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Monster Stand-Ins (plastic-card minis): Now 200 minis, a la carte option

Started by SowelBlack, January 06, 2012, 12:33:15 AM

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The Monster Stand-Ins Kickstarter project is now 200 plastic-card minis for $30. (If you haven't heard of them before, these are like cardboard minis, but on credit-card-like plastic for durability and wet-erasability.)

Another exciting option is that you can order more minis almost a la-carte. So you can order more copies of the orc card (which has 4 orcs on it) or the owlbear card (with 2 owlbears) etc. Pledge an extra $.50/card--after pledging is complete, you'll be asked for which cards you want as extras. To order a la carte, you must order one physical set ($30) first. The breakdown of which creatures are on which card is on the main project page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inkwellideas/monster-stand-ins-plastic-card-miniatures

(The plan is for the cards to come scored or pre-cut, still waiting on the manufacturer(s) to clarify/answer that.)
Creature (System Neutral) Cards: http://inkwellideas.com/creature-card-decks/
Encounter Cards (Outlines & Maps): http://inkwellideas.com/encounter-card-decks/
Hexographer (wilderness map software): http://www.hexographer.com
Dungeonographer (dungeon/building interior software): http://www.dungeonographer.com
Coat of Arms Design Studio: http://inkwellideas.com/coat_of_arms/


Monster Stand-Ins on Kickstarter

The new-news is that I'm able to include 12 plastic card stands with each set of Monster Stand-Ins.  If you need more, pledge an extra $3 for 20 more.  They will primarily be black, but if there is high interest in giving a variety of colors we can do that.  In fact, if you back now/soon, you'll be able to participate in a poll to determine some of these project details. (Color of stands, minis background color, etc. I expect to start the poll in the next day or two.)

If you're unfamiliar with the project:
Monster Stand-Ins are a set of 200 plastic card miniatures (like cardboard minis, but on credit-card-like plastic) of creatures for games that use miniatures. Use them when you don't have enough miniatures or don't have the right miniature. The front of each will have a full-color picture of a creature and the back will have a matching silhouette.

The plastic makes them much more durable than home-printed minis or even cardboard minis. Because they are plastic, you can also freely write on them with a dry erase maker. Writing the hits taken, special conditions, or even Kobold #12 on the mini itself makes tracking which creature is which and which has been hit much easier.

The set will come with 200 plastic-card minis.  Also, anyone who orders one physical set may order extras in an almost a la carte fashion: order an extra card's worth of minis for just $.50.  There are 8 small creatures on a card, 4 mediums on a card, 2 larges or 1 huge per card.  The project page lists which creatures are on each planned card in the set, and for the most part it makes sense.  (The 4 skeletons are on a card, the 2 owlbears are on the same card, etc.)  So if you want around 50 orcs, you can get them for just about $6. (Plus the cost of 1 base set.)
Creature (System Neutral) Cards: http://inkwellideas.com/creature-card-decks/
Encounter Cards (Outlines & Maps): http://inkwellideas.com/encounter-card-decks/
Hexographer (wilderness map software): http://www.hexographer.com
Dungeonographer (dungeon/building interior software): http://www.dungeonographer.com
Coat of Arms Design Studio: http://inkwellideas.com/coat_of_arms/