
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Other Games => Topic started by: Seanchai on October 22, 2008, 11:46:20 AM

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 22, 2008, 11:46:20 AM
I got me some Fable II last night! I've been waiting for this one for a while. It was good. It seems nice and fun so far, but my one complaint would that it seems to be laggy.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 22, 2008, 11:51:16 AM
Have mine, haven't played it yet. Might get some time tonight.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 22, 2008, 12:14:56 PM
I was going to get it then read some reviews, normally I don't put a lot of stock in reviews, but they all seemed to be hitting on a few similar points that were the same things that started to nag me and eventually lost enough interest to give up on Fable 1.

Emotion system is rather arbitrary.  You know what emotions to make so it's just a mini-game.  Kinda fun for a bit but if you are the uber villain if you want those discounts your still making nice at a store or dancing for a girl.  Just felt off.  Plus seriously - fart/belch jokes get old.

Story if you actually just stick to the story it's a 10hr game.  Which means if you want to experience the rest of the world they expect you to actually go out and do stuff.  Now I'm the type that will get off the beaten path and frequently so that's not a huge factor.  But I was hoping that the story itself would be more deep and far reaching then what it is.

Big world - empty world.  The first Fable was a relatively small game, but it was a full game there were always people you'd run into or bad guys around every corner.  The reviews I've read here sound like the world is fairly empty once you leave the populated areas.  I was hoping for a greater sense of exploration in just walking off and running into random encounters and what not.  If you are just walking from A - B in generally empty world that's dull.  I know you can fast travel but that shrinks the world and kinda defeats the purpose of an expansive area.

If you see it - you can't always get to it.  What I loved about Morrowind and Oblivion is that if you saw it you could almost always get there.  Fable had very tight areas with obvious boundaries.  I was hoping Fable 2 with is much more larger world would be more free.  But again from what I've read you may be able to see way into the distance, but only to find as you head that way a small crevice or a 2' high fence is blocking your heroic destiny.

Variety.  Again from what I've read there are only a handful of monsters your going to be fighting over and over and over and over again.  Combat in Fable was a blast.  But once you figured it out it was a cake walk.  I was hoping that Fable 2 would have a much greater variety of villains to battle with so that the patterns were harder to learn.

So yeah those are my main concerns.  I still plan on getting Fable 2 at some point, but they have made me hold back.  Instead I'll wait until Fallout 3 comes out and see what that has to offer.  So many games out it's now a question of bang for the buck and my play time for that matter.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 23, 2008, 10:18:53 AM
This is what I've been feeling as well.

Fortunately Saint's Row 2 has been sandboxing me right nice.

Killer pimp gladiator mankini samurai death for the win.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 23, 2008, 10:24:08 AM
This is what I've been feeling as well.

Fortunately Saint's Row 2 has been sandboxing me right nice.

Killer pimp gladiator mankini samurai death for the win.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 27, 2008, 11:22:01 AM
Got some time in on this one the weekend (haven't played the 1st one) but I've enjoyed it so far.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 28, 2008, 01:02:37 PM
I played last night. Found a treasure chest, opened it up, and the treasure was...[drum roll]...a condom!

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 28, 2008, 01:19:43 PM
Quote from: Seanchai;261014I played last night. Found a treasure chest, opened it up, and the treasure was...[drum roll]...a condom!

It will come in handy, no pun intended.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 28, 2008, 02:31:38 PM
I have to ask are the condom's a consumable or does it just act like equipment.  Cuz if it's the later that's just nasty.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 28, 2008, 02:49:02 PM
Quote from: kryyst;261055I have to ask are the condom's a consumable or does it just act like equipment.  Cuz if it's the later that's just nasty.

One shot uses, you have to keep buying 'em.... although I am questioning the fact that I've gotten several STDs from the wife when not using one... seems she's been stepping out while I am out adventuring.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 29, 2008, 01:52:45 PM
why does that fucking golden trail only ever work intermittently? I'm not a sat nav for albion! If i want to find the apothecary or the tailors then show me the way to amarillo baby! Stupid bugs.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 29, 2008, 02:02:25 PM
I thought the golden trail only showed you your quests and didn't act as a GPS. - Note I haven't played it just going on what I read in reviews.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 29, 2008, 02:15:03 PM
well if that's true what happens when you set a location (such as a sale) as a target.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 29, 2008, 02:35:32 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261322well if that's true what happens when you set a location (such as a sale) as a target.

I was able to use it to get back to my wife last night.

She was happy to see me. Real happy.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 29, 2008, 03:11:39 PM
Alright for those of you that have been playing it a little while now.  Is it a significant step up from the first fable or has it started to get into that rut of feeling like a series of mini-games broken up by some really fun combats in between?  Honest opinions please, not really interested in fanboy ravings.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 29, 2008, 03:22:18 PM
I haven't bothered to seduce anyone yet, I can't imagine it ultimately being fun - who wants to play nagging wife game!

however i am not really comfortable with the evil mission where you have to seduce the barmaid alex, convince her to marry you and then tell her you were only playing her. That makes me feel not good!
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 29, 2008, 03:51:08 PM
Quote from: kryyst;261338Honest opinions please, not really interested in fanboy ravings.

