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FALLOUT 4! Let's have a thread!

Started by Warboss Squee, June 03, 2015, 01:25:34 PM

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Warboss Squee

So, just to get things started..we have the announcement trailer for Fallout 4. Which for some fucking reason I can't link or embed, grr.  Apparently located in Boston, although I haven't managed to figure out anything more.


Battle Mad Ronin

Seems like the pre-war world is going to have some significance for the game, given the trailer's focus on pre-war events. Looking forward to seeing how that goes.

I would have preferred to see it done by Obsidian rather than Bethsda. I liked 'New Vegas' linear narrative mixed with open world better than 'Fallout 3's more bound approach. The game world in 'New Vegas' felt much more alive, more tied together in events and plotlines.

Warboss Squee

Not as concerned as by the name of the maker as I am with the potential of massive bugs.  That said, the next gen consoles have much more RAM than the previous generation, so hopefully, just hopefully we will see less loading screens and more NPCs with more to say.

As much as I loved FO3 and NV, they were very shallow compared to the original PC games in terms of characters.

Regardless, it could be shit, but it's already on order.  Really glad to see Boston, but I doubt we are going to interact with the Pre-War world all that much, would go against the game lines overall theme.


I half expected a Fallout MMO, but hey, at least TESO took care of that.

Warboss Squee

Oh god no.  I was completely disappointed by tESO, which was so poorly done lore wise that I think it's heading for Free to Play if it's not there already.  What a horrid game.

The Butcher

When I tried the TESO beta during one of the free weekends I was so masively disappointed by the class system -- and specifically by the lack of a non-magic-using, bash-your-skull-in warrior class -- that I didn't even stick around. I logged in once and no more.

Regarding Fallout 4, well, I'm not buying any new games anytime soon because I already have a backlog of games I bought on Steam, during some sale or other, and haven't played because I'm all out of HD real estate. Said backlog includes Fallout 3 and New Vegas, BTW. But I'll be watching further developments with interest.

Warboss Squee

Quote from: The Butcher;835052When I tried the TESO beta during one of the free weekends I was so masively disappointed by the class system -- and specifically by the lack of a non-magic-using, bash-your-skull-in warrior class -- that I didn't even stick around. I logged in once and no more.

Regarding Fallout 4, well, I'm not buying any new games anytime soon because I already have a backlog of games I bought on Steam, during some sale or other, and haven't played because I'm all out of HD real estate. Said backlog includes Fallout 3 and New Vegas, BTW. But I'll be watching further developments with interest.

I'm very much not a PC gamer, but I understand that there are some absolutely awesome mods for FO3/NV.  One I think allows you to transition from the Capitol Wasteland to the Mojave, but I don't know much about it.

I think one of the reasons I'm so hyped for FO4, beside the fact that I'm a massive FO fanboy (to the point that I bought Deadlands :HOE just to have something with the proper feel) is the fact that good PS4/X1 titles are hard to come by.  I've been very much suffering from buyer's remorse when it comes to my PS4, so I'm glad that there's something coming out that I really enjoy.


I'm interested but I'm not all that stirred up about it. I liked 3 well enough for what it was, and New Vegas was a step in the right direction but didn't feel finished.

Honestly I was spoiled by Fallout and Fallout 2. Nothing will ever quite get that back for me. Without the overland travel, overhead view, tons of moral choices in every shade etc. It just doesn't feel 100 percent like Fallout anymore. I suppose I will always be wondering how Van Buren would have turned out if Interplay hadn't sunk.


I'm also on the fence. I played the Fallouts, but never was tempted to go back and replay like with TES games. Part is because (in the later games) the engine seems to be the same. But the depressing world (to the point that nobody has re-invented the broom, so even residences are often cluttered with debris), goofy economy, and trap-riddled character development system combine to make a "play once, then forget about it" game for me.

But I'll play F4 when I can.
(taken during hurricane winds)

A nice education blog.

Warboss Squee

Well now, the E3 presentation was PIMP!

We get literal world building, massive amounts of weapon mods and powered armor that moves more like a vehicle than a t-shirt and jeans.

It looks really good, but it looks like skills are out, along with weapon and armor durability, which is poop.  Yes, I said it, poop.


Eh, the "E3 Effect" is strong. I've seen many games look awesome at E3, but not so good on my computer.
(taken during hurricane winds)

A nice education blog.

Warboss Squee

Quote from: Doom;836887Eh, the "E3 Effect" is strong. I've seen many games look awesome at E3, but not so good on my computer.

Doom looks like shit, IMO, don't give a crap about Halo or Mass Effect.  Come to think of it, the only games I care about are FO4, Star Wars Battlefront (which is either going to be great or another DICE/EA shitstorm of misery, and I'm betting on shitstorm) and No Man's Sky.

Other than that, not a single thing grabbed me. I think I've just been burned one to many times gamewise.


I preordered it, which I haven't done for a game since Oblivion.  I'm stoked, and I keep trying not to be, but it looks fun.  I just hope the main plot isn't as dumb as the one in FO3 (a fun game, but one with big flaws.)
I made a blog: Southern Style GURPS

Warboss Squee

Yeah, FO3's story might have had a few...issues.


Quote from: flyerfan1991;834847I half expected a Fallout MMO, but hey, at least TESO took care of that.

Someone else has the rights to that last I knew, think it might actually be interplay.

I'm waiting on specs before I preorder FO4.