugfest.

More importantly, the work appears to be done so they should be able to go into production within a few months post-Kickstarter.

Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Brasidas on April 24, 2013, 04:39:55 PM
I think I read that Siembieda is hoping to go into production within 45 days of the end of the kickstarter. Apply grains of salt as necessary. :)
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 24, 2013, 09:46:41 PM
Quote from: Brasidas;648918I think I read that Siembieda is hoping to go into production within 45 days of the end of the kickstarter. Apply grains of salt as necessary. :)

Ah, but he has nothing to do with it, besides publishing. He isn't writing anything for it as far as I know, so I think this game has a very good chance of coming out on schedule. However, Harmony Gold might do something to throw a wrench in the gears as they have with at least one of the RPG books.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 24, 2013, 09:50:22 PM
I like how the battlepods are basically killed with one hit. However, I rewatched the series last year, and noticed Destroids and Valkyries were also always getting blown up with one hit (unless they are piloted by an established character, of course).

Cool that they're making the MAC II. I hope they make a Zentran Cyclops.

The game play reminded me of a less complicated form of Battletech, but maybe all tactical mini games are similar in that respect. I'm all for simplicity, especially when the game is based on a cartoon.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Gabriel2 on April 24, 2013, 10:54:13 PM
Quote from: Spinachcat;648902The gameplay demo is up on the Kickstarter.

Here is the YouTube video:

Watched the game demo video.

The mechanics really didn't wow.  I know it was just showing the most basic of basics, but I was still underwhelmed.  

I kind of liked the dodge roll.  A hot pilot with with command dice to spare could be untouchable, as it should be.  On the other hand, I can see the whiff factor in this game being absolutely infuriating.

I initially liked the missile rules.  Yes, multiple targets per volley!  I thought that this was going to be just like the show with Valkyries vaporizing whole battle lines of Pods in a single salvo.

Then he goes and reveals the anti-missile gun assigned to the Pod.  I can't think of any episode of the Macross chapter of Robotech, any scene in Macross: Do You Remember Love, or anything else Macross where a Battle Pod has ever used it's auxilary guns to shoot at missiles.  In fact, the ONLY purpose I can recall them EVER being used for was anti-personnel.  The fact that their use completely neuters missiles was a big let down, and completely killed any positive buzz I had going.

I know it has to be a wargame with equal chance for each side to win, but it needs to feel like Robotech.

I'm a huge Robotech fan.  But, there's no way in hell I would donate to this Kickstarter (not that they need me to).  And I also doubt I'll pick up any element of this game when it is released.  Yes, I'd like a new Veritech mini as well as a Tomahawk, but I have to say that this doesn't look like a good deal to me.  And quite frankly, it doesn't look worth forgoing my convinctions and giving KS any money, no matter how small.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: YourSwordisMine on April 25, 2013, 12:09:43 AM
I'm in at the $260 plus a bunch.

I cant help it... Robotech/Macross shaped a lot of my early gaming with both Battletech and the Robotech RPGs.

As far as cost goes. These prices are pretty insane. $80 for the Basic set gives you 31 multi-pose plastic miniatures at 1/285 scale.

That's what? Roughly $2.58 a model?

I don't know of many games (definitely not GW), that offer multi-pose plastics at that price.


Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: everloss on April 29, 2013, 02:57:09 PM
from the interview on MTVGeek (

   The mechanics of the game are simple and quick, so that the rules don't get in the way of the tactics. It is squadron-based, where one player activates all the mecha in a single squadron, moving and attacking with them, before the opponent activates a squadron. There are attributes like Gunnery and Piloting that provide modifiers to your die roll. The game uses Command Points which can be spent to perform special actions during the game, like stealing the initiative from the opponent, boosting up a mecha's Speed, performing an extra attack with a weapon system, reducing the damage from an attack, etc.

Each mecha has a Mega-Damage Capacity (MDC) which determines how much damage the mecha can withstand before being destroyed. This is a low number to keep math simple and action fast-paced. There are no damage rolls. It the attack hits, damage is done.

The amount of MDC of a mecha is based on the MDC of the mecha in the Robotech RPG divided by 25, so a Valkyrie has 14 MDC in Robotech RPG Tactics because it has 350 MDC in the RPG. Likewise, the weapons generally do an amount of MD based on their maximum MD in the RPG divided by 20, so a GU-11 does 6 MD in Robotech RPG Tactics. This makes RPG Tactics a fast, deadly game that requires strategy and tactics as well the luck of the die roll.

The game includes a variety of scenarios with rules for battling in deep space, on Earth, the Moon or Mars, and classic military missions, including dogfights, pitched battles, convoy defense, etc. A variety of special rules are included to spice up any of the scenarios and provide endless replayability, including airborne assaults, hidden demolitions, orbital bombardment, poor visibility, etc.