In words, I only want to hear negative opinions...

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 29, 2008, 03:52:00 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261340however i am not really comfortable with the evil mission where you have to seduce the barmaid alex, convince her to marry you and then tell her you were only playing her. That makes me feel not good!

I can only imagine all the evil missions suck. I tried playing the original game as an evil character and couldn't make it past ripping up the teddy bear.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 29, 2008, 04:01:36 PM
Quote from: Seanchai;261344In words, I only want to hear negative opinions...


You read far to much into things.  Just want honest opinions.  I don't need OMZOG It's ROXXOR best game ever !!!!

Something like it's like the first Fable only better graphics, bigger world and combat is more fun that's honest.  For me it's a question of do I buy it now or 4 months from now when it'll be out PV'd.  

Or if this helps at all I enjoyed Fable but found that towards the end it started to get repetitive and felt like I described, generally fun combat broken up by a series of fairly pointless mini-games.  So maybe what I'm asking is does Fable 2 feel fresh for a while, then start to feel like you've been there and done that already.   While this could be said of most RPG's and their sequels some fair better then others because there is more depth and draw to actually see how things turn out.

I loved KOTOR and KOTOR 2 even though game play wise they were pretty similar, but there was enough depth to the story in KOTOR 2 to keep me interested.  Make more sense?
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 29, 2008, 04:12:09 PM
Quote from: Seanchai;261345I can only imagine all the evil missions suck. I tried playing the original game as an evil character and couldn't make it past ripping up the teddy bear.

well it usually equates to evil having more options (eg stealing as opposed to not stealing), but being more of a twat. I'm not one of these people who can play sandboxy games, lie your gta's and whatnot, and just mindlessly slaughter people.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 29, 2008, 04:26:59 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261322well if that's true what happens when you set a location (such as a sale) as a target.

It will point to the stall.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 29, 2008, 04:27:45 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261340I haven't bothered to seduce anyone yet, I can't imagine it ultimately being fun - who wants to play nagging wife game!

however i am not really comfortable with the evil mission where you have to seduce the barmaid alex, convince her to marry you and then tell her you were only playing her. That makes me feel not good!

If you keep them happy they give gifts, some crap some decent like XP potions.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 29, 2008, 04:36:48 PM
Quote from: kryyst;261347You read far to much into things.  Just want honest opinions.  I don't need OMZOG It's ROXXOR best game ever !!!!

Honestly, I like it.

My biggest complaint so far is that it seems laggy. When I open the menus, etc., it seems to take a second.

I hear that game only takes 10 to 15 hours if you don't run around doing extraneous stuff. For me, that's not an issue as I'm more than happy to replay the game and do tons of extraneous stuff.

As I hinted at in other thread, I don't really care for the pub games. They're fun to play, but don't seem to be a way to make a lot of cash. Rather the opposite.

Another thing I don't like: It's easy to scare folks by accidentally whipping out a weapon or spell. There's a "safety" on that prevents you from hurting them, but they flee in terror and it reduces their opinion of you.

The graphics are better than Fable, but they're not Assassin's Creed by any stretch. I like the palate's and the look of the structures, objects, etc..

Storywise, it seems fun so far. I hear it gets much, much better toward the end, but I haven't experienced it myself.

The mechanics are pretty darn similar to Fable as far as I can tell. Press a button to hit dudes, collect experience orbs, etc..

I like using expressions, so I'm happy with that system.

I like the dog, although he does seem to get lost or left behind a fair but (I run from place to place).

But, really, I'm not too far into the game. I chose to put off the second objective in the main quest - going and finding someone in another city - last night to get married, have a child, work as a blacksmith, and buy a house in Bowerstone. It made me happy, however. Happy enough that it's probably all I'll do tonight.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 29, 2008, 04:42:22 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261350I'm not one of these people who can play sandboxy games, lie your gta's and whatnot, and just mindlessly slaughter people.

I'm okay with games like GTA and Crackdown. But tearing up the bear in Fable then listening to the little girl wonder aloud about its fate just broke my heart. I mean, I felt really, really bad.

That said, I'm going to try to be evil in my second go-round in Fable II. I'm hoping I can do that without mudercating a bunch of townsfolk. I can eat Crunchy Chicks galore, however.

Plus, there's the whole Purity scale thing to explore this time, too.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 29, 2008, 06:35:42 PM
...if it works.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 30, 2008, 05:54:25 AM
Quote from: Seanchai;261362Honestly, I like it.

My biggest complaint so far is that it seems laggy. When I open the menus, etc., it seems to take a second.

I hear that game only takes 10 to 15 hours if you don't run around doing extraneous stuff. For me, that's not an issue as I'm more than happy to replay the game and do tons of extraneous stuff.

On the first point the Xbox desperately needs to install to the HD and the sooner this update comes the better.

I have heard also that the game is pretty short. Now I don't know how much 'side' stuff there is, but I hope it consists of more than the minigames involved in chopping wood or blacksmithing (the same) because they are very simplistic. The pub games are really just a diversion; keystone is kind of interesting but spinnerbox is just a waste of time as it's completely random.

