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Consultant gate through a different lens: Who is Phil Fish

Started by mcbobbo, September 15, 2014, 05:17:56 PM

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This is a video about a video game personality who wasn't well received, and it reminded me a lot about the recent hootinany.


I had no idea who he was before the video, and only became aware of it when Markus Persson cited it as an example of how he felt he had become a symbol of something, rather than just a person.  He's selling Minecraft to Microsoft as a result of this general disconnection between himself and the Internet's expectations of him.

TL; DR, saw this, thought of you. (And Zak, etc)
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


That is an interesting video ! Thnaks for sharing ! Nice food for thoughts !
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Phil Fish never made Minecraft.  Minecraft was made by Notch who is far more successful than Phil Fish can ever hope to be.  2.5 billion dollars more successful and without screwing people over.  I have zero issues with Notch.

Phil Fish is the creator of Fez and is well known social justice warrior that supports Anita Sarkeensian who also has a horrible reputation.  He is more infamous for opening his mouth and pissing off gamers.  He is also known for calling out gamers as disgusting and don't deserve Fez 2 which he was never going to make any way.  That is all I know about Phil Fish.  He was a guy that made a one hit indie wonder that was a platformer with a one trick pony.


Phil Fish is a fucking genius. He's a developer who wouldn't just sit down and shut up while he was under attack from the /v/ and reddit fucktards; he's an obsessive who put everything he had into his game. He's smart, he's blunt, and he's not afraid to tell the lawncrappers in the videogame community to fuck off.
one two FUCK YOU


Who's Phil Fish and what has he to do with RPGs or Pundit?
Furthermore, I consider that  This is Why We Don\'t Like You thread should be closed


Well those were two very opposed viewpoints on this guy. Yikes.


He is no genius.  Phil Fish only created a platformer that had one unique thing.  If he was a real genius he would had figure out how to get out of his horrible reputation that he had created.  He would actually just shut up about Fez 2 his life would be easier.

One Horse Town

Quote from: Rincewind1;787131Who's Phil Fish and what has he to do with RPGs or Pundit?

My thoughts exactly. Kill one and two more pop up - they're like hydra heads.


Quote from: Rincewind1;787131Who's Phil Fish and what has he to do with RPGs or Pundit?
This is the only Phil Fish I've ever heard of...


Quote from: nightwind1;787148This is the only Phil Fish I've ever heard of...
OK, so he's Phil Fish the genius. I never new Fish moonlighted as a developer though. Maybe as a second career after retiring from the Police Department?
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I really don't see it. Its clear that Pundit loves the game. All of these self promoters (because even hate fame is still fame) just love themselves.
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector


The sooner "video game" "developers" and "journalists" sit down together and commit mass suicide the fucking better.

Seriously. Bunch of self-entitled fucking wankers.
I play these games to be entertained... I don't want to see games about rape, sodomy and drug addiction... I can get all that at home.


Not all indie game developers are like that.  In fact there are great many that are fucking fed up with the developers and journalists that love to make noise.  The reason they don't speak against them is because gaming journalists can easily fuck them over.  

You have to remember this.  These are not companies such as EA, Activision, and Ubisoft that can push game journalists around.  These are small time game developers that the game journalists can, will, and had push around.  Journalists cry when big publishers bully them, but what they don't want people to tell is that they bully small indie game developers.  In other words game journalists are bullies and if your in their thought tribe your good no matter what horrible things you had done.  If your a "outsider" your fucked in the ass.

Game Journalists are no better than the mods in the big purple.  In fact they are the same damn thing.  All around they are disgusting and should never be given any amount of trust.


Some clarifications:

The point here is about "being famous wrong" and being attacked for it.  The parallels between the video and Consultantgate are pretty clear.  If you don't get it, watch the video.  He does a better job of explaining.  If you can't bother to watch the video,  please kindly move on.

I don't think anyone needs to care about who Phil Fish is to get the point made in the video.  That's a tangent at best.

I never claimed Phil Fish made Minecraft.  The claim was that Notch cited this video as a reason for selling out. Here's more detail on that - http://notch.net/2014/09/im-leaving-mojang/

Specifically. ..

QuoteLater on, I watched the This is Phil Fish video on YouTube and started to realize I didn't have the connection to my fans I thought I had. I've become a symbol. I don't want to be a symbol...

Again there are some parallels here.
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Future Villain Band

Quote from: nightwind1;787148This is the only Phil Fish I've ever heard of...

Holy shit, his name was Phil Fish.