
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => News and Adverts => Topic started by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 12:20:56 PM

Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 12:20:56 PM
Greetings, fellow gamers!

Mazes & Minotaurs, the acclaimed faux-retro RPG of heroic adventure is now available from DrivethruRPG ( - for FREE, starting with the release of the three Revised corebooks (Players Manual, Maze Masters Guide and Creature Compendium) and with more material coming soon!

Mazes & Minotaurs is what the first fantasy roleplaying game could have been if its authors had taken their inspiration from Jason & the Argonauts (yes, the 1963 movie with all the cool Ray Harryhausen monsters) and Homer's Odyssey rather than from Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings or Poul Anderson's Three Hearts & Three Lions.

In other words, Mazes & Minotaurs is:

- a nostalgic pastiche of early fantasy roleplaying games

- a tongue-in-cheek tribute to old-school gaming

- a complete and fully playable roleplaying game !

And EVERYTHING IS FREE! That's right: every rulebook, every supplement, every Mazes & Minotaurs product is 100% FREE.

In its own alternate continuum, MAZES & MINOTAURS was the first RPG ever designed and came out in 1972 * to be followed, 15 years later, by its glorious Revised rules (presented, of course, in three corebooks) – which are now available in a special, 30th Anniversary edition, from DrivethruRPG (!


(And of course the original Mazes & Minotaurs ( website is still accessible, with TONS of free M&M material - just click HERE (
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Pyromancer on February 08, 2017, 01:12:43 PM
Are there any differences to the "normal", non-30th-anniversary edition?
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 02:13:35 PM
Quote from: Pyromancer;944745Are there any differences to the "normal", non-30th-anniversary edition?

No, not in terms of contents. LGS now stands for "Legrand Games Studio" instead of "Legendary Games Studio" to avoid confusion with another Drivethru publisher :)

The main goal of the move to Drivethru is to increase the overall "visibility" of the game.

Some of the forthcoming supplements, though, will be "new" compilations of previously published material... and there is also a new supplement in the works, including quite a lot of never-before-published material.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: ningauble on February 08, 2017, 02:26:25 PM
While I haven't actually played this, I've looked through the material and it's quite impressive. This is a professional product, why the author doesn't charge anything for all his hard work, I have no idea.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Larsdangly on February 08, 2017, 02:27:55 PM
A great game! One of the all-time best things to come from the home-publishing end of the OSR community. What ever became of Vikings and Valkyries?
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: RunningLaser on February 08, 2017, 02:55:23 PM
Any chance of this being POD?
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 02:55:59 PM
Quote from: Larsdangly;944756A great game! One of the all-time best things to come from the home-publishing end of the OSR community. What ever became of Vikings and Valkyries?

Well, Vikings & Valkyries is still available on the original Mazes & Minotaurs website (and will eventually be re-issued on Drivethru as well, but not before we've gone through the whole "regular" M&M stuff).
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 02:57:30 PM
Quote from: RunningLaser;944760Any chance of this being POD?

No. But you can print it yourself from any POD platform. LGS will "only" provide hundreds of page of free gaming material in PDF form.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Omega on February 08, 2017, 04:04:35 PM
Unfortunately the fake history part of the books was an absolute turn off.

When I picked it up several years ago I saw no indicator in the book that this was a (not funny at all) joke.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Larsdangly on February 08, 2017, 04:28:48 PM
Quote from: Omega;944771Unfortunately the fake history part of the books was an absolute turn off.

When I picked it up several years ago I saw no indicator in the book that this was a (not funny at all) joke.

Who pissed in your cornflakes? These books are pretty incredible, viewed by the standards of OSR games - including a lot that people pay good money for. If the author wants to have fun with the book's Forward, what's the harm?
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: RunningLaser on February 08, 2017, 04:40:17 PM
Quote from: Omega;944771Unfortunately the fake history part of the books was an absolute turn off.

When I picked it up several years ago I saw no indicator in the book that this was a (not funny at all) joke.

I don't mind stuff like that.  I really enjoyed the creator of Hackmaster ( can't recall the guy's name) and all that went with it.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 08, 2017, 04:41:47 PM
Quote from: Omega;944771Unfortunately the fake history part of the books was an absolute turn off.

