
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: Ghost Whistler on June 24, 2011, 02:26:00 PM

Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Ghost Whistler on June 24, 2011, 02:26:00 PM

How the fuck is this what anyone that plays xbox wants?

Seriously considering selling up (again), at least if the console was worth anything.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Tahmoh on June 24, 2011, 02:47:46 PM
Dont sweat it chances are it'll be US only since im pretty sure theres laws stopping that sorta thing in europe and other areas(plus microsoft are lazy bastards when it comes to anything that needs altering by region).
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Ghost Whistler on June 24, 2011, 02:55:01 PM
It's bad enough there are already adverts on a premium rate service. I'm really disappointed in current gen gaming. I haven't played anything since the very average LA Noire, and i can't see much in front of Batman - and even though it will kick ass it'll only last a couple of weeks for £40. I do wish i'd kept my ps3 or that the trade in value on the box was enough to get another (ps3s cost way more than boxes) that way i could at least have a go at DCU (sony's security issues aside). Either that or a pc that can run DoW2 and WoW at decent specs. This old dinosaur certainly cant.

Dealing with M$ jsut feels like their hand is permanently in my wallet and I really don't like that.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Tahmoh on June 24, 2011, 06:15:53 PM
Im in a similar boat games wise, theres a few good games due later in the year but since im currently saving up for a new pc and having to borrow my brothers xbox ive decided to hold off one getting any new games till at least xmas(its gonna take me till about then to get the pc sorted and maybe have enough for a new xbox of my own), skyrim looks to be a fun rpg though come november so even if batman doesnt last that long that one should tide me over for a good few months.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Ghost Whistler on July 21, 2011, 03:49:43 AM
How do these spammers do this? What do they hope to achieve?
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: KrakaJak on July 23, 2011, 08:14:35 PM
Quote from: Ghost WhistlerHow do these spammers do this? What do they hope to achieve?

Video games are trying to move towards a service medium, like Cable television, where costs and profits are subsidized by advertisement. Most mainstream gaming is headed this way. Take a look at Free to Play games like Gun Bros. on iPad/iPhone/Android for a good example of where this is headed.

You're right, It sucks for us gamers. It sucks for us a lot. I pretty sure that no consumer ever wants advertising in anything. It's not about whether it's good or bad for gamers though, but if the market will bear it. Cable TV (a premium service also chock full of ads) says yes. Mobile gaming also says yes. I'm not being an industry apologist either, but the tide is changing and few people will drop their Live Gold subscription due to Kinect "enhanced" advertising.

Expect intrusive advertising and advertising based incentives to come to all major platforms. Not just Kinect, and not necessarily all games, but all console and PC platforms will be loaded with advertising support. What you see in your video above is them trying to integrate advertising with the abilities of the platform. If Microsoft gets an extra cut every time a Kinect user tweets an ad (which people do already), then of course they'll do it.

If it's not advertising, it's going to be the constant nickel and diming of the fanbase. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is getting a near full price expansion/sequel less then a year from release. Call of Duty is getting a paid for service called Call of Duty:Elite which will allow you access to stat tracking and give you rental on Map Packs. Yes, you will RENT map packs.

Many popular iOS games do both: Watch an ad for some gold. Buy some gold with real money. Purchase a new character slot for a buck. Sign up for NetFlix for a unique weapon. Write a review of the game for a new character etc.

The price of games with unobtrusive advertising is insane ($60+). It's going to be hard for publishers to look at the monetary success of games like Angry Birds or Words With Friends without raising an eye to the next $60 Million Bulletstorm/Shadows of the Damned level fiasco. Investments of thousands of dollars have resulted in millions and even billions in profit.

I don't think it's something you can stop, as the average consumer I think will take a free ad-supported game vs. a $60 ad free game. The expectations of gamers is incredibly difficult to satisfy these days, especially in a way that is profitable to the game makers. Satisfying those expectations is a huge investment. AAA games need to sell multiple millions of copies to break even on the price of sale alone and most gamers won't settle for anything less then AAA for their money.