I just wonder how much depth there is in the game really. I haven't made my mind up about it yet. I can imagine that getting married in the game will probably involve dealing with a nagging character that will do little more than piss you off. That isn't fun. While it's funny to make fart noises or scare the kids in the street, just how long will that remain funny? I know you can buy houses and business, what? To what end, other than gold and what's the point of having gold if not to buy the weapons for the main quest?

So Im not convinced that really the game isn't ultimately all facade.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: kryyst on October 30, 2008, 09:20:33 AM
That was kind of my similar feelings with Fable 1.  It was fun getting caught up in all the mini-game like stuff from Fishing, to running around with a monsters head to gain fame as well as the marriage and other popularity based mini-games.  Combat was a blast and an extremely fun element.  The demon doors and all their various puzzles were also entertaining.  But by the end of the game all that stuff seemd kind of pointless and started to feel more like things I was doing, just because there wasn't enough real game play to keep going.  Lots of smoke a mirrors around a rather simple magic trick.  Still a fun game, but not a really deep game.

Oh is fight club back in Fable 2?  I loved fight club.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 30, 2008, 01:18:55 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261504On the first point the Xbox desperately needs to install to the HD and the sooner this update comes the better.


Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261504I can imagine that getting married in the game will probably involve dealing with a nagging character that will do little more than piss you off. That isn't fun.

I wouldn't say nagging. My wife does make comments, good and bad. "Oh, I love you!" and "Say, we need some new furniture." But if you're nice enough to your spouse, she'll give you gifts.

Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261504While it's funny to make fart noises or scare the kids in the street, just how long will that remain funny? I know you can buy houses and business, what? To what end, other than gold and what's the point of having gold if not to buy the weapons for the main quest?

While I'd definitely like the main quest to be longer, I'm okay with a shorter main quest with the opportunity to screw around as I find the screwing around part to be enjoyable.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on October 30, 2008, 01:21:35 PM
Quote from: kryyst;261521Still a fun game, but not a really deep game.

If you're looking for a deep game, I don't think Fable II is for you.

Quote from: kryyst;261521Oh is fight club back in Fable 2?  I loved fight club.

I haven't run across it yet, but I haven't made any forward progress on my quest yet. I bought a vegetable stand instead. And got new furniture.

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 30, 2008, 05:40:12 PM
You know i woudl appreciate it if someone could explain how on earth that spell selector works, because no matter what spells are assigned in slot one (out of the two slots i have access to) i can only ever cast what's in slot 2.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 30, 2008, 07:14:32 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261668You know i woudl appreciate it if someone could explain how on earth that spell selector works, because no matter what spells are assigned in slot one (out of the two slots i have access to) i can only ever cast what's in slot 2.

When you start to cast, you notice the cast bar with the spell icons? It will fill up. To cast the level one spell you really only need to tap it.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on October 31, 2008, 02:58:41 AM
Quote from: CavScout;261692When you start to cast, you notice the cast bar with the spell icons? It will fill up. To cast the level one spell you really only need to tap it.

But it never casts the level one spells. I don't really understand this at all.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on October 31, 2008, 03:29:26 PM
Quote from: Ghost Whistler;261779But it never casts the level one spells. I don't really understand this at all.

Just tap the cast button and it will cast the level one spells. Bascialy, you may be holding the cast button down to long. The longer you hold the button, the more levels fill up. To cast a level one spell you can't let it fill past the level one bubble.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on November 01, 2008, 07:39:46 AM
i have maxed out my purity, but my character looks no different at all! You'd think eating all that celery would make him look a little more svelte in his robes, but some of the costume choices are extremely unflattering. Wearing the wizards or monks robes makes you look like you have a massive ass! Not very regal!
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on November 14, 2008, 04:34:15 PM
I finished the game last night. The ending sucked!

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on November 14, 2008, 05:34:51 PM
Quote from: Seanchai;266522I finished the game last night. The ending sucked!

Kept waitig for the boss fight.... :(
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Ghost Whistler on November 15, 2008, 10:08:53 AM
Quote from: Seanchai;266522I finished the game last night. The ending sucked!

Yep, everything from the Spire onwards is a pile of crap.

Overall worth playing, but best left as a rental methinks. I could print a t shirt saying 'I became unfailingly good and all i got was this lousy halo'.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on November 17, 2008, 01:31:13 PM
I'm playing again, this time as a bad girl. It's fun, exploring options I didn't the first go through. Seems harder this time. First time, I breezed through the fights. Now I'm struggling a bit more.

I, too, waited for the boss fight but didn't get one. I was okay with the Hero of Skill segment, but after that...meh. I kept hearing people talk about making hard choices. Where were those?

Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: CavScout on November 17, 2008, 01:37:56 PM
Massive let down. I spent tons of extra time doing side quests, killing and the like to max out all my abilities only to get to the end and see that none where needed. =/ Bleh.
Title: Fable II: Bird Crap Never Looked So Good
Post by: Seanchai on November 25, 2008, 01:51:09 PM
I've been divorced. Twice now. I guess if you're evil, you should pick a non-good spouse. I'm in my first lesbian relationship, too...