When I picked it up several years ago I saw no indicator in the book that this was a (not funny at all) joke.

Well I'm sorry if you don't find this funny - I guess it's a matter of personal taste. Many gamers apparently DID find this funny, considering the support and feedback gained through the last 10 years...

But regarding the lack of indicator, well, you probably didn't look hard enough, because this fact has ALWAYS been made clear - as proven by the following page from the original website of the first edition of the game:

This question was also explicitly covered in the FAQ of the game, which were made available quite a few years ago:

Last but not least, the original description from the game on its own website made things quite clear, too ("could have been", "tongue-in-cheek" etc. etc.)

Anyway, the "fake history" (as you put it) is just a peripheral aspect of the game - and one that was intended as a homage / tribute to the early days of fantasy RPGs and not as anything else.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Tetsubo on February 08, 2017, 06:14:10 PM
This is the only fantasy OSR style game I would ever consider playing. Mostly because it is refreshingly different. A work of genius.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Tristram Evans on February 08, 2017, 06:19:54 PM
Quote from: Omega;944771Unfortunately the fake history part of the books was an absolute turn off.

For myself, that was the best part.

QuoteWhen I picked it up several years ago I saw no indicator in the book that this was a (not funny at all) joke.

I cannot conceive of a possible reason that should be necessary.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Tristram Evans on February 08, 2017, 06:20:35 PM
Quote from: Tetsubo;944784This is the only fantasy OSR style game I would ever consider playing. Mostly because it is refreshingly different. A work of genius.

Pretty much ditto on that.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Spinachcat on February 08, 2017, 08:51:44 PM
Easily my favorite OSR game.

Which is a big kudos because I'm nigh-evangelical about Swords & Wizardry: White Box.

I've run M&M dozens of times since its original release. Tremendously fun stuff. I use the 1972 rules and players have always had a great time. It's 90% D&D and 10% unique and that combo is strong with mojo at the table.

I haven't had a chance to run Vikings & Valkyries yet, but its on my to-do list.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 17, 2017, 05:20:05 PM
Greetings, fellow Minotaurians!

A new batch of FREE stuff has been made available on DrivethruRPG ( / RPGNow:

- The M&M Companion (the "fourth book of the core trilogy" - with plenty of new options and additional rules, including, among other things, new character classes, new combat techniques, new magic, critical hits & fumbles, rules for chariots, a mass combat system, rules for background talents and divine agenthood...

- Into the Woods, a compilation of three low-level adventures first published in the Minotaur webzine

- The Maze Master's AEGIS (that's four fancy name for the GM screen)

(Oh, we've also added a FAQ page about the game, its history etc.)

More stuff coming soon!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Voros on February 18, 2017, 10:12:10 AM
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 21, 2017, 10:29:43 AM
THE MINEAN NATIONS, first volume of the "Atlas of Mythika" collection has just been released (as usual, 100% FREE) on DrivethruRPG and RPGNow. It includes detailed information on the Land of the Three Cities, the island of Seriphos and the various Minean colonies of the Middle Sea, making it an essential sourcebook for those interested in the official Mazes & Minotaurs world of Mythika!  Check it out!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on February 23, 2017, 01:27:45 PM
More new FREE stuff available from DRIVETHRURPG / RPGnow:

- TRIREMES & TRITONS, a maritime-themed supplement

- TALES OF THE MIDDLE SEA, a collection of four adventures!

Nuff' said, shield wall and all that...
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on March 05, 2017, 10:21:21 AM
New FREE stuff released on Drivethru / RPGnow:

AGAINST ATLANTIS! - a trilogy of classic adventures!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on March 07, 2017, 09:51:59 AM
More FREE stuff released on Drivethru / RPGnow:

Explore the official world of Mazes & Minotaurs with this 25+ page gazetteer detailing the Untamed North, including:

- Hyperborea, home of the savage northern Barbarians

- Amazonia, land of the heroic warrior-women

- The plains of Sicania, home of the fearless Centaurs

Includes detailed background information as well as a few new creatures (Hyperborean Horrors!) and the stats of Princess Titania, Mythika's most illustrious Amazon!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on March 21, 2017, 05:09:35 AM
Another volume of the ATLAS OF MYTHIKA has been released on Drivethru / RPGnow, dealing with the main rivals of the Minean nations: the warlike kingdom of Umbria in the west and the isle of Tritonis, capital of a once mighty sea empire...

