
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: KrakaJak on November 14, 2006, 12:06:21 PM

Title: My idea for a WoD MMO
Post by: KrakaJak on November 14, 2006, 12:06:21 PM
would be this:
You start out as a Mortal. The only NPC's you know are mortal. All the NPC's are mortals. As a human you help vamps, and they can help you, but you need to be willing(as a blood source, lending disciplines). Hinder Mages (as perhaps being around causes a longer cool down on spells, or a failure chance,), Werewolves screw you up (lunacy). This gives the templates a reason to hide their wars from you. All templates can kill you for resources (blood, mana, etc.) if you find out about them, you can grief them (more on that later)
Before the game starts you are secretly tagged for Werewolf or Mage. Vampires have to make other Vampires. After a certain amount of time as as mortal, if you are not changed into a Vampire, you go through your first change or your awakening, which you can deny and keep playing as a mortal.
This Vamps are chosen for a reason (say you're a vamp and your friend is playing, you want him in your coterie, or a certain human is griefing you too much so your turn him). You can only group with your own monster type, however, you could could strike up alliances to protect each other territory with other groups (or pay the resources or whatever).
The monsters, if played right, would be indistinguishable from humans. If a human player found out a character was a monster, he could turn him in to NPC witchhunters to grief him. This would probably require some sort of proof tag or item. The witch hunters would grief them for a set period of time before leaving him alone.
After that point it becomes a mostly political PvP for territory. Territory might provide protection from NPC witchhunters or resources (or perhaps both). Territory would be marked as Dragon nests, Nodes, etc. The more territory you have, the bigger your pack needs to be or the more alliances need to be made. You would have to get to a groups node to declare a war on it, it then becomes a PvP battle for it. If you can't defend it yourself, you better join a group with better abilities. Perhaps your number of total territories would be capped based on group size. Different territories would provide different bonuses, so there would be some choice territories worth figting over and more than enough territorites to go around.
Just a layout for a heavily political WoD MMO. Based on the kind of politics found already in EVE.
Title: Not a bad idea
Post by: Blue Devil on December 24, 2006, 08:26:17 PM
This could be really fun, and it would actually involve role playing instead of being yet another MMO where you kill and grind to get experience/levels.
Title: My idea for a WoD MMO
Post by: kryyst on December 28, 2006, 09:26:16 AM
This wouldn't work beyond the theory stage.  People would either get pissed off and drop out because they can't play how they want to play and the fan base would diminish. The other problem is that most MMO players look like an MMO as any other game and they just want to win by any means necessary.  SO they Zerg to the end.  This game would prevent that and frustrate players.

Good idea overall but marketable to the masses forget about it.
Title: My idea for a WoD MMO
Post by: KrakaJak on December 30, 2006, 12:05:37 AM
A lot of this is based on how EVE actually is.