As a supplement to the Robotech RPG, the game pieces can be used to represent the player characters in a campaign, and the Robotech RPG Tactics rules can be used to engage in skirmish combat and large scale battles. Robotech RPG Tactics also includes a set of conversion rules for converting RPG characters into 'special characters' for use in the tabletop game. While a converted character will never be exactly like its RPG cousin, these rules provide all the "flavor" of the original RPG character on the tabletop. Just be careful, since it's much easier to die in Robotech RPG Tactics!
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on April 29, 2013, 08:08:24 PM
The Stretch Goals are making the $140 Battle Cry worthwhile. The box now includes a Spartan and Phalanx, and 2 more Destroids. If they can go from 2200 backers to 2600 in the next 20 days, they will add +2 support Battlepods.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: YourSwordisMine on April 30, 2013, 12:23:57 PM
Quote from: Spinachcat;650507The Stretch Goals are making the $140 Battle Cry worthwhile. The box now includes a Spartan and Phalanx, and 2 more Destroids. If they can go from 2200 backers to 2600 in the next 20 days, they will add +2 support Battlepods.

They should make it. I have a feeling a lot of people are holding out for the Super Valkyrie and the Female Power Armors. Once those two go up as stretch goals, this thing will explode with backers and funding.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on May 07, 2013, 10:47:04 PM
The KS is moving pretty nicely. The Battle Cry box will probably have over 70 minis when the KS is done. At $2 for each mecha, that's pretty rocking.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: vytzka on May 10, 2013, 07:06:00 AM
Well, at least they added the Destroid Monster that I was hoping for.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 10, 2013, 11:51:19 AM

Now if someone would just kickstart a Dougram and Crusher Joe miniatures project of some kind...
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Shawn Merrow on May 14, 2013, 04:25:21 AM
They have now passed $750K and have unlocked the FPA and a special Miriya version of the FPA.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Shawn Merrow on May 18, 2013, 10:04:19 PM
Just a heads up there is just 48 hours left. Its currently at $977K in backing.

For anyone interested I suggest the Battle Cry backing at $140, its $60 more then just the box set but has over $200 in add-ons included with it.

Link showing everything you currently get in Battle Cry and available add-ons. (
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: YourSwordisMine on May 19, 2013, 07:10:48 PM
At time of this Post:

26 Hours left
4,321 Backers
$1,066,978 USD funded
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on May 19, 2013, 11:30:13 PM
Next two stretch goals: resin copies of the SDF-1 in vessel and stormtrooper mode. :eek:
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on May 20, 2013, 01:10:03 AM
The $140 BattleCry is now truly amazing with all the freebies. Not only do you have plenty of figures to play a great big 4 person game, but you also have enough to field 2 very competitive and tailored armies full of special units for competitive events.

For RPGers, the BattleCry set is crazy good if you play Palladium's Robotech RPG or if you want a run Robotech with Savage Worlds or other RPG where lots of mecha minis combat would be fun.

I am very impressed. I jumped in after there were 70 minis in the box and the KS hit over $600k because that's the number I believe they really needed to get the ball rolling on real production. Also $2 per mini is a safe sales number if I flip the game on eBay if I don't like it later on.

Now that its at $1.1M, I am feeling confident that this KS will actually happen. Even if they have a 10% loss from flaky people (it happens) and spent 10% on fees with Amazon and KS, they will have the necessary funds and a good buffer to make it happen.

Of course, Palladium is involved so I would add 6 months to their delivery date estimate for your peace of mind.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on May 20, 2013, 12:14:43 PM
Quote from: Spinachcat;656075Of course, Palladium is involved so I would add 6 months to their delivery date estimate for your peace of mind.
I noticed a conspicous LACK of a delivery date.
Along with the "we finished the majority of our molds", yet more than half the pictures are CGI or line art, rather than an actual model.

I want Palladium to suceed, but I'll admit to getting worried they may become victims of their own success; Robotech fans aren't going to be as accomodating as Palladium fans, to delays. Refunds after the initial start-up, are going to hit Palladium's bottom line. Not Kickstarter, not Ninja Division, but Palladium's. They can go from black to red very easily, if they don't handle this right...
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: gleichman on May 20, 2013, 12:50:30 PM
It strikes me that all kickstarters should be viewed as a lottery with the chance of no return. This even for 'pre-order' projects like this one and Bones. In both cases, I thought there's a good (50/50 or better) chance I'd get something. And in both cases I'm willing to write off the money if I don't as a type of entertainment.