17 pages jam-packed with background information for the official Mazes & Minotaurs game world... and 100% FREE, as usual !

Shield wall!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on March 24, 2017, 02:39:01 PM
Another new M&M supplement on DrivethruRPG:

Behold the M&M MISCELLANEA, a mighty, 28-page supplement for Mazes & Minotaurs, jam-packed with all sorts of new options to expand your M&M campaign, including:

- Three new character classes: the Pankratiast martial artist, the Sacred Healer and the Assassin

- New options for unarmed combat and feats of marksmanship

- Rules for tricking and deceiving monsters and other opponents

- An optional Fate points system

- New tricks for Elemental magicians

- No less than THREE variant character advancement systems

All this (and a bit more) for FREE!  Yes, this product, like EVERYTING ELSE in the Mazes & Minotaurs RPG range is completely, 100% FREE. Shield wall!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on April 06, 2017, 03:16:11 PM
Another FREE M&M product:


Discover more than 80 new mythic items for the Mazes & Minotaurs RPG - including new magical weapons, shields, potions, amulets, wands, garments, books and several unique artifacts!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on April 20, 2017, 12:43:32 PM
Greetings, fellow Minotaurians!

Behold the magnificent CREATURE CYCLOPEDIA, a 60+ page supplement for the glorious Mazes & Minotaurs RPG, including:

- A detailed guide to the fine art of creature design

- More than 40 new creatures - Folks, Monsters, Spirits and Animates galore!

- New creature special abilities & additional notes on existing abilities

- Expanded rules for flying creatures and aerial combat

- Optional additional rules & in-depth secret Maze Master's lore on Minotaurs

- New character classes, including Beastmen, Icarians, Hawkmen and Golden Minotaurs!

- An appendix on lairs & locations

And all this, as usual, for FREE!  So what are you waiting?

This material was first published in the pages of the free Minotaur webzine - but for all your M&M veterans out there, this reformatted compilation also includes a few never-before-published tidbits! SHIELD WALL!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on April 25, 2017, 12:33:10 PM
Four new FREE adventures for Mazes & Minotaurs - including a short monster encounter, two complete scenarios and a campaign outline!

Fight THE SERPENT OF PROTEUS, search for a lost royal heir in THE QUEST FOR PRINCE ARGAN, defend the Archepilago in SEVEN DAYS TO WAR! and defeat the competition in THE TRITONIAN GAMES!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Dumarest on April 26, 2017, 11:01:41 PM
This is great to know about.  I really prefer this setting over the faux-medievalisms of regular D&D.
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on May 12, 2017, 02:08:12 PM
A new volume of the Atlas of Mythika for the Mazes & Minotaurs RPG

Discover the fabled Desert Kingdom - Mythika's equivalent of Ancient Egypt!


- a fully detailed gazetteer offering extensive background information on the Desert Kingdom and Khettim culture

- rules for creating Khettim characters

- new creatures and mythic items

And all this for FREE, as usual!  Shield wall!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Dumarest on May 12, 2017, 09:11:24 PM
Awesome. Keep it coming!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on May 23, 2017, 03:21:26 AM

Hot on the heels of the Atlas of Mythika: The Desert Kingdom supplement comes this 50-page compilation of Mazes & Minotaurs adventures set in Mythika's counterpart of Ancient Egypt - featuring The Island of Apophis and the epic trilogy The Secret of Zerzura.

And all this, as usual, for FREE!
Title: Mazes & Minotaurs!
Post by: Minotaurians on July 28, 2017, 05:34:14 AM

A new, 100% FREE volume of the Atlas of Mythika for the Mazes & Minotaurs RPG has just been released on DrivethruRPG / RPGNow.

Check it out HERE (!

Discover the secrets of Charybdis, land of wild jungles, lost cities and ancient mysteries...


- a fascinating gazetteer offering extensive background information on Charybdis cultures, societies and ancestral history

- rules for creating Charybdian characters

- new creatures and mythic items

And all this for FREE, as usual! Shield wall!