So..all I can say is as long as there is some support for non-advertising based games, there will hopefully be people making them. The platforms are going to have advertising, hopefully we'll still get some good games that don't.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Ghost Whistler on July 24, 2011, 06:42:57 AM
Actually I was referring to Senach, but this is more relevant :D

I heard about the Ultimate version of MVC3 a few days ago. Unbelieveable - and yet quite believable. I seem to recall people made capital in their criticism of the barebones nature of the original release that there would be such a follow up. I'm also sure there were many official responses flatly denying this, or people claiming such responses existed. Now here we are.

Ok it's a substantial release - but my god why was this not the original game. Or at the very least give the online updates (ie everything bar the new characters/maps) for free and release the character as DLC. UMVC3 may be good value if the price point is correct. But this is really a shitty way to treat loyal customers.

I don't know how CoD Elite works and it was my understanding that you got the map packs for free to keep as part of the Elite subscription you had paid for. If that's not the case then, again, it's a shitty deal.

There are a few games I'm looking to play, Batman and Skyrim chiefly. But they are just games. A few more i'm curious about. But beyond that the 360 is a joke. It's failed 100% to live up to its potential and is worth nothing. If anyoen asked me whether getting into xbox was good value, i'd categorically say no. Not one bit.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: KrakaJak on July 26, 2011, 06:16:41 AM
Quote from: Ghost WhistlerOk it's a substantial release - but my god why was this not the original game. Or at the very least give the online updates (ie everything bar the new characters/maps) for free and release the character as DLC. UMVC3 may be good value if the price point is correct. But this is really a shitty way to treat loyal customers.

I don't know how CoD Elite works and it was my understanding that you got the map packs for free to keep as part of the Elite subscription you had paid for. If that's not the case then, again, it's a shitty deal.

UMVC3 will be $40. I believe it will also contain Jill Valentine & Shuma Gorath, who were $10 worth of DLC for the original release. It's a move that really sucks for the people who bought the original game. Some even shelled out $80 for the special edition. There will be no "patch" update option as of right now.

CoD: Elite will be something around $5 a month. You have access to all map packs as they're released, long as you are paying for the service. Quit paying, no more map packs (or you can buy them for $15 a pack).
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: KrakaJak on July 26, 2011, 06:23:50 AM
As of right now, I just put away Shadows of the Damned (a simple, fun game, with a heavily Robert Rodriguez inspired presentation. Too short for $60).

Looking forward to Saints Row: the Third, easily the most out of any other game coming out this year. That an independent Live Arcade/WiiWare game called Retro City Rampage. I'll be picking it up on the Wii strictly to use the NES like controller for it.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Ghost Whistler on July 26, 2011, 11:01:06 AM
Quote from: KrakaJak;470157UMVC3 will be $40. I believe it will also contain Jill Valentine & Shuma Gorath, who were $10 worth of DLC for the original release. It's a move that really sucks for the people who bought the original game. Some even shelled out $80 for the special edition. There will be no "patch" update option as of right now.

CoD: Elite will be something around $5 a month. You have access to all map packs as they're released, long as you are paying for the service. Quit paying, no more map packs (or you can buy them for $15 a pack).

Anyone that pays for CoD Elite needs to get a fucking life and stop encouraging these fucktard developers/publishers to persist with this bullshit. I briought a friend a second hand copy of Dead Space 2 for his birthday and worried that the code might not work (it did, but it could easily have been used with no way of knowing). That code is essential for the online.

UMVC3 has 12 new characters and 8 new maps as well as SPECTATOR modes and gameplay tweaks (fucking Dante and Sentinel presumably). So from a certain perspective it's great value (presumably the same price as super street fighter 4). For those that already brought the game as loyal capcom customers it's a shit in the mouth. The whole thing begs the question: why was this not the game that was initially released ffs?

This shit has got to stop. It's really really taking the piss.
Title: Golden Fail
Post by: Benoist on July 27, 2011, 09:45:13 PM
This is scary shit, when you take a step back from what the guy is actually trying to sell, and look at it from a private person's point of view. Consider this is the beginning. Just the beginning.