I fully expect both to produce results late (the Reaper Bones is now what, 2 months past due?) even if I do get what was promised.

I must say of the two, Bones was more fun so far. This one is mostly 'buy these other things" unlocks and they are less than thrilling.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on May 20, 2013, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: Novastar;656183I noticed a conspicous LACK of a delivery date.

On the KS page, they say that Delivery Date is December 2013. My bet is June 2014 and that's where I am putting my mindset for expectation with the added caveat that I plan to be okay with December 2014 as the real delivery date.

I expect KS projects to be late and combined with Palladium, I have to expect Mega-Lateness to occur.

Quote from: Novastar;656183They can go from black to red very easily, if they don't handle this right...

I am still confused on whose project this belongs to. Is PB just the license guys? Is PB going to be supporting the game long term? Is PB going to be selling boxes of minis from their warehouse?

Or is Ninja Division doing everything and just paying a license fee?

So I have no idea who would be doing the refunds. Perhaps PB isn't even in the money loop beyond a license fee.

Quote from: gleichman;656187It strikes me that all kickstarters should be viewed as a lottery with the chance of no return.

This is something I discuss often on the Palladium forums and other venues in regards to Kickstarter. I am a very big fan of crowdfunding and I believe KS is a great advancement for all niche hobbies and interests.

BUT it is not a pre-order. We are pledging money like patrons of an artist, hoping that there will be an amazing final product. Anyone joining a KS project has to accept a level of risk.

My statement has always been that nobody should pledge more than they can afford to lose (financially and emotionally).

AKA, if the money vanishes, are you gonna be okay? Certainly not happy, but a person has gotta be okay with a KS pledge vanishing or taking a couple extra years to deliver or they should avoid being part of any crowdsource project.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: YourSwordisMine on May 20, 2013, 06:46:18 PM
3 hours left

1.298 million funded

4979 backers
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on May 20, 2013, 10:08:17 PM
Quote from: Spinachcat;656190I am still confused on whose project this belongs to. Is PB just the license guys? Is PB going to be supporting the game long term? Is PB going to be selling boxes of minis from their warehouse?

Or is Ninja Division doing everything and just paying a license fee?

So I have no idea who would be doing the refunds. Perhaps PB isn't even in the money loop beyond a license fee.
I don't know if Palladium realizes it, but they've become the ones liable by hosting the KS; at this point, Ninja Division is a subcontractor to Palladium.

So if for some reason Ninja Division goes belly-up or the guys don't produce, Palladium has to pay the piper.
(Hence why I'm confused why Palladium hosted the KS; they're assuming a HELL OF A LOT OF RISK, for a licensed game)

QuoteThis is something I discuss often on the Palladium forums and other venues in regards to Kickstarter. I am a very big fan of crowdfunding and I believe KS is a great advancement for all niche hobbies and interests.

BUT it is not a pre-order. We are pledging money like patrons of an artist, hoping that there will be an amazing final product. Anyone joining a KS project has to accept a level of risk.

My statement has always been that nobody should pledge more than they can afford to lose (financially and emotionally).

AKA, if the money vanishes, are you gonna be okay? Certainly not happy, but a person has gotta be okay with a KS pledge vanishing or taking a couple extra years to deliver or they should avoid being part of any crowdsource project.
I agree 100%, which is why I'll be buying when it hits store shelves; $140 is a lot of money for me to spend (even on a good deal), when KS's are historically a 50/50 gamble.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: YourSwordisMine on May 20, 2013, 10:09:11 PM
Successfully funded


 5,342 Backers
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Novastar on May 20, 2013, 10:20:33 PM
Bon chance, Palladium.
Don't fuck it up.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Spinachcat on February 19, 2017, 04:42:25 AM
Quote from: Novastar;656280Bon chance, Palladium.
Don't fuck it up.

Unfortunately things have gone...poorly.

Wave 1 showed up a year late...with tiny models instead of minis and rules with issues. But the bigger problem has been Wave 2 which still hasn't materialized and the many updates with many broken promises have only made the backer comment section extremely toxic. It's close to 100,000 comments now. Such a shame as I hoped RTT would have been a great boon for Palladium.

Tonight Kevin sent out an update wherein we learn that RPG author Carmen Bellaire is in very bad shape and hospitalized. Carmen is the author of Splicers, lots of Rifts stuff and other games. I met him years ago - very cool dude, exuberant about RPGs and great GM with terrific energy and imagination.

Hopefully Carmen will recover soon. Its sad when tragedy hits the RPG community.
Title: Robotech RPG Tactics
Post by: Cruxador on February 20, 2017, 09:35:30 PM
Worst part is, it seems like Kevin is using Carmen as an excuse and a smokescreen.  The man deserves better.